Kollmorgen MMC Smart Drive, Digital MMC Control Hardware Manual

MMC© Smart DriveTMand Digital MMC Control
Hardware Manual
Catalog No. M.1301.5524 Part No. M.3000.1329
Keep all product manuals as a product component during the life span of the product. Pass all product manuals to future users/owners of the product.
Record of Revisions
Edition Valid for Description
03/2007 PiCPro V16.1 Major Update 10/2007 PiCPro V16.1 SP2 Added MMC-D8 05/2008 PiCPro V16.1 SP3 Added 4 analog drives, various manual updates 09/2008 PiCPro V17.0 Added S200-DLS Drives 12/2008 PiCPro V17.0 Rev 1 fixed various typos 01/2009 PiCPro V17.0 Rev 2 added CE/UL info to S200-DLS 03/2009 PiCPro V17.0 Rev 3 added Aux Feedback Connector to S200DLS 02/2010 PiCPro V18.0 Kollmorgen Branding & S200 BiSS 03/2011 PiCPro V18.0 SP1 Added 230V, 3-Phase Drives 01/05/12 PiCPro V18.0 SP2 Added 460V, 3-Phase NextGen Drives
Third party brands and trademarks are the property of their respective owners
Technical changes to improve the performance of the equipment may be made without notice! Printed in USA All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced in any form (by printing, photocopying, microfilm or any other method) or processed, copied or distributed by electronic means without the written permission of Kollmorgen.
Kollmorgen - December 2011 1
These products are being manufactured and sold by G & L Motion Control, Inc., a Kollmorgen company.
Progress is an on-going commitment at Kollmorgen. We contin ually strive to offer the most advanced products in the industry; therefore, information in this document is subject to change without notice. The text and illustrations are not binding in detail. Kollmorgen shall not be liable for any technical or editorial omissions occurring in this document, nor for any consequential or incidental damages resulting from the use of this document.
Kollmorgen makes every attempt to ensure accuracy and reliability of the specifications in this publication. Specifications are subject to change without notice. Kollmorgen provides this information “AS IS” and disclaims all warranties, express or implied, including, but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. It is the responsibility of the product user to determine the suitability of this product for a specific application.
DO NOT ATTEMPT to use any Kollmorgen product until the use of such product is completely understood. It is the responsibility of the user to make certain proper operation practices are understood. Kollmorgen products should be used only by qualified personnel and for the express purpose for which said products were designed.
Should information not covered in this document be required, contact the Customer Service Department, Kollmorgen, 672 South Military Road, P.O. Box 1960, Fond du Lac, WI 54936-1960. Kollmorgen can be reached by telephone at (920) 921-7100 or (8 00) 558-4 808 in the United States or by e-mail at glmotion.support@kollmorge n .co m .
Catalog No. (Order No.) M.1301.5524 Printed Version Part No. M.3000.1329 Electronic Version Part No. M.3000.1328 Release 01042012 ©2012, Kollmorgen
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MMC Smart Drive Hardware Manual - TABLE OF CONTENTS

