seal (2) from spool housing (4). Remove
retaining cap screws, then separate
spool valve assembly, valve housing and
cylinder assembly. Remove nut (19)
securing valve spool, then separate
valve spool, center spring (15) and retainers (14) from actuator rod (9).
Remove stud adjusting screw (6), spring
seats (8), stud (3) and sleeve (10)
from housing
Count number of turns
required to remove relief valve adjuster
screw (16) from valve body. Unscrew
piston rod retainer (25) and withdraw
piston and rod assembly. Remove and
discard all seals and "0" rings.
Clean and inspect all parts for excessive wear, scoring or other damage.
Renew components which do not meet
following specifications: Maximum
allowable clearance between valve spool
and housing is 0.04 mm (0.0016 inch).
Maximum allowable clearance between
piston and cylinder bore should not exceed 0.2 mm (0.008 inch).
To reassemble booster unit, reverse
the disassembly procedure. Renew all
seals and "0" rings. Lubricate all parts
with clean hydraulic oil prior to
reassembly. Tighten cylinder rod end
(25) to torque of 79-98 N-m (60-70
When reinstalling relief valve
assembly, turn adjuster screw into valve
Fig. 39A—TO check relief
vaive opening pressure on
booster type
a pressure gage in valve
housing test port as shown.
Refer to text
body same number of turns required for
removal. Apply light coat of grease to
valve sleeve and ball stud (3). Reassemble valve spool and centering spring being careful not to damage "0" ring in cap
Tighten retaining nut to a torque of
7.8 N-m (70 in.-lbs.) Assemble actuator
housing, valve housing and cylinder
assembly and tighten mounting cap
screws evenly to a torque of 19.6 N-m
(15 ft.-lbs.).
To reinstall booster unit, reverse the
removal procedure. Operate steering in
both directions several times to purge
air from system. Check and adjust relief
valve pressure setting as outlined in
paragraph 16.
Hydraulic power supply for
power steering system on Models L235,
L275 and L305 is the hydraulic system
pump mounted on right side of engine.
Pump output is first routed to a flow
divider valve which directs a priority
flow of
to power steering, the remaining pump flow is directed to hitch control valve.
On Models L345 and L355, a separate
hydraulic pump is used for steering
Paragraphs 18-20
system. The pump is mounted in tandem
behind hydraulic hitch system pump. All
pumps are located on right side of
engine and are driven by engine fuel
All Models So Equipped
pump discharge pressure, disconnect
pump pressure outlet pipe and connect a
20000 kPa (3000 psi) pressure gage with
flow control valve as shown in Fig. 40 or
Direct return hose from flow control
valve back into reservoir.
With test equipment connected as outlined, pressure reiief vaive
wiil be eiiminated. BE SURE fiow controi
vaive is fuiiy open before starting engine.
DO NOT ciose controi vaive further after
specified pressure is reached. Otherwise,
pump damage wiii occur.
With flow control valve open, start
engine and operate until fluid reaches
operating temperature. Set engine
speed at 2600 rpm., then slowly close
flow control valve until pump delivery
pressure is within range of 13250-14700
kPa (1920-2130 psi). If specified
pressure cannot be obtained, hydraulic
pump should be removed and repaired
or renewed.
Models L235, L275 and L305
remove hyd rau lic p ump , fir st
thoroughly clean pump and hydraulic
Disconnect hydraulic lines from
pump. Remove pump mounting cap
screws and withdraw pump assembly.
On Models L235 and L275, remove
hydraulic filter and base. On all models,
place a scribe mark across pump sections,
then remove end cover (10-Fig.
42 or 43). Carefully separate pump com-
Fig. 40—Pressure gage and
flow control valve connected
to check hydraulic pump
discharge pressure on
Modeis L235, L275 and L305.
H ydraul ic pu mp
I*r(.'ssure gag e
'A. F^low co ntrol val ve
R etur n to res ervoir
Fig. 41—On Models L345 and L355, connect test
gage and fiow control vatve as shown to check
output of steering pump (2).