Introduction 1
Getting Started 1
Overview 1
Your VP-419 Video to SXGA/HD Scaler 2
Connecting the VP-419 Video To SXGA/HD Scaler 4
Controlling the VP-419 5
6.1 Controlling via the Front Panel Buttons 5
6.1.1 Using the Mode Button 5
6.1.2 Using the Picture Button 5
6.2 Controlling via the Infra-Red Remote Control Transmitter 6
Technical Specifications 7
Figure 1: VP-419 Video To SXGA/HD Scaler – Front and Rear View 3
Figure 2: Connecting the VP-419 Video To SXGA/HD Scaler 4
Figure 3: Infra-Red Remote Control Transmitter 6
Table 1: Front Panel Features and Functions of the VP-419 Video To SXGA/HD Scaler 3
Table 2: Rear Panel Features and Functions of the VP-419 Video To SXGA/HD Scaler 3
Table 3: The Mode Button Features and Functions 5
Table 4: The Picture Button Functions 5
Table 5: Infra-Red Remote Control Transmitter Functions 6
Table 6: Technical Specifications of the VP-419 Video To SXGA/HD Scaler 7

1 Introduction
Welcome to Kramer Electronics (since 1981): a world of unique, creative and
affordable solutions to the infinite range of problems that confront the video,
audio and presentation professional on a daily basis. In recent years, we have
redesigned and upgraded most of our line, making the best even better! Our
350-plus different models now appear in 8 Groups1, which are clearly defined
by function.
Congratulations on purchasing your Kramer VP-419 Video To SXGA/HD
Scaler. This product is ideal for:
Projection systems in conference rooms, boardrooms, hotels and churches
Home theater up-scaling
The package includes the following items:
VP-419 Video To SXGA/HD Scaler
Power adapter (5V DC input)
Infra red remote control transmitter
This user manual2
2 Getting Started
We recommend that you:
Unpack the equipment carefully and save the original box and packaging
materials for possible future shipment
Review the contents of this user manual
Use Kramer high performance high resolution cables3
3 Overview
The high performance VP-419 Video To SXGA/HD Scaler is designed to
convert composite video, s-Video or component video signals to a variety of
computer and HDTV resolutions for viewing on most LCD, plasma and
HDTV displays.
1 GROUP 1: Distribution Amplifiers; GROUP 2: Video and Audio Switchers, Matrix Switchers and Controllers; GROUP 3:
Video, Audio, VGA/XGA Processors; GROUP 4: Interfaces and Sync Processors; GROUP 5: Twisted Pair Interfaces;
GROUP 6: Accessories and Rack Adapters; GROUP 7: Scan Converters and Scalers; and GROUP 8: Cables and Connectors
2 Download up-to-date Kramer user manuals from the Internet at this URL: http://www.kramerelectronics.com
3 The complete list of Kramer cables is on our Web site at http://www.kramerelectronics.com

Your VP-419 Video to SXGA/HD Scaler
Video inputs are de-interlaced and scaled to the selected PC or HDTV
resolutions, as follows:
VGA (640x480) SXGA (1280x1024) 720p
SVGA (800x600) 480p 1080i
XGA (1024x768) 576p
The VP-419 Video To SXGA/HD Scaler also features:
Automatic detection of NTSC, PAL-B, PAL-G, PAL-I, and PAL-D video
On-Screen Display (OSD) for easy setup and adjustment
A high-performance adaptive 3D comb filter (for precise color
Per-pixel motion compensated de-interlacing for artifact-free video
Automatic detection for 3:2 pulldown for 24fps film source material
Frame rate conversion of 50Hz to 60Hz for PAL input signals
A Vertical Temporal (VT) Filter for removing jagged artifacts
A built-in DCTI/DLTI circuit for color/luminance transient improvement
A PC Input connector for easy integration into an existing system
A non-volatile memory that retains the last settings used
Control your VP-419:
Directly, via the front panel push buttons
Remotely, from the infra-red remote control transmitter
To achieve the best performance:
Connect only good quality connection cables, thus avoiding interference,
deterioration in signal quality due to poor matching, and elevated noiselevels (often associated with low quality cables)
Avoid interference from neighboring electrical appliances and position
your Kramer VP-419 away from moisture, excessive sunlight and dust
4 Your VP-419 Video to SXGA/HD Scaler
Figure 1, Table 1 and Table 2 define the VP-419 Video To SXGA/HD Scaler: