Kyocera Ecosys M3145dn User Manual

ECOSYS M3145dn
ECOSYS M3645dn
> Preface


This Operation Guide is intended to help you operate the machine correctly, perform routine maintenance, and take simple troubleshooting measures as needed so that the machine can always be used in the optimum condition.
Please read this Operation Guide before using the machine.
To maintain quality, we recommend using genuine own brand toner containers, which must pass numerous quality inspections.
Please use our genuine toner containers, which have passed rigorous quality control testing.
The use of non-genuine toner containers may cause failure.
We will not be liable for any damages caused by the use of third party supplies in this machine.
A label is affixed to our replacement genuine toner containers, as shown below.
Checking the Equipment's Serial Number
The equipment's serial number is printed in the location shown in the figure.
You'll need the equipment's serial number when contacting your Service Representative. Please check the number before contacting your Service Representative


Preface ..................................................................................................................................... i
Contents.................................................................................................................................. ii
Overview .............................................................................................................................. viii
Machine Features .................................................................................................................. ix
Color and Image Quality Functions ................................................................................... xiii
Basic Color Modes ...................................................................................................... xiii
Adjusting Image Quality and Color.............................................................................. xiv
Guides Provided with the Machine..................................................................................... xv
About the Operation Guide (this Guide) .......................................................................... xvii
Structure of the guide................................................................................................. xvii
Conventions Used in This Guide................................................................................ xviii
Menu Map.............................................................................................................................. xx
1 Legal and Safety Information ................................................................ 1-1
Notice ................................................................................................................................. 1-2
Safety Conventions in This Guide ............................................................................. 1-2
Environment .............................................................................................................. 1-3
Precautions for Use ................................................................................................... 1-4
Laser Safety (Europe) ............................................................................................... 1-5
SAFETY OF LASER BEAM (USA) ........................................................................... 1-6
Safety Instructions Regarding the Disconnection of Power ...................................... 1-7
Compliance and Conformity ...................................................................................... 1-7
Other precautions (for users in California, the United States) ................................... 1-7
Warranty (the United States and Canada) ................................................................ 1-8
Legal Restriction on Copying/Scanning .................................................................... 1-9
EN ISO 7779 ............................................................................................................. 1-9
EK1-ITB 2000 ............................................................................................................ 1-9
Wireless Connection (Mexico only) ........................................................................... 1-9
Security Precautions when Using Wireless LAN (If equipped) ................................. 1-9
Limited Use of This Product (If equipped) ............................................................... 1-10
Legal Information .................................................................................................... 1-11
Energy Saving Control Function ............................................................................. 1-17
Automatic 2-Sided Print Function ............................................................................ 1-17
Resource Saving - Paper ........................................................................................ 1-17
Environmental benefits of "Power Management" .................................................... 1-17
Energy Star (ENERGY STAR®) Program ............................................................... 1-18
2 Installing and Setting up the Machine .................................................. 2-1
Part Names ......................................................................................................................... 2-2
Machine Exterior ....................................................................................................... 2-2
Connectors/Interior .................................................................................................... 2-4
With Optional Equipments Attached ......................................................................... 2-6
Connecting the Machine and Other Devices .................................................................. 2-7
Connecting Cables ............................................................................................................ 2-8
Connecting LAN Cable .............................................................................................. 2-8
Connecting USB Cable ............................................................................................. 2-9
Connecting the Power Cable .................................................................................... 2-9
Power On/Off ................................................................................................................... 2-10
Power On ................................................................................................................ 2-10
Power Off ................................................................................................................ 2-10
Using the Operation Panel ............................................................................................. 2-11
Operation Panel Keys ............................................................................................. 2-11
Operation Method ................................................................................................... 2-12
Display for Originals and Paper .............................................................................. 2-13
Help Screen ............................................................................................................ 2-13
Login/Logout ................................................................................................................... 2-14
Login ....................................................................................................................... 2-14
Logout ..................................................................................................................... 2-15
Default Settings of the Machine ..................................................................................... 2-16
Setting Date and Time ............................................................................................ 2-16
Network Setup ................................................................................................................. 2-17
Configuring the Wired Network ............................................................................... 2-17
Configuring the Wireless Network ........................................................................... 2-19
Setting Wi-Fi Direct ................................................................................................. 2-23
Energy Saver function .................................................................................................... 2-25
Low Power Mode .................................................................................................... 2-25
Sleep and Auto Sleep ............................................................................................. 2-25
Installing Software .......................................................................................................... 2-28
Software on DVD (Windows) .................................................................................. 2-28
Installing Software in Windows ............................................................................... 2-29
Uninstalling the Software ........................................................................................ 2-35
Installing Software in Mac Computer ...................................................................... 2-36
Setting TWAIN Driver .............................................................................................. 2-38
Setting WIA Driver ................................................................................................... 2-40
Checking the Counter ..................................................................................................... 2-41
Additional Preparations for the Administrator ............................................................. 2-42
Sending Documents to a PC ................................................................................... 2-42
Strengthening the Security ...................................................................................... 2-42
Command Center RX ...................................................................................................... 2-44
Accessing Command Center RX ............................................................................ 2-45
Changing Security Settings ..................................................................................... 2-46
Changing Device Information .................................................................................. 2-48
E-mail Settings ........................................................................................................ 2-50
Registering Destinations ......................................................................................... 2-54
Creating a New Custom Box ................................................................................... 2-55
Printing a document stored in a Custom Box .......................................................... 2-56
Transferring Data from Our Other Products ................................................................. 2-58
Migrating the Address Book .................................................................................... 2-58
3 Preparation before Use .......................................................................... 3-1
Loading Paper ................................................................................................................... 3-2
Precaution for Loading Paper ................................................................................... 3-3
Loading in the Cassettes ........................................................................................... 3-4
Loading Paper in the Multi Purpose Tray .................................................................. 3-8
Specifying Paper Size and Media Type .................................................................. 3-12
Paper Stopper .................................................................................................................. 3-14
Preparation for Sending a Document to a Shared Folder in a PC .............................. 3-15
Making a note of the computer name and full computer name ............................... 3-15
Making a note of the user name and domain name ................................................ 3-16
Creating a Shared Folder, Making a Note of a Shared Folder ................................ 3-17
Configuring Windows Firewall ................................................................................. 3-21
