Korg RADIAS Easy Start

RRAADDIIAASS MMaaiinn FFeeaattuurreess
Complete synthesis system with four Timbres per Program, including drum kits
MMT Multi Modeling Technology offers seven types of synthesis
Two ultra low-aliasing oscillators per Timbre afford sonic horsepower in every range
Illuminated controls are always active for quick editing
Two multi-mode filters, routable in series, parallel, or independently
Filter Balance parameter allows Filter 1 to continuously vary amongst four filter types
24-note polyphony
Up to 9 simultaneous effects per Program: 2 Insert effects and 1 Master effect, plus 2-band
EQ for each Timbre
Mod Sequencer lets you record step or motion sequences, including wave sequencing
Arpeggiator and two polyphonic step sequencers for many melodic and rhythmic patterns
Advanced 16-band Vocoder allows recording of Formant Motion phrases; 120 seconds (16
segments of 7.5 seconds each) of such data can be stored
Envelope Follower allows external or internal sounds to shape the synthesis in new ways
Timbre and Effects Templates make programming from a good starting point a snap
256 Programs, 32 Drum Kits provides lots of sounds at instant access
Four outputs; two audio inputs; includes headset mic
USB MIDI connectivity, plus included Editor/L ibrarian for both PC and Mac platforms
Getting Started:
RADIAS Connections 2 Getting around on the RADIAS Playing the Demo Songs Selecting Programs; Programs to try Selecting Timbres within a Program Editing a Tim bre Animation, Animation! (Arpeggiator, Step Sequencer, Mod Sequencer) 3 The Vocoder and the Audio Inputs Editing using T emplates; Virtual Patch Mode 5 Factory Preload; RADIAS Sound Editor/driver/additional information
2 2 2 3 3
RADIAS EasyStart
GGeettttiinngg SSttaarrtteedd -- CCoonnnneeccttiioonnss
1. Assemble the RADIAS keyboard and rack per the included instructions, or if using the RADIAS as a sound module, connect your external MIDI devic e to the RADIAS MIDI INPUT.
2. Connect the AC power cable > Make sure that the VOLUME knob is turned down first, and then connect audio cables from the MAIN OUTPUT L/R jacks on the back of the RADIAS to your stereo monitor system (or connect headphones to the PHONES jack).
3. Press the POWER ON key on the rear panel. If you’re using the RADIAS as a sound module, make sure that its Global MIDI channel matches that of your external MIDI device (see page 17 in the RADIAS Owner’s Manual).
WWoorrkkiinngg wwiitthh tthhee RRAADDIIAASS
PPllaayyiinngg tthhee DDeemmoo SSoonnggss
1. Press and hold the DRUM and GLOBAL keys. Th e songs will play consecutively.
2. To advance to the next song at any time, press the ▼/► CURSOR key.
3. Press the EXIT key to leave demo song mode.
SSeelleeccttiinngg PPrrooggrraammss
1. Turn the PROGRAM/VALUE knob to select any one of 256 Programs.
2. Alternatively, you can select one of 16 Banks A-P with the PROGRAM BANK/TRIGGER UP/DOWN keys > Select a Program with one of the SELECT keys 1-16. The SELECT keys access Programs, and the BANK keys move through Programs within the selected bank of sounds.
3. Selecting Programs by Category: Press the ▲/◄ CURSOR key to highlight the current category name > Turn the PROGRAM/VALUE wheel to select the desired category > Press the ▲/◄ CURSOR key to highlight the word “Category” > Now you can turn the PROGRAM/VALUE wheel, and remain in the current category.
TTrryy tthheessee RRAADDIIAASS PPrrooggrraammss::
PROGRAM Name Performance Tips / Program notes
A13 Smooth EP Oh yeah! Play it and let the sound develop – hold chords
B09 Synth Hydra Great aggressive hard synth sound! Try it with the MOD SEQ and ARP ON.
E01 Radias Power Play a note and hold it a LONG time. This shows off power of formant recording, 4 timbres, 2
F02 Dark Moon May bring back memories (good or bad ) Play a low C then C4 and C5 to bring in the additional
H07 Tek Seq Bass Play, then ARP ON, and then MOD SEQUENCER ON
H06 Dukey Lead Pitch and Mod wheels; Turn ARP ON
H16 Entity Try adjusting the LFO speeds and the EDIT 1 INSERT FX knob for creepy effects on timbre 1
L03 Acid Jazz Use the MOD wheel to overdrive the EP, giving it a brass like character.
N16 FrNkNsTeIn Why not?!!! Get on that MOD Wheel, turn ARP on/retrigger! Edgar!!!
1: Bass 5: Motion 9: Bell/Decay 13: Split
2: Lead 6: Strings/Pad 10: Acoustic 14: Audio In 3: Synth Hard 7: Keyboard 11: S.E/Hit/Drum 15: Vocoder 4: Synth Soft 8: Guitar/Pluck 12: Arp/Seq 16: User
step sequencers and an arp!
yummy elements.
+ 4 hidden pages