Labconco CAptureTMPortable Fuming System User Manual

User’s Manual
3420000 3420020 3420022
Portable Fuming System
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Purifier® Logic® Biological Safety Cabinets carry a three-year warranty from date of installation or four years from date of shipment from Labconco, whichever is sooner.
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This limited warranty covers parts and labor, but not transportation and insurance charges. In the event of a warranty claim, contact Labconco Corporation or the dealer who sold you the product. If the cause is determined to be a manufacturing fault, the dealer or Labconco Corporation will repair or replace all defective parts to restore the unit to operation. Under no circumstances shall Labconco Corporation be liable for indirect, consequential, or special damages of any kind. This statement may be altered by a specific published amendment. No individual has authorization to alter the provisions of this warranty policy or its amendments. Lamps and filters are not covered by this warranty. Damage due to corrosion or accidental breakage is not covered.
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If you have questions that are not addressed in this manual, or if you need technical assistance, contact Labconco’s Customer Service Department or Labconco’s Product Service Department at 1-800-821­5525 or 1-816-333-8811, between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m., Central Standard Time.
Part #3421500, Rev. -
ECO F844
Supplies Required 2 Exhaust Requirements 3 Electrical Requirements 3
CA Polymerization 4-5 Generation of CA Fumes Through Controlled Heating 5 Clear Chamber 5 Two Stage Filter System 5 Blower 6 Safety Precautions 6-7
CHAPTER 4: USING THE SYSTEM 8 Unpacking the System 8-9 Transporting the System 9
Component Identification 10
Hints for Handling CA 11 Preparing the System for Operation 12-16 Set Up 12-13 Heater Adjustment 14 Fuming Procedure 15-16
CHAPTER 5: MAINTAINING THE SYSTEM 17 Routine Maintenance Schedule 17 Service Operations 18-19 Filter Replacement 18-19 Resetting the Circuit Breaker 19
CChhaapptteerr 11::
Congratulations on the purchase of a Labconco CApture Portable Fuming
System. The CApture is unique, offering a self-contained, portable system for
developing latent fingerprints using the cyanoacrylate (CA) fuming method.
CApture has a solid state heater control, exhaust fan, and an internal two
stage filter to remove CA fumes at the end of the development process.
The Portable Fuming System offers many unique features to enhance
performance and flexibility. To take full advantage of them, please acquaint
yourself with this manual and keep it handy for future reference. Because of
its uniqueness, even if you are familiar using the CA fuming method, please
review both Chapter 3: Theory of Operation and Safety Precautions and
Chapter 4: Using the System; which describe the CApture’s features so that
you can use it efficiently.
This manual and other technical information is available in PDF format
at our website:
Product Service 1-800-522-7658
CChhaapptteerr 22:: PPrreerreeqquuiissiitteess
Carefully read this chapter to learn:
Supplies required.
Electrical power requirements.
Exhaust requirements.
Supplies Required
Before you use the Fuming System, you need get the following items:
1 bottle of CA glue (the capacity of the filter is approximately 2 ounces (57gm))
Note: For best results, do not use CA with thickening or gap filling formulations.
A supply of aluminum heating pans, in addition to the 10 shipped with the unit. A bag of 250 pans is available as Labconco part number
A supply of Rain-X* or Rain Block**
to treat the clear chamber
before use.
*Rain-X is a registered trademark of Sopus Products. **Rain Block is a trade mark of Value Smart Products, Inc.
Product Service 1-800-522-7658
Chapter 2: Prerequisites
Exhaust Requirements
If you intend to connect the system to the optional Exhaust Connection Kit, first examine the location to ensure that the exhaust duct can be directed either out of the immediate area (through a partially opened window), or into a chemical fume hood. For further information about the CApture’s exhaust system requirements, please refer to Appendix D: Accessories.
Note: For best results, do not add any additional exhaust duct to that already supplied in the exhaust connection kit. Additional lengths of duct will reduce the exhaust flow out of the chamber, possibly resulting in incomplete venting of the CA fumes.
