L 3 Communications Avionics Systems TRC497 User Manual

Installation Manual


This chapter contains general flight-line maintenance and troubleshooting procedures for installations interfaced to WX-1000/SKY497 display or an alternate display. Removal of components is on condition of failure. Troubleshooting is intended to aid in isolating failures to a defective assembly. Each time the TRC, directional antenna, or directional antenna cables (including connectors) are replaced, the TRC must be calibrated to the directional antenna (refer to paragraph 4.4.1).


No scheduled maintenance is required to ensure continued airworthiness.


At regular inspection intervals, do the periodic maintenance procedures of paragraph 4.3.1 thru 4.3.3.

4.3.1 WX-1000/SKY497 Display

1. Check that indicator cable is properly mated and secured.
2. Check to ensure unit is properly placed and secured to the instrument panel.
Do not use cleaning solvents on the viewing face.
3. Check face-plate for cleanliness. Wipe the viewing face with a damp lint-free, static-free cloth. If necessary, clean with a soft cloth moistened with a mild solution of soap and water. Take care to prevent cleaning solution from running down inside the case.

4.3.2 TRC

1. Check that connectors are properly mated and secure.
2. Check to ensure that the hold-down knobs on the mounting tray are secured to the TRC.

4.3.3 Antenna

1. Check for dents, cracks, and punctures.
Do not paint the antennas.
Do not use cleaning solvents on the antennas.
2. Remove all dirt and grease from surface areas. Clean with a soft cloth moistened with mild soap and water.
3. Visually inspect sealant around the antenna base. Reapply sealant if required.
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The Service Menu is intended as an aid in installing, testing and troubleshooting the SKY497. Service Menu items are to be used only for testing and troubleshooting an installation. The Service Menu is not intended to be used by the pilot during normal system operation. When interfaced to an alternate display the service menu functions must be performed by using an RS-232 terminal device, see appendix D for operating instructions.
The Service Menu is accessed by holding soft-keys (1) and (2) (the left two buttons) depressed as the system is turned on. Hold the buttons until the Service Menu is displayed. The Service Menu is shown in figure 4-1.
Figure 4-1. Service Menu
The buttons perform the following operations:
EXIT - causes the system to exit the Service Menu and run the power on self-test.
SELECT - selects the highlighted item.
PREV - steps to the previous item.
NEXT - steps to the next item.
The Service Menu provides the following choices:
System Log
System Data
Ground Test (Available only if squat switch input indicates aircraft is on the ground.)
The individual menu items are explained in the following paragraphs.
Service Menu screens are shown for documentation purposes only. Each system may be configured differently and live data will correspond to the sensors installed in a particular aircraft..
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4.4.1 Calibration

Ensure transponder is in standby while doing calibration.
Each time the TRC, directional antenna, or any of the directional antenna cables (including connectors) have been repaired or replaced the TRC must be calibrated. Calibration is accessed by selecting that option from the Service Menu (i.e., press SELECT with Calibration high-lighted). The initial calibration screen (see figure 4-2) shows the current calibration value in degrees. Calibration can be performed with the terminal device by using the Cal command.
If the TRC has never been calibrated, the current calibration value will be displayed as 999.
Figure 4-2. Calibration Screen
Press YES to calibrate; press NO to return to the Service Menu. Soft-keys (3) and (4) are not used. During the calibration procedure, the message “Re-Calibrating . . . ” will be displayed.
After a successful calibration, both old and new calibration values will be displayed (as shown in figure 4-3). Press EXIT to return to the Service menu. Soft-keys (2), (3), and (4) are not used.
Figure 4-3. Successful Re-Calibration
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The calibration value (000-359) is derived from a variety of measurements. Specific values are meaningless however, in a failed TRC, a varying spread may indicate problems with the directional antenna system (antenna, cables, or connectors) or the TRC.
If the calibration failed, the message “Re-calibration Failed!” will be display (see figure 4-4).
Figure 4-4. Failed Calibration
Press YES to calibrate; press NO to return to the Service Menu. Soft-keys (3) and (4) are not used.

