1 Introduction 1
2 Getting Started 1
2.1 Quick Start 1
3 Overview 3
4 Your VS-81HD 8x1 HD/SD-SDI Switcher 3
4.1 Using the IR Transmitter 6
5 Installing on a Rack 7
6 Connecting Your VS-81HD 8x 1 HD/SD-SDI Switcher 8
6.1 DIP-switch Settings 10
6.1.1 Setting the Machine ID DIP-switches 10
6.2 Controlling via RS-232 (for example, using a PC) 11
6.3 Controlling via the RS-485 Port 12
6.4 Switching Genlocked Video Signals 13
6.5 Controlling via ETHERNET 13
6.5.1 Connecting the ETHERNET Port directly to a PC (Crossover Cable) 13
6.5.2 Connecting the ETHERNET Port via a Ne twork Hub ( Straight-Thro ug h C a ble ) 15
6.5.3 Configuring the Ethernet Port 15
6.6 Controlling via the REMOTE Connector 15
7 Operating the VS-81HD 16
7.1 Locking the Front Panel 16
8 Technical Specifications 17
9 Kramer Protocol 2000 18
Figure 1: VS-81HD 8x1 HD/SD-SDI Switcher 4
Figure 2: Connecting the VS-81HD 8x1 HD/SD-SDI Switcher
Figure 3: VS-81HD MACHINE ID DIP-switches
Figure 4: Connecting a PC without using a Null-modem Adapter 11
Figure 5: Controlling via RS-485 (for example, using an RC-3000)
Figure 6: Local Area Connection Properties Window
Figure 7: Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties Window
Figure 8: Using the REMOTE Connector 15