For The Device Set-up, installing the plug-ins allows you to obtain the information of a copier on the network and/or change its settings.
Device Set-Upiii
Active Directory, Microsoft and Windows are either registered trademarks or
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Intel and Pentium are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries.
Microsoft® and Windows® are either registered trademarks or trademarks of
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All other product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.
Dialog boxes
The dialog boxes shown in this manual are those that appear in Windows XP.
Please be aware that devices and settings may result in the content of
screens being different to as shown in this document.
Unauthorized reproduction, translation or duplication of this document,
whether in its entirety or in part, is strictly prohibited.
The content of this document is subject to change without notice.
Systems must have the following specifications in order to use this software.
-Operating System
Windows XP Professional (SP3 or later)
Windows XP Professional x64 Edition (SP2 or later)
Windows Vista Enterprise (SP2 or later)*
Windows Vista Business (SP2 or later)*
Windows Vista Ultimate (SP2 or later)*
Windows 7 Enterprise (SP1 or later)*
Windows 7 Professional (SP1 or later)*
Windows 7 Ultimate (SP1 or later)*
* 32-bit(x86) and 64-bit(x64) editions are supported.
According to the recommended system requirements of your operating
-Memory (RAM)
According to the recommended system requirements of your operating
-Unused hard drive capacity
100 MB or more
800 × 600 pixel, 16 bit - color or better
TCP/IP protocol
Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 (SP1) or later
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 (SP2 or later) <Windows XP>
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 (SP1 or later) <Windows Vista>
* The edition of .NET Framework required for this software is pre-installed
on Windows 7.
-Supported Devices
For details of the copier and the printer (supported device of the plug-in
application) of KONICA MINOLTA, see the Readme of each plug-in application.
Refer to the Readme file for the latest information about service packs and
so on.
Device Set-Up1-1
Getting Started
In order to use this software, it is necessary to enable OpenAPI from the
device panel by selecting Administration Settings, then System.
1.2Overview of Functions
For The Device Set-up, installing the following plug-ins allows you to obtain
the information of a copier on the network and/or change its settings.
Data Administrator
HDD Backup UtilityHDD Backup Utility is used to back up (save) and restore (re-
Log Management UtilityLog Management Utility accesses MFP products on the net-
Font Management UtilityFont Management Utility is a utility that allows you to add and
Copy Protection UtilityCopy Protection Utility is used to program multifunctional
PageScope Data Administrator is an administration tool with
which authentication data and addresses that are registered in
the control panel of supported devices (multifunctional OA
equipment) can be edited and changed from other computers
on the network.
cover) information on media installed in multifunctional products (MFP) on the network.
work, and displays log files (operations and processing
records that include monitoring logs and communications history) stored on these devices. These can be used in management of device usage status, and in troubleshooting.
delete the fonts and the forms for printing of the supported devices (MFPs) that are on a network.
products with copy protection and stamp information.
Copy Protection Utility
Log Management Utility
Data Administrator
HDD Backup Utility
Font Management Utility
Device Set-Up1-2
Device Set-Up
Software Installation
2Software Installation
2.1OpenAPI settings
Some plug-in applications use OpenAPI. On an occasion like this, it is necessary to make a write setting in advance on the device side.
Installation procedure
Before installing the Device Set-Up, specify the OpenAPI settings on the device.
%Specify the OpenAPI Login Name and password from the control panel
of the device as necessary.
–For details on the procedure for specifying the OpenAPI settings
from the control panel of the device, refer to the device’s User’s
Follow the instructions in the User’s Guide for the device to specify the
settings for SSL transmission.
Device Set-Up2-1
Software Installation
2.2Installation of Device Set-Up
Install the Device Set-Up as follows:
When installing the Device Set-Up, the Microsoft .NET Framework is required to have been installed in advance.
The version of Microsoft .NET Framework is based on the OS to be used.
Refer to page 1-1 for details.
Before installing the utility, be sure to log in with Administrator privileges.
Quit all applications (including virus detection programs) that are running.
1Double-click the Setup.exe of the plug-in application you want to in-
2Select language and click [OK].
3Before installing the plug-in application, a message is displayed in-
forming that the Device Set-Up will be installed. When the message is
displayed, click [OK].
Device Set-Up2-2
Software Installation
4Click [Next].
5When you consent to the Software End User License Agreement, se-
lect [I accept the terms in the license agreement] and then click [Next].
–When you do not consent to the Software End User License Agree-
ment, you cannot use this software.
Device Set-Up2-3
Software Installation
6Specify a folder into which it is installed, and click [Next].
–When changing the location into which an installation is made, click
[Change] to specify the location into which it is installed.
–When no change is made to the location into which an installation
is made, an installation is made into the C:\Program Files\KONICA
MINOLTA\PageScope Data Administrator V4 folder.
7Select setup type and then click [Next].
–When selecting [Complete], all program features will be installed.
–When selecting [Custom], select which program features you want
installed and where they will be installed.
Device Set-Up2-4
Software Installation
8Click [Install].
–When specifying [Create a Shortcut on the Desktop], shortcut is
created on the desktop.
9Click [Finish].
The installation is completed.
In addition, install the plug-in application.
For details of the procedure for installation of the plug-in application,
see respective User’s Guides.
Device Set-Up2-5
Software Installation
The uninstallation method of Device Set-Up is as follows.