4.4.2 System Log

The 20 most recent errors detected by the system self-test are saved in the System Log. For each error, the corresponding error code and run-time of occurrence are saved. The system log, as shown in figure 4-5, is displayed by selecting that option from the Service Menu (i.e., press SELECT with System Log high- lighted). System Log can be accessed with a terminal device by using the Dump command.
Tables 4-2 and 4-3 provide a list and description of each error code (see paragraph 4.6).
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Figure 4-5. System Log
Installation Manual
The System Log displays the results in the following format:
### = Error code. HHHHH:MM = Run-time (in hours and minutes) at which error occurred.
The total elapsed run-time is displayed in the upper middle portion of the screen (System Time HHHHH:MM).
A textual description of the highlighted error entry is displayed in the bottom portion of the screen. If the System Log is empty, the following message is displayed:
If, due to a failure of non-volatile memory, the System Log cannot be displayed, the following message is displayed:
The buttons perform the following operations:
EXIT - causes the system to return the Service Menu.
NEXT - steps to the next entry.
PREV - steps to the previous entry.
Soft-key (4) is not used.

4.4.3 System Data

System Data screens (see figures 4-6 through 4-16) contain a record of setup information (software identification and jumper configuration) and real-time sensor data. If you have problems with the SKY497, verify the configuration screens match the wiring diagrams (see figures 2-2 and 2-3) and have this information available when contacting BFGoodrich Avionics Systems Field Service Engineering. The field service engineer must have adequate information to diagnose a problem. System Data screens are accessed by selecting that option from the Service Menu (i.e., press SELECT with System Data high-lighted).
The System Data screen provides the following choices:
Software Version
Data Monitor
Figure 4-6. System Data
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The buttons perform the following operations:
EXIT - returns to the Service Menu (figure 4-1).
SELECT - selects the highlighted item.
PREV - steps to the previous item.
NEXT - steps to the next item. Software Version. The software version screen (see figure 4-7) identifies:
IOP Code Version
IOP Boot Version
STP Code Version
STP Boot Version
Software version can be accessed with a terminal device by using the Version command.
Figure 4-7. Software Version
The software version identified on the TRC equipment tag represents the system software configuration (i.e., a collective designator for all software/firmware installed within the unit).
Press EXIT to return to the System Data screen. Soft-keys (2), (3) and (4) are not used. Configuration. The configuration display consists of 4 pages. Configuration data on pages 1, 3 and 4 must be verified and saved on all new installations or if changes in configuration jumper(s) occur. The buttons perform the following operations:
EXIT - returns to the System Data Menu (figure 4-6).
NEXT - steps to the next page.
PREV - steps to the previous page.
SAVE - saves configuration data for that page (not present if configuration jumpers
match configuration memory).
Configuration information can also be accessed with a terminal device by using the Config command.
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1. Saved configuration data is read at power-up and compared with configuration jumpers. If the saved configuration data has never been saved (e.g., new installations) an ERROR 30 Check Configuration will occur when the box comes out of standby. If the saved configuration data does not match the current jumper(s) an error 30 will occur at power-up. The conflicting jumper(s) will be highlighted on configuration screen(s). (See figure 4-8.)
2. Configuration pages 1, 3 and 4 contain configuration jumper data. On each page verify jumpers are correct and press SAVE to write the new configuration into system memory. When done the SAVE button disappears. Repeat this step for each page. Save command can be used if using a terminal device.
Figure 4-8. Configuration - Page 1
Page 1 of 4 (see figure 4-8) displays:
Heading Input Source (Hdg.: XYZ, STEP, 429, or NONE)
Configuration Jumpers P1-69 & P1-70 (OPEN or GND)
