SOLAR MODULES Assembly and Maintenance Instructions I March 2010
KD-Series: KD135GH-2PU-KD235GH-2PB
About these instructions.............................................1
2 Description of the solar modules ................................1
3 Safety ..........................................................................2
4 Assembly.....................................................................2
5 Electrical connection ...................................................3
6 Maintenance ...............................................................4
7 Disclaimer ...................................................................4
8 Customer service / Contact.........................................4
1 About these instructions
These instructions contain information about safe handling of
KYOCERA solar modules of the KD-series.
They are directed at personnel with electro-technical qualifications and contain safety-relevant instructions for the assembly, connection and maintenance of the solar modules.
The solar modules may only be mounted by personnel with
electro-technical qualifications. Appropriately qualified technicians must always be deployed to service the units or remedy faults during operation.
Please read these instructions carefully before handling the
solar module and familiarise yourself with the safety information. After the module has been installed, hand over these
instructions to the operator of the solar modules for safekeeping.
2.3 Technical data
Type designation
Electrical data (at standard test conditions: Irradiation 1000 W/m2; air mass AM 1.5; module temperature 25°C)
Voc [V] 22.1 29.5 33.2 33.2 36.9 36.9 36.9 36.9
ISC [A] 8.37 8.58 8.58 8.78 8.36 8.36 8.55 8.55
Vpm [V] 17.7 23.6 26.6 26.6 29.8 29.8 29.8 29.8
Ipm [A] 7.63 7.84 7.90 8.09 7.72 7.72 7.89 7.89
Bypass diode (pre-installed)
Phase fuse [A] 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15
Temperature properties: Temperature coefficient
Voc [V/°C] -0.80*10-1 -1.06*10-1 -1.20*10-1 -1.20*10-1 -1.33*10-1 -1.33*10-1 -1.33*10-1 -1.33*10-1
Isc [A/°C] 5.02*10-3 5.15*10-3 5.15*10-3 5.27*10-3 5.02*10-3 5.02*10-3 5.13*10-3 5.13*10-3
[W/°C] -6.14*10-1 -8.40*10-1 -9.60*10-1 -9.91*10-1 -1.04 -1.04 -1.07 -1.07
Physical properties:
Length [mm] 1500 1338 1500 1500 1662 1662 1662 1662
Width [mm] 668 990 990 990 990 990 990 990
Height [mm] 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46
Weight [kg] 12.5 16.0 18.0 18.0 21.0 21.0 21.0 21.0
Assembly holes Diameter 9 mm, 4 units
Grounding holes Diameter 9 mm, 4 units
Application class Class A
135 185 210 215 230 230 235 235
2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
2 Description of the solar modules
2.1 Proper use
The solar modules use the photovoltaic principle to turn light
into electricity. The solar modules are primarily designed for
connection to an inverter to feed the energy into the public
power grid. When connecting to a charge controller, please
observe the instructions of the manufacturer of the charge
controller and accumulator. Several solar modules can be
connected in series or in parallel.
The solar modules may not be directly connected to electrical
2.2 Description
The solar modules have an aluminium assembly frame with
assembly and grounding holes. The solar modules have a
junction box and solar cables with plugs for the electrical
connection. Appendix 1 of these instructions contains an
illustration of a solar module.
Grounding holes
Junction box
Assembly holes
Module frame
Solar cable
The solar modules are equipped with bypass diodes. In the
event of clouding, these minimise the losses and help to
prevent damage to the solar modules. The solar modules are
not equipped with blocking diodes preventing battery discharging at night. Most PV charge regulators incorporate
nighttime disconnect feature. The solar modules comply with
the application class A in accordance with IEC/EN 61730-1.
3 Safety
Solar modules generate power, producing voltage and cur-
rent as soon as they are exposed to light. A single solar module generates a voltage of below 50 VDC; if several modules
are connected in series, the voltages of the individual modules accumulate and can pose a hazard.
Potentially fatal risk due to electrical shock if
damaged solar modules are touched.
• Only touch solar modules with fractured or
broken front glass or a damaged rear foil if
you are wearing rubber gloves.
• Only touch damaged solar modules if it is
absolutely necessary.
Risk of falling when working on roofs.
• Use suitable fall protection equipment.
• Observe the accident prevention regulations.
Risk of injury from falling objects.
