ECOSYS stands for ECOlogy,
ECOnomy and SYStem-printing.
With their long-life components, ECOSYS devices
are designed to maximise durability and
mini mise the total cost of ownership with regard to
maintenance, administration and consumables.
The cartridge-free system means that only the
toner has to be replaced regularly. The modular
design concept allows you to add workflowenhancing functions as required. While the
integrated system software provides long-term
cross-network compatibility. KYOCERA’s long-life
components cost you and the environment less.
Tec hnol ogy : KYOCER A ECOSYS, COLOUR Laser,
HyPAS™ solution platform
Engine speed: Up to 20/10 pages A 4/A3 per minute in colour and
Resolution: 60 0 x 600 dpi, multi-bit technology for
print quality of 9,600 dpi equival ent x 60 0 dpi
Warm-up time: Approx . 55 seconds or less
Time to fir st print
monochrome, 14 seconds or less in colour
Time to fir st copy: Approx. 11.7 seconds or les s in
monochrome, 13.6 seconds or less in colour
CPU: PowerPC 464 / 800 MHz
Memory: Standard 1.5 GB , max . 2 GB
Standard interface: USB 2.0 (Hi-Speed), USB Host 2.0, Fast
Ethernet 10/100/1000B ase-TX , slot for optional print ser ver,
slot for optional CompactFlash®-Card
Integrated accounting: 100 department codes
Dimensi ons with D ocume nt processor (W x D x H)
590 x 590 x 748 mm
Weight with Document processor: Approx. 80 kg including
toner container
Power source: AC 220 ~ 240 V, 50/6 0 Hz
Power consumption
Printing: 557 W
Copying: 557 W
Ready-mode: 121 W
Sleep -mode: 0.9 W
Noise (sound pressure level: ISO 7779/ISO 9296)
Copying/Printing: 47dB (A)
Stand -by: 35 dB(A)
Safety standards: TÜV/GS, CE
This unit is manuf actured according to the ISO 90 01 qualit y
standard and t he ISO 140 01 environmental standard.
Paper handling
All paper capa cities quote d are based on a paper thickness of max. 0.11 mm. Please use paper recommended by
KYOCERA under normal environmental c onditions.
Input capacity: 100-sheet multi-purpose tray, 60–256 g/m
A3, A4, A5, A6, B5, Letter, Legal, Folio, envelopes, Custom
(98 x 148 to 297 x 432 mm)
cassette, 60–256 g/m
max. input capacity with options: 1,600 sheets
Duplex unit: Duplex as standard supports 60–220 g/m
Reversing document processor: 50-sheet, Simple x scan
45–160 g/m
Ledger, Letter, Legal, Custom (140x182 to 297x432mm)
Output capacity:
(main tray) plus 30 sheets (job separator tray)
: Approx. 11 seconds or les s in
500-sheet universal paper
, A3, A4, A5, B5, Letter, Legal, Folio,
, Duplex scan 50–120 g/m2, A3, A4, A5, B5,
Max. 280 sheets; 250 sheets face-down
Your KYOCERA Business Partner:
With the KYOCERA page design and control language PRESCRIBE, even complex graphics, logos and forms (multipart forms) can be created
independently on the system and saved and updated in the printer. Consequently, integration into print files no longer applies. They are only
accessed as required relieving the load on the network.
KYOCERA NetViewer enables complete monitoring and control of all ECOSYS printers and digital KYOCERA multifunction units from any
PC and provides ideal network administration. It also supports the standardised SNMP protocol.
Command Center RX
The ‘Command Center RX’ enables the control and management of various settings by accessing the device via Web browser. E.g. automatically
updating screens, customising user screens, and viewing department and restriction settings.
HyPAS™ – Hybrid Platform for Advanced Solutions
KYOCERA’s powerful software development platform lets users customise the functionality and operations of the multifunctional device to suit
their individual requirements.