P1-69 P1-70 None OPEN OPEN Synchro XYZ OPEN GND Stepper GND OPEN ARINC 429 Bus GND GND
Heading Flag Sense (HIGH or LOW)
Configuration Jumper P1-68 (OPEN or GND)
OPEN If LOW level input on HDG_FLG+ (P1-53) indicates
valid heading or no valid heading input is available.
GND If HIGH level input on HDG_FLG+ (P1-53) indicates
valid heading.
RS422 Interface (DR/Alt. 422: DR or 422)
Configuration Jumper P1-67 (OPEN or GND)
P1-67 Data Recorder OPEN Alternate* GND
*Future Option
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The RS422 Interface is used for factory testing and evaluation.
Figure 4-9. Configuration - Page 2
Page 2 of 4 (see figure 4-9) displays:
Barometric Encoded Altitude (in Gray Code and Feet)
Connector P1 Pin Assignments for Data Inputs
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Figure 4-10. Configuration - Page 3
Verify displayed antenna position matches antenna location on the aircraft (top or bottom). Failure to do so could give incorrect traffic bearing.
Installation Manual
Page 3 of 4 (see figure 4-10) displays:
Antenna Position (Ant. Pos.: TOP or BOT)
Configuration Jumper P1-100 (OPEN or GND)
Top OPEN Bottom* GND
*See paragraph 2.3 (ANTENNA LOCATION)
Antenna Type (NY164 or NY156)
Configuration Jumper P1-99 (OPEN or GND)
Airframe (Ant. Pos.: FIX or ROT)
Configuration Jumper P1-98 (OPEN or GND)
Fixed Wing OPEN
Rotorcraft GND
Figure 4-11. Configuration - Page 4
Page 4 of 4 (see figure 4-11) displays:
Alternate Display Type (None Selected, ARINC 735 Type 1, or Illegal Display)
Configuration Jumpers P1-77, P1-78, P1-79 & P1-80 (OPEN or GND)
P1-77 P1-78 P1-79 P1-80 None OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN 735 Type 1 OPEN OPEN OPEN GND Data Monitor. The data monitor display consists of 5 pages. The buttons perform the following operations:
EXIT - returns to the System Data Menu (figure 4-6).
NEXT - steps to the next page.
PREV - steps to the previous page.
Soft-key (4) is not used.
The data monitor information can be accessed with a terminal device by using the Bar, Head, Rad and Config commands.
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Figure 4-12. Data Monitor - Page 1
Values displayed on the Data Monitor are continuously updated. The sensor source (e.g., ARINC 429, Synchro XYZ, etc.) is latched at power-up. If it is necessary to change a configuration, cycle power to ensure the correct information is read into memory.
Page 1 of 5 (see figure 4-12) displays:
Barometric Altitude
Source (Encoded Inputs, ARINC 429, or Simulated) Altitude (in Feet)
Heading Data
Source (Synchro XYZ, ARINC 429, None, or Simulated) Heading (in Degrees) Flag Line (Valid or Invalid)
1. When the system is set to GROUND TEST, the barometric altimeter is simulated to 50,000 ft and the heading simulated to 0 degrees.
2. If an INVALID “Flag Line” is detected, the “Heading” will be flagged INVALID.
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Figure 4-13. Data Monitor - Page 2
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Page 2 of 5 (see figure 4-13) displays:
Radio Altitude
Source (ARINC 429, None, or Simulated) Altitude (in Feet)
When the system is set to GROUND TEST, the radio altimeter simulated to 2,500 ft.
Figure 4-14. Data Monitor - Page 3
Page 3 of 5 (see figure 4-14) displays ARINC 429 Data:
Transmit Data (Tx: None Selected or ARINC 735 Type 1*, Illegal)
*Alternate Display Device
Received Data (Rx):
Status (Locked or Seeking) Speed (High or Low) Number of Parity Errors
Label Data
Label Number & Function
164 RadAlt (Radar Altimeter) 203 BarAlt (Barometric Altimeter)
320 MagHead (Magnetic Heading) Channel (1 or 2) Value (Altitude in Feet; Heading in Degrees)
A “Failed” message will appear if the system fails an internal ARINC 429 communications test.
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Figure 4-15. Data Monitor - Page 4
Page 4 of 5 (see figure 4-15) displays switch status:
Squat Switch (ON GND/FLYING)
Connector P1-88 (SQUAT) Input (OPEN or GND)
P1-88 Flying OPEN On Ground GND
Landing Gear (UP/DOWN)
Connector P1-87 (GEAR) Input (OPEN or GND)
P1-87 Gear Up OPEN
Gear Down GND
Connector P1-33 (GPWS) Input (OPEN or GND)
P1-32 Inactive OPEN Active GND
Figure 4-16. Data Monitor - Page 5
Page 5 of 5 (see figure 4-16) displays measurements of the following internal values:
Voltage (+5 VDC, + 15 VDC, & -15 VDC)
Processor Temperature (Degrees C)
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4.4.4. Ground Test