Table of Contents

Table of Contents................................................................................................................................3
1 Introduction to the MMC Smart Drive.............................................................................................9
1.1 Overview...................................................................................................................................9
1.2 Contents of This Manual...........................................................................................................9
1.3 Software and Manuals..............................................................................................................9
1.3.1 Required Software and Manuals.....................................................................................9
1.3.2 Suggested Manuals ........................................................................................................9
1.4 Kollmorgen Support Contact ..................................................................................................11
2 Safety Precautions.........................................................................................................................13
2.1 System Safety ........................................................................................................................13
2.1.1 User Responsibility .......................................................................................................13
2.1.2 Safety Instructions.........................................................................................................13
2.2 Safety Signs ...........................................................................................................................14
2.3 Warning Labels.......................................................................................................................14
2.4 Safety First .............................................................................................................................15
2.5 Safety Inspection....................................................................................................................15
2.5.1 Before Starting System.................................................................................................15
2.6 After Shutdown.......................................................................................................................15
2.7 Operating Safely.....................................................................................................................16
2.8 Electrical Service & Maintenance Safety................................................................................16
2.9 Safe Cleaning Practices .........................................................................................................17
3 Installing the MMC Smart Drive ....................................................................................................19
3.1 Storing the Drive Before Installation ......................................................................................19
3.2 Unpacking the Drive ...............................................................................................................19
3.3 Handling an MMC Smart Drive...............................................................................................19
3.4 Inspecting the Drive Before Installation..................................................................................19
3.5 Complying with European Directives......................................................................................20
3.6 Conforming with UL and cUL Standards ................................................................................20
3.7 General Installation and Ventilation Requirements ................................................................20
3.8 Controlling Heat Within the System........................................................................................21
3.9 Bonding .................................................................................................................................22
3.9.1 Bonding a Subpanel Using a Stud................................................................................22
3.9.2 Bonding a Ground Bus Using a Stud............................................................................22
3.9.3 Bonding a Ground Bus or Chassis Using a Bolt ................. ... .... ... ................................22
3.9.4 Grounding Multiple Drive Cabinets ...............................................................................23
3.9.5 Bonding Multiple Subpanels..........................................................................................23
3.10 Drive Mounting Guidelines ...................................................................... ... .... ... ... ... ... .... ......23
3.11 Drive System Grounding Procedures...................................................................................24
3.11.2 Grounding Multiple Drives in the Same Cabinet.........................................................27
3.12 System Wiring Guidelines ....................................................................................................27
3.12.1 Recommended Signal Separation ..............................................................................28
3.12.2 Building Your Own Cables ..........................................................................................30
3.12.3 Routing Cables............................................................................................................30
3.13 Wiring the Drive....................................................................................................................30
3.13.1 Sizing the 24V Power Supply......................................................................................30
3.13.2 System AC Power Wiring Guidelines ............ ... ... .... ... ... ... ... .... ... ... .............................31
3.13.3 Connecting Interface Cables ......................................................................................32
3.13.4 Preparing Motor Connection Wires ............................................................................33
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MMC Smart Drive Hardware Manual - TABLE OF CONTENTS
4 System Power Devices ................................................................................................................. 37
4.1 AC Input Power Requirements............................................................................................... 37
4.2 Protection............................................................................................................................... 39
4.2.1 Motor Overload Protection............................................................................................ 39
4.2.2 Motor Thermal Protection............................................................................................. 39
4.2.3 230V Smart Drive Protection Requirements................................................................. 39
4.2.4 460V Smart Drive Protection Requirements................................................................. 40
4.3 Line Reactors......................................................................................................................... 44
4.3.1 Specifications and Dimensions for Required Line Reactors......................................... 45
4.4 Isolation Transformers ........................................................................................................... 51
4.5 External Shunts...................................................................................................................... 52
4.5.1 Choosing External Shunts............................................................................................ 52
4.5.2 Mounting External Shunts ............................................................................................ 54
4.5.3 Connecting Shunt Modules .......................................................................................... 61 230V, 1-Phase MMC Smart Drive Shunt Wiring................................................. 61 460V, 3-Phase MMC Smart Drive (-SD) Shunt Wiring..................... .... ... ... ... ... ... 62
4.6 Line Filters.............................................................................................................................. 63
4.6.1 Line Filters and CE Compliance................................................................................... 63
4.6.2 Dimensions for 230V Line Filters.................................................................................. 69
4.6.3 Dimensions for 460V Line Filters.................................................................................. 70
5 230V 1/3 Phase MMC Smart Drive................................................................................................ 71
5.1 Control Section Connectors, Switches, LEDs........................................................................ 73
