please fill in the form below. Your information will help us to help you.
Year of construction:
Serial #:
Shipment date:
Please contact your KUB O TA de ale r for any add iti ona l in form a tio n or tr oubl esho oti ng pr oced ur es not me nti one d
in these op erating instructions.
We also point out tha t the conte nts of the se operatin g instruc tions are n ot part of an earlier ex isting agr eement,
promise or legal relationship or amend this. All responsibilities arise of the respective sales contract containing the
complete and exclusively valid contractual warranty, refer to the "Duties, liability and warranty" section (page 14).
This documentation does neither extend nor restrict the contractual warranty.
KUBOTA Baumaschi nen Gm bH r es erv es the right to c han ge t he i nfo rmati on c on tai ned in this d ocu men t wi th respect to future technical development without altering the basic characteristics of the excavators described herein
and without amending this document.
Distribution and reproduction of this documentation and disclosure of its content are not allowed unless expressly
approved by the manufacturer. Violators of the above terms are liable for compensation for damages.
General symbols ....................................................................................................................................... 9
General inf o rmation ........................ .. ............. .. ... ............. .. ............. .. ... ............. .. ............. ............. 11
Approved use .......................................................................................................................................... 16
Overload warning function ................................................................................................................. 28
Hazards coming from the hydraulic system ............................................................................................ 29
Fire protection ......................................................................................................................................... 29
Recovery, loading and transport...... ...........................................................................................31
Safety rules for recovery ......................................................................................................................... 31
Safety rules while loading with a crane................................................................................................... 31
Safety rules for transport......................................................................................................................... 32
Hoisting the excavator with a crane ........................................................................................................ 33
Transport on a flat bed trailer.................................................................................................................. 35
Description of the excavator.................. ..................................................... ................................. 37
Model overview ....................................................................................................................................... 37
Model KX057-4, U48-4 and U55-4..................................................................................................... 37
Operator’s place ...................................................................................................................................... 46
Left control console ............................................................................................................................46
Description of the components of the left control console ...............................................................46
Drive levers and control pedals ..........................................................................................................47
Drive levers and control pedals – description .................................................................................. 47
Right control console.......................................................................................................................... 48
Description of the components of the right control console ............................................................. 48
Display and control unit - description............................................................................................... 50
Other equipment to be found at the machine.......................................................................................... 51
Hydraulic system .....................................................................................................................................57
Radiator and condenser .......................................................................................................................... 57
Replacing the bucket........................................................................................................................ 175
Remove the bucket........................................................................................................................ 176
Install the bucket............................................................................................................................ 177
°Cdegree Celsius
1/minrevolutions per minute
APIAmerican Petroleum Inst itut e
ASTMAmerican Society for Testing and Materials
CECECommittee for European Construction
DINDeutsches Institut für Normung
e.g.for example
EMCelectromagnetic compatibility
ENEuropean standard
GLGround level
carbon dioxide
(German Institute for Standards)
km/hkilometre per hour
L/minlitres per minute
LpAsound pressure level operator’s place
LwAmeasured sound power level
m/s²metre per square second
m³cubic metre
ISOInternational Organization for Standardiza-
General symbols
Warning light
Fuel indicator
Engine oil indicator
Charge indicator
Glow indicator
Hydraulic oil
Travel speed
Low speed
Swivel boom (left)
Swivel boom (right)
Dozer up
Dozer down
Control lever direction
Control lever direction
Rotary beacon
Display selector switch
Forward travel
Backward travel
Raise boom
Lower boom
Arm crowd
Arm dump
Bucket crowd
Bucket dump
Auxiliary port enable switch
Boom working light
Cab working lights
AUTO IDLE switch
AUTO IDLE indicator
Menu button
Overload warn ing switch
Coolant temperature indicator
Service interval indica tor
Information button
Set clock indicator
Overvoltage indicato r
Anti-theft system fault indicator
Insert key indicator
Pull out key indicator
Key registration indicator
Voltage supply indicator 5 V
Voltage supply indicator 12V
Lower control lever lock indicator
Coolant temperature sensor fault indicator
Key indicator
Wrong key indicator
Registration mode compl ete ind icato r
Registration mode indicator
No overload warning indicator
Overload warning indicator
Raise control lever lock indicator
Start engine indicator
Controller Area Network indicator
Auxiliary port indicator
Auxiliary port 2 indicator
Selection right indicator
Selection down indicator
Auxiliary port 1 indicator
Auxiliary port not present indicator
Selection up indicator
Save entry indicator
General information
General information
These operating i nstructions apply only for t he KUBOTA excavator models K X057-4, U48-4 and U55-4
complying with the following EC declaration of conformity (page 11).
