KYORITSU 4300 User Manual

Instruction Manual
Simplified Earth Tester
KEW 4300


1. Safety warnings
2. Features
3. Specification
4. Instrument layout
5. Accessories
6. Getting started
6-1 Battery voltage check
6-2 Attaching Metal tip/ adapter
7. Voltage measurement
7-1 Measurement procedure
7-2 Live circuit warning
8. Earth resistance measurement
8-1 Principle of measurement
8-2 Measurement procedure
9. LCD backlight and LED light
10. Replacing batteries
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1. Safety warnings

This instrument ha s been designe d, manufactured and t ested according to IEC 61010-1: Safety requireme nts fo r Elec tronic measuring apparatus, and delivered in the best condition after passing quality control tests. This instruction manual contains warnings and safety rules which have to be observed by the user to ensure safe operation of the instrument and to maintain it in safe condition. Therefore, read through these operating instructions before using the instrument.
● Read through and understand the instructions contained in this
manual before using the instrument.
● Keep the manual at hand to enable quick reference whenever
● The instrument is to be used only in its intended applications.
● Understand and follow all the safety instructions contained in
the manual. It is essential that the above instructions are adhered to. Failure to follow the above instructions may cause injury, instrument damage and/or damage to equipment under test.
The symbol # indicated on the instrument, means that the user must refer to the related parts in the manual for safe operation of the instrument. It is essential to read the instructions wherever the
symbol appears in the manual.
DANGER : is reserved for conditions and actions that are
likely to cause serious or fatal injury.
WARNING : is reserved for conditions and actions that can
cause serious or fatal injury.
CAUTION : is reserved for conditions and actions that can
cause injury or instrument damage.
● Never make measurement on a circuit in which the electrical
potential exceeds 300V.
● Do not attempt to make measurement in the presence of
flammable gasses. Otherwise, the use of the instrument may
cause sparking, which can lead to an explosion.
● Never attempt to use the instrument if its surface or your hand
is wet.
● Be careful not to short-circuit the power line with the metal
part of the test leads when measuring voltage. It may cause
personal injury.
● Do n ot exce e d th e ma x imum allowa b l e in p u t of any
measurement range.
Never open the Battery compartment cover during a measurement.
● Never attempt to make any measurement if any abnormal
conditions, such as a broken cover or exposed metal parts are
present on the instrument and test leads.
● Do not press the Test button when connecting the test leads to
the instrument.
● Do not install substitute parts or make any modification to
the instrument. Return the instrument to your local Kyoritsu
distributor for repair or re-calibration in case of suspected faulty
● Do not replace batteries if the instrument is wet.
● Ensure that the L-shaped Banana plug of MODEL7248 is firmly
inserted into the E terminal.
● Powe r of f th e instrum e n t wh en openi n g th e Battery
compartment cover for battery replacement.
● Ensure that the instrument is powered off after use and test
leads are disconnected. Remove the batteries if the instrument
is to be stored and will not be in use for a long period.
● Do no t e x pose th e i n strumen t to direct su nlight , high
temperature, humidity or dew.
● Use a damp cloth with neutral detergent or water for cleaning
the instrument. Do not use abrasives or solvents.
● Do not store the instrument if it is wet.
 #
○ Measurement (over-voltage) category
To ensure safe operation of measuring instruments, IEC 61010 establishes safety standards for various electrical environments, categorized as CAT.I to CAT.IV, and called measurement categories. Higher-numbered categories correspond to electrical environments wi th gre ater m oment ary ene rgy, so a mea surin g in strum en t designed for CAT.III environments can endure greater momentary energy than one designed for CAT.II. CAT.I : Sec ond ary e lec tri cal c irc uit s conn ecte d to an A C
CAT.II : Primary electrical circuits of equipment connected to an
CAT.III : Primary electrical circuits of the equipment connected
CAT.IV : The circuit from the service drop to the service entrance,
Primary electrical circuits of the equipment connected directly to the distribution panel, and feeders from the distribution panel to outlets.
Instrument with double or reinforced insulation
User must refer to the explanations in the instruction
(Functional) Earth terminal
Crossed-out wheel bin symbol (according to WEEE Directive: 2002/96/EC) indicating that this electrical product may not be treated as household waste, but that it must be collected and treated separately.
electrical outlet through a transformer or similar device.
AC electrical outlet by a power cord.
directly to the distribution panel, and feeders from the distribution panel to outlets.
and t o th e po wer m e ter a n d pr ima r y ov erc u rre n t protection device (distribution panel).