Electrical Requirements
The system models have the following electrical requirements:
Model # Requirements
3420000 115 VAC, 60 Hz, 1 Amp
34200-20, -22, -24 230 VAC, 50/60 Hz, 0.5 Amp
Table 2-1
Note: An outlet with a circuit breaker rated at 10 amps for 115 volt models (5 amps for 230 volt models) should be located as close as possible to the system. Power cords supplied with the print system are 3 meters (10 feet) long.
Note: The system can be operated on an inverter, converting 12 Volts DC to the appropriate AC voltage. The inverter should have an output rating of at least 100 Watts, and protected against current overload for proper operation.
Product Service 1-800-522-7658
CChhaapptteerr 33:: TThheeoorryy ooff OOppeerraattiioonn aanndd SSaaffeettyy PPrreeccaauuttiioonnss
The CApture operates using the following principles:
CA polymerization.
Generation of CA fumes through controlled heating.
Removal of CA droplets and fumes by a two stage filter.
The major components in the system are:
The clear chamber
The controller and heater.
The two stage filter.
The blower to force air through the system.
CA polymerization
Cyanoacrylate is the generic name for fast-acting adhesives such as methyl 2­cyanoacrylate or ethyl-2-cyanoacrylate. CA adhesives are sometimes known as "instant glues." CA is an acrylic resin which rapidly polymerizes in the presence of water (specifically hydroxide ions), forming long, strong chains, joining the bonded surfaces together. CA is a tenacious adhesive, particularly when used to bond non-porous materials or those that contain minute traces of water. It is also very good at bonding body tissue, and this can be a bothersome (or even dangerous) side effect during everyday use.
Cyanoacrylate is used as a forensic tool to capture latent fingerprints on non­porous surfaces such as glass, plastic, etc. The cyanoacrylate fuming method (often called the super glue method) heats the CA to produce fumes which react with amino acids, fatty acids, and proteins in the latent fingerprint and the moisture in the air to produce a visible, sticky white polymer
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Chapter 3: Theory of Operation & Safety Precautions
(polycyanoacrylate) on the fingerprint ridges. The ridges can then be recorded. The developed fingerprints are, on most surfaces (except on white plastic or similar), visible to the naked eye. The reaction must be monitored to ensure that it is not allowed to continue for too long. If it runs unchecked, the latent fingerprints can overdevelop and the chemical images of the ridges will slowly grow wider until they overlap, obscuring vital detail.
Generation of CA fumes through controlled heating
CA adhesives have a boiling point of approximately 120°F (50°C). With increasing heat, cyanoacrylate decomposition products begin to appear at temperatures above 250°F (121°C), and when the temperature exceeds 400°F (204°C), hydrogen cyanide can be produced. It is therefore critical to maintain a consistent, controlled heat throughout the development process.
The CApture Print System uses a heater, controlled by a digital controller. The user-programmed controller maintains the set temperature between the minimum of 120°F (50°C) and maximum of 350°F (177°C). A redundant safety switch limits the heater temperature to a maximum of 350°F (177°C), in the event of a controller malfunction.
Clear Chamber
The clear chamber is made out of durable, shatter-resistant polycarbonate. It protects the heater/filter module when the unit is being transported, and allows an unobstructed view of the evidence during the fuming process. While the clear chamber is resistant to many chemicals, it is not resistant to CA fumes, and it MUST be treated with either Rain-X® or Rain BlockTM glass water repellent. Labconco has tested these two treatments, and found they protect the clear chamber from CA fumes for up to 20 uses, if properly applied, and the treatment is not disturbed. Always follow the treatment manufacturer’s instructions when applying the treatment. Labconco has not tested any other brands of glass treatment chemicals, and cannot recommend their usage.
Two Stage Filter System
CA droplets and fumes are removed from the air in the clear chamber by a two stage filtration system. The first stage of the filter cartridge is a polyester loft particulate filter, having a Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value (MERV) of 11, meaning it removes 65-79% of particles 1.0-3.0 microns in size, and more than 85% of particles 3.0-10 microns in size. The second stage of the filter is specially prepared granular activated carbon (GAC) that adsorbs any gaseous CA as the air flows through the carbon bed. See Appendix A for replacement part numbers. Using the recommended amount of CA for proper development, the filter should last for a minimum of 100 fuming cycles (about 2 oz, or 57ml) before replacement.
Product Service 1-800-522-7658
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