Clamp Sensor:Pick up current flowing through the conductor.
Barrier:It is a part providing protection against electrical shock
an d en surin g th e mi nimum req uired air and cre ep age
A Zero Adjust Button:Used for zero adjustment on DCA. Also used
to reset the display resding.
Data Hold Button:Freezes the display reading.
Function Selector Switch:Selects function. Also used to
power the
instrument on.
Range Select or But ton:Select s meas uring mode. When t he
Ω range the d efaults to the Resistance . Then, press this
switch to cycle through Resistance → Diode → Cotinuity →
Cap acitor → R esistance. When the 60A, 120A r ange the
defaults to the AC. Then, press this switch to cycle through AC
→ DC → AC.
Test Lead Cap:Test leads can be used under the CAT.II and III
environme nts by at
taching a Prote ctive cap as illu strat ed
bel ow. Use of our Protective cap offer s d iffe rent len gths
suitable for the test environments.
● The Cap should be firmly attached to the Probes.
(1)Checking battery voltage
Set the Function Selector Switch to any position other than
the OFF position. If the marks on the display is clearly legible
without symbol "
" showing, battery voltage is OK.
If the display blanks or "
" is indicated, replace the
batteries according to section 8: Battery Replacement.
● When the instrument is left powered on, the auto-power-save
function automatically shut the power off; The display blanks
even if the Function Selector Switch is set to a position other
than the OFF position in this state.
To power on the instrument, turn the Function Selector Switch
or press any Button. If the display still blanks, the batteries are
Replace the batteries.
(2) M
ake sure that the Function Selector Switch is set to the
appropriate range.
Also make sure that data hold function is not enabled. If
inappro pria te range is selected, desi red measurement
cannot be made.
(3) Permits the measurement by placing the
one test lead in the holster while confirming
the measurement value.
● Verify proper operation on a known source before use or taking
action as a result of the indication of the instrument.
6-4 Diode Measurement
(1) Set the Function Selector Switch to "
(2) Press the
Button. "" mark is shown on the display.
(3) Connect the test leads to the circuit under test.
The measured value appears on the display.
[ Forward-bias Diode Test ]
Connect the red test lead to the anode and the black test
lead to the cathode.
[ Reverse-bias Diode Test ]
Connect the red test lead to the cathode and the black test
lead to the anode.
Note:◇ Hold the cla
mp sensor in the holster, while making the
diode measurement
6-5 Continuity Measurement
(1) Set the Function Selector Switch to "
(2) Press the
Button. " " mark is shown on the display.
(3) Connect the test leads to the circuit under test.
The measured value appears on the display.
When the measurement value is lower than 35±25Ω, the
instrument beeps.
Note:◇ Hold the clamp sensor in the holster, while making the
continuity measurement
6-6 Capacitor Measurement
(1) Set the Function Selector Switch to "
(2) Press the
Button. "F" mark is shown on the display.
(3) Connect the test leads to the circuit under test.
The measured value appears on the display.
Note:◇ Hold the clamp sensor in the holster, while making the
capacitor measurement.
6-7 Frequency Measurement
● I n ord er to a vo id po ss ible shock hazar d, ne ve r ma ke
measurement on circuits with a maximum voltage difference
of 600V or grea ter bet ween conductors (300V or g reater
between a conductor and ground).
● D o not make measurement with the test leads connecte d
to the circuit under test. Never make measurement with the
battery compartment cover removed.
● D o not mak e current mea sur eme nt wit h the t
es t leads
connected to the circuit under test.
● K eep your fin ger s and h ands behin d the b arrier dur ing
(1) Set the Function Selector Switch to "Hz."
(2) Measuring frequency of current:
A djust one o f t he conductors to the cente r o f the clamp
sensor's arrow.
Measured value is shown on the display.
Measuring frequency of voltage:
Connect the test leads to the circuit under
test. Measured
frequency is shown on the display.
Note:◇ Do not use both the clamp sensor and the test leads at
the same time, while making the frequency measurement.
