KYORITSU 2500 User Manual

1Safety warnings
This instrument has been designed, manufactured and tested
according to IEC 61010: Safety requirements for Electronic measuring apparatus, and delivered in the best condition after passing quality control tests. This instruction manual contains warnings and safety rules which have to be observed by the user to ensure safe operation of the instrument and to maintain it in safe
condition. Therefore, read through these operating
Read through and understand the instructions contained in
this manual before using the instrument.
Kee p t h e ma n ual at hand to enabl e q u ick refe r e nce
whenever necessary.
The instrument is to be used only in its intended applications.
Understand and follow all the safety instructions conta
ined in
the manual. It is essential that the above instructions are adhered to. Failure to follow the above instructions may cause injury, instrument damage and/or damage to equipment under test. Kyoritsu is by no means liable for any damage resulting from the instrument in contradiction to these cautionary notes.
Th e symbo l # in dic at e d on t he i ns tru men t, m ea ns that
the user must re fer to th e rel
ate d p arts in the ma nual for safe operati on of the instrument. It is essential to read the instructions wherever the symbol appears in the manual.
# DANGER : is reserved for conditions and actions that are
likely to cause serious or fatal injury.
# WARNING : is reserved for conditions and actions that can
cause serious or fatal injury.
# CAUTION : is reserved for conditions and actions that can
ause injury or instrument damage.
Please refer to following explanation of the symbols used on the instrument and in this manual.
User must refer to th e expl an at io ns in the inst ru ct io n manual.
Instrument with double or reinforced insulation
Appli ca ti on around haza rd ou s live cond uc to rs is NO T permitted.
Cr oss e d-o ut whe el bin s ymb o l (ac c ord ing t o WEEE Directive: 2002/96/EC) indicating that this electrical product may not be treated as household waste, but that it must be collected and treated separately.
Instruction Manual
Ne ve r make mea su re ments on a cir cu it in w hi ch ear th
potentials of 300V or higher exist.
Do not attempt to make measurements in the presence of
flammable gasses. Otherwise, the use of the instrument may cause sparking, which can lead to an explosion.
Never attempt to use the instrument if its surface or your
hand is wet.
Do no t ex ceed the maxim u m al l o wabl e inp u t of any
measuring ra
Ne v e r open the Ba tte r y co mpa r tme n t cove r du rin g a
Never atte mp t t o make an y measure me nt s if the clamp
sensor and/or the instrument has any structural abnormality, such as a crack, or if the cover is not securely attached.
Do not measure AC currents.
Th e inst rum e n t sh o u l d be used on ly in its in ten ded
appli ca ti on s or co nd itions. Othe rw is e, safe ty function s equipped with the
instrument do not work, and instrument
damage or serious personal injury may be caused.
Never attempt to make any measurements if any abnormal
conditions, such as a broken cover or exposed metal parts are present on the instrument and clamp sensor.
Do not install substitute pa rts or make any modifi cations
to the i ns tru men t. R et urn the i nst ru men t to y our loc al KYORITSU distributor fo
r repair or re-calibration in case of
suspected faulty operation.
Do not try to re pl ac e the b at te ri es if t he surface of the
instrument is wet.
Ensur e t hat th e Clamp senso r is di sc onnecte d from th e
obje ct under test, and that the instrument is powered off when openin g the Batter y compartment cover for batter y replacement.
Do n ot exp ose the ins tru men t to dir ect su nl i gh t , hig h
ure, humidity or dew.
This instrument is not water/ dustproof. Do not use it in a
dusty environment or where it will get wet.
Always po wer off t he inst rument after us e. Remo ve the
batteries if the instrument is to be stored and will not be in use for a long period.
Use a damp cloth with neutral detergent or water for cleaning
the instrument. Do not use abrasives or solvents.
Measurement C
ategory To ensure safe operation of measuring instruments, IEC 61010 establ ishes safety stan dards for various electri cal environ ­ments, categorized as O to CAT.IV, and called measurement ca t ego r ies . Hi ghe r -nu m ber e d cate g ori e s corr e spo n d to electrical environments with greater momentary energy, so a measuring instrument designed for CAT.III environments can endure greater momentary energy than
one designed for CAT.II.
O : Circuits which are not directly connected to the mains
power supply.
CAT.II : Electric al circu its of equip ment conn ected to an AC
electrical outlet by a power cord.
