LABCONCO CORPORATION 8811 Prospect Ave, Kansas City, MO 64132
(816) 333-8811, Fax (816) 363-0130, (800) 821-5525
Oxygen and Moisture Removal Column No. 5244200
The Precise Controlled Atmosphere Glove Box protects valuable laboratory materials from the
effects of oxygen and moisture exposure. With the aid of the Oxygen and Moisture Removal
Column, the Precise Controlled Atmosphere Glove Box can maintain low moisture (<50 ppm)
and oxygen (<5 ppm) levels. Experimentations at Labconco have yielded moisture levels below
10 ppm as well as oxygen levels under 1 ppm. Under sealed gloveport conditions, the life span
for continuous recirculation operation of the oxygen removal column is approximately 70 days at
+1" water column pressure. The life span for moisture control is estimated greater than 9 years
for continuous use. See the attached charts and graphs for life span calculations based on
glove box leak rate tests. In order to obtain the maximum life of the removal column, shut off
the manual Auxiliary Valves connected to the oxygen and moisture recirculation loop. We also
recommend installing glove port covers when the glove box is not in use. Good operation
technique can extend the life of the column for many months. Follow the installation procedure
below to properly install the removal column.
Installation Procedure
1. To easily install the 5244200 Oxygen and Moisture Removal Column, the 5242501
Tubing Connection Kit is available from Labconco. Recirculation Pumps 5248200 or
5248201 will also be required to pump the glove box inert air through the Oxygen and
Moisture Removal Column. Refer to the installation pictorial and plumbing diagrams
attached for proper installation.
2. Close the two Auxiliary Valves located on the glove box main chamber. These valves
will be used to connect the Removal Column, and control the recirculation loop.
3. Place the Removal Column on the Support Stand (5244300 ordered separately).
4. Following the instructions provided with Tubing Connection Kit 5242501, properly
connect the tubing to the Auxiliary Valves.
5. Remove both shipping End Caps on the Removal Column and install the two female
tubing connectors from the 5242501 Tubing Kit using Teflon tape thread sealant. (Save
the shipping End Caps.)
6. Route and connect the tubing between the Auxiliary Valves, the two female tube
connectors attached to the removal column, and the recirculation pump. (See the
instructions included with the Tubing Kit 5242501).
7. Before starting the recirculation pump keep the two auxiliary valves closed, and purge and
fill the glove box main chamber with inert gas. 100-150 purge and fill cycles will reduce
oxygen and moisture levels to below 3,000 ppm or 0.3%.
8. The two auxiliary valves may then be opened and the recirculation pump turned on to
further reduce the oxygen and moisture levels below 100 ppm.
Labconco Instruction Sheet 5244201, Rev. -, ECO E275 1 of 6

Removal Column Refill Policy
The Oxygen and Moisture Removal Column can be refilled more economically than to purchase
a new one. It is recommended that a second removal column be available and stocked by the lab
user should the initial column be expended. For refill, the Oxygen and Moisture Removal
Column must be packaged well with End Caps and sent to:
508 29th Ave.
Oakland, CA 94601
Phone: (800) 227-1084, (510) 534-7050
Fax: (510) 534-0454
e-mail: info@labclear.com
technical questions: techsupport@labclear.com
Typical Tubing Connections for Oxygen & Moisture
Removal Shown with the Automatic Pressure Controller
(Tubing Connection Kit 5242501 provides full details)
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