Kollmorgen MKD-C Series, MKD-N060007, MKD-N060607, MKD-N120007, MKD-N120607 Product Safety Manual

Product Safety Guide
Edition: -, January 2019 Part Number 904-200024-99
English Deutsch Français Italiano Português Español Русский
For safe and proper use, follow these instructions. Keep them for futurereference.
Record of Document Revisions
Revision Remarks
Table with lifecycle information of this document see (# 79)
A, 01/2019 First edition
Product Safety Guide English (# 3) Product Safety Guide Português (➜ # 47) Product Safety Guide Deutsch (➜ # 23) Product Safety Guide Español (# 49) Product Safety Guide Français (# 43) Product Safety Guide Русский (# 51) Product Safety Guide Italiano (# 45)
Appendix/Dimensions (# 55) Appendix/Faults and Warnings (# 74) Appendix/Connections (# 57) Appendix/Approvals (# 77)
Hardware Revision (HR)
MKD-N MKD-C Firmware WorkBench Remarks
A A from 1.18 from 1.18 MKD-C and MKD-N start revisions
Technical changes which improve the performance of the device may be made without prior notice!
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MKD Product Safety Guide | 1 English

1 English

1.1 General 4
1.1.1 Notes for the Printed Edition (paper version) 4
1.1.2 Symbols Used 5
1.2 Product Safety 6
1.2.1 You should pay attention to this 6
1.2.2 Use as Directed 8
1.2.3 ProhibitedUse 9
1.2.4 Warning note labels 9
1.3 Product life cycle handling 10
1.3.1 Transport 10
1.3.2 Packaging 10
1.3.3 Storage 10
1.3.4 Installation, setup and normal operation 11
1.3.5 Decommissioning 11
1.3.6 Maintenance and cleaning 11
1.3.7 Disassembly 11
1.3.8 System Repair 12
1.3.9 Disposal 12
1.4 Technical description and general data 13
1.4.1 Package Supplied 13
1.4.2 Part Number Scheme 14
1.4.3 Ambient Conditions in normal operation 15
1.4.4 Electrical Data 15
1.4.5 System limits 15
1.5 Safe Torque Off (STO) 16
1.6 Mechanical Installation 17
1.6.1 Important Notes 17
1.6.2 Guide to Mechanical Installation 17
1.7 Electrical Installation 18
1.7.1 Important Notes 18
1.7.2 Guide to electrical installation 18
1.8 Setup 19
1.8.1 Important Notes 19
1.8.2 Initial System Test 20
1.9 Troubleshooting the MKD System 21
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MKD Product Safety Guide | 1 English

1.1 General

This manual, the MKD-C/N Product Safety Guide, presents the relevant information for safe installation and setup of MKD drive system modules MKD-C power supply and MKD-N servo drive.
For full informationrefer to the MKD-C/N Installation Manual, to the AKD-N Installation Manual and additional Kollmorgen documents.
Additional documents include the following:
WorkBench Online Help: describes how to use the system in common applications. It also provides tips for maximizing your system performance. The Online Help includes the Parameter and Command Reference Guide which provides documentation for the para­meters and commands used to program the system. EtherCAT Communication: describes how to use the system in EtherCAT applications.
These documents can be found on the DVD in the drive package. All documents can be downloaded from the Kollmorgen website www.kollmorgen.com.

1.1.1 Notes for the Printed Edition (paper version)

A printed version of the manual is enclosed with each product. For environmental reasons, the document was reduced in size and prin­ted on DIN A5.
Should you experience difficulties reading the font size of the scaled-down printed version, you can print and use the PDF ver­sion in DIN A4 format 1:1. You can find the PDF version on the DVD accompanying the product and on the Kollmorgen website.
4 Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | January 2019

1.1.2 Symbols Used

Symbol Indication
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will res­ult in death or serious injury.
MKD Product Safety Guide | 1 English
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury.
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in minor or moderate injury.
Indicates situations which, if not avoided, could result in prop­erty damage.
This symbol indicates important notes.
Warning of a danger (general). The type of danger is specified by the text next to the symbol.
Warning of danger from electricity and its effects.
Warning of danger from hot surface.
Warning of danger from suspended loads.
Warning of danger from automatic start.
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1.2 Product Safety