Registering Destinations in the Address Book ............................................................ 3-25
Adding a Destination (Address Book) ..................................................................... 3-25
Adding a Destination on One Touch Key (One Touch Key) .................................... 3-31
4 Printing from PC ..................................................................................... 4-1
Printing from PC ................................................................................................................ 4-2
Printing on Non-standard Sized Paper ...................................................................... 4-4
Banner printing .......................................................................................................... 4-5
Printer Driver Print Settings Screen .......................................................................... 4-9
Printer Driver Help ................................................................................................... 4-10
Changing the Default Printer Driver Settings (Windows 8.1) .................................. 4-10
Canceling Printing from a Computer ....................................................................... 4-10
Printing by AirPrint ......................................................................................................... 4-11
Printing by Google Cloud Print ...................................................................................... 4-11
Printing by Mopria ........................................................................................................... 4-11
Printing with Wi-Fi Direct ................................................................................................ 4-11
Printing Data Saved on the Printer ................................................................................ 4-12
Specifying the Job Box from a Computer and Storing the Job ............................... 4-12
Printing Documents from Private Print Box ............................................................. 4-13
Printing Document from Stored Job Box ................................................................. 4-15
Printing Document from Quick Copy Box ................................................................ 4-17
Printing Document from Proof and Hold Box .......................................................... 4-19
Status Monitor ................................................................................................................. 4-21
Accessing the Status Monitor .................................................................................. 4-21
Exiting the Status Monitor ....................................................................................... 4-21
Status Monitor Display ............................................................................................ 4-21
5 Operation on the Machine ..................................................................... 5-1
Loading Originals .............................................................................................................. 5-2
Placing Originals on the Platen ................................................................................. 5-2
Loading Originals in the Document Processor .......................................................... 5-3
Program .............................................................................................................................. 5-5
Registering Programs ............................................................................................... 5-5
Confirming the Registered Program .......................................................................... 5-6
Recalling Program ..................................................................................................... 5-6
Overwriting Program ................................................................................................. 5-7
Deleting Program ...................................................................................................... 5-7
Select Key Settings ........................................................................................................... 5-8
Copying .............................................................................................................................. 5-9
Basic Operation ......................................................................................................... 5-9
Canceling Jobs ........................................................................................................ 5-11
Sending ............................................................................................................................ 5-12
Basic Operation ....................................................................................................... 5-13
Specifying Destination ............................................................................................. 5-14
Checking and Editing Destinations ......................................................................... 5-20
Confirmation Screen of Destinations ....................................................................... 5-21
Recall ...................................................................................................................... 5-22
Send to Me (E-mail) ................................................................................................ 5-22
Sending to Different Types of Destinations (Multi Sending) .................................... 5-23
Canceling Sending Jobs ......................................................................................... 5-24
WSD Scan ............................................................................................................... 5-25
Using fax server to send a fax
(fax server transmission) ......................................................................................... 5-27
Scanning using TWAIN or WIA ............................................................................... 5-29
How to use the FAX Function ........................................................................................ 5-30
What is Document Box? ................................................................................................. 5-31
Using a Custom Box ....................................................................................................... 5-33
Creating a New Custom Box ................................................................................... 5-33
Editing and Deleting Custom Box ........................................................................... 5-35
Storing Documents .................................................................................................. 5-35
Printing Documents ................................................................................................. 5-36
Editing Documents .................................................................................................. 5-37
Deleting Documents ................................................................................................ 5-38
Printing Documents Stored in Removable USB Memory ............................................ 5-39
Saving Documents to USB Memory (Scan to USB) ..................................................... 5-41
Check the USB Memory Information ............................................................................. 5-42
Removing USB Memory .................................................................................................. 5-43
6 Using Various Functions ....................................................................... 6-1
Functions Available on the Machine ............................................................................... 6-2
Copy .......................................................................................................................... 6-3
Send .......................................................................................................................... 6-4
Custom Box (Printing) ............................................................................................... 6-6
Removable Memory (Store File, Printing Documents) .............................................. 6-7
Functions ........................................................................................................................... 6-9
ID Card Copy ............................................................................................................ 6-9
Original Size .............................................................................................................. 6-9
Paper Selection ....................................................................................................... 6-10
Orig. Orientation (Original Orientation) ................................................................... 6-11
Mixed Size Orig. (Mixed Size Originals) .................................................................. 6-12
Collate ..................................................................................................................... 6-12
Density .................................................................................................................... 6-12
Original Image ......................................................................................................... 6-13
EcoPrint ................................................................................................................... 6-13
Color Selection ........................................................................................................ 6-14
Sharpness ............................................................................................................... 6-14
Contrast ................................................................................................................... 6-15
Background Density ................................................................................................ 6-15
Prevent Bleed-t (Prevent Bleed-thru) ...................................................................... 6-16
Zoom ....................................................................................................................... 6-16
Combine .................................................................................................................. 6-18
Duplex ..................................................................................................................... 6-20
Continuous Scan ..................................................................................................... 6-22
Job Finish Notice ..................................................................................................... 6-22
File Name Entry ...................................................................................................... 6-22
Print Override .......................................................................................................... 6-23
Quiet Mode .............................................................................................................. 6-23
Skip Blank Page ...................................................................................................... 6-23
Duplex (2-sided Original) ........................................................................................ 6-24
Sending Size ........................................................................................................... 6-25
File Format .............................................................................................................. 6-26
File Separation ........................................................................................................ 6-30
Scan Resolution ...................................................................................................... 6-30
Subject/Body ........................................................................................................... 6-30
FTP Encrypted TX ................................................................................................... 6-31
Del. after Print (Delete after Printed) ....................................................................... 6-31
Storing Size ............................................................................................................. 6-32
Long Original ........................................................................................................... 6-32
Encrypted PDF ........................................................................................................ 6-33