2. Features

KEW4300 is a simplified earth resistance tester (based on 2-pole
method) that can be used for various distribution lines and electrical appliances and it also can measure AC/DC voltages. (As for AC voltages, true rms values can be obtained.)
● Designed to meet the following safety standards
IEC 61010-1 CAT.III 300V, Pollution degree 2 IEC 61010-031 IEC 61557-1, 5
● 200/ 2000Ω (2 ranges) : auto-ranging
● Warning buzzer triggered at 100Ω or less
● LED lights up when a large earth voltage is detected.
● Small test current (max 2mA) not triggering ELB
● Live circuit warning when 30V or higher voltage is detected. (KEW4300 detects voltage even when measuring resistances.)
● LED light for illuminating measurement points
(It turns on/off automatically in relation to the ambient brightness.)
● Backlight working in conjunction with the LED light
● Glow in the dark button
● User-friendly and compact design
● Auto-p ower-off function is als o availa ble to power off the
instrument when 10 mi n p as s a fter the last operation. This function does not work while a co ntinuous measur em en t is performed.
● Strap for prevent drop
● User replaceable metal tips are supplied as standard accessories

3. Specification

● Measurement range and accuracy (23ºC±5Cº, relative humidity
75% or less)
Voltage/ Earth voltage measurement
Measurement range Display range Accuracy
AC5.0 to 300.0V
(45 to 65Hz)
(425V peak or less)
DC±5.0 to ±300.0V 0.0 to ±314.9V ±1%rdg±8dgt
*AC measurement method : rms detection
* AC/DC auto-detection at 5V or higher * DC sign appears at 5V or higher. (H+S(C+P) terminal: positive side, E terminal : negative side) * The LCD reads 0.0V for 0.9V or lower voltages.
Earth resistance measurement
200Ω Range
2000Ω Range 160 to 2099Ω
5.0 to 2000Ω
Measurement method: Constant current inverter
approx. 1.4mA (200Ω Range)/825Hz approx. 0.7mA (2000Ω Range)/825Hz
0.0 to 314.9V ±1%rdg±4dgt
For the waveforms other than sinewave of CF<2.5, the specified accuracy
±1%f.s. should be applied.
Display range Accuracy
0.0 to 209.9Ω ±3%rdg±5dgt
Open voltage: Approx. 13V
● Applicable
● IEC 61010-1
● IEC 60529(IP40)
● IEC 61557-1, -5
● IEC 61326-1, 2-2
● IEC 61010-031
MODEL7248 / CAT.III600V (Alligator clip should be attached and used
in the CAT. III or higher environment.) MODEL8253 / CAT.III300V (while it is connected to the instrument) * When the test leads are connected to the
instrum ent, the l ower cate gory eith er of
them belongs to is applied.
● Location for use Altitude 2000m or less, indoor use
● LCD Segment display with backlight
● Operating
temperature and
-10ºC to 50ºC,
80% or less (no condensation)
humidity range
● Storage
temperature and
-20ºC to 60ºC,
75% or less (no condensation)
humidity range
● Withstand
● Insulation
● Auto-power-off
AC3,540V(50/60Hz)/ for 5 sec between the electrical circuit and the enclosure
50MΩ or m o re/ DC1 0 0 0V b e tween th e
electrical circuit and the enclosure Auto-power-off function operates with audible
warning and powers off the instrument when approx 10min pass after the last operation. (This function is disabled during a resistance measurement.)
● Backlight Turns off auto matic ally when approx 2min
pass after the last operation. (This function is disabled during a measurement.)
● Dimensions 232(L) x 51(W) x 42(D)mm
(including the metal tip)
● Weight Approx. 220g (including batteries)
● Power source Size AA, alkaline battery x 2pcs
(The use of alkaline LR6 is recommended.)
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