1.2.1 You should pay attention to this

Specialist staff required!
Only properly qualified personnel are permitted to perform such tasks as transport, install­ation and setup. Qualified specialist staff are persons with expertise in transport, installation, assembly, commissioning and operation of electrotechnical equipment.
Transport, storage, unpacking: only by personnel with knowledge of handling elec­trostatically sensitive components. Mechanical installation: only by personnel with mechanical expertise. Electrical installation: only by personnel with expertise in electrical engineering. Basic tests / setup: only by personnel with expertise in electrical engineering and drive technology.
The qualifiedpersonnel must know and observe ISO 12100 / IEC 60364 / IEC 60664and national accident prevention regulations.
Read the documentation!
Read the availabledocumentation before installation and commissioning. Improper handling of the devices can cause harm to people or damage to property. The operator of systems using the drive system must ensure that all personnel who work with the drive read and under­stand the manual before using the drive.
Check Hardware Revision!
Check the Hardware Revision Number of the product (see product label). Hardware Revsion Number of MKD-C and MKD-N can differ from each other. This numberis the link between your product and the manual. The product HardwareRevision Numbermust match the Hard­ware Revision Number on thecover page of the manual.
Pay attention to the technical data!
Adhere to the technical data and the specifications on connection conditions. If permissible voltage values or current values are exceeded, the devices can be damaged. Unsuitable motor or wrong wiring will damage the system components. Check the combination of drive andmotor. Compare the rated voltage and current of the units.
Perform a risk assessment!
The manufacturerof the machine must generate a risk assessment for the machine, andtake appropriate measures to ensure that unforeseen movements cannot cause injury or damage to any person or property. Additional requirements on specialist staff may also result from the risk assessment.
The manufacturershould define periodic checks of the electrical components and applic­ation.
Automatic Restart!
The drive might restart automatically after power on, voltage dip or interruption of the supply voltage, depending on theparameter setting. Risk of death orserious injury for humans working in the machine.
If the parameterDRV.ENDEFAULT for one MKD-N is set to 1, then place a warning sign to the machine (Warning: Automatic Restart at Power On)and ensure, that poweron is not pos­sible, while humans are in a dangerous zoneof the machine. In case of usingan under­voltage protection device, you must observe EN 60204-1:2006 chapter 7.5 .
6 Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | January 2019
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Observe electrostatically sensitive components!
The devices contain electrostatically sensitive components which may bedamaged by incor­rect handling. Electrostatically discharge your body before touching the device. Avoid con­tact with highly insulatingmaterials (artificial fabrics, plastic film etc.). Place the device on a conductive surface.
Hot surface!
Drives may have hot surfaces during operation. The housing can reach temperatures above 80°C. Risk of minorburns! Measure the temperature, and wait until the housing has cooled down below 40 °C before touching it.
It is vital that you ensure that the drive is safely earthed to the PE (protective earth) busbarin the switch cabinet. Risk of electric shock. Without low-resistance earthing no personal pro­tection can be guaranteed.
Leakage Current!
Since the leakage current to PE is more than 3.5 mA, in compliance with IEC61800-5-1 the PE connection must either be doubledor a connecting cable with a cross-section >10 mm² must be used. Deviating measures accordingto regional standards might be possible.
Residual current protective or monitoring devices!
MKD-C with MKD-N can cause a d.c. current in the protective earthingconductor. Wherea residual current-operated protective (RCD) or monitoring(RCM) device is used for protection in case of direct or indirect contact, only an RCD or RCM of Type B is allowed on the supply side of MKD-C.
Lethal voltages!
The equipment produces highelectric voltages up to 900V. Lethal danger exists at live parts of the device. Do not open or touch the equipment during operation. Keep theIP 54 cabinet doors closed duringoperation. Built-in protection measures such as insulation or shielding may not be removed. Work on the electrical installation may only be performed by trained andqualified personnel, in compliance with the regulations for safety at work, and only with switched off mains supply, and secured against restart.
Never undo any electrical connections to the MKD while it is live. Thereis a dangerof elec­trical arcing with damage to contacts and personal injury. Wait at least 5 minutes after dis­connecting the product from the supply voltages (mains supply and 24V supply) before touching potentially live sections of the equipment (such as contacts) or removing any con­nections.
Functional Safety
Safety functionality is not approved nor certified. Do not use this functionality in applications with functional safety request.
Never modify the drive!
It is not allowed to modify the drive hardware without permission by the manufacturer. Open­ing the housingcauses loss of warranty.
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1.2.2 Use as Directed