Print functions
Controller language: PRESCRIBE
Emulations: PCL 6 (5c/ XL), KPDL 3 (PostScript 3 compatible),
PDF Direct Print, XPS Direct Print
Operating systems: All current Windows operating sys tems ,
MAC OS X Ver sion 10.4 or higher, Unix , Linux as well as other
operating systems on request
Fonts/barcodes: 93 out line fonts (P CL 6, KPDL3) + 8 (Windows
Vist a), 1 Bitmap font, 45 types of one- dimensional barcodes,
1 type of two-
Features: Encr ypted PDF Direct Print , IPP printing, e-mail
printing, WS D print , secure printing v ia SSL , IPsec, SNMPv3,
Private Print
Copy functions
Max. original size: A3/Ledger
Continuous copying: 1–999
Zoom range: 25–400% in 1% steps
Preset magnification ratios: 5 Reductions / 5 Enlargement s
Exposure mode: Auto, manual: 7 steps
Image adjustments: Text, photo, text + photo, graphic/
map, printer output
Features: Scan-once-copy-many, electronic sort, 2in1, 4in1,
job re serve, priority print, programme, auto duplex copy, split
copy, continuous scan, auto cassette change (PF-470 or PF-471
is required), copy density control, Prevent Bleed-Through
Scan functions
Functio nality: Scan-to-Email, Scan-to-FTP, Scan-to-SMB,
Scan to USB Host, Net work TWAIN, WIA, WSD scan
Scan speed: 40ipm (300dpi, A4, monochrome , colour)
Scan resolution: 600, 400, 300, 200, 400 x 200, 200 x 100
dpi (256 gr eyscales p er colour)
Max. scan size: A3, Ledger
Original recognition: Text , phot o, tex t + photo, optimised
for OCR
File types: TIFF, PDF, PDF/A , JPEG , XPS
Compression method: MMR /JPEG
Features: Integrated address book, Active Directory support,
encrypted data transfer, multi send (e -mail, fax , SMB/ FTP
folder) at once
Fax functions (optional)
Compatibility: IT U-T Super G3
Modem sp eed: Max . 33.6 kbps
Transmission speed: Less than 3 seconds.
Scanning speed: 2.0 seconds (Quick Scanning, Bitmap)
dimensional barcode (PDF417)
Address book: 200 (personal address) + 50 entries (group addr ess)
Scanning density:
Normal: 8 dot/mm x 3.85 line/mm
Fine: 8 dot/mm x 7.7 line/mm
Super fine: 8 dot/mm x 15. 4 line/mm
Ultrafine: 16 dot/mm x 15.4 line/mm
Halftone: 256 grey sc ales
Maximum original size: A3, Ledger
Compression method: JBIG, MMR, MR, MH
Memory reception: 700 sheets or more
Features: Network fax, duplex transmission and reception,
encrypted transmissi on and reception, polling transmission
and reception, broadcast
Average continuous toner y ield in a ccordance with
ISO/IEC 19798
TK-895K Toner-Kit: Microfine toner black for 12,0 00 pages A4
TK-895C, TK-895M, TK-895Y, Toner-Kit: Microf ine toner
cyan , magenta, yellow for 6,0 00 pages A4
Capacity of s tar ter toner is black 3,0 00 pages, c yan, magent a,
yellow 1,500 pages A4
Fax System (U)
Paper handling
PF-470 Paper feeder: Max. 50 0 sheets; 60- 256 g/m
A5, B5, Letter, Legal, Custom (98x148 to 297x432mm)
PF-471 Paper fee der: Max. 1,000 sheets; 60-256 g/m
A5, B5, Lett er, Legal, Custom (98 x148 to 297x432 mm)
DF-470* Docum ent finisher + AK- 470: Max . 500 sheets
60 -256 g/m
to 297x432 mm), 3 positions stapling up to 50 sheets A4 or
25 sheets A3
*Bridge unit AK-470 is required for the use of DF-470
Memory upgrade:
MDDR2-10 24: 1024MB
CompactFlash® card: CF-4 (4GB) for printing forms, fonts,
logos, macro storage, and HyPAS™ applications
USB Flash M emory: Supports direc t printing and scanning
of PDF, XPS , TIFF, JPEG files via USB Host interface
UG-33: ThinPrint support
USB IC Card Reader + Card Authentica tion Kit (B): Support for
various authentication keys available
Optional interface
IB-50: Gigabit- Pr intser ver 10B aseT/100BaseT X/100 0B aseT
CB-470 Cabinet: Wooden desk with storage capacity, includ-
ing cas tors (wheels)
CB-472 Cabinet: Metal desk w ith st orage capacity, including
castors (wheels)
2-year warranty as standard. KYOCERA guarantees the drum
and developer for 3
occurs sooner), provided
accordance with the service instructions.
; A3, A4, A5, B5, Let ter, Legal, Custom (98x148
years or 200,000 pages (whichever
each device is used and cleaned in
Up to 5-year on-site warranty extensions
available for product and options.
; A3, A4,
; A3, A4,
KYOCERA Document Solutions (U K) Ltd, 8 Beacontree Plaza, Gillette Way, Reading RG2 0BS
Tel: 0118 931 1500 Fax: 0118 931 1108
ww w.kyoceradocument solutions.co.uk Email: info@duk.kyocera.com
* KYO CERA Document Solution s does not warr ant that any spe cificatio ns mentioned w ill be error-free . Specifica tions are subj ect
to chang e without not ice. Inform ation is corr ect at time of g oing to press . All other br and and produ ct names may be r egistere d
trademarks or trademark s of their respecti ve holders and are hereby acknowledged.
Product depicted includes optional extras.