Safety Symbols
Refer to the instructions in the manual.
Indicates instrument with double or reinforced insulation.
Indicates that this instrument can clamp on live bare
cond uctors when the voltage to be tested is be low
Circuit - Ground-to-Earth voltage against the indicated
Measurement Category.
Thi s ins trument sati sfies the mar ki ng require me nt
defined in the WEEE Directive. This symbol indicates
se par at e co l le c ti o n f o r e l ec tri cal and ele ctr oni c
○ Measurement categories
To ensu re safe operatio n of meas uring instrumen ts, IEC
610 10 e stabl ishes safet y stan dards for various electri cal
environme nts, categorized as CAT I to CAT IV, and called
measurement categories.
Hi g her - num b ere d c ate g ori e s cor r esp o nd to e l ect r ica l
environments with greater momentary energy, so a measuring
inst rument desig ned for CAT III environmen ts can endure
greater momentary energy than one designed for CATII.
CAT I : Secondary electrical circuits connected to an AC
electrical outle t through a transf orm er or similar
CAT II : Primary electrical circuits of equipment connected to
an AC electrical outlet by a power cord.
CAT III : Primary electrical circuits of the equipment connected
directly to the distribution panel, and feeders from
the distribution panel to outlets.
CAT IV : The circu it from the servic e drop to the servi ce
entra nc e, and to the powe r meter and primary
overcurrent protection device (distribution panel).
● Never make measurement on a circuit in which the electrical
pote nti al exceeds 300V in order to avoid possible shock
● Do not make measurement when thunder is rumbling. If the
instrument is in use, stop the measurement immediately and
remove the instrument from the measured object.
● Do not attempt to make measurement in the presence of
flammable gasses. Otherwise, the use of the instrument may
cause sparking, which can lead to an explosion.
● Put in sulated protective gears when there is a danger of
electrical shock hazard.
● The transformer jaws are made of metal and their tips are not
completely insulated. Be especially careful about the possible
shorting where the measured object has exposed metal parts.
● Never attempt to use the instrument if it's surface or your
hand is wet.
Otherwise, electrical shock accident may occur.
● Do not exceed the maximum allowable input of any measuring
● Never open the battery compartment cover and the instrument
case when making a measurement.
● The instrument is to be used only in its intended applications
or conditions. Otherwise, safety functions equipped with the
instrument doesn’t work, and instrument damage or serious
personal injury may be caused.
● Never attempt to make any measurement, if any abnormal
conditions are noted, such as broken case, and exposed
metal parts.
● Do not install substitute parts or make any modification to
the instrument. Return the instrument to your local Kyoritsu
distributor for repair or re-calibration in case of suspected
faulty operation.
● Always keep your fingers and hands behind the barrier on the
instrument to avoid the possible shock hazard.
● Do not try to replace batteries if the surface of the instrument
is wet.
Po wer of f th e i nst rum en t be for e op en ing the Ba tte ry
Compartment Cover for a battery replacement.
1. Safety Warnings
This instrument has been designed, manufactured and tested
acco rding to IEC 61010 : Safety requiremen ts for Electroni c
Measuring apparatus, and delivered in the best condition after
passing quality control tests.
This instruction manual contains warnings and safety rules which
have to be observed by the user to ensure safe operation of the
instrument and to maintain it in safe condition. Therefore, read
through these operating instructions before using the instrument.
● Read through and understand instructions contained in this
manual before using the instrument.
● Keep the manual at hand to enable quick reference whenever
● The instrument is to be used only in its intended applications.
● Understand and follow all the safety instructions contained in
the manual.
It is esse ntial that the a bove instru ction s are adhere d to.
Failure to follow the above instructions may cause injury and or
instrument damage.
The symbol # indicated on the instrument, means that the user
must refer to the related parts in the manual for safe operation of
the instrument. It is essential to read the instructions wherever
the symbol appears in the manual.
# DANGER is reserved for conditions and actions that are
likely to cause serious or fatal injury.
# WARNING is reserved for conditions and actions that can
cause serious or fatal Injury.
# CAUTION is reserved for conditions and actions that can
cause minor injury or instrument damage.
● Do not step on or pinch the cord to prevent the jacket of cord
from being damaged.
● The output connector shall be removed or connected without
clamping a conductor. Otherwise, it may cause a failure.
● Do not ex pose th e ins tr ument to dir ect sun light , high
temperatures, humidity or dew.
● Do not use this instrumen t in dusty place and where the
instrument is likely to get wet.
● Power off the instrument after use. Remove the batteries if
the instrument is to be stored and will not be in use for a long
● Never give shocks, such as vibration or drop, which may
damage the instrument.
● Use a damp cloth and detergent for cleaning the instrument.
Do not use abrasives or solvents.
● Take sufficient care to avoid shock, vibration or excessive
force when handling the instrument. Otherwise, preci sely
adjusted transformer jaws will be damaged.
● When transformer jaws do not fully close, never try to close
them by force, but make them free to move and try again. If a
foreign substance is stuck in the jaw tips, remove it.