CAT.III : Primary electrical circuits of the equipment connected
directly to the distribution panel, and feeders from the distribution panel to outlets.
CAT.IV : T he ci rcu i t fr o m th e s e r vic e dro p to the s
er v i ce ent rance, an d to the po w e r me t e r an d p r i m a r y overcurrent protection device (distribution panel).
2. Feature
Instrumentation signal (DC4–20mA) measurement
DC current (0-100mA) measu re ment without brea ki ng the
electrical circuit.
LED light for illuminating the measurement spot
Auto-power-off function
Percentage span
Analog output function to output the measured results to the
r or digital multi-meter.
Data hold function
Measuring range and accuracy (23ºC±5ºC, RH 75% or less) (1) DC current (auto-range)
Range Display range
Accuracy Condition
20mA 0.00 to ±21.49mA 0.00 to ±21.49mA ±0.2%rdg±5dgt After Zero-
Adjustment described at clause 6 (1)
100mA ±21.0 to ±126.0mA ±21.0 to ±120.0mA ±1.0%rdg±5dgt
(2) Analog output function To o ut put DC volt ag e (10m V/ mA ) correspo nd in g to the
Range Display range Output voltage Accuracy
20mA 0.00 to ±21.49mA 0.0 to ±214.9mV Accuracy specified at clause 3
(1) plus (±0.5mV)
100mA ±21.0 to ±126.0mA ±210 to ±1260mV Accuracy specified at clause 3
(1) plus (±3mV)
* 1300mV is output when the display shows OL. (-1300mV for
See clause 6 for explanations on OL display. * Output impedance : approx. 5kΩ
IEC61010-1, IEC61010-2-
Measurement CAT.II 300V Pollution degree 2 IEC61010-2-032 IEC61326 (EMC) IEC60529 IP40
Display Liquid crystal display
(see also 4. Instrument layout)
Refresh rate approx. once/ 0.6 second
Location for use In-door use, altitude 2000m or less
Operating tempera-
ture & humidity
-10 to +50 RH85 or less (no condensation)
Storage tempera-
ture & humidity
-20 to +60 RH85 or less (no condensation)
Power source size AA battery x 4 pcs
(The use of alkaline LR6 is recommended.)
Battery life approx. 60 hours continuous (with Backlight
and LED light OFF)
Auto-power-off Power off function operates in 10 min. after
the last swit ch operat ion. Th is function is disabled when a cord is being connected to the OUTPUT terminal.
Incoming wire
Device which is not directly connected to the mains power supply
Interior wiring
Add 0.1 x specified accuracy/ ºC (above 28ºC or below 18ºC)
Withstand voltage
AC2210V for 5 sec (between electrical circuit and enclosure)
Insulation resistance
100MΩ or more/ 1000V (between electrical circuit and enclosure)
Conductor size max. Ф6mm
Dimension 111(L) x 61(W) x 40(D)mm
Weight approx. 290g (including batteries)
Accessory Soft case MODEL9096 x 1 pce
Size AA Alk
aline battery LR6 x 4 pcs
Instruction manual (Japanese/ English) x 1 pce
Optional accessory
Analog output cord MODEL7256
4Instrument layout
5Getting started
(1) Power on the instrument, and then check smooth opening and
closing of clamp sensor.
(2) Check the remaining battery level before making a measure-
ment. Press the Power button and get the instrument started.
When the battery empty in
dicator appears in the LCD, please
replace the batteries with new ones according to 8. Battery
replacement in this manual.
(3) Ensure that the Data hold function is not in active status.
6Operating instructions
Do not clamp onto the un-insulated conductor.
Always use the dedicated analog output cord MODEL 7256
when utilizing the analog output function.
Keep your fingers an
d han ds behind the barrier during a
To avoid false reading, check that the Clamp sensor is clean
before starting to use the instrument.
Bring the Clamp sensor close to the conductor under test
and zero adjust the display in order to minimize the influence of electromagnetic waves.
Take sufficien t care to n ot to appl y shoc k, v ib ra ti on o r
excessive force when opening and
closing the clamp sensor. Otherwise, accurate measured results may not be obtained. Please open and close the sensor lightly.
