1 Introduction 1
2 Getting Started 1
2.1 Achieving the Best Performance 2
2.2 Safety Instructions 2
2.3 Recycling Kramer Products 2
2.4 Quick Start 3
3 Overview 4
3.1 Shielded Twisted Pair (STP) / Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP) 5
4 Your VS-169TP 16x9 CAT 5 Matrix Switcher 5
4.1 Using the IR Transmitter 10
5 Installing the VS-169TP in a Rack 11
5.1 Wiring the CAT 5 LINE IN / LINE OUT RJ-45 Connectors 12
6 Connecting the VS-169TP 16x9 CAT 5 Matrix Switcher 12
6.1 Connecting the RS-232 Ports 15
6.1.1 Connect the Local RS-232 Ports 15
6.1.2 Connect the Control RS-232 Ports 15
6.2 Setting the DIP-switches 15
6.2.1 Setting the Machine # 16
7 Control the VS-169TP 16x9 CAT 5 Matrix Switcher 17
7.1 Controlling via the RS-232 Interface 17
7.2 Controlling via the RS-485 Interface 18
7.3 Controlling via the ETHERNET 19
7.3.1 Connecting the ETHERNET Port directly to a PC (Crossover Cable) 19
7.3.2 Connecting the ETHERNET Port via a Network Hub (Straight-Through Cable) 20
7.3.3 Control Configuration via the Ethernet Port 20
8 Understanding the VS-169TP 16x9 CAT 5 Matrix Switcher 21
8.1 Transmitting the RS-232 Signal 21
9 Operating the VS-169TP 16x9 CAT 5 Matrix Switcher 23
9.1 Switching Inputs #1 and #2 between local and remote 23
9.2 The STATUS 7-Segment Display 24
9.3 Switching an Input to an Output 24
9.3.1 Switching one Input to all Outputs 24
9.3.2 Clearing an Output 25
9.3.3 Clearing all the Outputs 25
9.4 Confirming Settings 26
9.4.1 Toggling between the At Once and Confirm Modes 26
9.4.2 Confirming a Switching Action 26
9.5 Storing/Recalling Input/Output Configurations 27