● Do not open the jaws by force when transformer jaws are
● Hold the inserting part (except for the cord) and disconnect
the Output Connector from the measuring instrument so as
not to cause a break in the cable.
● Clamp sensor for AC/DC current measurements
● Des i g ned to m eet the in t e r nat i o nal saf e t y s t anda r d
IEC61010-2-032 CAT.III 300V, Pollution degree 2
3.Instrument layout
<Power on/ off>
One press of the Power Switch powers on the instrument and the
green LED lights up. Another press of the Power Switch powers
off the instrument. The instrument is automatically powered off
in about 20 min after the last switch operation. (Auto-power-off
<To disable the Auto-power-off Function>
Keep the Power Switch pressed down at least 3 sec and power
on the instrument. Then the red LED lights up and the Autopower-off Function doesn’t activate when 20 min pass after the
last switch operation.
Model KEW8115
Measuring Range
AC0.1 〜 130Arms
DC0 〜 180A
Output voltage AC/DC 10mV/A
(Input: sine wave)
40 〜 1kHz:
Temperature & humidity range
(Guaranteed accuracy)
23±5ºC, relative humidity 85% or less
(no condensation)
Operating temperature
& humidity range
-10 〜 55 ºC , relative humidity 85% or less
(no condensation)
Storage temperature &
humidity range
-30 〜 70 ºC , relative humidity 85% or less
(no condensation) (*3)
Temperature coefficient
(Accuracy at 23±5℃×±0.1%rdg)/℃ should be added.
(Temperature ranges: -10 to 18℃ and 28 to 55℃)
Output impedance Approx 10Ω or less
Location for use Altitude 2000m or less, indoor use
Applicable standards
IEC 61010-1 CAT. III 300V, Pollution degree 2
IEC 61010-2-032
IEC 61326-1
Withstand voltage
AC3540V (RMS 50/60Hz) for 5 sec
between Jaw and enclosure
between enclosure and output terminal
between Jaw and output terminal
Insulation resistance
10MΩ or more/1000V
between Jaw and enclosure
between enclosure and output terminal
between Jaw and output terminal
Power source DC3V (size AAA alkaline battery LR03×2pcs)
Approx 20 min after powering on the instrument
Low battery warning
2.2±0.2V or less(*4)
red LED flash
Current consumption 25mA or less (battery voltage 3V)
Continuous use Approx 40 hours
Conductor size Max φ12mm
Cord length Approx 120cm
Dimension 127(L)×42(W)×22(D)mm
Weight Approx 140g
Accessories Instruction manual, battery, Soft case
(*1) Under the EMC enviro nment, the instr ume nt temporal ly
reads errors due to the influences of electrical magnetic
fi eld s (abo ut 1 5mV at 3 V/m ). D ecl are d ac cur acy is
guaranteed when a conductor under test is at the center of
the Transformer jaws.
(*2) This instrument doesn’t have Zero Adjustment Function.
This accuracy is defined after a zero-adjustment by using
the device connected with this instrument. It is advisable to
do Zero adjustment before making measurements because
zero value may vary due to temperature change.
(*3) without batteries
(*4) powers off automatically at 1.9±0.2V or less
Instrument works properly even while Low battery indicator
is flashing.
(1) Press the Power Switch to power on the instrument. The
green LED lights up. (*5)
(2) Con nec t the outpu t termi nal to the input terminal of the
measuring instrument.
(3) Press the trigger to open the transformer jaws, and clamp
onto a conductor.
Confirm that the tips of the transformer jaws are surely closed.
(5) Start a measurement. The measured conductor should be at
the center of the jaws. (*6)
(6) Th e me asu re d res ul t is d is p la y ed o n t h e c o nn e ct e d
measuring instrument.
(*5) Keep the Power Switch pressed down at least 3 sec and
pow er on t he instr ument to disab le the Auto-p ower-off
Function. In this case, the red LED lights up after powering
on the instrument.
(*6) Triangle marks on the Transformer Jows showing the center
of the Jaws.
* Currents flowi ng from the top side (si de with the Pow er
switch) to the bottom side (Battery Compartment Cover) are
positive, the ones flowing from the bottom side to the top side
is negative.
* Max conductor size for KEW8115 is max φ12mm. Accurate
measurements cannot be taken on conductors thicker than
above size since the transformer jaws don’t fully close.
Do not give big shocks, when opening / closing tranformer jaws.
6.Battery Replacement
Replace the batteries when a low batter indicator (red LED)
flashes on the LCD.
(1) Press the Power Switch and power off the instrument.
(2) Loo sen 1 screw at the bottom side of the instru ment to
remove the Battery Compartment Cover.
(3) Replace the batteries with new ones.
(size AAA alkaline battery : LR03×2 pcs)
(4) Install the Bat te ry Compart me nt Cover and tighten the
● Do not try to replace batteries when making a measurement
to avoid electric shock hazard.
● Do not mix batteries of different types or new batteries with
used ones.
● Make sure to install batteries in correct polarity as indicated in
the battery compartment.
Instruction Manual
AC/DC Clamp Sensor
KEW 8115