-Using “Add or Remove Programs” in “Control Panel”
Before uninstalling, quit the Device Set-Up.
Device Set-Up2-6
How to Use the Device Set-Up
3How to Use the Device Set-Up
The following procedure describes how to specify the necessary settings
when the Device Set-Up is first started.
3.1Specifying automatic protection settings
In order to prevent unauthorized use of the application, an access password
and timeout time can be specified. If the length of time that no operation is
performed in this utility exceeds the specified timeout time, the application
is automatically locked. The application can be unlocked if the access password is entered.
Installation procedure
1From the Windows Start menu, start the Device Set-Up.
–Click the Windows [Start] - [All Programs] - [KONICA MINOLTA] -
[Device Set-Up] - [Device Set-Up].
The Application protect settings dialog box appears.
2Select [Use auto protect].
3To use automatic protection, specify the [Timeout Period] and the
–After the first time that the utility is started, this dialog box does not
appear. Instead, the main window appears.
Device Set-Up3-1
How to Use the Device Set-Up
4Click [OK].
The automatic protection settings are applied, and the main window
Device Set-Up3-2
How to Use the Device Set-Up
To change settings
Automatic protection settings can be changed using the menu above the
main window.
1Click [Tool] from menu and select [Option] - [General].
2Select [Auto protect] in [Target of setting] field.
3Change the Auto protect settings, and then click [OK].
–To turn off automatic protection, clear the check box.
–To change the timeout time, click [Change Timeout Period], and
then change the setting.
–To change the access password, click [Change password], and
then change the password.
The changes are applied to the settings, and the main window appears.
Device Set-Up3-3
How to Use the Device Set-Up
3.2Main Window
When the Device Set-up is started, the Main window is displayed.
The screen above shows the condition in which individual plug-ins are installed. The screen displayed may vary depending on a plug-in installed.
For the Device Set-up, the operations such as search, registration and
edit of a copier (supported device) on the network are conducted through
this screen.
For other functions, it is necessary to install each particular plug-in. For
detailed functions of individual plug-ins, refer to the respective user’s
Device Set-Up3-4
How to Use the Device Set-Up
Menu Bar
FileDevice ListThe import/export of the Device list is made.
ExitClose the application.
FunctionEdit Copy Protect/StampThis can be used when the Copy Protection
Font/FormThis can be used when the Font Management
HDD BackupThis can be used when the HDD Backup Utility
RestoreThis can be used when the HDD Backup Utility
Log ViewerThis can be used when the Log Management
Receive LogThis can be used when the Log Management
Utility plug-in is installed.
Utility plug-in is installed.
plug-in is installed.
plug-in is installed.
Utility plug-in is installed.
Utility plug-in is installed.
Authentication Settings/Address
Administrator settingsThis can be used when the PageScope Data
Settings for multiple devicesIndividual functions are collectively handled.
LogThis can be used when the Log Management
Application initial settingThe files set are saved locally with no connec-
ToolOptionThe optional functions of each plug-in are set.
DeviceRegistration of
Edit registered
Network initial
LDAP server settingsConfigure LDAP server settings.
Function access restriction
NewCreate a function access restriction file.
OpenOpen an existing function access restriction
This can be used when the PageScope Data
Administrator plug-in is installed.
Administrator plug-in is installed.
Utility plug-in is installed.
tion made to the device.
Start device registration.
Start group settings.
Configure default settings for the registered device network.
Device Set-Up3-5
How to Use the Device Set-Up
WindowDisplayTop screen dis-
Access history
Cascade viewDisplay screens cascaded inside the main win-
Tile HorizontalDisplay screens inside the main window tiled
Tile VerticalDisplay screens inside the main window tiled
HelpHelpDisplay Help.
Version informationDisplay the version of Device Set-Up.
Top screen is displayed.
The screen for the access history display is displayed.
Icon / Tab in main window
Icon / TabExplanation
The screen registered as a top screen is displayed.
The registration of the Device is started.
The network of the registered device is initialized.
Basic Settings tabThe Device list is displayed. It is also possible to select a function
from [Function Selection] to the right of the screen.
Settings for multiple
devices tab
Log tabThe log management is made. For this operation, the Log Man-
Application initial setting tab
Function SelectionIt is possible to select a function that can be used.
Individual functions are collectively processed. The display may
vary depending on a plug-in installed.
agement Utility is required to be installed in advance.
The files set are saved locally with no connection made to the device.
The Device Selection Filter allows you also to list up devices that
are provided with supported functions.
Device Set-Up3-6
Device Registration
4Device Registration
The Device Set-up allows you to search and register a supported device on
the network. For the supported device registered, various settings can be
made for each plug-in.
4.1Search for a supported device
As a method for the search/registration of a supported device, the following
are available.
-Method for searching a supported device on the network
-Method for searching a supported device with the IP address specified.
-Method for registering a supported device from the Function access re-
striction file
-Method for registering a local file
When making a search for a device on the network, it is also possible to
set the range of search.
Register Found Devices
1Start the Device Set-Up to display main window.
–For details of the method for displaying the main window, refer to
page 3-1.
2Click .
Device Set-Up4-1
Device Registration
3Click [Search and Register].
Device Search Result list appears.
4Select the devices to register and click [Select].
–When a search for a device is made again, click [Re-search].
5Click [OK].
Device Set-Up4-2
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