5.1.1 LEDs............................................................................................................................. 73
5.1.2 PiCPro Port (Digital Interfaced Drives)......................................................................... 73
5.1.3 PiCPro Port (Analog Drives)......................................................................................... 75
5.1.4 Node Address Rotary Switch (Digital Interfaced MMC-SD Only) ................................. 78
5.1.5 Digital Link Ports (Digital Interfaced MMC-SD Only)........ ... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ................... 79
5.1.6 Feedback Connectors (F1 & F2) .................................................................................. 81 Feedback Connectors (F1 and F2) Details ......................................................... 86 Feedback Port (F1/F2) to Motor Cables.............................................................. 90
5.1.7 Drive I/O Connector (IO)............................................................................................. 102
5.2 Power Section Connectors...................................................................................................109
5.2.1 24 VDC IN/Brake Connector ...................................................................................... 110 "EN" requirements and Safe-off Operation ....................................................... 111
5.2.2 Power Connector........................................................................................................ 112
5.2.3 DC Bus/Regen Connector (3-phase drive only) ......................................................... 115
5.3 Specifications - 230V MMC Smart Drive.............................................................................. 116
5.3.1 General Data for all 230V Models ............................................................................. 116
5.3.2 Physical and Electrical Data for 230V Drives ............................................................. 119
5.4 Dimensions for 230V MMC Smart Drive.............................................................................. 120
6 460V 3 Phase MMC Smart Drive NextGen................................................................................. 127
6.1 Control Section Connectors, Switches, LEDs...................................................................... 130
6.1.1 Status Display............................................................................................................. 130
6.1.2 Node Address Rotary Switches.................................................................................. 130
6.1.3 Digital Link Ports......................................................................................................... 131
6.1.4 Feedback Connectors (F1 & F2) ................................................................................ 133 Feedback Connectors (F1 and F2) Details ....................................................... 138 Feedback Port (F1/F2) to Motor Cables............................................................ 143
6.1.5 Drive I/O Connectors (IO1 & IO2)............................................................................... 148
6.2 Power Section Connectors...................................................................................................152
6.2.1 DC Power Connector.................................................................................................. 152 "EN" requirements and Safe-off Operation ....................................................... 152
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6.2.2 AC Power Connector ..................................................................................................153 Line Fusing........................................................................................................153
6.2.3 Motor/Brake Connector...............................................................................................154 Motor/Brake Cables...........................................................................................156 Motor Chokes ....................................................................................................156
6.2.4 DC Bus/Regen Connector...........................................................................................157 Bus/Regen Connections....................................................................................157 External Regen Resistors..................................................................................157
6.3 Specifications - 460V MMC Smart Drive NextGen...............................................................159
6.3.1 General Data...............................................................................................................159
6.3.2 Physical and Electrical Data........................................................................................163
6.4 Dimensions...........................................................................................................................164
7 460V 3-Phase MMC Smart Drive.................................................................................................167
7.1 Control Section Connectors, Switches, LEDs ......................................................................167
7.2 Power Section Connectors...................................................................................................167
7.2.1 Size 1 Power Section Connectors...............................................................................167 Shunt/DC Bus Connector .................................................................................169 AC Power Connector ........................................................................................170 Motor Connector................................................................................................170 24V Power Connector (J1) ................................................................................171 Motor Brake Connector (X101) .........................................................................172
7.2.2 Size 2 Power Section Connectors...............................................................................172 AC Power Connector.........................................................................................174 Motor Connector................................................................................................175 24V Power Connector (J1) ................................................................................176
7.2.3 Size 3 Power Section Connectors...............................................................................177 AC Power Connector.........................................................................................179 Motor Connector................................................................................................180 24V Power Connector (J1) ................................................................................181 Motor Brake Connector (X101)..........................................................................182
7.2.4 Size 4 Power Section Connectors...............................................................................182 AC Power Connector ........................................................................................184 Motor Connector................................................................................................185 24V Power Connector (J1) ................................................................................186 Motor Brake Connector (X101)..........................................................................187 Fan Connector (X36).........................................................................................188
7.3 Typical 460V Drive Connection Layout ................................................................................189
7.4 Specifications - 460V MMC Smart Drive).............................................................................190
7.4.1 Common Data for Size 1, 2, 3, 4 (All Models).............................................................190
7.4.2 Physical/Electrical Data for 460V Size 1 Smart Drives ...............................................193
7.4.3 Physical/Electrical Data for 460V Size 2 Smart Drives ...............................................195
7.4.4 Physical/Electrical Data for 460V Size 3 Smart Drives ...............................................198
7.4.5 Physical/Electrical Data for 460V Size 4 Smart Drives ...............................................201
7.5 Dimensions for the 460V Smart Drives ...............................................................................204
8 S200-DLS Drive ............................................................................................................................213
8.1 S200-DLS Option Card.........................................................................................................215
