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Strandpro m enaden 50
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1System description
This chapter presents a general description of the echo sounder system. Refer
to page 1.
This chapterexplains the layoutof the echosounder displaypresentation. Refer
to page 24.
3Getting started
This chapter provides an operational example to get you started with the
operation. Refer to page 40.
4Operational procedures
Operator manual
This chapter provides specific procedures for common tasks. Refer to page 50.
5Reference guide
This chapter explains the menus and dialogue boxes in detail. Refer to page 74.
6Sound Velocity Profile (SVP) Editor
This chapter describes how to use the sound velocity profile editor. Refer to
page 163.
This chapter explains how to use the EA2Neptune conversion utility.
Refer to page 172.
8Data and telegram formats
This chapter explains the file and directory names, as well as t he various input
and output telegrams. Refer to page 174.
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EA 400
857-160981 / J
Operator manual
SYSTEM DESCRIPTION1......................................
Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP and Windows are
either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft
Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
Echosounder software version
This manual complies to echo sounder software version 2.3.0.x.
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EA 400
System overview
Key facts
The EA 400 is a single or multi frequency echo sounder
designed for the professional hydrography community. It can
operate with maximum four frequency channels simultanously.
• The EA 400 system is flexible and easy to configure due to
the modular design.
• The EA 400 is available in two versions. The standard EA
400 system uses a 15 inch LCD with integrated computer,
while the EA 400SP are portable systems.
• The complete EA 400SP is housed in a small rugged
suitcase, IP rated to IP56. It can be operated from a standard
car battery. The power consumption is low. All connections
are made through plugs at one side of the suitcase.
• Echo sounders ranging from relatively low-cost single beam
to large multi-frequency systems can be realised.
• Menus and dialogue boxes are operated with a standard
computer mouse and keyboard.
• Large colour liquid crystal displays (LCD) are used. A
standard computer mouse may be used.
• The EA 400 uses the Microsoft Windows® display interface.
Operation is to a large extent self-explanatory. Getting started
is easy if you are familiar with standard Microsoft
Windows® programs.
• A store/replay function reduces the need for echogram
printout on paper. The unprocessed transducer signal is
recorded on the internal harddisk. During replay, this signal
is injected into the EA 400 processing software as if it
arrived directly from the transceiver.
Main units
The standard EA 400 hydrographic echo sounder consists of one
or more transducers, a General Purpose Transceiver (GPT) and
an LCD unit with integrated computer.
• Transducers are available at frequencies ranging from 38 to
710 kHz.
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System description
• The General Purpose Transceiver (GPT) contains transmitter
and receiver electronics. It can be configured for single beam
operation. The receivers are designed for low noise, and they
can handle input signals spanning a very large instantaneous
dynamic amplitude range of 160 dB. All targets are correctly
measured and displayed. Output transmit power per
frequency channel is maximum 2 kW per channel.
• A twisted pair Ethernet cable connects the General Purpose
Transceiver (GPT) with the computer. The distance between
the computer and the GPT can be extended up to 100 meters.
• If more than one transceiver is used, a small Ethernet HUB
or switch is used to connect the General Purpose Transceivers
to the computer.
• Most of the echo sounder functions are implemented in
software. The bottom detection algorithm is implemented
solely in software with separate computation for each
frequency channel.
• When a portable computer is used, the power output is
maximum 1 kW per channel (Optionally, 2 kW is available).
• A rugged and/or splash proof suitcase houses the portable
version, this suitcase contains both the computer and the
General Purpose Transceiver (GPT). The GPT can be
operated from a standard car battery (+12 Vdc) . The PC to
be run from internal battery if the system should maintain the
IP rate.
• Interfaces are provided for depth telegram output as well as
navigation data, temperature sensor and motion sensor inputs.
An external push button may be connected for manually start
and stop of the survey lines.
• An external push button may be added for manual control of
the event triggering.
• Socket interface is included. To run the EA 400 software and
other software (for example survey- or classification
software) on the same computer, this socket interface is
required for data transmission between the software
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EA 400
System diagrams
The following system diagrams are provided:
• EA 400 with one transceiver
• EA 400 with two transceivers
• EA 400 with Hydrographic Operator Station (HOS) and two
• EA 400SP portable system
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System description
System diagram with one transceiver
1) Display unit 2) Processor unit 3) General Purpose Tr ansceiver (GPT) 4) Transducers
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EA 400
System diagram with two transceivers
1) Display unit 2) Processor unit 3) General Purpose Transceiver (GPT)
4) Transducers 5) Ethernet HUB or switch
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System description
System diagram with Hydrographic Operator Station (HOS) and two transceivers
1) Hydrographic Operator Station (HOS) 2) General Purpose Transceiver (GPT)
3) Ethernet HUB or switch 4) Transducers A) Navigational data B) Motion sensor data
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EA 400
Portable system. IP56-rated suitcase with standard laptop or rugged notebook.
1) Portable computer 3) General Purpose Transceiver (GPT) 4) Transducers
A) COM 1 (Navigation) B) COM 2 (Input/output) C) 12 VDC power D) Connector
E) USB connector (Mouse)
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Wave propagation
The velocity of sound wave propagation in the sea varies
slightly with temperature, salinity and pressure. The velocity
varies between 1440 and 1520 m/s in shallow sea water, while a
velocity around 1480 m/s can be expected at 1000 m depth. In
shallow fresh water the velocity is approximately 1430 m/s.
