Kontron VSBC-32 User Manual

Combined VMEbus System Controller and
Serial Communications Controller Board
Manual ID 21168, Rev. Index 04
Jul 00
The product described in this manual is in compliance with all ap plied CE stan­dards.

Revision History

Manual/Product Title: VSBC-32
Manual ID Number: 21168 Rev.
0100 Initial Issue 00/1 Aug 95 0200 General corrections 00/2 D ec 95 0201 J9 default setting chan ged 00/2 Nov 96 0300 General corrections and new manual structure 01 Dec 96 0301 New Preface 01 Aug 98 0311 Improvement to Fig. 2.1.3. In Appendices, correc-
04 Information of Er rata S heets 0100 _1/2 in tegra ted,
Brief Description of Ch anges Board Index
01 Sept 98 tions to flash a ddres ses on pag es MEM-2 to MEM-4, page MEM-5 replaced.
01 Ju ly 00 adequate manual structure , new mem ory piggy­backs mentioned, desc riptio n of co mbi ned sys tem and communications con troller fuc ntionality, function-related board diagrams, cohere nt termi­nology (e.g. proce ssor and bo ard varia nt names) etc. Appendices mod ified, upda ted, reduced .
Date of


Copyright © 2000 PEP Modular Computers GmbH. All rights reserved. This manual may not be c opied, photocopied, repro­duced, translated or converted to any electronic or machine­readable form in whole or in part without prior written approval of PEP Modular Computers GmbH.
Disclaimer: PEP Modular Computers GmbH rejects any liability for the cor-
rectnesss and completeness of this manual as well as its suitabil­ity for any part icular purpo se.
This manual was realized by: TPD/Engineering, PEP Modular Computers GmbH.
ID 21168, Rev. 04Page ii © 2000 PEP Modular Computers GmbH
VSBC-32 Contents