8.1.1 LED Indicators.............................................................................................................215
8.1.2 Diagnostic Indicator Details.........................................................................................215
8.1.3 Digital Link LEDs.........................................................................................................215
8.1.4 Node Address Rotary Switches ..................................................................................216
8.1.5 Digital Link Ports.........................................................................................................217
8.1.6 Auxiliary Feedback Port..............................................................................................219
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8.1.7 Drive I/O and I/O Power Ports.................................................................................... 227
8.1.8 Drive I/O Port Details.................................................................................................. 229 Drive I/O Port Outputs....................................................................................... 230 Drive I/O Port Inputs.......................................................................................... 230 Drive I/O Port Wiring Example.......................................................................... 230
8.2 Power Section Wiring Accessories ...................................................................................... 231
8.3 Specifications - S200-DLS Drive.......................................................................................... 233
9 Motor Cables & Connectors ................................................................... .................................... 235
9.1 Flex Cable Installation Guidelines........................................................................................ 235
9.1.1 Bending Radius.......................................................................................................... 235
9.1.2 Cable Tension ............................................................................................................236
9.2 Flex Cable Installation.......................................................................................................... 236
9.3 AKM/DDR Motor Power Cables........................................................................................... 238
9.4 LSM/MSM Motor Connector Kits ......................................................................................... 239
9.5 LSM/MSM Motor Power Cables........................................................................................... 240
9.6 LSM/MSM Motor Fan Cables............................................................................................... 243
10 Maintenance and Troubleshooting.......................................................................................... 245
10.1 Maintenance .................................. ... ... ... ........................................................................... 245
10.2 Troubleshooting ................................................................................................................. 246
10.2.1 General Troubleshooting.......................................................................................... 246
10.2.2 Power LED ...............................................................................................................246
10.2.3 Power-On Diagnostics.......... ... ... ... ... .... .......................................... ... ....................... 246
10.2.4 Run-Time Diagnostics .............................................................................................. 246 Troubleshooting with the Diagnostic LED (D1)........ ... ... ... .... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... . 247 Troubleshooting with the 7-Segment Display.................................................. 247 Troubleshooting using the Status LED (STATUS).......................................... 255
11 Resolver Interface Option Module........................................................................................... 259
11.1 Theory of Operation........................................................................................................... 259
11.2 Installing the Resolver Module........................................................................................... 259
12 Drive Resident Digital MMC Control.............................................. ......................................... . 263
12.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 263
12.1.1 Overview................................................................................................................... 263
12.1.2 Major Components ................................................................................................... 263
12.2 Installing the Drive Resident Digital MMC Control................... ... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... .... ... .......... 265
12.2.1 Installing into a 230V MMC-SD Drive....................................................................... 265
12.2.2 Installing into a 460V MMC-SD Drive....................................................................... 265
12.3 System Wiring Guidelines..................................................................................................266
12.4 Starting an Operation......................................................................................................... 267
12.4.1 Connecting the Drive Resident Digital MMC Control to the Application................... 267
12.4.2 Basic Setup and Maintenance Procedures .............................................................. 267
12.4.3 Start-up Diagnostics ................................................................................................. 268 Power LED...................................................................................................... 268 Scan LED........................................................................................................ 268 Drive Resident Digital MMC Control Start-Up Diagnostic LEDs ..................... 269
12.4.4 MMC Run-Time Diagnostics............. ........................................................................ 270
12.5 Connectors & Operation................................. ... ... ... .... ... .......................................... ... ... .... 271
12.5.1 PiCPro Port (P1)....................................................................................................... 271
12.5.2 Block I/O Port (C1) ................................................................................................... 271
12.5.3 User Port .................................................................... .... .......................................... 275
12.5.4 Ethernet Port ..................................................................... ... .................................... 281
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12.5.5 General I/O Port (C5)................................................................................................283 DC Output Operation.......................................................................................288 DC Input Operation..........................................................................................290
12.6 Specifications ....................................................................................................................292
13 Declarations of Conformity........ .... ... ... ... ... .... ... ... .......................................... ... .... ... ... ... ... ........295
A 460V MMC Smart Drive DC Bus Sharing...................................................................................301
A.1 Introduction ..........................................................................................................................301
A.2 DC Bus Sharing with AC Power to All Drives.......................................................................301
A.3 DC Bus Sharing with AC Power to One Drive......................................................................303
B 460V MMC Smart Drive DC Bus Sharing...................................................................................307
B.1 Introduction ..........................................................................................................................307
B.2 DC Bus Sharing with AC Power to All Drives.......................................................................307
B.3 DC Bus Sharing with AC Power to One Drive......................................................................309
Sales and Service............................................................................................................................319
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MMC Smart Drive Hardware Manual - TABLE OF CONTENTS
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1 Introduction to the MMC Smart Drive

