The information contained in this manual and the accompanying products are copyrighted and all
rights reserved by Labconco Corporation. Labconco Corporation reserves the right to make periodic
design changes without obligation to notify any person or entity of such change.
Labconco provides a warranty on all parts and factory workmanship. The warranty includes areas of
defective material and workmanship, provided such defect results from normal and proper use of the
The warranty for all Labconco products will expire one year from date of installation or two years
from date of shipment from Labconco, whichever is sooner, except the following;
•Purifier® Delta® Series Biological Safety Cabinets and PuriCare® Lab Animal Research
Stations carry a three-year warranty from date of installation or four years from date of
shipment from Labconco, whichever is sooner.
•SteamScrubber® & FlaskScrubber® Glassware Washers carry a two-year warranty from
date of installation or three years from date of shipment from Labconco, whichever is
• Blood Drawing Chairs carry a ten year warranty.
• Carts carry a lifetime warranty.
• Glassware is not warranted from breakage when dropped or mishandled.
This limited warranty covers parts and labor, but not transportation and insurance charges. In the
event of a warranty claim, contact Labconco Corporation or the dealer who sold you the product. If
the cause is determined to be a manufacturing fault, the dealer or Labconco Corporation will repair
or replace all defective parts to restore the unit to operation. Under no circumstances shall Labconco
Corporation be liable for indirect, consequential, or special damages of any kind. This statement
may be altered by a specific published amendment. No individual has authorization to alter the
provisions of this warranty policy or its amendments. Lamps and filters are not covered by this
. Damage due to corrosion or accidental breakage is not covered.
Returned or Damaged Goods
Do not return goods without the prior authorization from Labconco. Unauthorized returns will not be
accepted. If your shipment was damaged in transit, you must file a claim directly with the freight
carrier. Labconco Corporation and its dealers are not responsible for shipping damages.
The United States Interstate Commerce Commission rules require that claims be filed with the
delivery carrier within fifteen (15) days of delivery.
Limitation of Liability
The disposal and/or emission of substances used in connection with this equipment may be governed
by various federal, state, or local regulations. All users of this equipment are required to become
familiar with any regulations that apply in the user’s area concerning the dumping of waste materials
in or upon water, land, or air and to comply with such regulations. Labconco Corporation is held
harmless with respect to user’s compliance with such regulations.
Contacting Labconco Corporation
If you have questions that are not addressed in this manual, or if you need technical assistance, contact
Labconco’s Customer Service Department or Labconco’s Product Service Department at 1-800-8215525 or 1-816-333-8811, between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m., Central Standard Time.
Part #5233701, Rev. A
ECO E766
Support, Vibration & Preventive Requirements 3
Location Requirements 3
Exhaust Requirements for the Pressure Relief Valve 3
Electrical Requirements 4
Plumbing Requirements for Gas, Vacuum, & Drying Train 4
Space Requirements 5
Unpacking the Glove Box 7
Installing the Glove Box on a Supporting Structure &
Work Surface 7
Connecting the Exhaust to the Pressure Relief Valve 8
Installation of Gloves to the Glove Ports 13
Connecting the Electrical Supply Source 13
Connect the Plumbing Lines for Gas, Vacuum & Drying Train 14
Validating the Glove Box 20
Oxygen Method Leak Testing Summary (ISO 10648-2) 22
Pressure Change Method Leak Testing Summary (ISO 10648-2) 23
Performance Features 24
Safety Precautions 27
Routine Daily Work Procedures 29
Hazardous Use with Chemicals 31
Prohibited Acid Use 31
CChhaapptteerr 11::
Congratulations on your purchase of a Labconco Precise® Controlled
Atmosphere Glove Box or Precise® Basic Glove Box manufactured with a
one-piece molded polyethylene liner. The Precise Controlled Atmosphere
Glove Box comes equipped with six valves, pressure relief valve and two
chamber pressure gauge indicators, which are omitted from the Precise Basic
Glove Box. The Precise Basic Glove Box allows the end user to customize
the glove box to their application needs or use the glove box in its simplest
form. Both glove boxes are designed to provide an effective physical barrier
between the laboratory and the glove box interior. The barrier provides three
distinct advantages. First, it helps protect the technician from hazardous
materials. Second, it protects materials and laboratory equipment inside the
main chamber from the effects of exposure to ambient air, oxygen, and
moisture levels. Third, it provides a protective, leak-tight environment for
your research, testing, or production procedures; the leak rate of the glove
box is rated Class 1 for controlled atmosphere chambers per ISO 10648-2 test
methods. Each Precise Controlled Atmosphere Glove Box or Precise Basic
Glove Box is helium leak tested at the factory to ensure no leaks greater than
1 x 10
The Precise Glove Boxes offer many unique features to enhance
performance. To take full advantage of them, you must read and understand
this manual and keep it handy for future reference. If you are unfamiliar with
how the Precise Glove Boxes operate, please review Chapter 4: Performance Features and Safety Precautions before you begin working in the glove box.