Safety instructions, the rules and regulations for the use of excavators given in these operating instructions apply
to the excavators mentioned in this documentation.
It is the responsibility of the owner(s):
to ensure local, regional and national regulations are observed,
to observe the bodies of rules (laws, regulations, guidelines, etc) stated in the operating instructions to ensure
safe handling of the equipment,
to ensure that the operating instructions are always available for the operating personnel and the information,
such as notes, warnings and safety rules and regulations, are followed in all points.
The data in the operating instruction s apply for all mod els. Informati on applyin g only a certa in model or only optional equipment is highlighted e.g. (optional, KX057-4, U48-4 and U55-4).
The terms "front" and "direction of travel" refer to the view of the operator when seated on the operator’s seat. Forward direction of
travel means that the dozer is at the front when driving forwards as
shown in the figure.
Direction of travel
The symbols for operating and safety instructions are listed under "Safety symbols (page 15).
EC declaration of conformity
With the EC declaration of conformity, KUBOTA Baumaschinen GmbH certifies that the excavator
is in conformity with the valid standards and regulations at the time of marketing. The CE conformity
marking is located on the type plate and indicates compliance with the regulations.
If the excavator is modified or retrofitted without the approval of the manufacturer, the safety of the excavator may
be affected, thus invalidating the EC declaration of conformity.
The EC declaration of conformity is attached to the operating instructions for delivery of the excavator.
Keep the EC declaration of conformity in a safe place and show it, if requested, to the responsible authorities.
Should the EC declaration of conformity get lost, please contact your KUBOTA dealer.
General information
Date of issue of the operating instructions
The date of issue of the operating instructions is printed on the bottom right of the front page of the book.
Operating personnel
The duties of personnel with respect to operation, servicing, repairs and safety inspections must be set forth clearly
by the owner.
Personnel in training are al lowed to wor k on or with the excav ator only und er the superv ision of an exp erienced
According to industrial safety regulations, only persons who were instructed in the operation of the excavator, who
have proven their qualification to the owner (employer) and who can be expected to perform their duties in a reliable way are allowed to operate the excavator independently.
Only trained and instructed personnel are allowed to work on or with the excavator.
Only instructed personnel are allowed to start the excavator and operate the controls.
Trained personnel
Trained personnel are skilled persons with a technical qualification who are able to determine damages to the excavator and perform repairs in their area of qualification (e.g. hydraulic or electrical engineering).
Skilled personnel
Based on their training and experience in their field, skilled personnel must have sufficient knowledge in excavator
engineering and be familiar with the applicable national worker’s protection regulations, safety regulations and the
generally accepted technical rules so that they can assess the safe condition of the excavator.
Location of the operating instructions
The operating instructions must always be kept on the excavator. If the operating instructions have become illegible due to continuous use, the owner (operator) must order a replacement from the manufacturer.
There is a compartment (1) for the operating instructions behind the
backrest of the operator’s seat.
General information
Spare parts
Genuine spare parts can be ordered from KUBOTA dealers by stating the model and the serial # of the excavator.
The item numbers for the spare parts are indicated in the spare parts catalogue.
Safety rules
Safety rules
Basic safety instructions
The EC machine uti liz atio n dir e ctive ( 20 09/1 04/ EC) dated 16/09/2009 app li es fo r the o per ation of the aforementioned excavator.
