» User Guide «
6U CompactPCI Processor Board based on
the 3
Generation Intel® Core™ i7 Processor with
the Intel® QM77 Express Chipset
Doc. ID: 1054-1227, Rev. 1.0
February 1, 2013
D R A F T — F O R I N T E R N A L U S E O N L Y
If it’s embedded, it’s Kontron.
Preface CP6004X-SA
Revision History
Publication Title:
Doc. ID: 1054-1227
Rev. Brief Description of Changes Date of Issue
1.0 Initial issue 1-Feb-2013
CP6004X-SA: 6U CompactPCI Processor Board based on the 3rd Generation Intel® Core™ i7 Processor with the Intel® QM77 Express Chipset
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Page ii ID 1054-1227, Rev. 1.0
CP6004X-SA Preface
Table of Contents
Revision History .........................................................................................................ii
Imprint ........................................................................................................................ii
Disclaimer ..................................................................................................................ii
Table of Contents ......................................................................................................iii
List of Tables .............................................................................................................ix
List of Figures ...........................................................................................................xi
Proprietary Note ......................................................................................................xiii
Trademarks .............................................................................................................xiii
Environmental Protection Statement .......................................................................xiii
Explanation of Symbols ..........................................................................................xiv
For Your Safety ........................................................................................................xv
High Voltage Safety Instructions ..........................................................................xv
Special Handling and Unpacking Instructions .....................................................xv
General Instructions on Usage ...............................................................................xvi
Two Year Warranty .................................................................................................xvii
1. Introduction ............................................................................. 1 - 3
1.1 Board Overview .......................................................................................1 - 3
1.2 Board-Specific Information ......................................................................1 - 4
1.3 System Expansion Capabilities ...............................................................1 - 5
1.3.1 XMC Module ...................................................................................1 - 5
1.3.2 CP6004X-SA-MK2.5SAT A Assembly Kit ........................................1 - 5
1.3.3 SATA Flash Module ........................................................................1 - 5
1.3.4 Rear I/O Module .............................................................................1 - 5
1.4 Board Diagrams ......................................................................................1 - 5
1.4.1 Functional Block Diagram ...............................................................1 - 6
1.4.2 Front Panel .....................................................................................1 - 7
1.4.3 Board Layout ..................................................................................1 - 8
1.5 Technical Specification ..........................................................................1 - 10
1.6 Standards ..............................................................................................1 - 16
1.7 Related Publications .............................................................................1 - 17
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Preface CP6004X-SA
2. Functional Description ............................................................2 - 3
2.1 Processor .................................................................................................2 - 3
2.2 Memory ....................................................................................................2 - 4
2.3 Intel® QM77 Express Chipset .................................................................2 - 4
2.4 Timer ........................................................................................................2 - 5
2.5 Watchdog Timer ......................................................................................2 - 5
2.6 Battery .....................................................................................................2 - 5
2.7 Reset .......................................................................................................2 - 5
2.8 Flash Memory ..........................................................................................2 - 6
2.8.1 SPI Boot Flash for uEFI BIOS .........................................................2 - 6
2.8.2 SATA Flash Module (Optional) ........................................................2 - 6
2.9 Trusted Platform Module 1.2 (On Request) .............................................2 - 6
2.10 Board Interfaces ......................................................................................2 - 7
2.10.1 Front Panel LEDs ............................................................................2 - 7 IPMI and Hot Swap LEDs .......................................................2 - 7 Watchdog and Temperature Status LEDs ...............................2 - 8 General Purpose LEDs ...........................................................2 - 9
2.10.2 DIP Switches SW1 and SW2 ........................................................2 - 10
2.10.3 USB Interfaces ..............................................................................2 - 11 USB Connectors J6 and J7 ..................................................2 - 11
