5. Preparation for measurement
5-1 Checking the battery voltage ·············································· 11
5-2 Connecting test leads ························································· 11
6. Measurement
6-1 Mains disconnection check (Voltage measurement) ·········· 12
6-2 Insulation resistance measurement ···································· 13
6-3 Continuous measurement ·················································· 16
6-4 DAR/PI measurement function ··········································· 17
6-5 Voltage characteristics of measuring terminal ···················· 21
6-6 Use of Guard terminal ························································ 21
6-7 Filter function ······································································ 22
6-8 Backlight function ······························································· 22
6-9 Auto-power-off function ······················································ 22
8. Accessories
8-1 Metal part for Line Probe, and replacement ······················· 24
8-2 How to use the adaptor for recorder ·································· 25
8-3 Line probe with alligator clip ··············································· 25
1. Safety warnings
This instrument has been designed, manufactured and tested
according to IEC 61010: Safety requirements for Electronic
measuring apparatus, and delivered in the best condition after
passed the inspection. This instruction manual contains warnings
and safety rules which must be observed by the user to ensure safe
operation of the instrument and retain it in safe condition.
Therefore, read through these operating instructions before using
the instrument.
● Read through and understand instructions contained in this
manual before starting to use the instrument.
● Save and keep the manual at hand to enable quick reference
whenever necessary.
● The instrument is to be used only in its intended applications.
● Understand and follow all safety instructions contained in the
It is essential that the above instructions are adhered to. Failure
to follow the above instructions may cause injury, instrument
damage and/or damage to equipment under test.
The symbol # indicated on the instrument means that the user
must refer to related parts in the manual for safe operation of the
instrument. It is essential to read the instructions wherever the #
symbol appears in the manual.
DANGER is reserved for conditions and actions that are
likely to cause serious or fatal injury.
WARNING is reserved for conditions and actions that can
cause serious or fatal injury.
CAUTION is reserved for conditions and actions that can
cause injury or instrument damage.
● Never make measurement on the circuit in which electrical
potential to ground over 600V exists.
● Do not a tte mpt to make m eas ure men t in t he presence of
flammable gasses. Otherwise, the use of the instrument may
cause sparking, which can lead to an explosion.
● Never attempt to use the instrument if its surface or your hand is
● Be careful not to short-circuit the power line with the metal
part of the test leads when measuring voltage. It may cause
personal injury.
● Do not apply input s exce e d i n g th e max i m u m al l o w able
measuring range.
● Do not press the Test button with test leads connected to the
● Never open the battery compartment cover while making a
● Do not touch the circuit under test while measuring insulation
resistance or right after a measurement. You may get an electric
shock by a test voltage.
Never attempt to make any measurement if any abnormal
conditions are noted, such as broken case and exposed metal parts
or when inner jackets are seen through the nicked outer jacket.
● Do not rotate the Range switch with the test leads connected to
the equipment under test.
● Do not i ns tall substitut e parts or mak e any modificat io n to
the instrument. Return the instrument to your local Kyoritsu
distributor for repair or re-calibration.
● Do not try to repl a c e th e ba t t eries if the surfa c e of the
instrument is wet.
● Firmly insert the plug into the terminal when using test leads.
● Ensure that the instrument is powered off when opening the
battery compartment cover for battery replacement.
● Always make sure to set the Range switch to the appropriate
position before making a measurement.
● Set th e Range Sw i t c h to “O F F ” position af t e r use an d
disconnect the test leads from the instrument. Remove the
batteries if the instrument is to be stored and will not be used for
a long period.
● Do not exp o s e th e in s t rume n t to th e di r e c t su n , hi g h
temperature and humidity or dewfall.
● Use a cloth dipped in alcohol for cleaning the test leads and the
part around the measuring terminals.
● Do not store the instrument if it is wet.
● The Voltage warning mark is being displayed during a measure-
ment and it flashes when voltages 30V(DC/AC) or more exist on
the circuit under test.
Danger of possible electric shock
Instrument with double or reinforced insulation
Earth terminal
Crossed-out wheel bin symbol (according to WEEE
Directive: 2002/96/EC) indicating that this electrical
product may not be treated as household waste, but
that it must be collected and treated separately.
○ Measurement categories(Over-voltage categories)
To ensure safe operation of measuring instruments, IEC 61010
establishes safety standards for various electrical environments,
categorized as CAT I to CAT IV, and called measurement
Higher-numbered categories correspond to electrical environments
with greater momentary energy, so a measuring instrument
designed for CAT III environments can endure greater momentary
energy than one designed for CATII.
CAT I : Secondary electrical circuits connected to an AC
electrical outlet through a transformer or similar device.
CAT II : Primary electrical circuits of equipment connected to an
AC electrical outlet by a power cord.
CAT III : Primary electrical circuits of the equipment connected
directly to the distribution panel, and feeders from the
distribution panel to outlets.
CAT IV : The circuit from the service drop to the service entrance,
and to the power meter and primary overcurrent
protection device (distribution panel).
2. Feature
KEW3126 is a microcomputer controlled, high voltage insulation
resistance tester with 4-range for measuring insulation resistance.
Voltage monitor for insulation resistance range
30−6000V (resolution 10V): ±10%rdg±20V
When KEW3126 and the test lead are combined
and used together, whichever is lower category
either of them belong to is applied.
DC 500V
+30%, -0%
1mA or more,
1.2mA or less
(at 0.5MΩ load)
For 10 sec after a test is started : max 5mA,
after that : 1.4mA
DC 1000V
+20%, -0%
1mA or more,
1.2mA or less
(at 1MΩ load)
DC 2500V
+20%, -0%
1mA or more,
1.2mA or less
(at 2.5MΩ load)
DC 5000V
+20%, -0%
1mA or more,
1.2mA or less
(at 5MΩ load)
100GΩ or more,
This monitor is used to check whether electrical charge stored
on the equipment under test is discharged or not. The measured
voltage value displayed on the LCD is a reference value.
Please be noted that the indicated value, when external AC
voltage is applied to the instrument, is not the correct value.
DC voltageAC voltage
Measuring range±30−±600V30−600V(50/60Hz)
●Display: Liquid crystal display
Insulation resistance range: Max.999 counts
(1000 counts only at 1TΩ display)
V range: Max. 630 counts
Bar graph : Max. 36 points
DAR/PI value : 9.99
Time: 60:00
●Low battery warning: Battery mark display (in 4 levels)
●Overrange indication: “OL” mark appears at insulation resistance
range and “Hi” mark at voltage range.
●Auto-ranging: Range shifts to upper range : 1000 counts
Range shifts to lower range : 80 counts
(Only at the insulation resistance range)
●Auto-power-off: Power off function operates in 10 min. after
the last switch operation.
●Used location: altitude 2000 m or less
●Temperature & humidity range (guaranteed accuracy):
23ºC±5ºC/Relative humidity 85% or less
(no condensation)
●Operating temperature & humidity range:
0ºC to 40ºC/Relative humidity 85% or less
(no condensation)
●Storage temperature & humidity range:
-20ºC to +60ºC/Relative humidity 75% or less
(no condensation)
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