The information in these operating instructions applies for maintenance and repairs.
National rules and regulations apply where applicable.
Duties, liability and warranty
A basic requisite for the safe handling and problem-free operation of the excavator is the knowledge of the safety
instructions and safety regulations.
These operating instructions, in particular the safety instructions, must be followed by all persons working near or
with the excava tor. Above and bey ond this , the sa fety rules and r egulations applica ble for the site m ust als o be
Hazards occurring during the handling of the excavator:
The excavators are manufactured according to the state of technology and the recognized safety rules. Nevertheless, danger to the life and limbs of the operator or a third party, or damage to the excavator or to other
property can occur. The excavator(s) may only be used
! for the approved use and
! in a completely safe operating state.
Malfunctions which can reduce safety must be repaired immediately.
Warranty and liability
The scope, period and form of the warranty are set forth in the sales and delivery conditions of the manufacturer.
The operating instructions valid at the time of delivery shall be the basis for any warranty claims arising from errors
in the documentatio n, see the da te of issue o f the operat ing instruc tions (pag e 12). The followi ng applies ab ove
and beyond the sales and delivery conditions: No warranty or liability shall be assumed for personnel and property
damages resulting from one or more of the following reasons:
unapproved use of the excavator,
improper starting, operation and maintenance of the excavator,
operation of the excavator with defective safety devices or improperly installed or non-operational safety and
protective devices ,
ignorance or non-observance of these operating instructions,
insufficiently qualified or insufficiently instructed operating personnel,
improperly performed repairs,
unauthorised engineering changes to the excavator,
poor surveillance of machine parts subject to wear,
catastrophes caused by the effect of foreign objects or an act of God.
Safety rules
The owner must ensure at his own responsibility that
the safety rules are observed (page 14),
unapproved use (page 16) and unauthorised operation are excluded and
the approved use (page 16) is ensured and the excavator is operated in accordance with the contractual conditions of use.
Safety symbols
The following terms and hazard symbols are used in these operating instructions:
Identifies important operating procedure information which may not be immediately evident to the operator.
Identifies operatin g p rocedures which must be followed exactly to pr ev en t d ama ge to the e xcav ato r
or other property.
Identifies operating procedures which must be followed exactly to prevent danger to persons.
Identifies possible hazards in the handling of batteries.
Identifies possible hazards from caustic materials (battery acid).
Identifies possible hazards from explosive materials.
Prohibits the use of fire, ignition sources, and smoking.
Prohibits the spraying of water.
Identifies operating procedures for the proper disposal and storage of ensuing waste materials.
Safety rules
Approved use
The excavators specified in this operator’s manual may only be used for to loose the ground, excavating, picking
up, transporting and dumping soils, rocks and other materials, for work with the dozer or with a breaker. The load
may be transported largely without driving the excavator. Do not exceed the maximum lifting capacity.
Approved use also includes:
observation of all notes in these operating instructions,
regular servicing,
regular safety inspections.
Unapproved use
Any improper use – i.e. any deviation from the information in the "Approved use" section (page 16) of the excavator documented in t hes e oper a ting i ns tru ct ion s – is conside re d a n unapproved use. T hi s also applies to the nonobservance of the standards and guidelines listed in these operating instructions.
Hazards can occur in case of improper use. Such improper uses include:
using the excavator to lift loads without suitable load lifting equipment,
using the excavator in contaminated environments,
using the excavator in closed rooms without insufficient ventilation,
using the excavator under conditions of extreme temperatures (extreme heat or cold),
using the excavator for underground works,
using the excavator to transport persons in the bucket, and
using the excavator for demolition without the corresponding equipment.
Safety rules
Special duties of the owner
Owner of the excavator in the sense of these operating instructions is any person or company which uses the excavator itself or on whose order it is used. In special cases (e.g. leasing, rental), the owner is the person who must
perform the duties arising fr om operation ac cording to the c onditions of the c ontract between owner and use r of
the excavator.