The MKD-C series powersupplies are exclusively intended for operatingMKD-N servo drive modules within a cabinet and AKD-N decentralized servo drives.
The MKD-N family of servo drives is exclusively intended for driving suitable synchronous servomotors with closed-loop control of torque, speed, and/or position.
MKD system modules arecomponents that are built into electrical plants or machines and can only be operatedas integral components of these plants or machines. The manufacturer of the machinemust generate a risk assessment for the machine.
When the system modules are built into machines or plant, the drive must not be used until it has been established that the machine orplant fulfills the requirements of the regional dir­ectives.
Kollmorgen multi axes drive system
MKD must only be operated in a motion system with components from Kollmorgen. Required additional Kollmorgencomponents are the mains chokes, hybrid string cables, hybrid motor cables, motor power and feedback cables, servomotors.
MKD modules must only be operated in environments suitable for the ambient conditions defined on(# 15).
Use only Kollmorgen cables for connecting the system components.
Power supply
MKD-C must be powered from a 3 phase industrial supply network (not more than 42 kA symmetrical rated current at 400 V and 480 V) via a mains choke 3YL.
MKD-N series drives must be powered by MKD-C intelligent power supply modules with DC voltage from 55 VDC up to 800 VDC.
The devices must be operatedwith fuse protection against power overload.
Motor voltage rating
The rated voltage of the motors must be at least as high as the DC bus link voltagedivided by √2 produced by the drive (U
For the cases of group installations and of DC powered drives
MKD has not been evaluated by Kollmorgen, UL, or TÜV for group installations norare rat­ings defined for DC input voltage.
Auxiliary voltage supply, Standby power
Standby power for the drive strings must only be used for supplying the MKD-N electronics. 24 VDC supply unit must accord to PELV (EN 60204-1) requirements.
Safe torque off
Safety functionality is not approved nor certified. Do not use this functionality in applications with functional safety request.
8 Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | January 2019

1.2.3 Prohibited Use

Otheruse thanthat described in chapter “Use as directed”is not intended and can lead to per­sonnel injuries and equipment damage.
The system may not be used
The use of the device in the following environments is also prohibited:
Wiring the system with hybrid cables from othermanufacturers than Kollmorgen is not allowed. Changing Kollmorgen cables or connectors is not allowed.
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with a machine that does not comply with appropriate national directives or standards, for driving elevators, in applications with continuous, operational short circuits to the external regen resistor contacts. in applications with any short circuits to the DC-Bus link contacts.
potentially explosive areas environments with corrosive and/or electrically conductive acids, alkaline solutions, oils, vapors, dusts ships or offshoreapplications

1.2.4 Warning note labels

If these signs are damaged, they must be replaced immediately. Notes placed on the product
The minimum size of the
protective earthing conductor
shall comply with the local safety
regulations for highprotectice
earthingconductor current.
Residual Voltage
Wait 5 minutes after removing
powerbefore servicing.
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1.3 Product life cycle handling

1.3.1 Transport

Transport the MKD modules in accordance with IEC 61800-2as follows:
Transport only by qualified personnel in the manufacturer’s original recyclable packaging. Avoid shocks while transporting. Vibration/Shock: MKD modules are tested for environmental class 3M1 of IEC 60721-3-2. Store at or below maximum stacking height of 8 cartons Transport only within specified temperature ranges: -25 to +70 °C, max. rate of change 20 K/hour, class 2K3. Transport only within specified humidity: maximum 95% relative humidity, no con­densation, class 2K3.
The devices contain electrostatically sensitive components that can be damaged by incor­rect handling. Electrostatically discharge yourself before touching the device. Avoid contact with highly insulating materials, such as artificial fabrics and plastic films. Place the device on a conductive surface.
If the packagingis damaged, check the unit for visible damage. Inform the shipper andthe manufacturer of any damageto the package or product.