A good average value to be used in the Environment dialogue
box is 1500 m/s.
Figure 1 The
wave propagation
System description
The EA 400 transmits high energy sound wave pulses into the
sea. A f lat bottom reflects the transmitted wave as if it were a
mirror. The propagating energy is spread over a larger and larger
area as it travels down to the bottom and up again. The energy is
spread over a four times larger area every time the travel
distance doubles.
At the bottom there are many small targets. All targets within
the beam angle will be reflected. The area which is covered by
the beam will increase with the square-law or 20 log TVG
(Time Varying Gain) spreading. Bottom of the same type (same
backscatter) will be displayed with the same colour independent
of the depth.
The situation is slightly different when observing the echoes
from individual fish. The transmitted wave undergoes
square-law spreading when travelling from the surface and
down to the fish. The swim bladder of the fish scatters a small
fraction of the arriving energy in all directions. Travelling from
the fish and back towards the surface the scattered wave
undergoes another square-law spreading. The combined effect is
referred to as quad-law or 40 log TVG spreading.
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EA 400
Propagation losses due to absorption are much higher in sea
water than in fresh water. Absorption also increases with
frequency. At 38 kHz the absorption is 0.5 dB/km in fresh water
and 10 dB/km in sea water. At 200 kHz the absorption is 10
dB/km in fresh water and 50 dB/km in salt water. The echo
sounder must know which water type is present in order to
compensate for these losses correctly.
(The dB (decibel) unit has long traditions in underwater
acoustics and other fields in physics. It is a logarithmic measure
for the ratio between two quantities).
Related topics
→Environment, page 105
→Echogram, page 100
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Bottom echo
Figure 2
Bottom echo
System description
A hard flat bottom reflects the transmitted signal as if it were a
mirror. T he transmitted pulse hits the illuminated bottom area at
nearly the same instant, and the echo from different parts of this
area arrive back at the surface also at nearly the same instant.
The received echo signal is basically an attenuated copy of the
short transmit pulse. The echo signal from a sloped bottom is
characterised by having a longer duration and a slower rise and
fall time. The transmitted pulse first hits the slope at point A,
and as time elapses the reflection point travels along the slope
towards point B. Many locations do not have a solid hard
bottom. Frequently, the bottom is composed of layers of mud,
clay and sand which can be observed as coloured bands on the
echo sounder display.
The bottom detection algorithm is implemented solely in
software, and separate algorithms are run for each frequency
channel. The algorithm is designed with emphasis on reliability
in the sense that erroneous depth detections are never output.
Whenever the quality of a detection is questionable the
algorithm outputs a depth of 0.00 to indicate that no reliable
detection was obtained. The EA 400 algorithm is designed to
handle a number of difficult situations. The algorithm maintains
bottom lock for a discontinuous jump in bottom depth. It avoids
false bottom detections on a dense school of fish. The algorithm
chooses the upper boundary of the first layer when the bottom
consists of layers.
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EA 400
The bottom detection algorithm locks to the first good bottom
return. The depth at point A rather than the depth along the
transducer axis will be output for a sloped bottom. The detected
depth value is always smaller than the depth along the
transducer axis implying that a safety margin is automatically
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System description
Specially designed transducers for hull or over-the-side
mounting are available from Kongsberg Maritime for sidescan
operation. The operating frequency is 120 or 200 kHz.
Figure 3 The
sidescan principle
A sonar side looking type of image is generated on the echo
sounder display when pointing this transducer near horizontally.
With a beam width of 50 degrees vertically and only 0.5 or 2
degrees horizontally the scanning sector is narrow enough to
resolve relatively small objects on the sea floor, but wide
enough to allow higher survey speeds than with conventional
side looking echo sounders. Bottom elevations and objects are
immediately recognised on the echo sounder colour display.
Side scan operation can be used for wreck searching and for
surveying navigable channels for obstacles. Monitoring
riverbanks, erosion, land slides and flow induced sediment
deposits are other useful applications.
The software in the EA 400 is prepared for dual sidescan
operation and presentation. The sidescan data is captured and
stored in a digital format. This allows for further data processing
to a sidescan sonar mosaic image by combining data from a
number of survey lines. It is even possible to allocate one or two
vertical channels for normal echo sounding while doing the dual
acoustic imaging.
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Note that the EA 400P and EA 400SP are limited to either dual
sidescan or single sidescan with one vertical channel.
EA 400
Observation range
Absorption increases dramatically with frequency in salt water.
For maximum observation range you should select a low
operating frequency, a large transducer and the maximum
transmit power.
Maximum detection depth
Typical observation ranges are shown in the table. Bottom
detection can be expected to work down to 3000 meters when
using the Simrad 38-7 transducer (37 kHz, 7x7 degrees, 2000
W). However, bottom detection becomes unreliable below 450
meters if you use the Simrad 50/200D transducer (200 kHz,
7x7 degrees, 1000 W)
These range calculations assume a normal sea water salinity
(3.5%) and temperature (+10 degC), an average bottom (surface
backscattering strength = -20 dB) and a noise level typical for a
moving vessel.
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Technical specifications
The following is a summary of the technical specifications for
the EA 400 echo sounder. Note that the specifications may be
changed without prior warning.