Ground Test initializes the system for on-the-ground testing. In this configuration, the barometric altimeter is simulated to 50,000 ft, heading simulated to 0 degrees, and the radar altimeter simulated to 2,500 ft.
Ground test is available only if the squat switch input indicates aircraft is on the ground.
Ground test (see figure 4-17) is accessed by selecting that option from the Service Menu (i.e., press SELECT with Ground Test highlighted). To access ground test with a terminal device use the Ground Test command.
Figure 4-17. Ground Test
If the system detects a heading fault, HDG will be displayed in the bottom center portion of the screen.
The buttons perform the following operations in this mode:
EXIT - causes the system to return the System Data Menu (figure 4-6).
Soft-key (2) toggles the system through the above (ABV), normal (NRM), and below (BLW)
altitude display modes. It is labeled to indicate current mode (i.e., ABV, NRM, or BLW).
Soft-key (3) toggles the display range between 2 and 6 nm. It is labeled to indicate current
range (i.e., 2nm or 6nm).
Soft-key (4) is not used.
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Table 4-1 is intended to assist trained electronic technicians to determine which assembly is inoperative. Do the corrective action steps in the order described. Use the Service Menu (refer to paragraph 4.4) as an aid in fault isolation. Information available from the service menu can help identify conditions that need to be resolved. If interfaced to an alternate display service menu must be accessed via an RS-232 terminal device, see Appendix D for operating instructions.
Table 4-1. Fault Isolation
Display remains dark after SKYWATCH is powered ON.
Display is distorted. Incorrect response to buttons (soft-keys).
SKYWATCH will not enter service menu.
The self-test successfully completes without audio annunciation.
Self-test does not execute. Aircraft is on the ground.
The display cannot be switched between SKYWATCH and the WX-1000. Both systems are installed.
WX-1000 processor has been removed for service; SKYWATCH fails to operate.
a. Check position of the WX-1000 maintenance switch
(NORMAL/OVERRIDE). b. Reset circuit breaker if it is tripped. c. Check aircraft power source. d. Check connection to WX-1000 processor, if installed. e. Check power input at TRC mating connector.
P8-A +28V (10.5-34V PWR)
P8-B +28V_RET (AIRCRAFT PWR RETURN) f. Check cables connected to display. g. Replace Display.
Check for interference from aircraft systems. Check soft-key wiring inside display cable and WX-1000
processor cable (if installed). a. Check soft-key wiring.
b. Verify alternate display pins (P1-77, P1-78, P1-79, or
P1-80) are not configured to ground. Service menu is not accessible via softkeys when an alternate display is configured.
c. If using an alternate display service menu must be
accessed via an RS-232 terminal device.
a. Check headphones/speaker and aircraft audio panel
switch settings.
b. Check cables connected to TRC.
Audio Alert Output:
P1-92 (AUDIO_H - 600-Ohm) P1-91 (AUDIO_L - 150-Ohm) P1-90 (AUDIO_C - Common)
a. Check system log (para 4.4.2) for errors. Error
messages are detailed in para 4.6.
b. Replace TRC.
a. If standby screen is displayed, check soft-key wiring inside display cable and WX-1000 processor cable (if installed). b. Check connection between the TRC and the squat switch sensor.
Squat Switch Input: P1-88
a. Check circuit breakers. Reset if tripped. b. Check position of the WX-1000 maintenance switch
(SW2). It should be set to the NORMAL position.
c. Check wiring of the SKYWATCH/
mode switch (para 2.6.11/figure 2-2).
Check position of the WX-1000 maintenance switch (NORMAL/OVERRIDE). When the WX-1000 has been removed for service, it should be set to the OVERRIDE position. This switch may be located in the avionics bay.
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Table 4-1. Fault Isolation (Continued)
SKYWATCH paints itself as a target (e.g., TA). a. Verify suppression bus shielded cable is grounded
correctly at both ends.
b. Connect an oscilloscope to the suppression bus and
verify that the SKY497 suppression pulse (100 µs ±5 µs) exceeds +15 V dc.
c. If less than +15 V dc, the suppression bus is
overloaded. d. Check all equipment connected to the bus. e. Repair/replace the offending device.
SKYWATCH TRC497 has been removed for service; the WX-1000
fails to operate.