1.3.2 Packaging

1.3.3 Storage

The MKD packaging consists of recyclable cardboard with inserts and a label on the outside of the box.
Model Package Dimensions
(mm) HxWxL
MKD-C003007 580x 350 x 170 22.5 MKD-N060007 MKD-N060607 MKD-N120007 MKD-N120607 MKD-N121207 MKD-N240007 580x 350 x 110 9.5 MKD-N480007 580x 350 x 140 11.5
Store the MKD modules in accordance with IEC 61800-2as follows:
Store only in the manufacturer’s original recyclable packaging. Store at or below maximum stacking height of 8 cartons Store only within specified temperature ranges: -25 to +55 °C, max.rate of change20 K/hour, class 1K4. Storage only within specified humidity: 5 to 95% relative humidity, no condensation, class 1K3. Store the MKD in accordance with the following durationrequirements:
Less than 1 year: without restriction. More than 1 year: capacitors in the MKD-C must be re-formed before setting upand operating the system. Re-forming procedures are described in the Kollmorgen Developer Network (Forming).
580x 350 x 110 8.5
Total Weight
10 Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | January 2019

1.3.4 Installation, setup and normal operation

Installation and setup information aregiven in this Guide:
Mechanical installation (➜ # 17) Electrical installation (# 18) Setup (# 19)
Normal operationtested for environmental class 3K3 according to IEC 61800-2 (# 15). The manufacturerof the machine defines the necessary end user expertise based onthe risk assessment for the machineand describes the requirements for normal operation based on the application.

1.3.5 Decommissioning

Only professional staff who are qualified in electrical engineering are allowedto decom­mission parts of the system.
DANGER: Lethal Voltages!
There is a dangerof serious personal injury or death by electrical shock or electrical arcing.
Switch off the mainswitch of the switchgearcabinet. Securethe system against restarting. Block the mainswitch. Wait at least 5 minutes after disconnecting.
MKD Product Safety Guide | 1 English

1.3.6 Maintenance and cleaning

The device does not require maintenance. Opening the device voids the warranty. The inside of the unit can only be cleaned by the manufacturer.
Do not immerse orspray the device. Avoid that liquidenters the device.
To clean the device exterior:
1. Decommission the device (see chapter 1.3.5 "Decommissioning").
2. Casing: Clean with isopropanol or similar cleaning solution.
Caution : Highly Flammable! Risk of injury by explosion and fire.
Observe the safety notes given on the cleaning liquid package. Wait at least 30 minutes after cleaning beforeputting the device back into operation.
3. Protective grill on fan: Clean with a dry brush.

1.3.7 Disassembly

Only professional staff who are qualified in electrical engineering are allowedto disassemble parts of the system.
1. Decommission the device (see chapter 1.3.5 "Decommissioning").
2. Check temperature.
CAUTION: High Temperature! Risk of minor burns. During operation, the heat sink of
the drive may reach temperatures above 80°C (176°F). Before touching the device, check the temperature and wait until it has cooled below 40°C (104°F).
3. Remove the connectors. Disconnect the potential earth connection last.
4. Demount: loosen the fasteningscrews. Remove the device.
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1.3.8 System Repair

Only professional staff who are qualified in electrical engineering are allowedto exchange parts of the drive system.
CAUTION: Automatic Start! During replacement work a combinationof hazards and mul-
tiple episodes may occur.
Work on the electrical installation may only be performed by trained and qualifiedper­sonnel, in compliance with the regulations for safety at work, and only with use of pre­scribed personal safety equipment.
Exchange of the device
Only the manufacturer can repair the device. Opening the device voids the warranty.
1. Decommission the device (see chapter 1.3.5 "Decommissioning").
2. Demount the device (see chapter 1.3.7 "Disassembly").
3. Send the device to the manufacturer.
4. Install a new device as described in this manual.
5. Setup the system as describedin this manual.
Exchange of other drive system parts
If parts of the drive system (forexample cables) must be replaced, proceed as follows:

1.3.9 Disposal

1. Decommission the device (see chapter 1.3.5 "Decommissioning").
2. Exchange the parts.
3. Check all connections for correct fastening.
4. Setup the system as describedin this manual.
To dispose the unit properly, contact a certified electronic scrap disposal merchant.
In accordance with the WEEE-2012/19/EC guideline and similar, the manufacturer accepts returns of old devices and accessories for professional disposal. Transport costs are the responsibility of the sender.
Contact Kollmorgen and clarify the logistics. Send thedevices in the original packaging to the manufacturer address:
North America South America
201West Rock Road Radford, VA 24141, USA
Europe Asia
Pempelfurtstr. 1 40880 Ratingen, Germany
AvenidaJoão Paulo Ablas, 2970 Jardim da Glória, Cotia – SP CEP 06711-250, Brazil
Floor 4, Building 9, No. 518, North Fuquan Road, Changning District, Shanghai 200335, China
12 Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | January 2019