1.1 Overview

This manual covers four distinct products:
The Analog and Digital Interfaced 230V MMC Smart Drive (MMC-SD). The 230V
Smart Drive is detailed exclusively in Chapter 5 on page 71
The Digital 460V Smart Drive NextGen. The 460V Smart Drive NextGen is
detailed exclusively in Chapter 6 on page 127
The Analog and Digital Interfaced 460V MMC Smart Drive (MMC-SD). The 460V
Smart Drive is detailed exclusively in Chapter 7 on page 167
The S200-DLS Digital Link Drive which receives motion commands via a digital
connection (Digital Link)

1.2 Contents of This Manual

This manual includes the following major topics:
Information to safely operate and maintain the equipment in a safe manner.
User responsibilities for product acceptance and storage.
Power and environmental information for general power, control cabinet, ground-
ing, heat control and handling.
Procedures for mounting, wiring, and connecting the MMC Smart Drive and stan-
dard Kollmorgen motors recommended for use with the MMC Smart Drive.
Recommended drive system wiring guidelines for signal separation and differen-
tial devices. Methods to ensure ElectroMagnetic Compatibility.
The location of connectors on the drive and descriptions of their functionality
including I/O, encoder, serial interface and motor/brake connector locations and signal descriptions.
Physical, electrical, environmental and functional specifications/dimensions.
Description of the minimal maintenance necessary.
A troubleshooting chart of potential problems and possible solutions.
Part numbers and descriptions for the drive and related equipment.

1.3 Software and Manuals

1.3.1 Required Software and Manuals

PiCPro (one of the following)
Professional Edition
MMC Limited Edition
Monitor Edition

1.3.2 Suggested Manuals

Function/Function Block Reference Guide
Motion Application Specific Function Block Manual
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Ethernet Application Specific Function Block Manual
General Purpose Application Specific Function Block
10 Kollmorgen - December 2011

1.4 Kollmorgen Support Contact

Contact your local Kollmorgen representative for:
Sales and order support
Product technical training
Warranty support
Support service agreements
Kollmorgen Technical Support can be reached:
In the United States, telephone (800) 558-4808
Outside the United States, telephone (920) 921-7100
E-mail address: glmotion.support@kollmorgen.com
Web site: www.kollmorgen.com
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MMC Smart Drive Hardware Manual - SAFETY PRECAUTIONS

2 Safety Precautions

The instructions contained in this section will help users to operate and maintain the equipment in a safe manner.