• Cordon off a safe distance around the haz-
ardous zone when working on roofs.
To avoid damage to the solar module, please
observe the following points:
• Do not apply paint or any adhesives to the
rear side of the solar module.
• Never use the junction box or the solar cable
to carry the unit.
• Do not expose the solar module to concen-
trated light.
• Do not allow any objects to fall upon the
solar module.
• Avoid scratches to the front glass.
Risk of breaking the solar module.
• Do not walk across or step on the solar
4 Assembly
Assembly work may only be performed by
trained and qualified personnel.
4.1 Safety information relating to assembly
KYOCERA solar modules are “non-explosion-
protected operating equipment”.
• Do not install the solar module close to
flammable gases or vapours.
Potentially fatal risk if live parts are touched.
• Cover the solar module with opaque foils or
materials during assembly.
Risk of falling when working on roofs.
• Use suitable fall protection equipment.
• Do not perform assembly work in strong
• Only perform assembly work in dry weather
• Observe the accident prevention regulations.
4.2 Select the location
Before installing the PV system, contact local authorities to
determine the necessary permits, installation and inspection
requirements. During assembly, pay attention to the local
building standards.
The solar modules can be installed on roofs or open space on
support structures. To achieve maximum power yields for
feeding into the public grid, the following should be observed
when selecting the installation site: The solar irradiation
should be as high as possible distributed throughout the year.
To this end, the surface of the solar modules in the northern
hemisphere must face south. In Europe, the ideal module
slope is approx. 30° - 40°. While a bigger module slope leads
to energy losses, smaller module slope can also lead to high
accumulations of non-slipping snow on the module, which
might cause damages to the module or its frame. The solar
modules should not be exposed to shadows cast by trees or
buildings as this would lead to energy losses. For more information about the selection of the site, please contact the
KYOCERA customer service.
4.3 Preparatory work for assembly
The solar module must be mounted to a support structure.
Please observe the information provided by the mount manufacturer when selecting the support structure.
If installed on a roof, the solar modules must be mounted on
a fire-resistant surface.
KYOCERA Assembly and Maintenance Instructions, March 2010
KYOCERA Assembly and Maintenance Instructions, March 2010

4.4 Mounting the solar module
Please observe the following during assembly:
• A clearance of at least 15 mm needs to be kept be-
tween the module frame and the attachment surface.
This allows the cool ambient air to circulate below the
solar module. This is necessary for optimum performance in all application ranges.
• There should be a clearance of at least 3.2 mm be-
tween the individual module frames to allow heatrelated expansion.
• The solar modules can be installed in either an up-
right or landscape position.
• If high accumulations of snow on the lowest module
row occur on site, the lower part of the frame may be
damaged when slipping snow is piled up there. This
can be avoided by e.g. attaching support parts at the
lowest modules.
• When selecting the material for the support structure,
pay attention to the electrochemical series in order to
avoid galvanic corrosion between different kinds of
• Fasten modules firmly to a support structure designed
to withstand the local wind and snow loads
4.4.1 Screw attachment
Assembly material
• Stainless steel screws, diameter 8 mm (4 units)
• Nuts with locking teeth (4 units)
No holes may be drilled into the module frame.
9 Please see the drawing in Appendix 1 of these
instructions for the positions of the mounting holes.
9 Drill the required assembly holes to the support
9 Tighten the screws with adequate torque (usually
12.5 Nm) to securely attach the solar module to the
supporting frame. As adequate torque figure depends
on selected bolt nuts, follow the manufacturers'
recommended numbers.
4.4.2 Clamps
Assembly material
• Rustproof module clamps (at least 4 units).
• Please observe the information provided by the
manufacturer when selecting the clamps.
The module clamps
- must not bend the module frame.
- must not touch the front glass.
- must not cast a shadow on the front glass.
- must not damage the surface of the frame.
- must be at least 40 mm long respectively.
- must overlap the module frame by at least 7 mm.
- must cover the module frame by min.
Minimum clamp length for each overlap:
360 mm² respectively.
overlap [mm] 7 7.5 8 8.5 9 10
length [mm]
51.5 48 45 42.4 40 40
9 Define the positions of the clamps based on the
drawings in Appendix 2.
9 Tighten the module clamps to the torque stated by
the clamp manufacturer.