1.4 Technical description and general data

1.4.1 Package Supplied

Available MKD Modules
Variant Description Power Remarks
MKD-C003007-NAEC Central Power supply 30kW Standard MKD-N060007-DSEC Drive Module 2.5 kW Single Axis, 6A MKD-N060607-DSEC Drive Module 5kW Dual Axes, 2 x 6A MKD-N120007-DSEC Drive Module 5kW Single Axis, 12A MKD-N120607-DSEC Drive Module 7.5 kW Dual Axes, 12A + 6A MKD-N121207-DSEC Drive Module 10 kW Dual Axes, 2 x 12A MKD-N240007-DSEC Drive Module 10 kW SingleAxis, 24A MKD-N480007-DSEC Drive Module 20 kW SingleAxis, 48A
When a MKD module is ordered, the following items are included in the package:
MKD-C package:
The ordered module itself Printedcopy of MKD Product Safety Guide DVD containing the setup software, WorkBench, and all product documentation in digital format. Mating connectors MKD-C: X12, X13, X14, X15, X16, X25 OneMKD-N DC-Bus link cover Two connector covers M23 for AKD-N
MKD Product Safety Guide | 1 English
The M23 connector covers are required forprotecting X2 of the last AKD-N in the strings.
MKD-N package:
The ordered module itself Data Sheet Mating connectors MKD-N: X9, X24, X26
Accessories must be ordered separately if required. Accessories for AKD-N see regional Accessories Manual or AKD-N Installation Manual.
Spare parts
Connector Kit MKD-C-Conkit (X12, X13, X14, X15, X16, X25) Connector Kit MKD-N-Conkit 6 to 12 A single (X9, X24, X26, X29A) Connector Kit MKD-N-Conkit 6 to 12 A double (X9, X24, X26, X29A, X29B) Connector Kit MKD-N-Conkit 24 to 48 A (X9, X24, X26, X29A, X30A)
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MKD Product Safety Guide | 1 English

1.4.2 Part Number Scheme

Use the part numberscheme for product identification only, not for the order process, because not all combinations of features arepossible, always. MKD-C modules
Customization code codingfor customerspecials (not relevant for functional safety). MKD-N modules
Available drive modules:
Current rating Current rating
Single Axis Axis 1 Axis 2 Dual Axes Axis 1 Axis 2
MKD-N0600 06 A - MKD-N0606 06 A 06 A MKD-N1200 12 A - MKD-N1206 12 A 06 A MKD-N2400 24 A - MKD-N1212 12 A 12 A MKD-N4800 48 A -
Customization code codingfor customerspecials (not relevant for functional safety).
14 Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | January 2019

1.4.3 Ambient Conditions in normal operation

Storage, Transport (# 10) Normal operation Environmental class 3K3 accordingto IEC 61800-2 Surrounding air tem-
perature in operation Humidity in operation Relative humidity 5 to 85%, nocondensation, class 3K3 Site altitude Up to 1000 meters above mean sealevel without restriction
Pollution level Pollution level 2 as per IEC 60664-1 Vibrations Class 3M1 according to IEC 60721-3-3 Environmental area Cabinet IP 54 according to IEC 60529 Mounting position Vertical Ventilation Built-in fan.
0 to +40 °C under rated conditions +40 to +55 °C with continuous current derating4 % perKelvin
1,000 to max. 2,000 meters above mean sea level with power derating1.5%/100 m
Continuous noise up to 60dBA during operation. Keep cabinet doors closed duringoperation. To reduce inconvenience, we sug­gest to use ear protection if cabinet doors must be opened during normal operation.
The device shuts down in case of excessively high temperature in the control cabinet. Make sure sufficient forcedventilationis supplied within the control cabinet.
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1.4.4 Electrical Data

Electrical data (# 53)

1.4.5 System limits

Length String 2/3 Maximum 100 m total cable length perstring. Number of MKD-C Limitedby fieldbus protocol. Number of MKD-N
Number of AKD-N Maximum 14per string, total maximum 28 onstrings 2 and3,
Output current Use coincidence factor of the axes for distribution and system
Total power At 565 V to 680 V limited to 30kW. String 2/3 power At 565 V to 680 V limited to 10kW for each string. String standby power At 55 V limited to 180W for each string. Motor Brake power You can control up to 3 motorbrakes per string. Available power
Service Interface X18 Ethernet TCP/IP, 100 Mbit/s, max. cable distance 100m
Maximum 14axes for string 1, total maximum 28 axes if string 1 and2 are combined (observe total power and current restric­tions).
(observe total power and current restrictions).
poweroptimization. String 1: 43 A, String 2: 16 A, String 3: 16 A
for brakes is 76 W per string(= 3.2 A @ 24 VDC).
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1.5 Safe Torque Off (STO)