2.10.4 Integrated Graphics Controller ......................................................2 - 11 Graphics Memory Usage ......................................................2 - 11 Analog VGA Connector ........................................................2 - 12
2.10.5 COM Ports .....................................................................................2 - 13
2.10.6 Gigabit Ethernet Interfaces ...........................................................2 - 14
2.10.7 10 Gigabit Ethernet Interfaces ......................................................2 - 15
2.10.8 SATA Interface ..............................................................................2 - 15 SAT A Connector J14 ............................................................2 - 15
2.10.9 XMC Interface ...............................................................................2 - 16
2.10.10Debug Interface .............................................................................2 - 17
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2.10.11 CompactPCI Interface ...................................................................2 - 17 Board Functionality when Installed in System Slot ...............2 - 17 Board Functionality when Installed in Peripheral Slot ...........2 - 18 Packet Switching Backplane (PICMG 2.16) .........................2 - 18
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CP6004X-SA Preface Hot Swap Support ................................................................2 - 18 Power Ramping ....................................................................2 - 18 Precharge .............................................................................2 - 18 Handle Switch ......................................................................2 - 18 ENUM# Interrupt ..................................................................2 - 18 Hot Swap LED ......................................................................2 - 18
2.10.12 CompactPCI Connectors .............................................................2 - 19 Connector Keying .................................................................2 - 19 CompactPCI Connectors J1 and J2 Pinout ..........................2 - 20 CompactPCI Rear I/O Connectors J3 and J5 Pinout ...........2 - 24 High-Speed Serial Rear I/O Connectors J41 and J4 Pinout 2 - 27
2.10.13 High-Speed Serial Rear I/O Interconnection ................................2 - 29
3. Installation ............................................................................... 3 - 3
3.1 Safety Requirements ...............................................................................3 - 3
3.2 CP6004X-SA Initial Installation Procedures ............................................3 - 4
3.3 Standard Removal Procedures ...............................................................3 - 5
3.4 Hot Swap Procedures ............................................................................. 3 - 6
3.4.1 System Master Hot Swap ...............................................................3 - 6
3.4.2 Peripheral Hot Swap Procedure .....................................................3 - 6
3.5 Installation of CP6004X-SA Peripheral Devices ......................................3 - 8
3.5.1 USB Device Installation ..................................................................3 - 9
3.5.2 SATA Flash Module Installation ...................................................... 3 - 9
3.5.3 Installation of External SATA Devices .............................................3 - 9
3.5.4 Onboard 2.5” HDD/SSD Installation ...............................................3 - 9
3.6 XMC Module Installation .........................................................................3 - 9
3.6.1 Rear I/O Device Installation ..........................................................3 - 10
3.7 Battery Replacement .............................................................................3 - 10
3.8 Software Installation .............................................................................. 3 - 11
4. Configuration ........................................................................... 4 - 3
4.1 DIP Switches SW1 and SW2 Configuration ............................................4 - 3
4.1.1 DIP Switch SW1 Configuration .......................................................4 - 3
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Preface CP6004X-SA
4.1.2 DIP Switch SW2 Configuration .......................................................4 - 4
4.2 Jumper Description ..................................................................................4 - 5
4.3 I/O Address Map ......................................................................................4 - 5
4.4 CP6004X-SA-Specific Registers .............................................................4 - 6
4.4.1 Status Register 0 (STAT0) ...............................................................4 - 6
4.4.2 Status Register 1 (STAT1) ...............................................................4 - 7
4.4.3 Control Register 0 (CTRL0) ............................................................4 - 8
4.4.4 Control Register 1 (CTRL1) ............................................................4 - 8
4.4.5 Device Protection Register (DPROT) ..............................................4 - 9
4.4.6 Reset Status Register (RSTAT) .....................................................4 - 10
4.4.7 Board Interrupt Configuration Register (BICFG) ...........................4 - 11
4.4.8 Status Register 2 (STAT2) .............................................................4 - 12
4.4.9 Board ID High Byte Register (BIDH) .............................................4 - 12
4.4.10 Board and PLD Revision Register (BREV) ...................................4 - 13
4.4.11 Geographic Addressing Register (GEOAD) ..................................4 - 13
4.4.12 Watchdog Timer Control Register (WTIM) ....................................4 - 14
4.4.13 Board ID Low Byte Register (BIDL) ..............................................4 - 16
4.4.14 LED Configuration Register (LCFG) .............................................4 - 17
4.4.15 LED Control Register (LCTRL) .....................................................4 - 18
4.4.16 General Purpose Output Register (GPOUT) .................................4 - 19
4.4.17 General Purpose Input Register (GPIN) .......................................4 - 19