Even if you are an experienced user, please review Chapter 5: Using Your Glove Box so you can use the glove box efficiently.
Product Service 1-800-522-7658
CChhaapptteerr 22::
Before you install the glove box, you need to prepare your site for
installation. You must be certain that the area is level and of solid
construction. In addition, a dedicated source of electrical power should be
located near the installation site to power the glove box. Additionally, the
glove box should be strategically placed in the lab to provide efficient
workflow and prevent operator interference from normal traffic flow.
Carefully read this chapter to learn the requirements for your installation site:
• The support, vibration and preventive requirements.
• The location requirements.
• The exhaust requirements for the pressure relief valve.
• The electrical power requirements.
• The plumbing requirements for gas, vacuum, and dry train.
• The space requirements.
Refer to Appendix B: Precise Glove Box Dimensions for complete glove box
Refer to Appendix C:Precise Glove Box Specifications for complete
electrical and environmental conditions, specifications and requirements.
Product Service 1-800-522-7658
Chapter 2: Prerequisites
Support, Vibration and Preventive Requirements
In the preparation of a glove box site, please consider the following:
•A bench or stand that is rigidly mounted to the floor or fixed to the wall,
but not both, may be appropriate. 35" to 40" (889mm to 1,016mm) is
typical for standing height (Labconco stands offered in Chapter 7 vary
from 33" to 40" or 838mm to 1,016mm).
•The corners of a building typically have less vibration than the center,
which promotes analytical balance stability.
•The bench typically should not contain any vibration-producing
equipment, such as shakers or pumps.
•A marble slab with dampening pads placed within the enclosure is an
effective low cost means of controlling vibration for analytical balance
operation (see Chapter 7: Accessorizing Your Glove Box).
Location Requirements
The Precise Glove Boxes have been designed to rest on a typical 29"-30"
(737mm-762mm) deep work surface. The height should be 35"-40" for
standing position. Avoid placing the glove box in high traffic areas where
walking might disrupt the operator or experimentation.
Exhaust Requirements for the Pressure Relief
To prevent over or under pressurization of the main glove box chamber, the
Precise Controlled Atmosphere Glove Box includes a pressure relief valve
that activates at pressures and vacuums above +6" water gauge or below -6"
water gauge.
WARNING: The overpressurization of air at positive
pressure would allow any contaminants inside the glove
Please see Chapter 7 to order the pressure relief valve and other valve
accessories for the Precise Basic Glove Box.
box to vent into the room. To control this venting into the
laboratory, Labconco offers three pressure relief valve
ventilation accessories. All three of these pressure relief
valve ventilation accessories are shown in detail in Chapter
3 and can be ordered from Chapter 7.
Product Service 1-800-522-7658
Chapter 2: Prerequisites
The first option for venting the pressure relief valve is for ducting unfiltered
air to the outside via a 4" nominal diameter exhaust duct. The second and
third options for venting the pressure relief valve will add HEPA filters
and/or carbon filters to the exhaust duct and allow the vented air back into the
laboratory or to the outside. The HEPA filtered and carbon filtered pressure
relief vent kits may be combined if so desired. All pressure relief valve vent
kits include a 4" diameter thimble duct connection to aid in the connection to
the building exhaust blower preventing the pressure relief valve from
activating due to the negative pressure of the building exhaust. Labconco
offers accessory remote blowers listed in Chapter 7 for your convenience in
venting the pressure relief to the outside. These blowers have a 6" diameter
nominal inlet and a 4" x 6" duct transition is necessary to adapt from the 4"
diameter thimble connection provided with all relief valve kits.
WARNING: In the case of failure caused by excessive
vacuum within the main chamber, the user must safely
See Figures 3-1, 3-2, and 3-3 in Chapter 3 for ventilation connection
diagrams of the vent kits.
determine whether laboratory atmosphere entering the
glove box could result in fire, explosive hazard or damage
to property inside the glove box.
Electrical Requirements
Electrical receptacles should be located nearby for connecting the glove box,
or other optional laboratory equipment. The entire glove box is rated 115V,
8A or 230V, 4A or 100V, 8A. One duplex outlet is located inside the glove
box and is rated for 115V, 5A or 230V, 2A or 100V, 5A. Additional power
strip accessories are available and can be connected to the interior duplex
outlet (see Chapter 7).
Plumbing Requirements for Gas, Vacuum, and
Drying Train
The Precise Controlled Atmosphere Glove Box has four valves located on the
main glove box chamber and two valves located on the transfer chamber.