JPEG/TIFF Print ...................................................................................................... 6-33
XPS FitTo Page ...................................................................................................... 6-33
7 Status/Job Cancel .................................................................................. 7-1
Checking Job Status ......................................................................................................... 7-2
Checking Job History ....................................................................................................... 7-8
Sending the Log History .......................................................................................... 7-12
Job Operation .................................................................................................................. 7-13
Pause and Resumption of Jobs .............................................................................. 7-13
Canceling of Jobs .................................................................................................... 7-13
Device/Communication ................................................................................................... 7-14
Checking the Remaining Amount of Toner and Paper (Paper/Supplies) ................... 7-16
8 Setup and Registration (System Menu) ............................................... 8-1
System Menu ..................................................................................................................... 8-2
System Menu Settings .............................................................................................. 8-3
Report ....................................................................................................................... 8-5
System/Network ........................................................................................................ 8-7
User/Job Account .................................................................................................... 8-23
User Property .......................................................................................................... 8-23
Common Settings .................................................................................................... 8-24
Copy ........................................................................................................................ 8-38
Printer ...................................................................................................................... 8-39
Send ........................................................................................................................ 8-41
FAX ......................................................................................................................... 8-41
Document Box ......................................................................................................... 8-42
Edit Destination ....................................................................................................... 8-43
Adjust/Maint. ........................................................................................................... 8-44
9 User Authentication and Accounting (User Login, Job Accounting) 9-1
Overview of User Login Administration .......................................................................... 9-2
Enabling User Login Administration ............................................................................... 9-3
Setting User Login Administration .................................................................................. 9-5
Authentication Security ............................................................................................. 9-5
Adding a User (Local User List) ................................................................................ 9-6
Changing User Properties ......................................................................................... 9-9
User Login Administration for Printing ..................................................................... 9-11
To Manage the Users to Scan Using TWAIN .......................................................... 9-13
To Manage the Users to Scan Using WIA .............................................................. 9-14
To Manage the Users that Send Faxes from a PC ................................................. 9-15
Local Authoriz. (Local Authorization) ...................................................................... 9-16
Group Auth. (Group Authorization Settings) ........................................................... 9-17
Guest Authorization Set. ......................................................................................... 9-18
NW User Property (Obtain Network User Property) ................................................ 9-21
ID Card Settings ...................................................................................................... 9-22
PIN Login Settings .................................................................................................. 9-23
Using User Login Administration .................................................................................. 9-24
Login/Logout ........................................................................................................... 9-24
Overview of Job Accounting .......................................................................................... 9-25
Enabling Job Accounting ............................................................................................... 9-26
Job Accounting Access ........................................................................................... 9-27
Setting an Account .......................................................................................................... 9-28
Adding an Account .................................................................................................. 9-28
Restricting the Use of the Machine ......................................................................... 9-30
Editing an Account .................................................................................................. 9-31
Deleting an Account ................................................................................................ 9-32
Job Accounting for Printing ..................................................................................... 9-33
Job Accounting for Scan Using TWAIN .................................................................. 9-34
Job Accounting for Scan Using WIA ....................................................................... 9-35
Job Accounting for the FAX Transmitted from a Computer .................................... 9-36
Configuring Job Accounting .......................................................................................... 9-37
Default Setting ......................................................................................................... 9-37
Counting the Number of Pages Printed .................................................................. 9-39
Print Accounting Report .......................................................................................... 9-40
Using Job Accounting .................................................................................................... 9-41
Login/Logout ........................................................................................................... 9-41
Unknown User Settings .................................................................................................. 9-42
Unknown ID Job ...................................................................................................... 9-42
Registering Information for a User whose ID is Unknown ....................................... 9-43
10 Troubleshooting ................................................................................... 10-1
Regular Maintenance ...................................................................................................... 10-2
Cleaning .................................................................................................................. 10-2
Toner Container Replacement ................................................................................ 10-5
Waste Toner Box Replacement .............................................................................. 10-9
Troubleshooting ............................................................................................................ 10-11
Solving Malfunctions ............................................................................................. 10-11
Responding to Messages ...................................................................................... 10-16
Clearing Paper Jams ............................................................................................. 10-27
11 Appendix ............................................................................................... 11-1
Optional Equipment ........................................................................................................ 11-2
Overview of Optional Equipment ............................................................................. 11-2
Optional Applications .............................................................................................. 11-7
Character Entry Method .................................................................................................. 11-9
Using the Keys ........................................................................................................ 11-9
Selecting Type of Characters ................................................................................ 11-10
Characters That Can be Entered Using the Numeric Keys ................................... 11-10
Entering Symbols .................................................................................................. 11-11
Entering Characters .............................................................................................. 11-11
Entering Using the Character Selection Screen .................................................... 11-13
Paper .............................................................................................................................. 11-14
Basic Paper Specifications .................................................................................... 11-14
Choosing the Appropriate Paper ........................................................................... 11-15
Special Paper ........................................................................................................ 11-18
Specifications ................................................................................................................ 11-22
Machine ................................................................................................................. 11-22
Copy Functions ..................................................................................................... 11-24
Printer Functions ................................................................................................... 11-24
Scanner Functions ................................................................................................ 11-25
Document Processor ............................................................................................. 11-25
Paper Feeder (500-sheet) (Option) ....................................................................... 11-26
Glossary ......................................................................................................................... 11-27
Index ............................................................................................................................ Index-1
> Overview
Operations from your PC
Box functions
Output Data
Copy functions Printer functions USB memory
Send functions
Fax functions
Original Electronic data Fax dataUSB memory
Input Data
Wi-Fi connection
FAX Operation Guide
This function is useful for a variety of purposes, including saving data in the machine and in a USB memory stick.
Printing Data Saved on the Printer (page 4-
12) Using a Custom Box (page 5-33)
You can use the machine security levels according to your needs.
Sending (page 5-12)
Command Center RX
You can check the status and change the settings of the machine from a Web browser on your computer.
Command Center RX (page 2-44)
Command Center RX User Guide
Strengthening the Security (page 2-42)
Copying (page 5-9) Printing from PC (page 4-1)
Saving Documents to USB Memory (Scan to USB) (page 5-41)
Wi-Fi or Wi-Fi Direct connection is possible.
Configuring the Wireless Network (page 2-19)


