Konica Minolta CF 2215 User Manual


QMS MAGNUM Emulation User's Guide

The following are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. Other produc t names mentioned in this manual may also be trademarks or registered trade m arks of their re spec tive owners . Re giste red tr adem arks are regi ste red in th e Uni ted St ates Patent an d Tradem a rk Off ice ; so m e tr ade ma r ks ma y als o be re gis te re d i n ot h er co un t ries . Crown, the Crown seal, QMS, MAGNUM, and the QMS logo, are registered trademarks of QMS, Inc ., an d Cod e V is a tr adem ark o f QMS, Inc. Adobe, Adobe Ill ustra tor /Ado be Systems Incorporated. TrueType/Apple Computer, Inc. FrameMaker/Frame Technology Corporation. CompuServe/H & R Block. Helvetica/Linotype-Hel l AG and/or its subsi diaries. ITC Zapf Dingb ats/I nte rnat iona l Typeface Corpora tio n. Mic roso ft, MS -DOS , and Wi ndows / Microsoft Corporation.
Proprietary Statement
The software included with MAGNUM is Copyrighted  1995 by QMS, Inc. All Rights Reserved. This software may not be reproduced, modified, displayed, transferred, or copied in any form or in any manner or on any media, in whole or in part, without the express written permission of QMS, Inc.
Copyright Notice
This manual is Copyrighted  1995 by QM S, Inc ., On e Magn um Pas s, Mobi le, AL 3661 8. All Rig ht s Re s er ved. Th i s manu al m ay not be c op ied in who l e o r i n pa rt , n or tr an s ferre d to any other media or language, without the express written permission of QMS, Inc.
Manual Notice
QMS, Inc. reserves the right to make changes to this manual and to the equipment describ ed he re in w i tho ut n ot ic e. C o nsi de ra ble e ffo rt h as be en m ad e to en su re t hat t hi s manual is free of inaccuracies and omissions. Howe ver, QMS, Inc. makes no warranty of
any kind includi ng, but not limite d to, any implied warranties of mer chantabi lity and fitness for a pa rticu lar purp ose with regard to th is manual . QMS, Inc. assumes no
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This manual was written and formatted in FrameMaker. The typefaces chosen are Benguiat, Courier, Helvetica, ITC Zapf Dingbats, and Symbol.
The ma nu al was p ri n te d on a QM S p ri n ter.


1 Introduction
Introduction .................................................................................. 1-2
System Requirements .................................................................1-2
About the Documentati on ............................. ....... .............. ..... ....1 -3
About This Manual 1-4
What's in the Shipment ........................................ ................... ....1 -5
Registering the Product ..............................................................1-6
MAGNUM Emulation Features ....................................................1-6
Code V Programming Language 1-6 Graphics Capabilities 1-7 Fonts 1-7

2 Installation

Getting Started ............................................................. ................ 2-2
Add i ng Additi o nal M emory ............ ......... ........ ............ ................ 2 -2
Configuring Printer Memory ....................................................... 2-3
Reconfigure the Memory 2-3
Downloading the Em ulatio n ............. ........... ........ .............. ....... .. 2-7
Using the Emulatio n ....... ......... ....... ....... ......... ...... ....... ....... ....... .. 2-8
Setting Default Font Parameters 2-9 Setting Form Setup Parameters 2-11 Setting Misc Parameters 2-12 Setting Code V Setup Parameters 2-14
A QMS Customer Support
Sources of Supp ort ..... ..... ..... ....... ..... ...... ..... ..... ..... ..... ....... ...... ...A -2
Your QMS Vendor A-2 Your Application Vendor A-2 Q-FAX A-2 The QMS Corporate Bulletin Board System A-3 CompuServe A-3 Internet A-3 QMS Customer Response Center (CRC) A-4
QMS World-wide Offices .............................................................A-4
QMS United States and Latin America A-4 QMS in Australia A- 5 QMS Canada A-5 QMS France A-5 QMS Germany A-6 QMS in Ireland A-6 QMS in Japan A-6 QMS in The Netherlands and Belgium A-6 QMS in Scandinavia A-6 QMS in South Africa A- 6 QMS in Spain A-7 QMS in Switzerland A-7 QMS UK Ltd A-7
QMS MAGNUM Emulation User's Guideii
B Character Tables
Introduction ................................................................................. B-2
ISO Character Table B-2 PC Subset Character Table B-3


Contents iii


In This Chapter . . .
System requirements
Manual overview
MAGNUM emulat ion featu res


The QMS MAGNUM emulation is compatible with the powerful indus­trial graphics Code V programming language used on the QMS CF2215 printer. It gives you advanced MAGNUM controller technol­ogy (the standard for industrial graphics applicatio n s) designed to meet your bar code, label, and form printing needs.
» Note:
This emulation doesn ’t support IBM interf aces.

