Kompernass KH 2283 User Manual [pl]

4 A
KH 2283
ID-NR.: KH2283-03/08-V3
Instruction Manual
Instrukcja obs³ugi
Használati útmutató
1^ 1% 1$ 1# 1@ 1!
w e
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- 1 -
Read the operating instructions carefully before using the device for the rst time
and preserve this booklet for later reference. Pass this booklet on to whoever
might acquire the device at a future date.
Intended use 2
Items supplied 2
Technical Data 2
Please read the safety instructions 2
Operational features 4
Initial operation of the device 4
Changing the batteries 5
Handling of batteries 5
Switching the device on and off 5
Selecting the training programme 6
The display 7
Setting the difficulty level 8
Muting the acoustic function 8
The training programme in particular 8
Cleaning and care 12
Disposal 13
CE Conformity 13
Importer 14
Warranty and Service 14
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Intended use
This calculator trainer is intended exclusively for calculation
and memory prociency for the young and old (5 years and
up) and does not provide the functions of a pocket calculator.
The device is not intended for use in commercial or industrial environments. No warranty claims will be granted for damage resulting from improper use!
Items supplied
1 Calculator trainer 1 Transparent protective cover 1 Operating instruction booklet
Technical Data
LCD indicator Over 300.000 tasks
Power supply: 1 x 3V (Typ CR2032) Measurements (W x H x D): 8,2 x 15,3 x 1,3 cm Weight : approx. 80 g Operating temperature: 5° - 40°C Storage temperature : —20° - 60°C
Please read the safety instructions
Do not allow children under 5 years of age to handle elec- tronic devices unsupervised because they often underesti-
mate the danger of personal injury. NEVER submerse the device in water. Wipe it only with a
• slightly damp cloth.
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Do not expose the device to rain and never use it in a humid • or wet environment. You must not open the device housing or repair the device
• yourself. Should you do so, the safety of the device may be compromised and the warranty becomes void.
Risk of explosion!
Do not throw batteries into a re. Do not recharge the batteries.
 Riskofre!
Do not use the device near hot surfaces. Do not operate or store the device in hot locations and do
not subject the device to direct sunlight or strong articial light sources. Otherwise, it may overheat and become irreparably damaged. Do not place open re sources, such as candles, on the
 Riskofpersonalinjury!
Keep batteries away from children. Children can put batteries • into their mouths and swallow them. If a battery is swallowed medical assistance must be sought immediately.
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Operational features
q Display w - For selection of the diculty level e - On/O switch r - Switches the acoustic function on and
t - Division button y - Multiplication button u - Subtraction button i - Addition button o ENTER - Input button aNumber buttons for entering number values sProgramme button G 6 - accesses training programme 6 d Programme button G 5 - accesses training programme 5 f Programme button G 4 - accesses training programme 4 gProgramme button G 3 - accesses training programme 3 h Programme button G 2 - accesses training programme 2 j Programme button G 1 - accesses training programme 1 k Speaker for beep sounds l RESET - To reset the device ; Battery compartment screws
2) Battery compartment cover
Initial operation of the device
Remove the calculator trainer and accessories from the > packaging.
Remove all possible sticky tape/foils.
The battery is already preinstalled. To protect against prema-
ture discharging an isolation strip has been placed between
the poles. Simply pull this out before initial operation.
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Changing the batteries
The device requires a 3V lithium battery type CR2032, which is already preinstalled. If the display remains blank after it has been
switched on the batteries are depleted. To change the batteries
open the battery compartment on the rear panel of the device.
For this unscrew both of the screws
> ; and remove the
battery compartment cover 2). Before removing the old batteries please memorize their
position in the compartment by means of the inscription. The plus sign is visible from the outside.
Remove the batteries and replace them with fresh ones of
the same type. Thereby the plus sign must still be visible from the outside otherwise the device will not function and could be damaged.
Place the battery compartment cover
> 2) back on and screw
it down rmly.
Handling of batteries
Leaking batteries can cause damage to the calculator trainer.
If you do not intend to use the calculator trainer for a long
period of time then remove the batteries. When a battery has leaked put on protective gloves and
clean the battery compartment with a dry cloth. Do not attempt to recharge the batteries.
Switching the device on and o
To switch the device on press the > button e. In the display q the rst calculation task appears.
To switch the device o press the
> button e again.
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Selecting the training programme
Press one of the G buttons 1!-1^ to select from the following training programmes:
G 1•
Task type: Basic calculation operations, addition, subtrac­tion, division and multiplication are selectable, 5 diculty
levels are available.
G 2•
Task type: Recognize the calculation operation by means of the results, 5 diculty levels are available.
G 3•
Task type: Sequence recognition, recognizing the 4th value from the previous 3, 3 diculty levels available.
G 4•
Task type: Retention of number chains, 5 diculty levels
G 5•
Task type: Input of the sum terms which lead to the given result, 3 diculty levels available.
G 6•
Task type: Addition with memory training, 5 diculty levels
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The display
In the display you can read the respective task and further information:
2!Indicator for the current training programme 2@Indicator for the already solved task 2#Calculation tasks to be solved 2$
Answer evaluation by means of stylized facial features:
normal face, there are no scheduled evaluations,
happy face, the answer is correct,
sad face, the answer is incorrect.