This machine is equipped standard with copy and print functions, and a scanned image can be sent to an E-mail recipient as an attachment or to a computer on the same network. On products with a FAX function, it is also possible to use the fax function.
• Before using the machine, be sure to read the following:
Legal and Safety Information (page 1-1)
• For preparations for use of the machine such as cable connections and software installation, refer to the following:
Installing and Setting up the Machine (page 2-1)
• To learn how to load paper, set up shared folders, and add addresses to the address book, refer to the following:
Preparation before Use (page 3-1)
> Machine Features

Machine Features

The machine is equipped with many useful functions.
Using Various Functions (page 6-1)
Here are some examples.
Optimize your office workflow
Access to frequently used functions with just one touch (Program)
You can preset frequently used functions. Once you register frequently used
settings as favorite, you can call up the settings easily. Using this favorite brings the same results even if operated by another person.
Program (page 5-5)
Optimize your office workflow
Send one time with multiple sending options (Multi Sending)
Scan originals of different sizes at a time (Mixed Size Originals)
It is useful when preparing conference materials.
You can set the different sized originals at one time so you don't need to reset the originals regardless of size.
Mixed Size Orig. (Mixed Size Originals) (page 6-12)
Save frequently used documents in the machine (Custom Box)
Scan a large number of originals in separate batches and produce as one job (Continuous Scan)
It is useful when preparing many-page handouts.
When a large number of originals cannot be placed in the document processor at one time, the originals can be scanned in separate batches and then copied or sent as one job.
Continuous Scan (page 6-22)
Send a FAX from a PC (Sending FAX from PC)
You can send a same document to the multiple destinations using a different method.
You can specify multiple destinations of different send methods such as E-mail, SMB, and Fax.
You can reduce your workflow by sending a job at once.
Sending to Different Types of Destinations (Multi Sending) (page 5-23)
You can save the frequently used document in the machine and print it when needed.
Using a Custom Box (page 5-33)
You can save the paper used for sending a FAX with this function.
You can send a file to be faxed from the PC without printing the file, so that you can reduce the number of pieces of paper and perform sending jobs efficiently.
FAX Operation Guide
> Machine Features
Save energy and cost
Save energy as needed (Energy Saver function)
The machine is equipped with Energy Saver function that automatically switched into Sleep Mode.
Energy Saver function (page 2-25)
Use less toner for printing (EcoPrint)
You can save toner consumption with this function.
When you only need to check the printed content, such as a trial print run or documents for internal confirmation, use this function to save toner.
Use this function when a high-quality print is not required.
EcoPrint (page 6-13)
Reduce paper use (Paper Saving Printing)
You can print originals on both sides of the paper. You can also print multiple originals onto one sheet.
Combine (page 6-18) Duplex (page 6-20)
Save energy and cost Create attractive documents
Skip blank pages when printing (Skip Blank Page)
When there are blank pages in a scanned document, this function skips the blank pages and prints only pages that are not blank.
Skip Blank Page (page 6-23)
Send a FAX to reduce the communication cost (FAX Delayed Transmission)
You can reduce the communication cost with this function.
The communication cost can be reduced by setting the timer to the time period during which the communication cost is low.
FAX Operation Guide
Prevent image bleed-through (Prevent Bleed-through)
You can prevent image bleed-through from the reverse side when scanning thin originals.
Prevent Bleed-t (Prevent Bleed-thru) (page 6-16)
> Machine Features
OK !
Strengthen security
Password-protect a PDF file (PDF Encryption Functions)
Use the PDF format's password security options to restrict document viewing, printing and editing.
Encrypted PDF (page 6-33)
Protect data on the SSD (Encryption / Overwrite)
You can overwrite the unnecessary data that remains on the SSD automatically.
To prevent an external leakage, the machine is able to encrypt data before writing it to the SSD.
Data Security (page 8-21)
Prevent loss of finished documents (Private Print)
You can temporarily save a printer document in the machine. By printing the document from the machine prevents someone takes your document.
Printing Data Saved on the Printer (page 4-12)
Strengthen security Use functions more efficiently
Log in by ID card (Card Authentication)
Strengthen security (Settings for Administrator)
Make the machine quiet (Quiet Mode)
You can log in simply by touching an ID card. You don't need to enter your user name and password.
Card Authentication Kit(B) "Card Authentication Kit" (page 11-3)
Various functions are available for administrators to strengthen security.
Strengthening the Security (page 2-
You can make the machine quiet by reducing its running noise. You can configure this mode by job.