Preface ..................................................................................................................... ix
Proprietary Note ....................................................................................................... ix
Trademarks .............................................................................................................. ix
Explanation of Symbols ..................... .... ..... .............................................................. x
For Your Safety ........................................................................................................ xi
High Voltage Safety Instructions .............................................................................. xi
Special Handling and Unpacking Instructions .......................................................... xi
General Instructions on Usage ............................................................................... xii
Two Year Warranty ................................................................................................ xiii
1. Introduction ................................................................................................. 1 - 3
1.1 System Overview .................................................................................. ..... 1 - 3
1.2 Board Overview ........................................................ ..... ............................ 1 - 4
1.2.1 Board-Specific Information ................................................................. 1 - 4
1.2.2 Board Variants ......................................... ..................................... ..... 1 - 4
1.2.3 Board Connectivity and Interface Expandib ility ............... ..... .............. 1 - 5
1.2.4 Memory Piggybacks ........................................................................... 1 - 6
1.2.5 System-Relevant Information ............................................................. 1 - 6
1.3 Board Diagrams ...................................... ................................ ..... .............. 1 - 8
1.3.1 System-Level Functional Block Diagram ........................................... 1 - 8
1.3.2 Frontpanels ........................................................................................ 1 - 9
1.3.3 Board Layouts .................................................................................. 1 - 10
1.4 Technical Specifications .......................................................................... 1 - 12
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VSBC-32 Contents
1.5 Applied Standards ............... .... ..... ................................. .... ....................... 1 - 14
1.5.1 CE Compliance ................................................................................. 1 - 14
1.5.2 Mechanical Compliance ................................................................... 1 - 14
1.5.3 Environmental Tests ......................................................................... 1 - 14
1.6 Related Publications ............................. ..... ................................. .... ......... 1 - 15
1.6.1 VMEbus/CXC Systems/Boards ........................................................ 1 - 15
1.6.2 Manufacture rs’ Component Documentation ............................ ..... .... 1 - 15
2. Functional Description ................................................................................ 2 - 3
2.1 General Information ................................................................................... 2 - 3
2.2 Specifics ..................................................................................................... 2 - 4
2.2.1 System Control Functionality .............................................................. 2 - 4
2.2.2 Memory Configurations ...................................................................... 2 - 5
2.2.3 DMA Channels ................................................................................... 2 - 6
2.2.4 Serial Communications Control .......................................................... 2 - 7
2.3 Functional Block Diagram ........................................................................ 2 - 10
2.4 Board Interfaces ....................................................................................... 2 - 11
2.4.1 Serial I/O Interfaces .......................................................................... 2 - 11
2.4.2 Piggyback Interface Connectors for Serial Interface Piggybacks ..... 2 - 12
2.4.3 Memory Piggyba ck Interface Conne ctors ......... ................................ 2 - 12
2.4.4 EPROM DIP Sockets ............................................. .... ..... .................. 2 - 12
2.4.5 Background Debug Mode Interface Connector ................................ 2 - 13
2.4.6 VMEbus Backplane Interface ........................................................... 2 - 13
2.4.7 CXC Mezzanine Inte rface ..... ..... .... ................................. ..... ............. 2 - 14
2.5 VSBC-to-VSBC-32 System Upgrading .................................................... 2 - 15
2.6 Special Board Functions .......................................................................... 2 - 18
2.6.1 Real-Time Clock ...................................... .... ..... ................................ 2 - 18
2.6.2 EEPROM .......................................................................................... 2 - 18
2.6.3 PLL Operation Mode ........................................................................ 2 - 18
2.6.4 Tick Generator .................................................................................. 2 - 18
2.6.5 Bus Error Timers .............................................................................. 2 - 19
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2.6.6 Watchdog Timer ............................................................................... 2 - 20
2.6.7 Reset Sources ................................................................................. 2 - 20
2.6.8 “Slot 1” Detection ............................................................................. 2 - 20
2.7 Frontpanel Functions ............................................................................... 2 - 21
2.8 RTC and SRAM Data Retention .............................................................. 2 - 21
2.9 Address Decoder ........................................................... .......................... 2 - 23
2.9.1 Basic Structure ................................................................................. 2 - 23
2.9.2 Boot Decoding ................................................................................. 2 - 23
3. Installation .................................................................................................. 3 - 3
3.1 Hardware Installation ................................................................................. 3 - 3
3.1.1 External Serial Interface Module ........................................................ 3 - 4
3.2 Software Installation ................................................. ..... ............................ 3 - 4
4. Configuration .............................................................................................. 4 - 3
4.1 Hardware Configuration .. ..... ................................. .... ................................. 4 - 3
4.1.1 Wire Jumpers ..................................................................................... 4 - 3
4.1.2 Solder Jumpers .................................................................................. 4 - 4
4.2 Software Configuration ...................... ..... ................................ ..... .............. 4 - 5
4.2.1 Address Map ......................... ..... ........................................................ 4 - 5
4.2.2 Board Control/Status Re giste r .......................... ................................. 4 - 6
4.2.3 VMEbus Control/Status Register ..................................................... 4 - 7
4.2.4 VMEbus Interrupt Mask Register ................................ .... ..... .............. 4 - 8
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VSBC-32 Contents
A. Memory Piggybacks ................................................................................... A - 3
A.1 General ..................................................................................................... A - 3
A.2 DM600 ...................................................................................................... A - 4
A.2.1 Board Layout and Jumper Location ................................................... A - 4
A.2.2 Jumper Description and Flash Addresses ......................................... A - 4
A.3 DM601 ...................................................................................................... A - 5
A.3.1 Board Layout and Jumper Location ................................................... A - 5
A.3.2 Jumper Description and Flash Addresses ......................................... A - 5
A.4 DM602 ...................................................................................................... A - 6
A.4.1 Board Layout and Jumper Location ................................................... A - 6
A.4.2 Jumper Description and Flash Addresses ......................................... A - 6
A.5 DM603 ...................................................................................................... A - 7
A.5.1 Board Layout and Jumper Location ................................................... A - 7
A.5.2 Jumper Description and Flash Addresses ......................................... A - 7
A.6 DM604 ...................................................................................................... A - 8
A.6.1 Board Layout and Jumper Location ................................................... A - 8
A.6.2 Jumper Description and Flash Addresses ......................................... A - 8
A.7 DM605 ...................................................................................................... A - 9
A.7.1 Board Layout and Jumper Location ................................................... A - 9
A.7.2 Jumper Description and Flash Addresses ......................................... A - 9
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B. Serial Interface Piggybacks ........................................................................ B - 3
B.1 General ...................................................................................................... B - 3
B.2 SI-10B2 ..................................................................................................... B - 4
B.2.1 Specifications ..................................................................................... B - 4
B.2.2 Front Panel View ........................ ..... ................................................... B - 4
B.3 SI-10B5 ..................................................................................................... B - 5
B.3.1 Specifications ..................................................................................... B - 5
B.3.2 Front Panel View and Pinout .............. ..... ................................. .... ..... B - 5
B.4 SI-10BT ..................................................................................................... B - 6
B.4.1 Specifications ..................................................................................... B - 6
B.4.2 Front Panel View, Jumper Layout, and Pinouts ................................. B - 6
4.2.1 SI-10BT Jumper Settings ....................................... ............................ B - 7
B.5 SI-PB232 .................................................................. ................................. B - 8
B.5.1 Front Panel View and Pinout .............. ..... ................................. .... ..... B - 8
B.6 SI-PB485-ISO .................................... ..... ................................................... B - 9
B.6.1 Specifications ..................................................................................... B - 9
B.6.2 Front Panel View, Jumper Layout, and Pinout ................................... B - 9
B.6.3 SI-PB485-ISO Jumper Settings ....................................................... B - 10
C. CXC ............................................................................................................ C - 3
C.1 CXC Address Ranges ............................................................................... C - 3
C.2 CXC Generic Pinouts ................................................................................ C - 5
C.3 CPU Pinout Cross Reference .................................................................... C - 6
C.4 Timing ........................................................................................................ C - 7
C.5 CXC Backplanes ....................................................................................... C - 8
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VSBC-32 Contents
D. OS-9 Cabling ............................................................................................. D - 3
D.1 OS-9 System – Terminal ........................................................................... D - 3
D.1.1 Software (XON/XOFF) or No Handshake .......................................... D - 3
D.1.2 Hardware Handshake (Set Terminal to CTS/DTR Handshake) ........ D - 4
D.2 OS-9 System – PC .................................................................................... D - 5
D.2.1 Software (XON/XOFF) or No Handshake .......................................... D - 5
D.2.2 Hardware Handshake (Select RTS/CTS Handshake on the PC Side) D - 7
D.3 OS-9 System – Modem ............................................................................. D - 9
D.4 OS-9 System – OS-9 System .................................. ..... .......................... D - 10
D.4.1 Software (XON/XOFF) or No Handshake ........................................ D - 10
D.4.2 Ha rd ware Handshake ..................................................... ..... ............ D - 11
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VSBC-32 Preface
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VSBC-32 Preface