Two of the four valves on the main chamber should be used for the operation
of the main chamber gas inlet and vacuum outlet lines. To prevent
overpressurization, the gas inlet lines should be set at a pressure of 10-30 psi
through the use of a gas supply pressure regulator. The other two valves on
the main chamber can be used for connections to a recirculating drying train.
Drying trains are recirculating contaminate removal traps, powered by
vacuum pumps. They are used for the removal of oxygen and/or moisture
from the main chamber atmosphere. They can also be used to remove
organic vapors, acids, ammonia, or radioisotopes. See Chapter 7 for ordering
Product Service 1-800-522-7658
Chapter 2: Prerequisites
optional drying train removal traps. The two valves on the transfer chamber
are used for gas inlet and vacuum outlet lines. The transfer chamber lines can
be connected together with the main chamber gas inlet and vacuum outlet
lines to simplify gas and vacuum connections to both chambers. Illustrations
for all gas, vacuum, and recirculating drying trains are shown in Figures 3-5
through 3-10 in Chapter 3.
All valves utilize 3/8" (9.5mm) compression fittings or 3/8" (9.5mm) hose
barbs for soft tubing. Both styles are offered for your convenience.
Accessory gas and vacuum tubing kits are described in Chapter 7. Should
you require automatic chamber pressure controls, see Chapter 3 for details on
the accessory Pressure Controller and Chapter 7 for ordering information.
The Pressure Controller automatically monitors and controls pressures in
both the main chamber and transfer chamber; it also automates the operation
of purging and filling each chamber (gas outlet and gas inlet) up to 199
cycles. Consult your Safety Officer should you require ventilation and/or
filtration of the vacuum pump exhaust. Filtered exhaust (0.2 micron) and
contaminate removal traps are available for the vacuum pump (see Chapter
7). See Chapter 3 for typical installation of vacuum outlet and inert gas inlet
lines and Appendix H for plumbing diagrams.
See Chapter 7 to order any valves and/or pressure/vacuum gauges for the
Precise Basic Glove Box as these features have been omitted to enable the
end user customization.
Space Requirements
The dimensions are shown in Appendix B: Dimensions. Adequate space to
the right of the transfer chamber is required for loading and unloading.
Product Service 1-800-522-7658
CChhaapptteerr 33::
GGeettttiinngg SSttaarrtteedd
Once the site for your glove box is properly prepared, you are ready to
unpack, inspect, install, and validate performance of your system. Read this
chapter to learn how to:
• Unpack and move the glove box.
• Set up the glove box with the proper supporting structure and work
• Connect an exhaust system to the pressure relief valve (if applicable).
• Install the gloves.
• Connect the electrical supply.
• Connect the plumbing lines for gas, vacuum, and drying train.
• Validate performance of the glove box.
Each Precise Glove Box model weighs 185 lbs. each (83
kg). The shipping container allows for lifting with a
mechanical lift truck or floor jack. If you must lift the
glove box manually, follow safe-lifting guidelines. Do not
lift by the upper sheet metal façade and front panel as
damage can occur to the glove box liner.
Product Service 1-800-522-7658
Chapter 3: Getting Started
Lifting Instructions
Unpacking the Glove Box
We recommend that you do not remove the glove box from its shipping
container until it is ready to be placed into its final location. Move the unit
by placing a flat, low dolly under the shipping skid, or by using a floor jack.
Carefully remove the shrink-wrap and carton on the glove box and inspect it
for damage that may have occurred in transit. If damaged, notify the
delivery carrier immediately and retain the entire shipment intact for
inspection by the carrier.
Product Service 1-800-522-7658
Chapter 3: Getting Started
Do not discard the packing material until you have checked all of the
components and tested the glove box.
Installing the Glove Box on a Supporting
Structure and Work Surface
Exercise caution when lifting or moving the glove box.
When installing the glove box onto a work surface or benchtop, ensure that
the structure can safely support the combined weight of the glove box and
any related equipment. The work surface should be as wide as the entire
glove box to properly support it. The front of the glove box should be
aligned with the front of the work surface for optimal comfort. A height of
35"-40" (889mm-1016mm) is appropriate for standing operation. Labconco
base stands from Chapter 7 may be adjusted in height from 33"-40" (838mm1016mm).
Connecting the Exhaust to the Pressure Relief
Valve (If Applicable)
WARNING: The weight of the pressure relief exhaust
As stated in Chapter 2, the main chamber pressure relief valve is exhausted
back into the room unless an optional vent kit is installed. Figure B-1 in
Appendix B shows the location of the pressure relief valve without any
optional vent kits. Labconco provides pressure relief exhaust kits, which
exhaust to the outside. HEPA and/or carbon filtered exhaust kits are also
available. The HEPA and/or carbon filtered pressure relief exhaust kits also
provide thimble duct connections for exhausting the pressure relief valve to
the outside.
ductwork system must be supported independently of the
glove box superstructure or damage may occur.