Quiet Mode (page 6-23)
> Machine Features
Use functions more efficiently
Install the machine without concerning the network cables (Wireless Network)
In an environment where the wireless LAN is used, you can install the machine without concerning the network cables.
Setup (page 8-18)
Use USB memory (USB Memory)
It is useful when you need to print document outside your office or you cannot print document from your PC.
You can print the document from the USB memory by plugging it directly into the machine.
Original scanned at the machine can be saved in the USB memory also.
Printing Documents Stored in Removable USB Memory (page 5-
39) Saving Documents to USB Memory (Scan to USB) (page 5-41)
Specify image file format (File Format)
You can select the various file formats when sending/storing images.
File Format (page 6-26)
Use functions more efficiently
Perform remote operation (Command Center RX)
You can access to the machine remotely to print, send or download data.
Administrators can configure the machine behavior or management settings.
Command Center RX (page 2-44)
> Color and Image Quality Functions

Color and Image Quality Functions

The machine is equipped with various color and image quality functions. You can adjust the scanned image as desired.

Basic Color Modes

The basic color modes are as follows.
Color mode Description
Reference image
Before After
Auto Color Automatically recognizes whether a
document being scanned is color or black & white.
Full Color Scans a document in full color. page 6-14
Grayscale Scans a document in grayscale. page 6-14
Black & White Scans a document in black & white. page 6-14
For details, refer to the following:
Color Selection (page 6-14)
page 6-14
> Color and Image Quality Functions

Adjusting Image Quality and Color

To adjust the image quality or color of an image, use the following functions.
Sample image
I want to...
Before After
Adjust the color precisely.
Adjust the density. Density page 6-12
Adjust the image quality precisely
Function Page
Emphasize or blur the image outline.
Example: Emphasize the image outlines
Adjust the difference between dark and light parts of the image.
Darken or lighten the background (the area with no texts or images) of a document.
Example: Lightening the background
Prevent bleed-through in 2-sided originals.
Adjust the scanned image
Decrease the file size and produce the characters clearly.
Sharpness page 6-14
Contrast page 6-15
Background Density page 6-15
Prevent Bleed­through
File format [High Comp. PDF]
page 6-16
page 6-26
> Guides Provided with the Machine

Guides Provided with the Machine

The following guides are provided with the machine. Refer to each guide as needed.
The contents of the guides are subject to change without notice for the purpose of improvement of machine performance.
Printed guides
Start using the machine quickly
For safe use of the machine
Quick Guide
Explains how to use basic functions of the machine, how to use convenient features, how to perform routine maintenance, and what to do when problems occur.
Safety Guide
Provides safety and cautionary information for installation environment and use of the machine. Be sure to read this guide before using the machine.
Safety Guide (ECOSYS M3145dn/ECOSYS M3645dn)
Indicates the space required for machine installation, and describes the cautionary labels and other safety information. Be sure to read this guide before using the machine.
> Guides Provided with the Machine
Guides (PDF) on the DVD (Product Library)
Use the machine thoughtfully
Use the fax functions
Use the ID card
Strengthen security
Easily register machine information and configure settings
Print data from a computer
Directly print a PDF file
Monitor the machine and printers on the network
Operation Guide (This Guide)
Explains how to load paper and perform copy, print and scan operations, and indicates default settings and other information.
FAX Operation Guide
Explains how to use the fax function.
Card Authentication Kit (B) Operation Guide
Explains how to perform authentication using the ID card.
Data Security Kit (E) Operation Guide
Explains how to introduce and use the Data Security kit (E), and how to overwrite and encrypt data.
Command Center RX User Guide
Explains how to access the machine from a Web browser on your computer to check and change settings.
Printer Driver User Guide
Explains how to install the printer driver and use the printer function.
KYOCERA Net Direct Print Operation Guide
Explains how to print PDF files without launching Adobe Acrobat or Reader.
KYOCERA Net Viewer User Guide
Explains how to monitor your network printing system (the machine) with KYOCERA Net Viewer.
PRESCRIBE Commands Command Reference
Print without using the printer driver
Adjust the print or scan position
Install the following versions of Adobe Reader to view the manuals on the DVD. Version 8.0 or later
Describes the native printer language (PRESCRIBE commands).
PRESCRIBE Commands Technical Reference
Describes the PRESCRIBE command functions and control for each type of emulation.
Maintenance Menu User Guide
Maintenance Menu provides the explanation on how to configure the print, scan, and other settings.
> About the Operation Guide (this Guide)