2%Answer indicator 2^Acoustic function indicator 2&Selected diculty level indicator
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Setting the diculty level
The training programmes oer you 3 and/or 5 dierent diculty
Press the
> button w to switch up to the next diculty level.
If the highest level was already set the device will switch back
to the lowest level.
The bar indicator 2& in the display q shows you the currently
selected diculty level. The display of only one bar indicates the lowest diculty level, if the display q shows 3 and/or 5 bars, this is an indication of the highest diculty level.
Muting the acoustic function
The acoustic function acknowledges every press of a button with a
short beep sound and after your answer entry, plays a short theme music depending on wether the entry was correct or not.
To switch the device's acoustic function on or o press the
button r.
When the acoustic function is active the
symbol lights up in the
display q.
When the function is switched o the
symbol lights up in the dis-
play q.
The training programme in particular
Here you learn details pertaining to the training programmes.
G 1 - Basic calculation operations
To select this programme press the button G 1
> j. In the display
q the rst calculation task appears. Thereby the strokes in the an-
swer indicator 2% show how many digits the correct answer has.
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Press the . . . >
button t when you want the device to set division tasks, button y when you want the device to set multiplication tasks, button u when you want the device to set subtraction tasks, button i when you want the device to set addition tasks.
Enter the solution via the number buttons and press the
ENTER button o.
The device evaluates your entry in 3 ways:
The face is depicted as either sad ( incorrect entry) or
happy ( correct entry),
a corresponding melody is played (only when the acoustic
function is switched on),
with a correct entry, in the display q is shown an additional
goblet (%). When approx. 20 seconds has elapsed without an input the
task is considered unsolved and/or incorrect.
After the input of an incorrect answer the same task will be
presented to you a second time. If, after this you are still
unable to solve the task the device shows the solution in the display q and then oers you a new task.
Press the ENTER button
> o when you want to skip over the
task. If this is the rst time that the device has set this task then you will be oered a second chance here also. Then press the ENTER button o again and the device will show the solution in the display q and oers you a new task.
After every 5 tasks the device determines an evaluation of
your entries. For each solved task you receive 20 points and a goblet (%).
A higher diculty level in this programme results in the numbers
being greater.
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G 2 - Recognize the carried out calculation operation
To select this programme press the button G 2
> 1%. In the
display q the rst task appears.
In the upper line you will see 2 numbers. Now determine
which of the 4 basic calculation types must be applied to the numbers in order to achieve the answer located in the
lower line.
Within approx. 20 seconds press the corresponding button
and then the arithmetic operator will be superimposed between the two numbers.
Press the ENTER button
> o to conrm your selection. We have already described under G 1 how the device evaluates your entries and/or behaves when the entry is missing or incor­rect. The implementation of the "second chance" and the evalu-
ation of your entries accordingly also applies here therefore we will dispense with a repetition here and with explanations
of other training programmes. A higher diculty level in this programme results in the numbers
being greater.
G 3 - Sequence recognition
To select this programme press the button G 3
> 1$. In the
display q 3 numbers appear.
Here you must recognize which logical sequence the numbers
form when read from left to right. Within approx. 20 seconds enter the next highest number in
the sequence as the answer and press the ENTER button o.
G 4 - Retention of numbers
To select this programme press the button G 4
> 1#. In the
display q a four digit number appears.
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Memorize this number, after a few seconds the number > disappears.
Now enter, Within approx. 20 seconds, the number as the
answer and press the ENTER button o.
A higher diculty level in this programme results in the numbers
being greater.
G 5 - Sequence recognition
To select this programme press the button G 5
> 1@. In the
display q in the lower line, a number followed by an arith-
metic operator appears. Now enter, within approx. 20 seconds, for the empty eld
the number by which the term will achieve the answer shown
in the upper line.
In this programme, after the entry of an incorrect answer or if you do not enter any answer at all, the device will immediately set a new task and will not oer a second chance. In this programme a higher diculty level results in the device increasing the number of sum terms.
G 6 - Addition with memory training
To select this programme press the button G 6
> 1!. In the
display q a term appears in the upper line.
Memorize the 2 sum terms then within approx. 20 seconds,
enter the answer and press the ENTER button o. If the answer was correct you will now receive another task,
in which the 2nd sum term is hidden by a ashing segment
and is therefore not shown.
Now recall to mind the number you have just memorized
and in this way calculate the answer. Now memorize the 1st sum term of this task.
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Enter the answer and press the ENTER button > o. If the answer was correct you will now receive another task,
in which the 1st sum term is hidden by a ashing segment. Now recall to mind the number you have just memorized
and in this way deduce the answer.
Enter the answer and press the ENTER button
> o. In this programme a higher diculty level results in the described operations being solved repeatedly.
Resetting the device
If the device functions appear to you to be impaired or it does
not behave as described in these instructions you will have to
reset it. For this press the RESET button 1* carefully with a thin, sharp object through the housing opening on the rear panel of
the device. This will return the device to its default settings.
Cleaning and care
NEVER submerse the device or its components in water or • other uids! Do not allow any liquids to penetrate the housing.
Cleaning the housing:
Clean the housing surface with a slightly damp cloth
Never use petrol, solvents or detergents that can damage plastics!
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