4.4.18 Status Register 3 (STAT3) .............................................................4 - 20
4.4.19 IPMI Keyboard Controller Style Interface ......................................4 - 20
5. Power Considerations .............................................................5 - 3
5.1 System Power ..........................................................................................5 - 3
5.1.1 CP6004X-SA Baseboard ................................................................5 - 3
5.1.2 Backplane .......................................................................................5 - 4
5.1.3 Power Supply Units .........................................................................5 - 4 Start-Up Requirement .............................................................5 - 4
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Page vi ID 1054-1227, Rev. 1.0 Power-Up Sequence ...............................................................5 - 4 Tolerance ................................................................................5 - 5 Regulation ...............................................................................5 - 5
5.2 Power Consumption ................................................................................5 - 6
CP6004X-SA Preface
5.2.1 Power Consumption of the CP6004X-SA Accessories ...................5 - 8
5.2.2 Power Consumption per Gigabit Ethernet Port ...............................5 - 8
5.2.3 Power Consumption per 10 Gigabit Ethernet Port ..........................5 - 8
5.3 Maximum Power Consumption of XMC Modules ....................................5 - 8
6. Thermal Considerations ......................................................... 6 - 3
6.1 Board Internal Thermal Monitoring ..........................................................6 - 3
6.2 Processor Thermal Monitoring ................................................................6 - 3
6.2.1 Digital Thermal Sensor (DTS) .........................................................6 - 3
6.2.2 Adaptive Thermal Monitor ...............................................................6 - 4 Frequency/sVID Control ........................................................6 - 4 Clock Modulation ....................................................................6 - 4
6.2.3 Catastrophic Cooling Failure Sensor .............................................6 - 5
6.3 Chipset Thermal Monitor Feature ............................................................6 - 5
6.4 External Thermal Regulation ...................................................................6 - 5
6.4.1 Operational Limits for the CP6004X-SA .........................................6 - 7
6.4.2 Peripherals ......................................................................................6 - 7
A. CP6004-SA-MK2.5-SATA Assembly Kit .................................A - 3
A.1 MMADP-SATA01 Module Overview ........................................................A - 3
A.2 Technical Specifications ..........................................................................A - 3
A.3 MMADP-SATA01 Module Layout ............................................................A - 4
A.4 SATA Connector J2 .................................................................................A - 5
B. SATA Flash Module .................................................................B - 3
B.1 Technical Specifications ..........................................................................B - 3
B.2 SATA Flash Module Layout .....................................................................B - 4
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Preface CP6004X-SA
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CP6004X-SA Preface
List of Tables
1-1 CP6004X-SA Main Specifications ........................................................... 1 - 10
1-2 Standards ................................................................................................ 1 - 16
1-3 Related Publications ................................................................................ 1 - 17
2-1 Intel® Core™ i7-3615QE Processor Features ......................................... 2 - 4
2-2 IPMI and Hot Swap LEDs Function ........................................................... 2 - 7
2-3 Watchdog and Temperature Status LEDs Function ................................... 2 - 8
2-4 General Purpose LEDs Function ............................................................... 2 - 9
2-5 POST Code Sequence ............................................................................ 2 - 10
2-6 POST Code Example .............................................................................. 2 - 10
2-7 DIP Switch SW1 Function ....................................................................... 2 - 10
2-8 DIP Switch SW2 Function ....................................................................... 2 - 10
2-9 USB Connectors J6 and J7 Pinout .......................................................... 2 - 11
2-10 D-Sub VGA Connector J9 Pinout ............................................................ 2 - 12
2-11 Serial Connector J8 (COMA) Pinout ........................................................ 2 - 13
2-12 Gigabit Ethernet Controller Port Mapping ................................................ 2 - 14
2-13 Pinout of Gigabit Ethernet Connectors J10, J11 and J12 ........................ 2 - 14
2-14 10 Gigabit Ethernet Controller Port Mapping ........................................... 2 - 15
2-15 SATA Connector J14 Pinout .................................................................... 2 - 15
2-16 XMC Connector J20 Pinout ..................................................................... 2 - 16
2-17 CompactPCI PCI/PCI-X Configuration .................................................... 2 - 17
2-18 CompactPCI Bus Connector J1 System Slot Pinout ............................... 2 - 20
2-19 CompactPCI Bus Connector J1 Peripheral Slot Pinout ........................... 2 - 21
2-20 64-bit CompactPCI Bus Connector J2 System Slot Pinout ..................... 2 - 22
2-21 64-bit CompactPCI Bus Connector J2 Peripheral Slot Pinout ................. 2 - 23
2-22 CompactPCI Rear I/O Connector J3 Pinout ............................................ 2 - 24
