Each model provides full-size velocity-sensitive, great-feeling keys and
four velocity curves
Unique ClickPoint™ control serves as an assignable two-way controller
or as a USB Mouse
Two switches, two knobs, slider, pedal and Mod Wheel all assignable to
MIDI controllers of your choice
Bus-powered USB plus MIDI out, with Mac/PC editor software included
Free M1 Le software which replicates the original M1 presets and PCM;
runs stand-alone or as a virtual instrument, obeying VST, Audio Units and
RTAS protocols
Special price upgrade to the full Legacy DE Collection included
Comes with demo versions of Ableton Live 5, Korg Legacy Collection,
Applied Acoustic Systems and Reason 3.0
K61P adds 24 keyboard sounds, three levels of Chorus and Reverb, and
chromatic transpose
KK--SSeerriieess MMaaiinn FFeeaattuurreess
K-Series Connections and Setup 2
Working with the K-Series Controllers
Working with the K61P

K-Series EasyStart
CCoonnnneeccttiioonnss aanndd SSeettuupp
1. Locate the power switch on the rear panel, and set it to USB to use the power provided by your
computer’s USB bus. You may also set the switch to DC to use the optional 9V power supply.
Note: The K-Series will not power up when set to USB unless the computer is on!
2. Connect the USB cable to your computer.
3. K61P only: Connect a pair of audio cables from the rear panel L/R outputs to your stereo
monitoring system, or plug stereo headphones to the HEADPHONES jack on the rear panel.
DDrriivveerr sseettuupp aanndd eeddiittoorr iinnssttaallllaattiioonn
Refer to pages 7-10 in the K-Series Owners Manual for driver installation for your particular
computer. The K-Series Editor and M1Le software synthesizer can also be installed using similar
WWoorrkkiinngg wwiitthh tthhee KK--SSeerriieess CCoonnttrroolllleerrss
Open the M1Le software to begin having fun with your K-Series controller. Also, open the KSeries Editor.
Note: Not so fast! If this is your first time running either software title, you will have to configure the
appropriate Audio and MIDI device settings. For more on this, please reference page 2 of your KSeries Editor Manual and M1 Le Stand Alone Setup Guide.
1. With either software selected, try moving the ClickPoint control- it should default to operating as
your computer’s mouse! > If it does not, select the K-Series editor, and click on the drop-down
arrow above the ClickPoint graphic > Select MOUSE instead of CC as the choice, and click on
TRANSMIT. (Note that when ClickPoint is set to CC, you can assign any CC number to the x
(horizontal) and Y (vertical) axis)
2. Select the M1Le software and click on the PROG button from the list of five buttons at the top of
the screen > Try pressing the K-Series’ switches SW1 and SW2 > They default to performing
Program UP and DOWN functions > Note that the K-Series editor allows the UP and DOWN
functions to be changed to send Continuous Controller (CC) messages- each switch can send a
different CC#, with individual ON and OFF values. Each switch can also behave independently in
As example, there may be a situation where you do not
have a damper pedal available. SW2 could be assigned to CC#64, Damper, with an ON
value of 127, and an OFF value of 0; while SW1 continues to be available for Program
3. Press SW2 twice to advance to the program “Brass 1”, and try turning KNOB1 and KNOB2 as
you play the keyboard > They default to controlling VDF CUTOFF (CC#74) and VDF EG INT
(CC# 79). KNOB1 and KNOB2 can also be assigned to any controller number you choose.
4. Moving the SLIDER affects the master volume (CC#7), and can also be re-assigned in the editor.