9 Fasten modules firmly by clamps designed to with-
stand the local wind and snow loads.
4.4.3 Assembly to insertion system
When mounting the modules to an insertion system, follow
the instructions in the drawings in Appendix 2. Please observe the information provided by the manufacturer.
5 Electrical connection
Only specially trained and qualified personnel
may make the electrical connection.
5.1 Safety information relating to the electrical
Potentially fatal risk if live parts are touched.
• Never disconnect or connect electrical con-
tacts when under load.
• Only use dry, insulated tools for the electrical
assembly work.
• Never touch live parts with bare hands.
• Cover the solar module during installation
with opaque foils or materials.
• Do not wear any metal jewellery.
5.2 Wiring of the solar modules
The maximum system voltage of solar modules connected to
each other may not exceed 1000 VDC. When designing the
system, please note that the module voltage increases when
the temperatures are low. Do not connect the modules in
parallel without max. over current protection.
Under normal conditions, solar modules can supply higher
currents and/or a higher voltage than reported at the standard test conditions (see chapter 2.3 “Technical Data”).
Therefore, when determining component voltage ratings,
conductor current ratings, fuse sizes, and the size of controls
connected to the output of the solar modules, the stipulated
and Voc should be multiplied with a factor of 1.25.
values of I
Only interconnect modules of the same type within a system.
The solar modules are equipped ex-works with 4 mm
cables. The solar cables have Multi-Contact® PV-3-plugs.
These plugs are designed for series wiring only. Always use
special solar cables with a diameter of at least 4 mm² and
Multi-Contact® PV-3-plugs for further series or parallel wiring.
When wiring, proceed as follows:
• Ensure the poles are connected correctly and that the
plugs are connected properly without gaps
• Observe the minimum bending radius of 24.5 mm of
the solar cables that are used.
5.3 Connection of the solar modules
Please observe the information provided by the manufacturer
of the inverter when connecting the solar modules to an
KYOCERA Assembly and Maintenance Instructions, March 2010
5.4 Grounding of the solar modules
To minimise the risk of an electrical shock, the frames of the
solar modules should be grounded.
Assembly material
• stainless steel screw, diameter 8 mm with serrated
washer and nut
• suitable grounding cable
Ensure that the anodised layer of the frame is penetrated and
a secure electrical contact is created with the frame.
9 Please see the drawing in Appendix 1 of these in-
structions for the positions of the grounding holes.
9 Screw the grounding cable firmly to one of the
grounding holes using the stainless steel screw and a
min. torque of 8 Nm.
6 Maintenance
Only specially trained and qualified personnel
may service the solar system.
KYOCERA solar modules are designed for long-term service
and are almost maintenance-free.
6.1 Safety information relevant for maintenance
Risk of falling when working on roofs.
• Use suitable fall protection equipment.
• Observe the accident prevention regulations.
6.2 Cleaning the solar module
When the slope is adequate (> 15 degrees), the solar mod-
ules do not need to be cleaned thanks to the self-cleaning
effect of the rain. If heavily soiled, clean with plenty of water,
a mild detergent and a soft cloth/sponge.
6.3 Solar module maintenance
The system should be inspected once a year with regard to
the following:
• Secure hold and no rust on any of the attachments
• Secure connection, cleanliness and that all cable con-
nections are free of corrosion
• Soundness of cables and front glass
7 Disclaimer
KYOCERA’s “Limited Warranty for Photovoltaic-Modules”
does not apply if this assembly and maintenance instruction is
not strictly observed. KYOCERA will not assume any liability for
damage arising from improper use, wrong assembly, operation or maintenance.
KYOCERA Assembly and Maintenance Instructions, March 2010
8 Customer service / Contact
KYOCERA Fineceramics GmbH
Solar Division
Fritz-Mueller-Strasse 27
D-73730 Esslingen / Germany
• for technical questions:
Tel: +49 (0)711-93934-998
Fax: +49 (0)711-93934-861
E-Mail: pv-support@kyocera.de
• for general questions:
Tel: +49 (0)711-93934-999
Fax: +49 (0)711-93934-950
E-Mail: solar@kyocera.de
You will find more information and the latest data sheets,
warranty conditions, certificates etc. in the download
section of our website: www.kyocerasolar.eu
Appendix 1
c Grounding holes
d Junction box
e Assembly holes
f Module frame
g Solar cable