Proprietary Note

This document contains information proprietary to copied or transmitted by any means, disclosed to others or stored in any retrieval system or media, without the prior written consent of rized agents.
The information contained in this document is, t o the best of our knowledge, entirely correct . However, quences thereof, nor for any liability arising from the use or application of any circuit, product, or example shown in this document.
PEP Modular Computers reserve the right to change, modify, or improve this document or the product described herein, as seen fit by
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cannot accept liability for any inaccuracies, or the conse-
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or one of its autho-
without further notice.
. It may not be


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marks owned by document may include names, company logos and trademarks, which ar e registered trade­marks and, therefore, proprietary to their respective owners.
PEP Modular Computers GmbH
, the
logo and, if occurring in this manual, “CXM” are trade
, Kaufbeuren (Germany). In addition, this
ID 21168, Rev. 04 Page ix© PEP Modular Computers GmbH
VSBC-32 Preface

Explanation of Symbols

CE Conformity
This symbol indicates that the product described in this manual is in compliance with all applied CE standards. Please refer also to the section “Applied Standards” in this manual.
Caution, Electric Sh ock!
This symbol and title warn of hazards due to electrical shocks (> 60V) when touching products or parts of them. Failure to observe the precautions indicated and/or prescribed by the law may endanger your life/health and/or result in damage to your material.
Please refer also to the section “High Voltage Safety Instruc­tions” on the f ollowing page.
Warning, ESD Sensitive Dev ice!
This symbol and title inform that electronic boards and their components are sensitive to static electricity. Therefore, care must be taken during all ha ndling operat ions and ins pections of this product, in order to ensure product integrity at all times.
Please read also the section “Special Handling and Unpacking Instructions” on the following page.
This symbol and title emphasize points which, if not fully under­stood and tak en into cons ider ation b y the read er, may endanger your health and/or result in damage to your material.
This symbol an d title emph asi ze aspe cts the rea der sh ould read through carefully for his or her own advantage.
PEP Advantage
This symbol and title emphasize advantages or positive aspects of a product an d/or proce dure.
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VSBC-32 Preface