2.1 System Safety

The basic rules of safety set forth in this section are intended as a guide for the safe operation of equipment. This general safety information, along with explicit service, maintenance and operational materials, make up the complete instruction set. All personnel who operate, service or are involved with this equipment in any way should become totally familiar with this information prior to operating.

2.1.1 User Responsibility

It is the responsibility of the user to ensure that the procedures set forth here are followed and, should any major deviation or change in use from the original specifications be required, appropriate procedures should be established for the continued safe operation of the system. It is strongly recommended that you contact your OEM to ensure that the system can be safely converted for its new use and continue to operate in a safe manner.

2.1.2 Safety Instructions

Do not operate your equipment with safety devices bypassed or covers removed.
Only qualified personnel should operate the equipment.
Never perform service or maintenance while automatic control sequences are in
To avoid shock or serious injury, only qualified personnel should perform mainte-
nance on the system.
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MMC Smart Drive Hardware Manual - SAFETY PRECAUTIONS
Do not touch the main power supply fuses or any com­ponents internal to the power modules while the main power supply switch is ON. Note that when the main power switch is OFF, the incoming supply cable may be live.
GROUNDING (Protective Earth)
The equipment must be grounded (connected to the protective earth connection) according to OEM recommendations and to the latest local regulations for electrical safety. The grounding (protective earth) conductor must not be interrupted inside or outside the equipment enclosures. The wire used for equipment grounding (connection to protective earth) should be green with a yellow stripe.

2.2 Safety Signs

The purpose of a system of safety signs is to draw attention to objects and situations which could affect personal or plant safety. It should be noted that the use of safety signs does not replace the need for appropriate accident prevention measures. Always read and follow the instructions based upon the level of hazard or potential danger.

2.3 Warning Labels

Hazard warning
When you see this safety sign on a system, it gives a warning of a hazard or possibility of a hazard existing. The type of warning is given by the pictorial representation on the sign plus text if used.
To ignore such a caution could lead to severe injury or death arising from an unsafe practice.
Danger Electric Shock Risk
14 Kollmorgen - December 2011
Danger, Warning, or Caution warning
Hot Surface warning

2.4 Safety First

MMC Smart Drive Hardware Manual - SAFETY PRECAUTIONS
Symbol plus DANGER, WARNING or CAUTION: These notices provide information intended to prevent potential sonal injury and equipment damage.
Symbol plus HOT SURFACE: These notices provide information intended to prevent potential p sonal injury.
Kollmorgen equipment is designed and manufactured with consideration and care to generally accepted safety standards. However, the proper and safe performance of the equipment depends upon the use of sound and prudent operating, maintenance and servicing procedures by trained personnel under adequate supervision.
For your protection, and the protection of other s, lear n and al ways follow these safety rules. Observe warnings on machines and act accordingly. Form safe working habits by reading the rules and abiding by them. Keep these safety rules handy and review them from time to time to refresh your understanding of them.

2.5 Safety Inspection

2.5.1 Before Starting System

Ensure that all guards and safety devices are installe d and operative and all doors
which carry warning labels are closed and locked.
Ensure that all personnel are clear of those areas indicated as potentially hazard-
Remove (from the operating zone) any materials, tools or other object s that could
cause injury to personnel or damage the system.
Make sure that the control system is in an operational condition.
Make certain that all indicating lights, horns, pressure gauges or other safety
devices or indicators are in working order.

2.6 After Shutdown

Make certain all controlled equipment in the pl ant is safe and the associated electrical, pneumatic or hydraulic power is turned off. It is permissible for the control equipment contained in enclosures to remain energized provided this does not conflict with the safety instructions found in this section.
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MMC Smart Drive Hardware Manual - SAFETY PRECAUTIONS

2.7 Operating Safely

Do not operate the control system until you read and understand the operating
instructions and become thoroughly familiar with the system and the controls.
Never operate the control system while a safety device or guard is removed or
Where access to the control system is permitted for manual operation, only those
doors which provide that access should be unlocked. They should be locked immediately after the particular operation is completed.
Never remove warnings that are displayed on the equipment. Torn or worn labels
should be replaced.
Do not start the control system until all personnel in the area have been warned.
Never sit or stand on anything that might cause you to fall onto the control equip-
ment or its peripheral equipment.
Horseplay around the control system and its associated equipment is dangerous
and should be prohibited.
Know the emergency stop procedures for the system.
Never operate the equipment outside specification limits.
Keep alert and observe indicator lights, system messages and warnings that are
displayed on the system.
Do not operate faulty or damaged equipment. Make certain proper service and
maintenance procedures have been performed.