(1) Zero Adjustment Perform zero adjustment prior to starting a measurement. With the transformer jaws closed and without clamping them onto the conductor, press the Zero ADJ. button. Then the Zero adjustment mark
 is shown on the LCD for
about one second. (2) Measurement Press the Jaw trigger to open the transformer jaws and clamp them onto the conductor under test and take the reading on the display. (See the figure below.)
Whe n the current flow s in th e same direction as indicated by the arrow mark on the jaws, the polarity of the reading is positive and vice versa.
* %(Span) display The sub-display shows
percentage value as the basis of 4mA is 0% and 20mA is 100%. (at 20mA Range only) The percentage is displayed on the main display by pressing the DISP button. In this case, the current value is displayed on the sub-display.
* When connecting the Analog output cord to the instrument, the
sub-display shows OUT for 1 sec.
When making measurements for long periods of time:
- leave the instrument for the warm-up period of several tens of minutes after powering it on, and then start a recording.
- readings will vary when the ambient temperature changes. In this case, the temperature coefficients specified at clause 3 an
d fluctuations at zero (about 20 counts fluctuate when temperature changes by 10ºC) should be taken into consideration.
8Battery replacement
Ensur e t hat th e Clamp senso r is di sc onnecte d from th e
obje ct under test, and that the instrument is powered off when openin g the Batter y compartment cover for batter y replacement.
Do not mix new and old batteries or mix different types
Install batteries in correct polarity as marked inside.
Re pla ce b att er i es w ith the new ones when the empty battery mark
 is displ ayed on the LCD.
The LCD does not show anything, ev en th e em pty ba t t e r y ma rk, when the batteries are completely exhausted.
[ How to replace batteries ] (1) Power off the instrument. (2) Lo osen the scre w a t t he back si de of th e inst rument and
remove the Battery compartment cover.
(3) Remove all the old batteries and install new ones, four size
AA batteries, in correct polarity. The use o
f alkaline batteries
(LR6) is recommended.
(4) Reattac h t he Batt ery comp ar tment co ve r a nd tighten th e
DC Milliamp Clamp Meter
KEW 2500
The table at the right shows the rel ation ship betwe en %(Spa n) values and the measured values (mA). T he p e r c en ta ge v a l u e i s calculated based on the following formula, assuming the measured value as X. Percentage = (|X| - 4.00)×6.25
Measured values (mAPercentage display (%)
20.00 100.0
0.00 25.0
2.00 12.5
4.00 0.0
12.00 50.0
20.00 100.0
100.0 −−−
* Over-limit indication When the input exceeds the max measuring ra
nge (126.0mA),
"OL" or -OL (for negative values) is indicated on the display. When the Range reaches to the 100mA, bars (---) are displayed instead of the percentage value.
7Other functions
7.1 Data Hold Function
This is a function to freeze the measured value on the display. Press the Data hold button once to freeze the reading. The reading will be held regardless of subsequent variation in inp
The Data hold mark "
" is indicated on the display while the instrument is in the Data Hold mode. To exit Data Hold mode, press the Data hold button again.
7.2 Auto-power-off function
The instrument automatically powers off about 10 min after the last operation. This function is disabled while the cord is being connected to the analog output terminal. To disable this function at all times, hold down the Data hold butto
n while powering on the
instrument. The LCD shows P.oFF for about 1 sec immediately after powering on the instrument. To restore this function, power off once and power on again.
7.3 Backlight & LED light
Press the Light button to turn on or off the LED light and LCD backlight. These lights automatically turn off after two minutes. To disable the automatic light timeout, hold down the Light button while powering on the instrument. The LCD shows L.oFF for about 1 sec immediately after powering on the instrument. To restore this function, power off once and power on again.
7.4 Analog output function
DC voltage signal corresponding to the measured result is output from the Analog output terminal. (10mV/mA) It can be checked on a recorder or a digital multi-meter connected to the instrument by using MODEL7256 output cord.
correct wrong
Battery compartment cover
Zero ADJ. button
DISP button (to switch displays)
Light button
LED light
Data hold button
Power button
Analog output terminal
Transformer Jaws
Polarity mark
Main unit
Clamp sensor
Battery level indicator
Hold mark
Zero ADJ. mark
Sub display
Main display
2-12 92-2078
Kyoritsu reserves the rights to change specifications or designs described in this manual without notice and without obligations.
To digital multi­meter or recorder
Analog output cord M-7256