Safety functionality is not approved nor certified. Do not use this functionality in applications with functional safety request.
Refer to the MKD Installation Manual for full information on functional safety.
The safety properties given by Kollmorgenlisted in the appendix (# 77) can be reached if the Kollmorgen components are used. The resulting Functional Safety classification (SIL and/or PL level)must be calculatedacross the drive system.
MKD-C connector X16:
global STO (String 2/3) inputs of the system powered by this MKD-C.
MKD-N connector X26:
local STO (axis 1 and axis 2 if built-in) input of the drive module.
AKD-N connectors X6:
local STO input of the AKD-N-DS/DT drive modules.
Global STO
There is one STO input for every DC Power string. The string STO input release the power output stageof all AKD-N (without option DS/DT) connected to the string as longas a 24 V signal is applied to this input.
Local STO
The local STO input releases the power output stage of the MKD-N drive axis as longas a 24 V signal is applied to this input.
16 Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | January 2019

1.6 Mechanical Installation

Dimensions and mounting hints see (# 55)and refer to the MKD Installation Manual.

1.6.1 Important Notes

MKD-C and MKD-N devices must be mountedin cabinets only with protection class IP 54 according to IEC 60529.
MKD Product Safety Guide | 1 English
Risk of electrical shock, if the servo amplifier (or the motor) is not properly EMC-grounded.
Do not use painted (i.e. non-conductive) mounting plates. In unfavourable circumstances, use copper mesh tape between the earthing bolts and earth potential to deflect currents.
Protect the device from impermissible stresses. In particular, do not let any components become bent or any insulation distances altered during transport and handling. Avoid con­tact with electronic components and contacts.
The modules will switch itself off in case of overheating. Ensure that the mountingspace matches the requirements (# 15).
Do not mount devices that produce magnetic fields directly beside the device. Strong mag­netic fields can directly affect internal components. Install devices which produce magnetic field with distance to the MKD-C and/orshield themagnetic fields.

1.6.2 Guide to Mechanical Installation

For details refer to the MKD Installation Manual.The following tools are required (at a min- imum) to install the MKD-C and MKD-N modules; yourspecific installationmay require addi­tional tools.
M4 hexagon socket-cap screws (ISO 4762) 3 mm T-handle Allen key No. 2 Phillips head screwdriver Small slotted screwdriver
High EMC Voltage Level!
Install the modules as follows:
1. Prepare the site. The MKD modules must be mounted in a closed control cabinet (#
15). The site must be free from conductive or corrosive materials.
2. Check that the ventilation of the modules is unimpeded, and keepwithin the permitted ambient temperature (➜ # 15). Keep the required space clearance above andbelow the modules (# 56).
3. If cooling systems are used forthe control cabinet, position the cooling system so that condensation water cannot drip onto the modules or peripheral devices.
4. Assemble the power supply module and the drive modules on the conductive, grounded mounting plate in the cabinet.
5. Ground the modules, the mounting plate, motor housing, GND of 24V supply and CNC­GND of the control system.
For mechanical installation of AKD-N to the machine, refer to the AKD-N Installation Manual.
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MKD Product Safety Guide | 1 English

1.7 Electrical Installation

Connectors and Wiring overview see (# 57)and refer to the MKD Installation Manual.