About the Operation Guide (this Guide)

Structure of the guide

The Operation Guide contains the following chapters.
Chapter Contents
1 Legal and Safety Information Provides precautions regarding use of the machine and trademark information.
2 Installing and Setting up the
3 Preparation before Use Explains preparations and settings that are required in order to use the machine, such
4 Printing from PC Explains functions that are available when the machine is used as a printer.
5 Operation on the Machine Explains the basic procedures for using the machine, such as placing originals, making
6 Using Various Functions Explains convenient functions that are available on the machine.
7 Status/Job Cancel Explains how to check the status of a job and the job history, and how to cancel jobs
8 Setup and Registration (System
9 User Authentication and
Accounting (User Login, Job Accounting)
10 Troubleshooting Explains what to do when toner runs out, an error is displayed, or a paper jam or other
11 Appendix Describes convenient options that are available for the machine. Provides information
Explains part names, cable connections, installation of the software, login, logout, and other matters related to administration of the machine.
as how to use the operation panel, load paper, and create an address book.
copies, sending documents, and using document boxes.
being printed or waiting to print. Also explains how to check paper and toner levels, how to check the device status, and how to cancel fax transmission.
Explains System Menu and how it relates to the operation of the machine.
Explains user login and job accounting.
problem occurs.
on media types and paper sizes, and gives a glossary of terms. Explains how to enter characters, and lists the specifications of the machine.
> About the Operation Guide (this Guide)
Click to move from the current page to the previously displayed page. This is convenient when you want to return to the page from which you jumped to the current page.
Click an item in the Table of Contents to jump to the corresponding page.
Indicates that personal injury or mechanical damage may result from insufficient attention to or incorrect compliance with the related points.
Indicates supplemental explanations and reference information for operations.
Indicates operational requirements and restrictions to operate the machine correctly, and avoid damage to the machine or property.
Refer to
Click the underlined text to jump to the corresponding page.

Conventions Used in This Guide

Adobe Reader XI is used as an example in the explanations below.
The items that appear in Adobe Reader vary depending on how it is used. If the Table of Contents or tools do not appear, refer to Adobe Reader Help.
Certain items are indicated in this guide by the conventions described below.
Convention Description
[Bold] Indicates keys and buttons.
"Regular" Indicates a message or setting.
> About the Operation Guide (this Guide)
Conventions used in procedures for operating the machine
In this Operation Guide, continuous operation is as follows:
Actual procedure Procedure indicated in this guide
Select the [System Menu/Counter] key.
Select the [] or [] key to select [Common settings].
Select the [OK] key.
[System Menu/Counter] key > [] [] key > [Common Settings] > [OK] key
> Menu Map