The owner must ensu re tha t the ex cav at or is onl y used pr o per ly an d tha t any danger to the life a nd he al th of the
user or others who are in the proximity of the user are eliminated. Furthermore, observance of the safety rules and
regulations as well as the operating, maintenance and repair regulations must be ensured. The owner must make
sure that all operators and users have read and understood these operating instructions.
Persons who work with or on the excavator must be provided by the operator with, and where applicable use suitable personal protective equipment (PPE), for example suitable working clothes, safety shoes, safety helmets, eye
protection, ear p rotection and air-filter ma sks. The owner/employer be ars the main responsibil ity for the PPE,
which is specified by the safety rules for particular types of activity.
Waste such as old oil, fuel, hydraulic fluid, coolant and batteries comes under the category of toxic waste and can
be a hazard to the environment, people and animals.
Disposal must b e undertak en in an appropri ate way, accordin g to leg ally presc ribed pol lution cont rol and safety
If you have questions about the correct disposal or storage of refuse and toxic waste, contact your KUBOTA dealer
or a local waste management contractor.
Noise emission and vibration
The values specified in this manual have been identified in the test cycle at an identical machine and are valid for
a standard equipment machine. The determined values are shown in the Technical Data (page 40).
Noise emission
The noise levels were deter mined using the method of determinin g the guarant eed sound press ure level of IS O
4871 based on directive 2000/14/EC, appendix VI.
The noise levels shown are not applicable for the determination of additional workplace noise emissions. The actual noise levels may need to be determined directly at the workplaces, subject to actually existing conditions (other noise sources, special operating conditions, sound reflections).
Depending on the actual noise emissions the owner must provide the necess ary personal prote ctive equipment
to the operator (ear protection).
Noise of a noise level of more than 85 dB (A) can cause hearing damage.
From a noise level of 80 dB (A), the use of an ear protection is recommended.
From a noise level of 85 dB (A), the operator must wear an ear protection.
The vibrations at the machine have been determined at an identical machine.
The vibration str ess on the op erator o ver a l onger p eriod of time must b e deter mine d by the own er at the site of
application, in compliance with directive 2002/44/ EC in order to consider individual magnitudes of influence.
Safety rules
Safety labels on the excavator
Keep the safety and warning symbols (labels) on the excavator clean and legible, replacing them if necessary.
The positioning of the safety symbols is illustrated in the following figures.
1)Code #: 69198-5722-0 (both sides)
Do not enter the swing area.
2)Code #: RC108-5796-0 (both sides)
Attachment point for lifting gear.
3)Code #: RB238-5736-0
Diesel fuel only, no open fire.
Safety rules
4)Code #: RG109-5796-0
Not an attachment point for lifting gear.
5)Code #: RD809-5725-0
Do not enter the manoeuvring area.
6)Code #: TA040-4958-0
Do not touch hot parts, such as exhaust muffler, etc.
7)Code #: RC418-5737-0
Keep away from fan and V-belt.
8)Code #: RD809-5733-0 (both sides)
Use the attachment point only for clamping the excavator securely to a transport vehicle.
9)Code #: RD809-5795-0 (both sides)
For information about loosening the crawler, consult the operating instructions.
Safety rules
10)Code #: RD809-5714-0
Emergency exit.
Safety rules
11)Code #: RB419-5793-0
Risk of injury through windshield getting out of place. Always lock the windshield.
12)Code #: RD809-5743-0
Caution: Always fasten the seat belt to avoid an increased risk of injury.
13)Code #: 69198-5784-0
Attention: Read the op erating instructions and make sure that the ins tructions have been understood before starting or operating the excavator.
14)Code #: RD809-5739-0
When using a wider or deepe r bucket, take goo d care when sw inging or retracting the fr ont attachments to make sure that the bucket does not hit the cab.
Safety rules
15)Code #: RA028-5724-0
Radiator: Risk of burns.