For Your Safety

Your new to ensure the renown electrical sa fety requirements. I t was also designed for a long fault-free life. However, the life expectancy of your product can be drastically reduced by improper treat­ment during unpacking and installation. Therefore, in the interests of your own safety and of the correct operation of your new ing guidelines.
product was developed and tested carefully to provide all features necessary
product, you are requested to conform with the follow-

High Vol tage Safety Instructions

All operations on this de vice must be carried out by sufficiently skilled personnel only.
Caution, Electric Sh ock!
However, serious electrical shock hazards exist during all installation, repair and maintenance operations with this prod­uct. Therefore, always unplug the power cable to avoid expo­sure to hazardous voltage.
Before installing your new
product into a system always ensure that your ma ins power is switched off. This applies al so to the installation of piggybacks.

Special Handling and Unpacking Instructions

ESD Sensitive Devic e!
Electronic boards and their components are sensitive to static electricity. Therefore, care must be taken during all handling operations and inspections of this product, in order to ensure product integrity at all times.
Do not handle this product out of its protective enclosure while it is not used for operational purposes, unless it is otherwise protected.
Whenever possible, unpack or pack this product only at EOS/ESD safe work stations. Where safe work stations are not guaranteed, it is importa nt for the user to be electri-cally discharged before touching the product with his/her hands or tools. This is most easily done by touching a metal part of your system housing.
It is particularly important to observe standard anti-static precautions when changing piggy­backs, ROM devices, jumper settings etc. If the product contains batteries for RTC or memory back-up, ensure that the board is not placed on conductive surfaces, including anti-static plastics or sponges. They can cause short circuits and damage the batteries or tracks on the board.
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VSBC-32 Preface

General Instructions on Usage

In order to maintain any way. Changes or modifications to the device, which are not explicitly approved by
Modular Computers
as a special handling instruction, will void your warranty.
This device should only be installed in or connected to systems that fulfill all necessary technical and specific environmental requirements. This applies also to the operational temperature range of the specific board version, which must not be exceeded. If batteries are present, their temperature restrictions must be taken into account.
In performing all necessary installation and application operations, please, follow only th e instructions supplied by the present manual.
Keep all the original packaging material for future storage or warranty shipments. If it is necessary to store or ship the board please re-pack it as nearly as possible in the manner in which it was delivered.
Special care is necessary when handling or unpacking the product. Please, consult the special handling and unpacking instruction on the following page of this manual.
product warranty, this product must not be altered or modified in
and described in this manual or received from
Technical Support
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VSBC-32 Preface

