Centralized Print
and Copy Management
PrintLog Accounting Server,
Equitrac’s next generation accounting
server, is an advanced network print
tracking solution that enables users to
monitor, manage and measure all
network document activity .Designed to
easily install on most operating
systems, PrintLog Accounting Server
remotely monitors all print servers on
the network (Windows® NT, 2000,
Novell®and UNIX) from a single
location, thus enabling users to allocate
network printing and copying by user,
client, project and/or department
codes. Every printing device can be
configured for various options, including individual pricing, maximum page
printing and/or user limits.Professional
Client Billing can be added to recover
all document costs and reports can be
viewed through the web.
PrintLog Accounting Server tracks
network printing by requesting account
information prior to releasing the job.
Data collected is then sent to the server
for consolidation and reporting.
PrintLog Accounting Server offers a
number of analysis tools, including:
Individual Device
Analysis T oolkit for
scenario costing
Web based reporting for
quick analysis
Over 70 reports for
detailed reviewing
PrintLog Accounting Server’s architecture works from an accounting
server and one or more print servers.
While maintaining centralized management and administration, PrintLog
Accounting Server can provide true
scalability in network environments
with numerous user and device configurations. Add-on modules allow for
additional print servers in Windows® NT,
2000, Novell® NetWare, or UNIX
environments and even Macintosh
services. By adding terminals, users
can track all digital and analog
documents and incorporate security
and job limiting features with MyPrint
Allocate Costs Easily with
Flexible Billing Options
Adapts to Multiple
Print Environments
Release Documents
Securely with MyPrint

PrintLog Accounting Server Benefits
Administration and Tracking
Centrally managed and configured
Complete audit trail of all transactions
Accurately track and allocate
document costs
MyPrint for secure document release
Assign print costs by user, group, printer
and application
Automated push installation procedures
Flexible pricing by attribute for each
output device
Over 70 standard reports
Additional web-based reports available
Scheduled report generator
Reports can be viewed, printed or e-mailed
Export to HTML, CSV or RTF file types
Device diagnostic reports
Comprehensive analysis features
Enhanced Features
Enhanced client pop-up functionality
Integration with PCDocs, WORLDOX
and iManage
Auditing architecture
Enhanced management tools
including wizards
Seamless integration with PageControl
Station and PageCounter 100
PrintLog Accounting Server
System Requirements:
836 Ponce de Leon Boulevard, Coral Gables, FL 33134 • 800-327-0183 • Fax: 305-442-0687
© 2002 Equitrac Corporation. All rights reserved. Equitrac and PrintLog Accounting Server are registered trademarks of Equitrac Corporation. All other brands and their products are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders and should be noted as such. Companies, names and/or data used in screens and sample output are fictitious, unless otherwise noted. MADE IN THE U.S.A.
Network Printing
Network Printing
Accounting Information
Network Printing
Accounting Server
PageCounter 100
for MyPrint
Network PrintersWorkstations
Print Server
Local Printer
Accounting Information
Sample Configuration
In a network environment, workstations send print jobs to a local printer or a network
printer.As the job passes through the spool or print server, the transaction is collected
and forwarded to the accounting server database for archiving and reporting.
Download PrintLog Accounting Server
at www.equitrac.com/download
Now featuring Professional
Client Billing Pop Up
Server requirements
Pentium III Processor
Windows NT 4.0, 2000
64 MB of RAM
100 MB available disk space
Workstation Support
Windows NT Workstation 4.0, 2000
Windows 95, 98, Me, XP
Apple Macintosh 8.1 or greater
Unix (with LPR software)
Printer connectivity and support
PostScript, PCL & PCL6 printers
All LPR-compatible adapters
Parallel port connections
All Windows NT-supported
Many other network adapters
DMS Integration
DOCSOpen (client and server):
3.9.0, 3.9.5
WORLDOX (client and server):
iManage (server): 5.3, 6.0, 7.1
iManage (client): InfoRite 5.3,
DeskSite 6.0