1.7.1 Important Notes

Only professional staff who are qualified in electrical engineering are allowedto install the drive system. Wires with colorgreen with one or more yellow stripes must not be used other than for protective earth (PE) wiring.
There is a dangerof serious personal injury or death by electrical shock or electrical arcing. Capacitors can still have dangerous voltages present up to 5 minutes after switchingoff the supply power. Control and power connections can still be live, even if the motor is not rotat­ing.
Only install and wire the equipment when it is not live. Make sure that the cabinet is safely disconnected (forinstance, with a lock-out and warn­ing signs). Never remove electrical connections to the drive while it is live. Wait at least 5 minutes after disconnecting the drive from the main supply power before touching potentially live sections of the equipment (e.g. contacts) or undoingany con­nections. To be sure, measure the voltage in the DC bus link and wait until it has fallen below 50 V.
Since the leakage current to PE is more than 3.5 mA, in compliance with IEC61800-5-1 the PE connection must either be doubledor a connecting cable with a cross-section >10 mm² must be used. Deviating measures accordingto regional standards might be possible.
WrongDC Bus link voltage, unsuitable motoror wrong wiringwill damage the system com­ponents. Check the combination of drive and motor. Compare the rated voltage and current of the units. Implement the wiring according to the connection diagrams: (# 57).
It is permissible to use the setup software to alter the settings of the device. Any other alter­ations will invalidate the warranty.
High Voltage up to 900 V!

1.7.2 Guide to electrical installation

For details refer to the MKD Installation Manual. Install the drive electrical system as follows:
1. Select cables accordance with the planned system topology, see (# 15).
2. Observe the maximum cable length definition (# 15).
3. Install shielding and ground the system components, see (# 61).
4. Wire the system components.
- Observe "Recommendations for EMI noise reduction": see MKD Installation Manual
- Connect all interface according to the wiring diagrams in the MKD Installation Manual.
5. Check the wiring against the wiringdiagrams in the MKD Installation Manual.
For electrical installation of AKD-N to the machine, referto the AKD-N Installation Manual.
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1.8 Setup

For detailed information on functional safety refer to the MKD Installation Manual. Programming parameters and control loop behavior: see WorkBench online help. The fieldbus setup is describedin the corresponding manual on the DVD.

1.8.1 Important Notes

Beforetesting andsetup, the manufacturer of the machine must generate a risk assessment for the machine and take appropriate measures so that unforeseen movements cannot cause injury or damage to any person or property.
Only professional personnel with extensive knowledge in the fields of electrical engineering anddrive technology are allowed to test and set up the drive.
MKD Product Safety Guide | 1 English
There is a dangerof serious personal injury or death by electrical shock. Lethal danger exists at live parts of the device.
Built-in protection measures such as insulation orshielding may not be removed. Work on the electrical installation may only be performed by trained and qualifiedper­sonnel, in compliance with the regulations for safety at work, and only with switched off mains supply, and secured against restart.
Risk of death orserious injury for humans working in the machine. The drive might restart automatically after power on, voltage dip or interruption of the supply voltage, depending on the parameter setting. If parameterDRV.ENDEFAULT is set to 1,
then place a warning sign ("WARNING: Possible Automatic Restart" or similar) to the machine. Ensure, that power on is not possible, while humans are in a dangerous zone of the machine.
Risk of minor burns. The heat sink of the drive can reach temperatures up to 80°C in oper­ation.
Check the heat sink temperaturebefore handlingthe drive. Wait until the heat sink has cooled down to 40°C before touching it.
Lethal Voltage!
Automatic Restart!
High Temperature!
If a device has been stored for more than 1 year, you must re-form the capacitors in the DC bus link circuit. Re-forming procedures aredescribed in the KollmorgenDeveloper Network (Forming).
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MKD Product Safety Guide | 1 English

1.8.2 Initial System Test

1. Unpack the devices and accessories. Observe the safety instructions in the doc­umentation.
2. Mount the devices and wire the system.
3. Validate mechanical and electrical installation.
4. Validate IP addresses
5. Make sure you have on hand the following information about the drive components:
rated mains supply voltage motor type (motor data, if the motor type is not listed in the motordatabase) feedback unit built into the motor (type, poles/lines/protocol) moment of inertia of the load Set system addresses
The MKD-C IP address can beset with the rotary switch. When connecting the MKD-C dir­ectly to a PC, static IP addressing (not 0) is recommended. Example: if S1 is set to 5 – the IP address is
WorkBench looks for IP address in the subnet to detect devices in the LAN and start com­munication. Refer to the WorkBench Online Help for information. Confirm connections
Switch on 24 VDC logic power for the system (mains supply voltage is not neededfor com­munications).
Confirm that the greenlink LED 1 on the MKD-C and on the PC are both illuminated.
While the PC is connecting, yourstatus bar will show the following acquiring icon:
Wait for this icon to changeto the limited functionality icon (this process can take up to one minute).
Although Windows displays this limited functionality icon for the drive connection, the PC can communicate fully with the drive. Using WorkBench, you can now configure the drive throughthis connection. Install and start WorkBench
WorkBench is available from the DVD included with the drive and on theKollmorgen Web­site: www.kollmorgen.com. Select the install file and follow the instructions given by the installer.
Once installation is complete, click the WorkBench icon to start the program. Parameterize and enable the axes in WorkBench
Refer to the WorkBench Online Help for information.
20 Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | January 2019