2-23 CompactPCI Rear I/O Connector J3 Signals ........................................... 2 - 25
2-25 CompactPCI Rear I/O Connector J5 Signals ........................................... 2 - 26
2-24 CompactPCI Rear I/O Connector J5 Pinout ............................................ 2 - 26
2-26 High-Speed Serial Rear I/O Connector J41 Pinout ................................. 2 - 27
2-27 High-Speed Serial Rear I/O Connector J4 Pinout ................................... 2 - 28
2-28 High-Speed Serial Rear I/O Connectors J41 and J4 Signal Description.. 2 - 28
2-29 High-Speed Serial Rear I/O Interconnection Port Mapping ..................... 2 - 29
4-1 DIP Switch SW1 for Boot Configuration .................................................... 4 - 3
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Preface CP6004X-SA
4-2 DIP Switch SW2 for CompactPCI Interface Configuration ......................... 4 - 4
4-3 I/O Address Map ........................................................................................ 4 - 5
4-4 Status Register 0 (STAT0) .......................................................................... 4 - 6
4-5 Status Register 1 (STAT1) .......................................................................... 4 - 7
4-6 Control Register 0 (CTRL0) ....................................................................... 4 - 8
4-7 Control Register 1 (CTRL1) ....................................................................... 4 - 8
4-8 Device Protection Register (DPROT) ......................................................... 4 - 9
4-9 Reset Status Register (RSTAT) ................................................................ 4 - 10
4-10 Board Interrupt Configuration Register (BICFG) ...................................... 4 - 11
4-11 Status Register 2 (STAT2) ........................................................................ 4 - 12
4-12 Board ID High Byte Register (BIDH) ........................................................ 4 - 12
4-13 Board and PLD Revision Register (BREV) .............................................. 4 - 13
4-14 Geographic Addressing Register (GEOAD) ............................................. 4 - 13
4-15 Watchdog Timer Control Register (WTIM) ............................................... 4 - 15
4-16 Board ID Low Byte Register (BIDL) ......................................................... 4 - 16
4-17 LED Configuration Register (LCFG) ........................................................ 4 - 17
4-18 LED Control Register (LCTRL) ................................................................ 4 - 18
4-19 General Purpose Output Register (GPOUT) ............................................ 4 - 19
4-20 General Purpose Input Register (GPIN) .................................................. 4 - 19
4-21 Status Register 3 (STAT3) ........................................................................ 4 - 20
5-1 Maximum Input Power Voltage Limits ........................................................ 5 - 3
5-2 DC Operational Input Voltage Ranges ....................................................... 5 - 3
5-3 Input Voltage Characteristics ..................................................................... 5 - 5
5-4 CP6004X-SA in uEFI Shell Mode .............................................................. 5 - 7
5-5 CP6004X-SA with Win. 7 and Processor and Graphics in Idle State ......... 5 - 7
5-6 CP6004X-SA with Win. 7 and Max. Proc. Workload and Basic Graphics Oper. 5 - 7
5-7 CP6004X-SA with Win. 7 and Max. Processor and Graphics Workload .... 5 - 7
5-8 Power Consumption of CP6004X-SA Accessories .................................... 5 - 8
5-9 Power Consumption per Gigabit Ethernet Port ......................................... 5 - 8
5-10 Power Consumption per 10 Gigabit Ethernet Port .................................... 5 - 8
5-11 XMC Module Current ................................................................................. 5 - 8
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A-1 MMADP-SATA01 Main Specifications ....................................................... A - 3
A-2 SATA Connector J2 Pinout ........................................................................ A - 5
B-1 SATA Flash Module Main Specifications ................................................... B - 3
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CP6004X-SA Preface
List of Figures
1-1 CP6004X-SA Functional Block Diagram .................................................. 1 - 6
1-2 CP6004X-SA Front Panel ........................................................................ 1 - 7
1-3 CP6004X-SA Board Layout – Top View .................................................. 1 - 8
1-4 CP6004X-SA Board Layout – Bottom View ............................................. 1 - 9
2-1 USB Connectors J6 and J7 .................................................................... 2 - 11
2-2 D-Sub VGA Connector J9 ...................................................................... 2 - 12
2-3 Serial Connector J8 (COMA) ................................................................. 2 - 13
2-4 Gigabit Ethernet Connectors J10, J11 and J12 ..................................... 2 - 14
2-5 SATA Connector J14 .............................................................................. 2 - 15
2-6 XMC Connector J20 ............................................................................... 2 - 16
2-7 CompactPCI Connectors ....................................................................... 2 - 19
3-1 Connecting a Peripheral Device to the CP6004X-SA .............................. 3 - 8
4-1 DIP Switch SW1 ....................................................................................... 4 - 3
4-2 DIP Switch SW2 ....................................................................................... 4 - 4
6-1 CP6004X-SA with Core™ i7-3615QE (SV) 2.3 GHz ............................... 6 - 7
A-1 MMADP-SATA01 Module Layout ............................................................. A - 4
A-2 SATA Connector J2 .................................................................................. A - 5
B-1 SATA Flash Module Layout (Bottom View) .............................................. B - 4
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