◇ Hold the test leads in the holster, while making the frequency
measurement by using the clamp sensor.
◇ H old t he clamp sensor in the holster, whi le ma kin g the
frequency measurement by using the test leads.
7-1 Auto-Power-Save Function
● A small amount of current is consumed even in the power-save
state. Make sure to set the Function Selector Switch to the
OFF position when the instrument is not used.
This function helps to avoid unwanted exhaustion of the batteries
because of leaving the instrument powered on and extend battery
The instrument automatically shifts to the power-save state about
15 minutes after the last F
unction Selector Switch or other switch
A minute before power-save mode the instrument beeps 5 times,
finally beeps longer and then shifts to the power-save mode.
To return to the normal state:
Press t he
Button or the
Button to return from the
power-save mode state to the normal state.
Note:◇ Pressing the
Button or the
Button over 2 sec
to return from the power-save mode state, the function of
each button is also enabled.
(ex.) When the function is 60A a nd in the power-save
mod e, press ing
Butt on over 2sec releases the
power-save mode and changes from initial AC mode to
DC mode.
To cancel the Auto-Power-Save Function
To cancel the Auto-Power-Save Function, turn the function
switch from OFF position to any other position with pressing
Note:◇ When the function switch is 60A or 120A, pressing A
ZERO ADJ Button over 2 sec enables to cancel the AutoPower-Save Function.
In this case, pressing A ZERO ADJ Button over 2 sec once
agin enables the Auto-Power-Save Function.
To enable the Auto-Power-Save Function once again
Turn the function switch to the OFF, and then to any position.
7-2 Data Hold Function
This is
a function to freeze a measured value on the display.
Press the
Button once to hold the current reading. In this
data hold state, the reading is held even if input varies. "
mark is shown on the LCD. To exit the data hold state, press the
Button again.
Note:◇ D at a Ho ld Fu nc tion is not ef fective whi le mak in g
Continuity or Diode measurement.
◇ When the function is on the position where
Button or
A ZERO ADJ Button is effective, pressing
Button or
A ZERO ADJ Button cancels the held indication.
● In order to avoid possible shock hazard, always disconnect
the test leads from the circuit under test and set the Function
Selector Switch to the OFF position before trying to replace the
●Do not mix new and old batteries.
● Install batteries in the orientation as shown inside the battery
compartment, observing correct polarity.
When the battery voltage warning mark "
" is shown on the
top left corner of the LCD, replace the batteries. Note that the
display blanks and "
" mark is not shown if the batteries are
completely exhausted.
(1) Set the Function Selector Switch to "OFF."
(2) Remove the instrument from the holster.
(3) Loosen the battery-compartment-cover-fixing screw on the
lower back of the instrument.
(4) Replace the batteries with two new R03 (UM-4) 1.5V batteries.
(5) Put the battery compartment cover back in place and tighten
the screw.
[ How to storage
the clamp sensor and the test leads ]
6-1 Current Measurement
● I n ord er to avo id p os si ble sh ock ha zard, nev er mak e
measurement on circuits with a maximum voltage difference
of 600V or grea ter bet ween conductors (300V or g reater
between a conductor and ground).
● Do not make measurement with the test leads connected to
the circuit under test.
● Never make measurement with the battery compartment cover
● K eep your fin ger s and h ands behin d the b
ar rie r dur ing
● To avoid electrical shock by touching the equipment under test
or its surroundings, be sure to wear insulated protective gear.
● When handling the clamp sensor, exercise caution not to apply
excessive shocks or vibration to the sensor.
●Maximum measurable conductor size is 12mm in diameter.
Note: ◇ Make sure that the test leads are in the holster while
making current measurement.
Instrument can show the value over 120A, but the safe and
proper measurement range is limited lower than 120A.
6-1-1 DC Current Measurement
(1) The Function Selector Switch to the "60A" or "120A" position.
("AC" marks are shown on the top of the display.)