16)Code #: RB238-5736-0
Diesel fuel only, no open fire.
17)Code #: RD451-5748-0
Fill level monitor when refuelling.
Safety rules
18)Code #: RD359-5726-0
Operation of the suction pump.
(Optional KX057-4)
19)Code #: RD809-5745-0
Do not touch hot parts, such as exhaust muffler, etc.
20) Code #: RD359-5747-0
Safety rules
20) Code #: RD459-5747-0
20) Code #: RD559-5747-0
Safety rules
21) Code #: RH849-5749-0
Risk of accidents by exceeded load when lifting!
When exceeding th e nominal l oad, a beep so unds and a war ning light
Turn on overload warning func tion before starting a lifting operation!
Safety rules
Safety devices
Before starting th e excavator, al l safety dev ices must be i nstalled prop erly and operat ional. No manip ulation of
safety devices, e.g. the shorting of limit switches, is allowed.
Protective devices may only be removed after
the excavator is standing still and the engine is stopped
and secured against restarting (starter switch in STOP position and key removed).
Locking the controls
The control levers (3 and 6), on the right and left, the drive levers (1),
the boom swing pedal (2), and the dozer control lever (5) are not operational when the cons ole (7) is raised. This circumstance al lows
safe getting on and off . T he co nsole is unlocked and raised with the
control lever lock (4).
Engine stop knob
The engine is stopped when the main key switch is turned to the
STOP position.
If the engine cannot be tu rned off, plea se operate the eng ine stop
knob switch in order to turn off the engine.
To stop the engine:
3 41 265
Pull the knob (1) until the engine stops.
After the engine has stopped, push in the knob.
Safety rules
Protective structure canopy and cab
The excavator is equipped with a protective structure that protects the operator from severe injury or
death if the excavator falls over or overturns and in the case of falling objects.
Canopy and cab were constructed in accordance with current safety standards and tested for verification as:
Roll-over protection ROPS (Roll Over Protective Structure)
Protective structure against falling objects FOPS (Falling Object Protective Structure)
To ensure greatest protection by means of this protective structure, the following applies:
The seat belt must be fastened while the excavator is being operated.
Do not make any structural changes to the protective structure.
In the event of damage, please contact your KUBOTA dealer. (Do not repair!)
Never operate the excavator without the protective structure.
Use utmost care to avoid any risk of tipping, slipping, or other potential risks implied when lifting loads.
The operator must
drive at reduced vehicle speed,
avoid sudden braking,
avoid sudden steering movements,
make sure the load does not swing when travelling.
With the use of a hydraulic ham mer or another attachme nt for demolition work, wh ere material (e.g. asph alt) is
removed and can uncontrollably sputter away, a gravel guard is recommended for protection.
For demolition (according to EN 474-1, Annex G), e.g. tearing down walls, the corresponding protective equipment
is required (e.g. gravel guard).
Emergency hammer
In case of an acci dent whe re the excavat or ca b door a nd wind ows
can not be opened, the operator can brea k the wi ndow pan es with
the emergency hammer (1).
When breaking the window pane, close your eyes and
cover them with an arm.
Pipe safety valve
The pipe safety valve prevents the load from suddenly lowering during lifting operation in case a pipe or hose bursts.
The pipe safety valve (1) is attached directly to the hydraulic port of
the boom cylinder, arm cylinder or dozer cylinder.
Excavators that will be used in the lifting operation, must be
equipped with at least a pipe safety valve on the boom and arm, together with an overload warning function (page 28) according
to EN 474-5.
An additional pipe safety valve in a ccordance wit h EN 474-1 must
be installed before using the dozer for lifting operation support.
To equip the excavator for the lifting operation, contact your
KUBOTA specialis t deal er.
The pipe safety valve is adjusted in the factory on the particular excavator.
Manipulating the pipe safety valve will void the warranty.
Safety rules
The manipulatio n an d repair of the pipe saf ety va lv es is f or bid den . T hey m ay only be re pla ce d by your KUBOTA
dealer as a kit.