The exhaust system should be installed by a qualified
HVAC contractor.
Product Service 1-800-522-7658
Chapter 3: Getting Started
To connect the Pressure Relief Vent Valve to an exterior exhaust system,
order the Ventilation Kit (#5242700) and refer to Figure 3-1. To provide
HEPA filtered exhaust to the room or outside, order the HEPA Filtered
Pressure Relief Vent Kit (#5238500) and refer to Figure 3-2. To provide
carbon filtered exhaust to the room or outside, order the Carbon Filtered
Pressure Relief Vent Kit (#5241200) and refer to Figure 3-3. The HEPA and
carbon filtered exhaust kits may be used together if required. All kits are
provided with full installation instructions, illustrations, and connections.
See Chapter 7, Accessories, to add a pressure relief valve (#5230600) to the
Precise Basic Glove Box. A 2.06" (52.3mm) diameter hole must be drilled
into the Precise Basic Glove Box shell. This hole is located on the 4.00"
(101.6mm) diameter x 1.00" (25.4mm) high raised boss; the raised boss is
located on the top of the glove box shell, in the front right side corner. Install
the pressure relief valve from the inside with the gasket in place and tighten
the retaining nut from the outside. After installation, the 2.00"-18 UNS
(50.8mm) diameter threads on the pressure relief valve should be exposed.
All vent kits attach to these threads as shown in Figures 3-1, 3-2, and 3-3.
Figure B-1 in Appendix B shows a top view of the exposed threads on the
pressure relief valve. A close up view of the pressure relief valve is shown
With the thumbs up and in a right/left orientation, secure the gloves in place
on the glove ports by stretching the beaded glove cuff into the glove port
groove nearest the window. Install the separate 8" diameter O-ring over the
gloves, into the outer groove of the glove port surface. Stainless steel band
clamps are provided for securing the separate O-ring into the glove port
groove. Replacement gloves and parts are listed in Chapter 7.
Figure 3-4
Glove Installation
Connecting the Electrical Supply Source to the
Glove Box
115V, 60 Hz; 100V, 50 Hz; or 100V, 60 Hz Models
Connect the power cord supplied to the IEC electrical supply plug located on
the back of the glove box. 115V or 100V models are rated at 8 amps total.
The maximum circuit load for the interior electrical duplex is 5 amps.
230V, 50 Hz or 230V, 60 Hz Models
The same procedure applies for the 230V international models except the
cords are shipped without an attached plug. Install the appropriate plug for
your electrical specifications per local codes. The 230V, 50 Hz or 230V, 60
Hz models are both rated at 4 amps total. The interior electrical duplex is
rated at 2 amps.
Product Service 1-800-522-7658
Chapter 3: Getting Started
Connect the Plumbing Lines for Gas, Vacuum,
and Drying Train
Labconco offers various vacuum and gas tubing installation kits listed in
Chapter 7 for connecting gas and vacuum line, or drying train to the glove
box. Refer to Figures 3-6, 3-7, 3-8, 3-9, and 3-10 that depict the installation
tubing kits. The primary connecting method involves the use of 3/8" O.D. x
3/16" I.D. tubing for gas and vacuum line connections; a tube support insert
must be placed inside the soft tubing to prevent the tube from disconnecting.
The alternative connecting method uses a tube connector and hose clamp
instead of a tube support insert. See Figure 3-5 (A and B) for both methods.
Consult Figure 3-8, which depicts typical tubing connections with the
accessory Automatic Pressure Controller. Vacuum pump model numbers can
be found in Chapter 7. Consult your Safety Officer to determine the
suitability and requirement for venting the exhaust port of a vacuum
pump to the outside. An accessory 0.2 micron filter can be installed in the
vacuum line to prevent particulate material contamination of the vacuum
pump. The 0.2 micron filter can also be installed in the inert gas supply line
connected to the main chamber and transfer chamber to insure a particulate
free gas supply (see Chapter 7). If required, other accessory chemical traps
can also be added to the vacuum line to prevent vacuum pump contamination
(see Chapter 7). Refer to Appendix H for typical plumbing diagrams.
Product Service 1-800-522-7658
Method with
Hose Connector
Chapter 3: Getting Started
Hose Connector
Small Ferrule
Compression Nut
Note: Hose Clamp not
Method for
Tygon Tubing
Tube Insert
Large Ferrule
Small Ferrule
Compression Nut
Figure 3-5
Close-up View of Typical Valve Connection Options
Product Service 1-800-522-7658
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