SKYWATCH firmware is designed to generate error messages associated with a particular condition or step in the program. The 20 most recent errors detected by the system are saved in the System Log (see para 4.4.2). System Log can be accessed with a terminal device by using the Dump command. For your convenience, in table 4-2, we have listed the error messages that have been associated with SKYWATCH installations. Where appropriate, procedures that may assist in resolving installation problems are provided. When a severe error occurs SKYWATCH will fail.
Check the adapter plug (see para 4.7). If the TRC497 is removed for service, an adapter plug is required to permit continued operation of the WX-1000.
Table 4-2. Installation Related Error Messages
ERROR 016 RF BITE a. Check directional antenna and associated cables.
b. Turn system power ON. c. Calibrate directional antenna (para 4.4.1).
Ensure transponder is in standby and DME is OFF while doing calibration.
d. Cycle power. e. Run pilot initiated self-test.
ERROR 017 RF Amplitude a. Check directional antenna and associated cables.
b. Turn system power ON. c. Calibrate directional antenna (para 4.4.1).
Ensure transponder is in standby and DME is OFF while doing calibration. d. Cycle power. e. Run pilot initiated self-test.
ERROR 18 RF Angle a. Check directional antenna and associated cables.
b. Turn system power ON. c. Calibrate directional antenna (para 4.4.1).
Ensure transponder is in standby and DME is OFF while doing calibration. d. Cycle power.
e. Run pilot initiated self-test.
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Table 4-2. Installation Related Error Messages (Continued)
ERROR 020 Barometric Altitude Input a. Check altimeter source. Is the unit turned on and been given enough
time to warm up.
When interfacing via an ARINC 429 serial data bus, at power-up the TRC must adjust (auto-baud) to the speed of the incoming data. Normally the TRC will lock-on after approximately 15 seconds.
b. Cycle power. c. Ensure that barometric altitude is input from only one source (Gray Code or ARINC 429, not both). d. Encoded inputs can be checked from the system configuration screen (para, Configuration - Page 2). e. Using the Data Monitor, verify barometric source and altitude (para f. Check wiring associated with altimeter source.
ERROR 021 Power Supply a. Using the Data Monitor, observe internal voltage measurements
(para, Data Monitor - Page 5). b. Check aircraft power source. c. Check power input at mating connector.
P8-A +28V (10.5-34V PWR) P8-B +28V_RET (AIRCRAFT PWR RETURN)
ERROR 30 Check Configuration Configuration jumpers not saved or changed and need validated.
a. Using the Configuration menu, verify pages 1, 3 and 4 are correct
then save (para, Configuration).
b. Check wiring associated with configuration jumpers.
ERROR 152 HDG Invalid synchro XYZ input.
a. Check heading source. b. Verify status of heading configuration jumpers (input source and flag sense - para c. Using the Data Monitor, verify heading data (source, heading & flag - para d. If the heading signals become valid, the system will recover automatically. e. Check wiring associated with compass heading.
ERROR 153 HDG Invalid heading reference (400 Hz).
a. Check heading source. b. Verify status of heading configuration jumpers (input source and flag sense - para c. Using the Data Monitor, verify heading data (source, heading & flag - para d. If the reference signal becomes valid, the system will recover automatically. e. Check wiring associated with compass heading.
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