Any manipulation can result in substantial personal injuries, even death, and is therefore strictly forbidden.
Overload warning function
An overload warning function informs the operator immediately if there is an overload. The warning system is controlled by the pr essure sw itch at the pipe safety valve. The load is meas ured by t he pressu re at th e base o f the
cylinder. Any overpressure triggers the warning device.
The warning device is a ctivated with the overload warn ing switch
(1). In the event of an overload, an acoustic signal sounds and "Exceed Rated Load" appears in the display.
An overload warning func tion is only available when the exc avator
is equipped for the lifti ng operation . To equip the ex cavator for the
lifting operation, contact your KUBOTA specialist dealer.
Excavators that will be used in the lifting operation, must be
equipped with at least a pipe safety valve on the boom and arm, together with an overload warning function according to EN 474-5.
An additional pipe safety valve in a ccordance wit h EN 474-1 must
be installed before using the dozer for lifting operation support.
When changing from rubber crawlers to steel crawlers, or from steel
crawlers to rubber crawlers, or when modyfing the length of the arm,
please contact your KUBOTA dealer.
The overload warning function must be enabled during any lifting operation to prevent personal injuries and damage to equipment.
Safety rules
Hazards coming from the hydraulic system
If hydraulic oil gets into the eyes, rinse them immediately with clear water and subsequently seek medical aid.
Do not allow hydraulic oil to contact the skin or clothing. Skin parts which may have come in contact with hydraulic
oil must be washed wi th water and soap im mediately, if poss ible. Do this thoro ughly and repeated ly, otherwise
there is a risk of damage to the skin.
Immediately take off any clothes dirtied or soaked with hydraulic oil.
Persons who have inhaled hydraulic oil vapours (mist) should be taken to a doctor immediately.
If leaks have occurred in the hydraulic system, th e excavator ma y not be taken in to operatio n or, if in operati on,
operation must cease at once.
Do not use the naked hand to search for leaks; always use a piece of wood or cardboard. Protective clothing (eye
protection and gloves) must be worn when seeking leaks.
Leaking hydrauli c oil must be bound immediately with an oil binding agent. T he contaminated oi l binding agent
must be stored in suitable containers and in accordance with the valid regulations.
Fire protection
The excavator components and attachments (in particular the engine and the exhaust system) reach
Remove any accumulated dirt adjacent to hot components, e.g. engine, muffler, exhaust manifold/tubes, etc.
If the machine is being used to full capacity, the cleaning procedure should be performed more frequently.
Accumulated residues from plants and trees, or any other flammable materials, should be removed from the
machine. This must be observed in particular in the proximity of the engine and the exhaust system, but also
at the swivel frame, the track frame, and the boom.
Check the condition and wear of all fuel lines and hydraulic hoses. A ny defective part s should be replaced
immediately in order to avoid leakage.
Electric lines and connecti ons must be checked regul arly for signs of damage. Damaged com ponents and
lines must be replaced or repaired before starting up the machine. All electric connections must be kept clean
and solid.
Exhaust pipes and mufflers must be checked daily for leaks, damage and any loose or missing joints. Leaking
or damaged exhaust system components must be replaced or repaired before starting up the machine.
high temperatures even at no rmal working conditi ons. An electric inst allation which is dam aged or
not properly serviced may lead to flashovers and/or electric arcs. The following Fire Protection Guidelines may help you ensure the maintenance and efficiency of your equipment and minimize fire hazards.
Always keep a multi purpo se fire exting uish er at o r clos e to the machi ne. Mak e you rself fa mili ar wit h the op eration of the fire ext inguish er. In th e even t of fire i n the el ectric al or hy draulic syste m, use a CO
guisher to combat the fire.
For attaching a fire extinguisher (1) two threads (2) have been inserted in the cab construction on the left side
behind the driver’s seat.
fire extin-
Safety rules
A fire extinguisher is not included in the ba sic equipment of the machine.
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