Two Year Warranty

PEP Modular Computers
granted or implied by anyone on behalf of written consent of
PEP Modular Computers
PEP Modular Computers
manufacturing and material defects for a period of 24 consecutive months from the date of purchase. This warranty is not transferable nor extendible to cover any other users or long­term storage of the product. It does not cover products which have been modified, altered or repaired by any other party than more, any product which has been, or is suspected of being damaged as a result of negli­gence, improper use, incorrect handling, servicing or maintenance, or which has been damaged as a result of excessive current/voltage or temperature, or which has had its serial number(s), any other markings or parts thereof altered, defaced or removed will also be excluded from this warranty.
If the customer’s eligibility for warranty has not been voided, in the event of any claim, he may return the product at the earliest possible convenience to the original place of purchase, together with a copy o f the original document of purchase, a full description of the application the product is used on and a description of the defect. Pack the product in such a way as to ensure safe transportation (see our safety instructions).
provides for repair or replacement of any part, as sembly or sub-assembly at their own discretion, or to refund the original cost of purchase, if appropriate. In the event of repair, refunding or replacement of any part, the ownership of the removed or replaced parts reverts to
PEP Modular Computers
guarantee to cover the repaired or replaced items, will be transferred to cover the new or repaired items. Any extensions to the original guarantee are considered gestures of goodwill, and will be defined in the “Repair Report” issued by
grants the original purchaser of
as described in the following. However, no other warranties that may be
are valid unless the consumer has the express
warrants their own products, excluding software, to be free from
PEP Modular Computers
, and the remaining part of the original guarantee, or any new
products a
or their authorized agents. Further-
with the repaired or replaced item.
PEP Modular Computers
rectly from any warr anty claim, other than the above specified repair, replacement or refund­ing. In particular, all claims for damage to any system or process in which the product was employed, or any loss incurred as a result of the product not functioning at any given time, are excluded. The extent of original purchase price of the item for which the claim exists.
PEP Modular Computers
respect to its products’ reliability, fitness, quality, marketability or ability to fulfil any particular application or purpose. As a result, the products are sold “as is,” and the responsibility to ensure their suitability for any given task rem ains that of the purchaser. In no event will be liable for direct, indirect or consequential damages resulting from the use of our hardware or software products, or documentation, even if PEP were advised of the possibility of s uch claims prior to the purchase of the product or during any period since the date of its purchase.
Please remember that no make any modification or addition to the above specified terms, either verbally or in any other form, written or electronically transmitted, without the company’s consent.
will not accept liability for any further claims resulting directly or indi-
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issues no warranty or representation, either explicit or implicit, with
liability to the customer shall not exceed the
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employee, dealer or agent is authorized to
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VSBC-32 Introduction
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VSBC-32 Introduction

1. Introduction

1.1 System Overview

PEP Modular Computers
VMEbus architecture. In addition, some products also support the CXC and/or Enhanced CXC (eCXC) local mezzanine interface standards which represent a stream­lined variant of the VMEbus standard itself. Thus a wide range of I/O functions for indus­trial applications are supplied. Some of the major advantag es of the VMEbus standard are:
internationally accepted VITA standards (VMEbus, CXC, eCXC);
broad range of available VMEbus solutions
scalable processor performance In addition, in combination with (e)CXC technology the VMEbus equipment offers the
following advantages:
product described in this chapter operates with the
lower costs and optimized reliability thanks to reduced design complexity;
compact I/O sub-systems thanks to easier I/O wiring. For detailled information concerning the VMEbus and (e)CXC standards, please consult
the VMEbus and CXC Specifications which are available via the
Trade Association (VITA): http://www.vita.com
Many system-relevant features that are specific for VMEbus systems can be found in the ANSI/VITA VME64 Standard and in the VITA/ despite its name, applies also to VMEbus MPI carriers.
The VME64 Standard includes the following information:
VMEbus Specification
Signal Lines, Bus Modules, Typical Operation
Electrical Specifications
Mechanical Specifications The CXC MPI Specification includes the following information:
Mechanical dimensions
Electrical specifications
Interface description
ID Byte assignment With reference to the (e)CXC aspects of mixed VMEbus+CXC systems please refer
also to the
CXC Reference Manual.
CXC MPI Specification which,
VMEbus International
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VSBC-32 Introduction

1.2 Board Overview

1.2.1 Board-Specific Information

The VSBC-32(E) is a 3U (Enhanced) CXC combined system and communications con­troller board that can operate in either a VMEbus or a mixed VMEbus+CXC environ­ment. The board is based on the Motorola Quad Integrated Communications Controller “QUICC” MC68(EN)360. Therefore, it is particularly suitable for system control functions within applications with communications requirements. Depending on the controller chip used, there are two board variants with different CPU frequencies. The board’s external interfacing consists of a twin RS232 interface connector, which can be extended by means of a variety of seria l interface piggybacks and/or external seri al interface mod­ules. Other piggybacks provide DRAM/ flash memory.
Some of the outstanding features of the product described in this manual are:
VMEbus system and communications controller board
Both VMEbus and eCXC connectivity
Master/slave system controller functionality
32-bit Motorola MC68(EN)360 integrated CPU and communications controller
25Hz or 33Hz CPU frequency
CPU on-chip background debugging
1, 4, 16, 32 or 64 MB DRAM
0, 0.5, 1, 2 or 4 MB flash memory
256kB or 1 MB SRAM
2kbit serial EEPROM
256kB or 1MB DIP (flash) EPROM
Real-time clock (backed-up)
Six different communication standards possible:
Serial I/O (RS232, RS485; RS422 on request)
Ethernet (10Base2, 10Base5 or 10BaseT Ethernet)
Up to six frontpanel serial interface connectors
Compatibility with external serial interface module CXM-SIO3
Reset and Abort control (frontpanel buttons)
Halt, watchdog and general-purpose status indicators (frontpanel LED’s)
OS-9 and VxWorks