Menu Map

This is a list of menus displayed on the message display. Depending on the settings, some menus may not be displayed. Some menu names may differ from their reference titles.
Quiet Mode (page 6-23)
Paper Selection (page 6-10
Collate (page 6-12
ID Card Copy (page 6-9
Duplex (page 6-20
Zoom (page 6-16
Combine (page 6-18
Original Size (page 6-9
Orig.Orientation (page 6-11
Mixed Size Orig. (page 6-12
Original Image (page 6-13
Density (page 6-12
EcoPrint (page 6-13
Continuous Scan (page 6-22
File Name Entry (page 6-22
JobFinish Notice (page 6-22
Print Override (page 6-23
Sharpness (page 6-14
Contrast (page 6-15
Backgrnd Density (page 6-15
Prevent Bleed-t (page 6-16
Skip Blank Page (page 6-23
> Menu Map
Me(E-mail) (page 5-22)
E-mail (page 5-16
Folder(SMB) (page 5-17
Folder(FTP) (page 5-17
WSD Scan (page 5-26
FAX Server (page 5-27
FAX (Refer to FAX Operation Guide.)
Quiet Mode (page 6-23)
Color Selection (page 6-14
Original Size (page 6-9
Original Image (page 6-13
Scan Resolution (page 6-30
Sending Size (page 6-25
Zoom (page 6-16
Orig.Orientation (page 6-11
Mixed Size Orig. (page 6-12
Continuous Scan (page 6-22
File Format (page 6-26
File Name Entry (page 6-22
Subject/Body (page 6-30
Long Original (page 6-32
JobFinish Notice (page 6-22
FAX Resolution (Refer to FAX Operation Guide.)
FAX Delayed TX (Refer to FAX Operation Guide.)
FAX Direct TX (Refer to FAX Operation Guide.)
FAX RX Polling (Refer to FAX Operation Guide.)
FAX TX Report (Refer to FAX Operation Guide.)
Density (page 6-12
Duplex (page 6-24
FTP Encrypted TX (page 6-31
File Separation (page 6-30
Sharpness (page 6-14
Contrast (page 6-15
Backgrnd Density (page 6-15
Prevent Bleed-t (page 6-16
Skip Blank Page (page 6-23)
> Menu Map
Custom Box
Sub Address Box (Refer to FAX Operation Guide.)
Polling Box (Refer to FAX Operation Guide.)
Job Box Private/Stored (page 4-13)
USB Memory
(File Selection)
Quick/Proof (page 4-17
Store File Quiet Mode (page 6-23)
Print (ChangeSet) Quiet Mode (page 6-23)
Color Selection (page 6-14
Original Size (page 6-9
Collate (page 6-12
Paper Selection (page 6-10
Duplex (page 6-20
EcoPrint (page 6-13
File Name Entry (page 6-22
JobFinish Notice (page 6-22
Print Override (page 6-23
Del. After Print (page 6-31
Original Image (page 6-13
Scan Resolution (page 6-30
Storing Size (page 6-32
Zoom (page 6-16
Orig.Orientation (page 6-11
Mixed Size Orig. (page 6-12
Continuous Scan (page 6-22
Long Original (page 6-32
File Format (page 6-26
File Separation (page 6-30
File Name Entry (page 6-22
JobFinish Notice (page 6-22
Density (page 6-12
Duplex (page 6-24
Sharpness (page 6-14
Contrast (page 6-15
Backgrnd Density (page 6-15
Prevent Bleed-t (page 6-16
Skip Blank Page (page 6-23
> Menu Map
USB Memory
(File Selection)
Recall program. (page 5-5)
Print Quiet Mode (page 6-23)
Collate (page 6-12)
Paper Selection (page 6-10)
Duplex (page 6-20)
EcoPrint (page 6-13)
File Name Entry (page 6-22)
JobFinish Notice (page 6-22)
Print Override (page 6-23)
Encrypted PDF (page 6-33)
JPEG/TIFF Print (page 6-33)
XPS FitTo Page (page 6-33)
Print Job Status (page 7-4)
Send Job Status (page 7-5
Store Job Status (page 7-6
Scheduled Job (page 7-7
Print Job Log (page 7-10
Send Job Log (page 7-11
Store Job Log (page 7-12
FAX Job Log (Refer to FAX Operation Guide.)
Scanner (page 7-14)
Printer (page 7-14
FAX (Refer to FAX Operation Guide.)
Toner Status (page 7-16)
Paper Status (page 7-16
USB Memory (page 7-14
SSD (page 7-14
USB Keyboard (page 7-14
Keyboard (page 7-14
Network (page 7-14
Wi-Fi (page 7-14
Wi-Fi Direct (page 7-15
Option Network (page 7-15
> Menu Map
Report Report Print Menu Map (page 8-5)
Counter (page 2-41)
Status Page (page 8-5
Font List (page 8-5
Opt NW Status (page 8-5
Data Sanitization (page 8-5
Admin Rpt Set. (Refer to FAX Operation Guide.)
Result Rpt Set. (page 8-6
Job Log History Auto Sending (page 8-6)
Send History (page 8-6
Destination (page 8-6
Subject (page 8-6
SSFC Log Subject (page 8-6
Personal Info. (page 8-6
> Menu Map
System/Network Network Setting Host Name (page 8-7)
Wi-Fi Direct Set Wi-Fi Direct (page 8-7
Device Name (page 8-7
IP Address (page 8-7
Auto Disconnect (page 8-7
Wi-Fi Settings Wi-Fi (page 8-8
Setup (page 8-8
TCP/IP Settings (page 8-10
Restart Network (page 8-11
Wired Netwk. Set TCP/IP Settings (page 8-11
LAN Interface (page 8-11
Bonjour (page 8-12
IP Filter (IPv4) (page 8-12
IP Filter (IPv6) (page 8-12
IPSec (page 8-12
Protocol Settings (page 8-16
Secure Settings (page 8-7
Ping (page 8-17
Restart Network (page 8-17
Optional Network Basic (page 8-17)
Wireless Network Setup (page 8-18)
Basic (page 8-17
Primary Network (page 8-19
