LABCONCO CORPORATION 8811 Prospect Ave, Kansas City, MO 64132
(816) 333-8811, Fax (816) 363-0130, (800) 821-5525
Labconco Small Stoppering Chamber 7569000
The Small Stoppering Chamber is ideal for Lyophilizing sample in small serum vials with split
stoppers. Once the samples are lyophilized the vials can then be stoppered while still under
vacuum. The chamber comes complete with PVC tubing and ½” adapter to connect directly to
the ports of Labconco’s Freeze Dry Chambers.
Installation of Small Chamber To Freeze Dry Chamber (Refer to Figure 1)
1. Place one end of the PVC Tubing over the ½ fitting on the side of the chamber and
secure with a clamp.
2. Insert the ½” Stainless Steel Adapter approximately 1” into the other end of the PVC
Tubing and secure with a clamp.
3. Insert the open end of the ½” adapter into one of the Ports on the Freeze Dryers
4. Position the switch on the Small Stoppering Chamber to the “CLOSE” position.
5. The Small Stoppering Chamber is now ready to use.
Figure 1
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Vial Dimensions
Diameter x Height
1. The Small Stoppering Chamber has a stoppering travel distance of ½”(12.7mm), it can
accommodate vials that range in height from 1.38”(35mm) to 2.48”(63mm) tall by using
zero, one, or two of the spacers which are provided. Labconco offers 6 sizes of serum
vials that can be used in the Small Stoppering Chamber. See the chart below to determine
the number of spacers required for specific vials and the total number of vials the
chamber will hold of each size.
2. Once the vial size is selected place a stoppered vial in the chamber with the tray and
correct number of spacers. The top of the stopper should be located between the two
scribed lines marked on the inside diameter of the clear chamber. If the vial is lower than
the bottom line, the Stoppering device will not stopper fully. If the vial is higher than the
top line the lid will prematurely stopper the vials when it is placed on top of the chamber.
Caution: only one size (height) vial can be Lyophilized and stoppered during the same
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Figure 2