1.2.2 Boar d Variants

Two basic variants of the VSBC-32(E) with different processors are available. Depend­ing on the controller chip used and the SRAM size, there are four vari ants o f the VSBC­32(E) system and serial communications controller board. The distinctive features of the variants are listed in the following
Ethernet capability
CPU frequency
SRAM size The following basic board variants are available:
VSBC-32: MC68360 processor, no Ethernet control capability.
VSBC-32E: MC68EN360 processor, Ethernet control capability.
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VSBC-32 Introduction
The MC68EN360 processor is also available with two different clock rates:
33MHz (this variant is again supplied with either 256kB or 1MB SRAM ). The below described frontend connectivity and interface expandibility are common to all
board variants.

1.2.3 Board Connectivity and Interface Expandibility

The VSBC-32(E) mainboard is provided with the following standard connectors:
Non-optoisolated RS232 serial interface (two RJ45 connectors, on frontpanel)
One set of piggyback inter face connectors for serial interface (SI) piggybacks (three 7-pin row male connectors)
One set of memory piggyback interface connectors (two 50-pin row female connectors)
Two sets of (flash) EPROM DIP sockets (two 32-pin row female sockets)
Background debug mode (BDM) interface (one 12-pin row male connector)
VMEbus backplane interface (one 96-pin DIN 41612, style C male connector)
Enhanced CXC mezzanine interface (one 96-pin DIN 41612, style C male connector)
In addition, the mainboard external interfacing is usually integrated by one o f the follow ­ing piggyback-mounted frontpanel interface options (serial interface piggybacks). The kinds of piggyback that can be used depend on the mainboard variant.
Table 1-1: Serial Interface Piggy backs
Piggyback Description Board Variant
SI-PB232 Non-optoisolated RS232 serial interface (two RJ45 connectors)
SI-PB485-ISO Optoisolated RS485 serial interface (one 9-pin female DSUB connector)
SI-10B2 10Base2 Ethernet interface (one RG58 coaxial connector) VSBC-32E SI-10B2 10Base2 Ethernet interface (one RG58 coaxial connector) VSBC-32E SI-10BT 10BaseT Ethernet interface (one RJ45 con nector) VSBC-32E
Applications requiring further communication interfaces may be upgraded by means of an external CXM-SIO3 serial interface module which provides the following interface extension possibilities:
RS232 serial interface connectors (non-optoisolated)
Serial interface piggyback ports
Serial communications piggyback port
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VSBC-32 Introduction
Maximum one CXM-SIO3 module can be controlled by a VSBC-32(E) board. The CXM­SIO3 module provides access to internal communication signals of the base board that are transferred to the module via the CXC bus.
For a detailled list and description of the frontpanel interface and serial interface/com­munication piggybacks please refer to the “Serial Interface Piggybacks” appendix of this manual as well as to the CXM-SIO3 user’s manual and its “Serial Communications Pig­gybacks” appendix respectively.

1.2.4 Memory Piggybacks

The VSBC-32(E) mainboard is not provided with any on-board DRAM/flash. These are provided by special memory pig gybacks (DM60x). By means of these piggybacks the following memory configurations are possible:
64MB of DRAM
4MB of flash/EPROM For a detailled description of the memor y piggybacks please refer to the “Mem ory Pig-
gybacks” appendix of this manual.