System Requirements

To use the QMS MAGNUM emulati on, you need the following:
For this system requirement...
QMS Crown Printer
Hard Disk Either an external or an internal hard disk is required to
Memory 4 MB more than standard memory is required to load
You need...
The QMS MAGNUM emulation is available only on the following QMS Crown printers at the specified (or greater) software release level:
—QMS 1060E Print System (software release 2.0.15) —QMS 1660E Print System (software release 2.0.15) —QMS 2025 Print System (software release 8.2.0) —QMS 3225 Print System (software release 8.2.0) —QMS 3825 Print System (software release 8.2.0)
load the QMS MAGNUM emulation on any of the above QMS Crown printers.
the QMS MAGNUM emulation on any of the above printers except the QMS 3825, which comes standard with maximum memory of 32 MB.
QMS MAGNUM Emulation User's Guide1-2
About the Documentation

About the Documentation

You received the followin g documentation with the QMS MAG­NUM emulation:
& &
QMS MAGNUM Emulation User’s Guide
QMS Code V Version II Programming Manual
Other Documentation
You’re now looking at this manual. It contains detailed informatio n on installing and using the QMS MAGNUM emulation.
This manual provides command reference information for the Code V Version II programming language used in the QMS MAGNUM emulation.
In addition to this documentation, you will also have your QMS Crown printer documentation.
About the Documentation

About This Manual

This manual contains detailed inform ation on insta lling and using the QMS MAGNUM emul ation. It is divided into the following section s:
QMS Customer
Character Tables
Presents an overview, provides system requirements, and describes the QMS MAGNUM emulation documentation.
Provides the installation procedures, settings for the printer’s memory, details on how to configure the emulation memory client, and informat ion on the QMS MAGNUM emulat ion menu.
Provides product sales and support telephone numbers and describes how to communicate with QMS through the QMS Bul let in Bo ard, CompuServe, the Internet , and
Q-FAX Provides the character substitution
tables for the ISO character set and the PC Subset character set.
QMS MAGNUM Emulation User's Guide1-4
What'sinthe Shipment
The following typographic conve ntions are used throughout this man­ual:
Mixed-Case Cour ier
Mixed-Case Italic Courier
lowercase italic
UPPERCASE File and utility names. Press the Enter key (PC). ^ Press and hold down the Ctrl key (PC)
» Note:
Notes contain tips, extra inform ation, or importa nt
Text you type, and messages and information displayed on the screen.
Variable text you type; replace the italicized word(s) with information specific to your computer, printer, or network.
Variable information in text.
information that deserves emphasis or reiterat ion.
: Cautions present information that you need to know to avoid equipment damage, process failure, or extreme annoyance.

What's in the Shipment

In addition to this manual, the QMS MAGNUM emulation contains the following:
n n n
QMS Code V Version II Programming Manual
1 disk Registration/w ar ranty ca rd
Registering the Product
Make sure that all items are included in your shipment before install ­ing the emulation. I f any items are missing or dam aged, contact your QMS Vendor. See appendix A, “QMS Customer Support,” for product sales and support information.

Registering the P roduct

QMS is committed to develop ing print systems tha t offer you flexible, efficient solutions, so we’re interested in knowing how you plan to use this product.
To register by mail, fill out and send in your warranty card. To register by telephone, in the US, call QMS toll-free at (800) 637-8049. In other countries, see appendix A, “QMS Customer Sup port, ” for the appro­priate telephone number.

MAGNUM Emulation Features

This brief overview will acquaint you with the basic Q MS M AGNUM emulation features and how th ey can benefit you.

Code V Programming Lan guage

The QMS Code V programming lang uage is a powerful industrial graphics language that features the following:
—Scalable MAGNUM characte rs —Rotatable fonts, bar codes, and graphics —Specifications for over 20 different bar code symbologies —Advanced data handling capabilities such as automat ic repeti tion,
automatic incrementing and decrementing, forms storage, and automatic fill ing of forms wit h variable dat a at print time.
—Bit image plotting, scaling , and rotating
QMS MAGNUM Emulation User's Guide1-6
MAGNUM Emulation Features
User Benefit—You can print industrial graphics applications on your normal workgroup or departmental laser printer.

Graphics Capabilities

This emulation allows for the gene ratio n of forms and labels, includ­ing bar codes (UPC, Code 39, Code 128, and other codes). Other graphic features include lines, boxes, forms, and half to ne patt erns.
User Benefit—This extensive suite of industrial graphics capabilit ies assists you with your most complex bar code, label, and form printing needs.


The following nine fonts are downloa ded to the printer’s hard disk when the emulation is installed:
Font Font Descriptio n Characters Per Inch
Font 4 Code V Near Letter Quality Size 0 (Lookup) Font 5 Code V Near Letter Quality 10 cpi Font 6 Code V Near Letter Quality 12 cpi Font 7 Code V Near Letter Quality 13.3 cpi Font 8 Code V Near Letter Quality 15 cpi Font 9 Code V Near Letter Quality 17.1 cpi Font 10 OCR—A Size 1 10 cpi Font 11 OCR—B Size 10 cpi Font 12 Symbol Set
User Benefit—These standard font s increase the em ulat ion’s func ­tionality and allow you to create more complex and distinctive indu s­trial graphics documents.


In This Chapter . . .
Installing and configuring printer me mory
Downloading t he emulation
Using the e mulatio n
+ 35 hidden pages