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Klamp Trak
ITEM# KKS1020 - Klamp Trak
Getting Started
There are three main methods for installing Klamp Trak™ in your workshop. In all three methods, your goal will be to construct an opening
with the same (or slightly larger) dimensions as the Klamp Trak™, directly below your intended work surface. This will allow the trak to sit
flush-with or slightly below the main surface, keeping your work surface clear of obstacles. Klamp Trak™ dimensions can be found in the
diagram on page 5 of this instruction manual..
Below are the three methods to choose from. Depending on how you intend to use your Klamp Trak™,
determine the best choice for your specic situation.
1. Rout into edge of workbench
2. Add a 3/4” surface to the top of your workbench
3. Place between two staggered pieces of 3/4” plywood
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Page 1 Klamp TrakTM Instructions
• Rout into edge of workbench.
Good for adding fast-clamping capabilities to the edge of your current workbench.
1. Place the trak above the spot on the bench where you would like it to position it. Trace around the trak with a pencil.
2. Place your router on top of the Klamp Trak™ and drop the flat-tip bit to the table’s surface. This will make your routing depth
equal to the height of the trak.
3. Working from the outermost edge of your workbench, use the pencil marks as a guide as you rout in towards the center of the
workbench. Working from the outside in will allow you to maintain a solid base under your router.
4. After you are done routing, remove any remnant material from the corners with a hammer and chisel.
5. Test the dimensions of your routing by placing the trak inside of the opening and checking to see that it rests flush with, or below
the surface of your workbench. Make adjustments as necessary.
TIP: When routing, remember that your goal is for the trak to sit flush with, or slightly below the work surface. You may need to lower
your bit depth slightly, to assure the Trak does not rest above your work surface.
TIP: Follow your router’s instructions carefully.
WARNING: Do not rout this Trak into material less than 1.5” deep. Doing so could result in bolts being pulled
through the surface or related damage to your work surface.

Page 2Klamp TrakTM Instructions
• Add a ¾” surface to the top of your workbench.
Good if you would like to eventually replace the top of your workbench or return it to its original condition.
1. The Klamp Trak™ is exactly .695” thick, or slightly thinner than most ¾” plywood, MDF, or other composite sheets. Begin by cutting
your composite sheet to the same dimension as the top of your current workbench.
2. Place the trak on top of the sheet, where you would like it to be eventually positioned.
3. Trace around the trak using a pencil, and cut the appropriate material out using a saw of your choice.
4. Test the dimensions of your cut by placing the trak inside of the opening and checking to see that it rests flush with, or below the
surface of your workbench. Make adjustments as necessary.
5. Secure the sheet to the top of your workbench using any method you wish. (Screws, nails, recessed hex bolts, countersunk
flat-head bolts, etc.)
6. Re-test the dimensions and make adjustments as necessary.
TIP: If possible, attempt to secure the sheet to your workbench from the bottom side. This will eliminate the possibility of the screws
becoming loosened and interfering with your flat work surface