1.2.5 System-Relevant Information

System Configuration
Up to twenty-one VSBC-32(E) boards can be installed in a VMEbus 3U rack. Please refer to the description of the VMEbus backplane connector in the Functional Descrip­tion chapter of this manual. If used as a system controller, the board should be always installed in the system slot.
If a CXM-SIO3 or a CXM-SCSI module is used in combination with the VSBC-32(E), the module can be “sandwiched” with the controller, Communication between the controller and the I/O module being acchieved via the VSBC-32(E)’s on-board CXC connector.
Master/Slave Functionality
The VSBC-32(E) is a combined system and communications controller boar d provided with both a VMEbus backplane interface which can operate both as a VMEbus master and slave simultaneously. Thanks to this feature all twenty-one VSBC-32(E) boards possible in a VMEbus system can operate as VMEbus masters while at the same time sixteen of them can act as VMEbus slaves. The VSBC-32(E) VMEbus master/slave (or neither) operation is a function of the application software.
Bootstrap Loader
Via the VSBC-32(E) frontend serial interface connectors the flash memory of the board’s memory piggyback can be re-programmed by means of the Bootstrap Loader which is delivered already installed in the D M60x memory piggy backs. This standalone software has the capability of loading flash memory from Motorola S-records or from any absolute address. If the downloaded image does not work pr operly, the Bootstrap
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VSBC-32 Introduction
Loader can be re-entered, the memory c ontents analyzed and a further programming cycle initiated.
Warn in g!
To avoid damaging of your Bootstrap Loader and, consequently, leaving your board unusable, please read the separate Bootstrap Loader manual before re-setting the flash contents of your VSBC­32 board.
Operating Systems
The VSBC-32(E) can operate under the following operating systems:
Drivers are available for both operating systems. Porting to other operating systems on request.
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VSBC-32 Introduction

1.3 Board Diagrams

1.3.1 System-Level Functional Block Diagram

Figure 1-1: VSBC-32(E) System-Level Functional Block Diagram
VSBC-32 Mainboard (Master)
RS__[I]: RS232 non-optoisolated or RS485 optoisolated 10Base_: 10Base2 or 10Ba se5 or 10Base T Ethernet
* Serial I/O or Ethernet
Ethernet with VSBC-32E onl
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VSBC-32 Introduction

1.3.2 Frontpanels

Figure 1-2: VSBC-32 (E) Frontpanel
Green (“U”): General purpose
• Yellow (“W”): Watchdog
• Red (“H”): Halt
• RST (left): Re set
• AB (right): Abort
SI Piggyback Frontend Connector(s):
The additional frontend connector(s) depend(s) on the type of serial interface piggyback insta lled in combination with the VSBC-32(E) mainboard. For any details, please refer to the “Serial Inter­face Piggybacks” appendix in this manual.
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VSBC-32 Introduction

1.3.3 Board Layouts

Figure 1-3: VSBC-32(E) Board Diagram (front)]
CPU / Serial
SI Piggyback
17 32
3 1
(Upper Data)
17 32
(Lower Data)
3 1
712 16
Upper Data: D8-D15, even Byte addresses Lower Data: D0-D7, odd Byte addre sses
BDM: Background Debug Mode.
Memory Piggyback
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VSBC-32 Introduction
Figure 1-4: VSBC-32(E) Board Diagram (reverse)]
3 1 2
2 3
1 2
Warn in g!
Solder jumpers are factory-set. To avoid possible damage to your equiment, please do not alter them.
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VSBC-32 Introduction

