Kramer Electronics, Ltd.
8x1 Composite / s-Video / Audio Switcher

1. Introduction 1
2. Getting Started 1
2.1 Quick Start 2
3. Overview 3
4. Your Composite / s-Video / Audio Switcher 3
5. Installing the VS-812 on a Rack 5
6. Connecting the VS-812 8x1 Composite / s-Video / Audio Switcher 6
6.1 Connecting the Balanced/Unbalanced Stereo Audio Input/Output 7
6.2 Connecting Several Independent VS-812 Units to a PC 8
6.2.1 Connecting via RS-232 Using a PC 8
6.2.2 Adjusting Jumpers JMP4 and JMP5 9
6.2.3 Setting the DIP-switches on an Independent VS-812 Unit 9
6.3 Connecting a Set of VS-812 Units to a PC 11
6.3.1 Preparing the RS-232 Connectors 12
6.3.2 Shorting Jumpers JMP4 and JMP5 13
6.3.3 Setting the DIP-switches on a Set of VS-812 Units 13
7. Operating Your Composite / s-Video / Audio Switcher 16
7.1 Using the Front Panel Buttons and Switches 16
7.1.1 Presetting up to eight INPUT SETUP Switches 16
7.1.2 Selecting a CV or a Y/C Source on an Independent Unit 17
7.1.3 Selecting a CV or a Y/C Source on a Set of three VS-812 Units 18
7.2 Switching and Distributing 19
8. Technical Specifications 21
Figure 1: VS-812 8x1 Composite / s-Video / Audio Switcher 4
Figure 2: Connecting the VS-812 8x1 Composite / s-Video / Audio Switcher 7
Figure 3: Connecting the Unbalanced Stereo Audio Input 7
Figure 4: Connecting the Balanced Stereo Audio Input/Output 8
Figure 5: Connecting an Unbalanced Output 8
Figure 6: Connecting to a PC without using a Null-modem Adapter 9
Figure 7: Location of the DIP-switches on a VS-812 Unit 9
Figure 8: DIP-switch Settings on an Independent VS-812 Unit 10
Figure 9: DIP-switch Settings on 7 Independent VS-812 Units 11
Figure 10: Preparing the RS-232 Connect or s 12
Figure 11: Location of Jumpers JMP4 and JMP5 13
Figure 12: A RS-232 Port Controlling a Set of Three Units and an Independent Unit 15
Figure 13: Setting the INPUT SETUP Switches 16
Figure 14: Selecting a CV o r a Y/C Source 17
Figure 15: Operating a Set of three Switchers 18
Figure 16: Switching and Distributing 19
Figure 17: A 1:2 CV Distribution Amplifier and a 1:2 Y/C Distribution Amplifier 20