I/F Block Set. USB Host (page 8-20)
Bluetooth Set. (page 8-20
Security Level (page 8-20
Data Security (page 8-21
Restart (page 8-22
Op Functions (page 8-22
Software Version (page 8-22
USB Device (page 8-20
USB Storage (page 8-20
Option I/F (page 8-20
FAX Server Set. (page 8-22
> Menu Map
User/Job Account User Login Set. User Login (page 9-3)
Local User List (page 9-6
Local Authoriz. (page 9-16
Account Lockout (page 9-5
ID Card Settings Key Login (page 9-22)
Group Auth. (page 9-17
Guest Auth. Set. (page 9-18
PIN Login (page 9-18
NW User Property (page 9-21
Job Account.Set. Job Accounting (page 9-26)
AccountingAccess (page 9-27
Account. Report (page 9-40
Total Accounting (page 9-39
Each Job Account (page 9-39
Account. List (page 9-28
Default Setting Apply Limit (page 9-37)
Additional Auth. (page 9-22
Unknown User Unknown ID Job (page 9-42)
User Property (page 9-10)
Common Settings Language (page 8-24)
Default Screen (page 8-24
Sound Buzzer (page 8-24)
Display Bright. (page 8-24
Orig./Paper Set. Custom Orig.Size (page 8-25)
User Property (page 9-43
FAX Speaker (Refer to FAX Operation Guide.)
FAX Monitor (Refer to FAX Operation Guide.)
Detect Orig.(DP) (page 8-25
Def. Orig. Size (page 8-25
Custom PaperSize (page 8-26
Copy/Print Count (page 9-37
Counter Limit (page 9-38
> Menu Map
Common Settings Orig./Paper Set. Cassette 1 Set. Cassette 1 Size (page 8-28)
Cassette 1 Type (page 8-28
Cassette 2 Set. Cassette 2 Size (page 8-28)
Cassette 2 Type (page 8-28
Cassette 3 Set. Cassette 3 Size (page 8-28)
Cassette 3 Type (page 8-28
Cassette 4 Set. Cassette 4 Size (page 8-28)
Cassette 4 Type (page 8-28
Cassette 5 Set. Cassette 5 Size (page 8-28)
Cassette 5 Type (page 8-28
MP Tray Set. MP Tray Size (page 8-28)
Media Type Set. (page 8-27
Media for Auto (page 8-27
Def. PaperSource (page 8-27
SpcialPaper Act. (page 8-27
Paper Setup Msg (page 8-27
MP Tray Type (page 8-28
Preset Limit (page 8-29
Measurement (page 8-29
Error Handling DuplexPaperError (page 8-30)
Date Setting Date/Time (page 8-30)
Timer Setting Auto Panel Reset (page 8-31)
PaperMismatchErr (page 8-30
Date Format (page 8-30
Time Zone (page 8-30
Summer Time (page 8-30
PanelReset Timer (page 8-31
Low Power Timer (page 8-31
Sleep Level (models except for Europe) (page 8-31
Sleep Rules (models for Europe) (page 8-31
Sleep Timer (page 8-31
Weekly Timer Set. (page 8-32
Power Off Rule (page 8-32
Power Off Timer (page 8-32
Auto Err. Clear (page 8-32
Err. Clear Timer (page 8-32
Unusable Time (Refer to FAX Operation Guide.)
Ping Timeout (page 8-32)
> Menu Map
Common Settings Function Default Color Selection (page 8-33)
Scan Resolution (page 8-33
FAX Resolution (Refer to FAX Operation Guide.)
Orig.Image(Copy) (page 8-33
Orig.Image(Send) (page 8-33
Zoom (page 8-33
Collate (page 8-33
Orig.Orientation (page 8-33
Backgrnd(Copy) (page 8-33
Backgrnd(Send) (page 8-33
EcoPrint (page 8-33
Prevent B-t Copy (page 8-33
Prevent B-t Send (page 8-33
Skip Blank(Copy) (page 8-33
Skip Blank(Send) (page 8-33
File Name Entry (page 8-33
Subject/Body (page 8-34
Con.scan-Copy (page 8-34
Con.scan-FAX (page 8-34
Con.scan-Others (page 8-34
File Format (page 8-34
File Separation (page 8-34
JPEG/TIFF Print (page 8-34
XPS FitTo Page (page 8-34
Detail Setting 2 in 1 Layout (page 8-34)
4 in 1 Layout (page 8-34
Border Line (page 8-34
Orig. Binding (page 8-34
Finish. Binding (page 8-34
Image Quality (page 8-34
Color TIFF Comp. (page 8-34
PDF/A (page 8-34
High Comp.PDF (page 8-34
Login Operation (page 8-35
RAM Disk Mode (page 8-35
Items To Skip Copy (page 8-34
Items To Skip Send (page 8-34)
> Menu Map
Common Settings Optional Memory (page 8-35)
Disp. Status/Log (page 8-36
Keyboard Type (page 8-36
Low Toner Alert (page 8-36
Show PowerOffMsg (page 8-36
EnergySaver Set. (page 8-37
Msg Banner Print (page 8-37
Copy Paper Selection (page 8-38)
AutoPaperSelect. (page 8-38
Auto % Priority (page 8-38
Reserve Priority (page 8-38
Select Key Set. (page 8-38
Printer Emulation Set. (page 8-39)
EcoPrint (page 8-39
Override A4/LTR (page 8-39
Duplex (page 8-39
Copies (page 8-39
Orientation (page 8-39
Wide A4 (page 8-39
FormFeed TimeOut (page 8-39
LF Action (page 8-39
CR Action (page 8-39
Job Name (page 8-40
User Name (page 8-40
MP Tray Priority (page 8-40
Paper Feed Mode (page 8-40
Auto Cass. Change (page 8-40
Resolution (page 8-40
KIR (page 8-40
Job Terminator (page 8-40
Send Select Key Set. (page 8-41)
DestinationCheck (page 8-41
New Dest. Entry (page 8-41
Recall Dest. (page 8-41
Broadcast (page 8-41
Default Screen (page 8-41
Send and Forward (page 8-41
FAX (Refer to FAX Operation Guide.)
+ 393 hidden pages