1.9 Troubleshooting the MKD System

Drive problems occur for a variety of reasons, depending on the conditions in yourapplic­ation. The causes of faults in multi-axis systems can be very complex. If you cannot resolve a fault, Kollmorgen customersupport can give you furtherassistance.
Eliminate errors and faults in compliance with work safety rules. Troubleshooting only by qualified and trained staff.
Details on the removal of faults can be found in the WorkBench onlinehelp.
MKD Product Safety Guide | 1 English
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MKD Product Safety Guide | 2 Deutsch

2 Deutsch

2.1 Allgemeines 24
2.1.1 Hinweise für die gedruckte Ausgabe(Papierversion) 24
2.1.2 Verwendete Symbole 25
2.2 Produktsicherheit 26
2.2.1 Das sollten Sie beachten 26
2.2.2 Bestimmungsgemäße Verwendung 28
2.2.3 Nicht bestimmungsgemäße Verwendung 29
2.2.4 Warnaufkleber 29
2.3 Produkt Lebenszyklus, Handhabung 30
2.3.1 Transport 30
2.3.2 Verpackung 30
2.3.3 Lagerung 30
2.3.4 Installation, Setup und Normalbetrieb 31
2.3.5 Außer Betrieb nehmen 31
2.3.6 Wartung und Reinigung 31
2.3.7 Demontage 31
2.3.8 System Reparatur 32
2.3.9 Entsorgung 32
2.4 Technische Beschreibung und allgemeine Daten 33
2.4.1 Lieferumfang 33
2.4.2 Typenschlüssel 34
2.4.3 Umgebungsbedingungen im normalen Betrieb 35
2.4.4 Elektrische Daten 35
2.4.5 Systemgrenzen 35
2.5 Safe Torque Off (STO) 36
2.6 Mechanische Installation 37
2.6.1 Wichtige Hinweise 37
2.6.2 Anleitung für die mechanische Installation 37
2.7 Elektrische Installation 38
2.7.1 Wichtige Hinweise 38
2.7.2 Anleitung für die elektrische Installation 38
2.8 Setup 39
2.8.1 Wichtige Hinweise 39
2.8.2 Basis Systemtest 40
2.9 Fehlerbehebung beim MKD System 41
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MKD Product Safety Guide | 2 Deutsch

2.1 Allgemeines

Der MKD-C/N Product Safety Guide liefert die relevanten Informationen für sichere Instal- lation und Inbetriebnahme der MKD Systemmodule MKD-C Netzteil und MKD-N Ser­voverstärker.
Vollständige Informationen finden Sie im MKD-C/N InstallationManual , in derAKD-N Betriebsanleitung und weiteren Kollmorgen Dokumenten.
Weitere Dokumente auf der beiliegenden DVD:
WorkBenchOnlinehilfe: Beschreibt die VerwendungdesSystems in gängigenAppli­kationen. Sie liefert auch Hinweise für die Optimierung der Systemleistung. Die Online Hilfe beinhaltet den Parameter and Command Reference Guide mit Informationenzu Para- metern und Befehlen, die zum Programmieren des Systems benutzt werden. EtherCAT Communication: beschreibt die Verwendung des Systems in EtherCAT Appli­kationen.
Diese Dokumente finden Sie auf der DVD in der Verpackungdes Servoverstärkers. Alle Dokumente können Sie von der Kollmorgen Website www.kollmorgen.com herunterladen.

2.1.1 Hinweise für die gedruckte Ausgabe (Papierversion)

Jedem Produkt liegt eine gedruckte Ausgabe dieses Handbuchs bei. Aus ökologischen Gründen wurde das Dokument verkleinert auf DIN A5 gedruckt.
Sollten Sie Schwierigkeiten haben, die Schriftgröße des ver­kleinert gedruckten Exemplars zu lesen, können Sie die PDF Ver­sion im DIN A4 Format 1:1 ausdrucken und verwenden. Sie finden die PDF Version auf der dem Produkt beiliegenden DVD und auf der Kollmorgen Internetseite.
24 Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | January 2019
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