1.4 Technical Specifications

Table 1-2: VSBC-32(E) Technical Specification (Sheet 1 of 3)
VSBC-32(E) Specifica tion
Board Variants
Combined CPU/Serial Communica tio ns Co ntro lle r
On-Board Memory
Memory on Piggybacks
VMEbus Master/Slave Functionality
Interrupt Control
VSBC-32 : MC68360 processor,
VSBC-32E: MC68EN360 processor
MC68360: 25 MHz, no Ethernet capability
MC68EN360: 25MHz or 33 MHz, Ethernet capability CPU performance: Equivalent to Motorola CPU32
Serial I/O perfo rm.: RISC, 14 de dicate d D MA ch anne ls
S RAM 256kB or 1MB (dual-p orte d, backed-up by mean s of Gold -Cap s)
1MB with VSBC-32E only.
EEPROM 2 kbit (serial); 1 kbit available for applications
Flash/EPROM 256kB or 1MB DIP EPROM/flash, 16-bit access Minimum access ti me - 120n s
DRAM 1, 4, 16 or 32 MB, 32-bit access
F lash 0, 0.5, 1, 2 or 4 MB, 3 2-bit acc ess
Mas ter A 24:D16 /D8, arbit ration , AM codes
Slave A24:D16, dual-port RAM, mailbox IRQ
7-level CXC/VME IRQ handler, maskable via CXC/VME inter­rupt mask register; system vectors:
ACFAIL* (via VME)Level 7 autovectored
A bort Level 7 au tovect ored
Tick Level 6 autovect ored
M ailbox IR Q Level 5 autovect ored, mas kable
SYSFAIL* Level 3 autovectored
16 on-board inte rrupt ers; level s/v ectors pro gramm able
Programmable Timers
Special Fun ction s
Tick: Periodic-interrupt timer
Watchdog: 512ms time-out for reset
On-board bus error:8µs
Ge neral-purp ose: 4*16 bit or 2*32 bit
Real-time cloc k (back ed-up):
Date (year, month, week, day)
Time (hour, minute, second)
2kbit serial EEPRO M:
1kbit for board specific data (serial number, IP address etc.)
1k bit for ap plicati on purpos es
DMA: 2 additional independent channels (transfers between DRAM, FLASH, VME and CXC)
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VSBC-32 Introduction
Table 1-2: VSBC-32(E) Technical Specification (Sheet 2 of 3)
VSBC-32(E) Specification
Communication Standards
Mainboard Connectivity
Interface Ex pandib ility
S erial I/ O (RS232, RS4 22, RS48 5)
Ether net (VSBC-32E only)
N on-op tois ola ted RS 232 se ria l int erfac e (two RJ12 connectors, on frontpanel)
One set of piggyback interface connectors for serial inter­face (SI) pig gyba cks (t wo 13-pi n ro w fe /male conn ect ors)
One set of memory piggyback interface connectors (two 50-pin row fe /m ale co nnec tors )
B ackgroun d debug mode (BDM) interfa ce (one 12-pin r ow m ale conn ector)
VMEbus backplane interface (one 96-pin D IN 41612, sty le C mal e co nnec tor)
Enhanced CXC mezzanine interface (one 96-pin D IN 41612, sty le C mal e co nnec tor)
Serial interface pi ggybac ks:
SI-PB232: non-optoisolated RS232 serial interface
(two RJ45 connectors)
SI-PB485-ISO: optoisolated RS485 serial interface
(two RJ45 connectors)
S I-10B2: 10Base2 Ethernet int erface
(one RG58 coaxial connector)
S I-10B5: 10Base5 Ethernet int erface
(one 15-pin DSUB female connector)
S I-10BT: 10B aseT Et herne t in terfac e
(one RJ45 connector)
SI-10B_ with VSBC-32E only.
Front-End Functions
Data Retention
Power Supply
External serial interface modules:
C XM-SIO3 Up to one modu le.
R eset but ton
A bort button
R ed: Halt
Yellow Watchdog
Gr een Gene ral purpo se
Short-term backu p (RTC and SRAM):
Via on-board gold-cap. Typ. 2µA/3V -> 150 hours
Long-term backup:
Via VME 5V stand-by line; automatic switching between 5V stand-by and intern al gold -cap. Typ. 30µA/3V
Typically: 5V With SI-PB5B: 12V
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VSBC-32 Introduction
Table 1-2: VSBC-32(E) Technical Specification (Sheet 3 of 3)
VSBC-32(E) Specifica tion
Power Consumption
Temperature Ranges
Humidity Dimensions Weight
VSBC-32 : typ. 3.0W
VSBC-32E: typ. 3.5W Operation:
0° C to 70 °C (standard)
-40°C to +85°C (extended) Storage:
-55°C to +125°C
0..95%, non-condensing 4HP/3U Eurocard (100mm x 160mm)
Mainboard: 130g Serial inte rfac e pigg ybac k: 20..30g Memory piggyb ack: 30g

1.5 Applied Standards

1.5.1 CE Com pliance

PEP Modular Computers’
ments of the following CE-relevant standards:
VMEbus and (e)CXC systems comply with the require-
Emission EN50081-1
Immission EN50082-2
Electrical Safety EN60950

1.5.2 Mechanical Compliance

Mechanical Dimensions IEEE 1101.10

1.5.3 Environmental Tests

Vibration IEC68-2-6
Permanent Shock IEC68-2-29
Single Shock IEC68-2-27
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