(2) Press the
Button. " " mark is shown on the display.
(3) P ress t he A ZERO A DJ Button to set t he reading o f the
instrument to zero.
(Incorrect zero adjustment makes measurement errors.)
(4) A djust one of the cond uctors to the center of the clamp
sensor's arrow.
( When the position of the conductor is not at the center of
the arrow, the error occurs.)
Measured value is shown on the display.
Note:◇ T he dire
ction of curre nt is plu s(+) w hen the cur rent
flows from the upside (A ZERO ADJ. Button side) to the
underside The direction is minus(-) when the current flows
from the underside to the upside.
◇ Minus "-" mark is shown at the left side of the value and
the bar graph while making minus current measurement.
◇ By changing the function switch 60A or 120A to the other
posi tion, the AC/DC mode is r
eset to the default (AC
mode). To set the DC mode, press the
Button again.
◇ T he zero adjustme nt is effective only for the current
◇ After the zero adjustment the instrument operates as
(1) The bar graph disappears.
(2) The maximum counts is changed according to the
adjusted value.
The maximum count is 6039-100=5939, when
adjusted +100 counts to zero.
(3) △mark is shown on the display.
Pressing A ZERO ADJ. Button again or
changing the function switch releases zero adjustment
function when the zero adjustment is effective.
◇ Pressing the A ZERO ADJ button over 2 sec releases the
zero adjustment function.
6-1-2 AC Current Measurement
(1) Set the Function Selector Switch to "60A." or "120A".
" mark is shown on the top of the LCD.)
(2) A djust one of the cond uctors to the center of the clamp
sensor's arrow.
( When the position of the conductor is not at the center of
the arrow, the error occurs.)
Measured value is shown on the display.
Note:◇ Unlike DC current measurement, zero adjustment is not
necessary. There is not polarity indication either.
6-2 Voltage Measurement
● I n ord er to avo id p os si ble sh ock ha zard, nev er mak e
measurement on circuits with a maximum voltage difference
of 600V or grea ter bet ween conductors (300V or g reater
between a conductor and ground).
● D o not make measurement with the battery compartment
cover removed.
● K eep your fin ger s and h ands behin d the b arrier dur ing
Note:◇ Make sure that the clamp sensor is in the holster
making voltage measurement.
◇ I
nstrument may show the value over 600V, but the safe
and proper measurement range is limited lower than 600V.
6-2-1 DC Voltage Measurement
(1) Set the Function Selector Switch to "
" mark is shown on the LCD.)
(2) Short-circuit the tips of test leads to make the indication zero.
(3) Connect the red test lead to the positive (+) side of the circuit
under test and the black test lead to the negative (-) side.
Measured voltage value is shown on the display.
When the connection is reversed, "-" is shown on the display.
6-2-2 AC Voltage Measurement
(1) Set the Function Selector S
witch to " ".
" mark is shown on the LCD.)
(2) Connect the test leads to the circuit under test.
Measured voltage value is shown on the display.
Note:◇ The displayed value might be few digits instead of zero
even if shorting the test leads.
6-3 Resistance Measurement
●Never make measurement on circuits that are live.
● Never make measurement with the battery compartment cover
● K eep your fin ger s and h ands behin d the b arrier dur ing
(1) Set the Function Selector Switch to "
(2) Press the
Button and "Ω" mark is shown and " " mark
is not shown on the display (Resistance Measurement).
Immediately after setting t he Function Selector Switch to
", is not necessary to operate the
(3) Check that the display shows "
". Short the test leads and
check that the display reads about zero.
(4) Connect the test leads to the circuit under test. Measured
resistance value is shown on the display.
When the test leads are shorted, the display may read a small
resistance value. This is the resistance of the test leads.
◇ If there is an open in either of the test leads, " " is
shown on the display.
◇ The capacitive factor of the tested circuit may cause the
fluctuation of the measurement value, while making the
resistance measurement of high value .
◇ Make sure that the clamp sensor is in the holster while
making resistance measurement.