2.8 Electrical Service & Maintenance Safety

It should be assumed at all times that the POWER is ON and all conditions treated
as live. This practice assures a cautious approach which may prevent accident or injury.
To remove power:
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MMC Smart Drive Hardware Manual - SAFETY PRECAUTIONS
Make sure the circuit is safe by using the proper test equipment. Check test equip-
ment regularly.
Care should be taken if you are manually discharging the bus capacitors.
Even after power to the drive is removed, it may take up to 10 minutes for bus capacitors to discharge to a level below 50 VDC. To be sure the capacitors are dis­charged, measure the voltage across the + and - termi­nals for the DC bus.
There may be circumstances where troubleshooting on live eq uipment is required.
Under such conditions, special precautions must be taken:
Make sure your tools and body ar e clear of the areas of equipment which may
be live.
Extra safety measures should be taken in damp areas.
Be alert and avoid any outside distractions.
Make certain another qualified person is in attendance.
Before applying power to any equipment, make cert ain that all personnel ar e clear
of associated equipment.
Control panel doors should be unlocked only when checking out electrical equip-
ment or wiring. On completion, close and lock panel doors.
All covers on junction panels should be fastened closed before leaving any job.
Never operate any controls while others are performing maintenance on the sys-
Do not bypass a safety device.
Always use the proper tool for the job.
Replace the main supply fuses only when electrical power is OFF (locked out).

2.9 Safe Cleaning Practices

Do not use toxic or flammable solvents to clean control system hardware.
Turn off electrical power (lock out) before cleaning control system assemblies.
Keep electrical panel covers closed and power off when cleaning an en closure.
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MMC Smart Drive Hardware Manual - SAFETY PRECAUTIONS
Always clean up spills around the equipment immediately after they occur.
Never attempt to clean a control system while it is operating.
Never use water to clean control equipment unless you are certain that the equip-
ment has been certified as sealed against water ingress. Water is a very good conductor of electricity and the single largest cause of death by electrocution.
18 Kollmorgen - December 2011

3 Installing the MMC Smart Drive

The National Electrical Code and any other governing regional or local codes overrule the information in this manual. Kollmorgen does n ot assume responsibility for the user’s compliance or non-compliance with any code, national, local or otherwise, for the proper installation of this drive and asso­ciated systems or equipment. Failure to abide by applicable codes creates the hazard of personal injury and/or equipment damage.

3.1 Storing the Drive Before Installation

The drive should remain in the shipping contain er prior to inst allation. If the equipment is not to be used for a period of time, store it as follows:
Use a clean, dry location
Maintain the storage temperature and humidity as shown in the specifications
section of this manual.
Store it where it cannot be exposed to a corrosive atmosphere
Store it in a non-construction area

3.2 Unpacking the Drive

Remove all packing material, wedges, and braces from within and around the components. After unpacking, check the name plate Material Number against the purchase order of the item(s) against the packing list. The model number, serial number and manufacturing date code are located on the side of the unit.

3.3 Handling an MMC Smart Drive

The case protects the MMC Smart Drive’s internal circuitry against mechanical damage in shipping and handling.
However, like any electronic device, the circuitry can be destroyed by:
Conditions exceeding those detailed in the specifications tables shown in the
Specifications sections in this manual.
moisture condensing inside the module
static discharge
exposure to a magnetic field strong enough to induce a current in the circuitry
vibration, and other hazards

3.4 Inspecting the Drive Before Installation

Inspect the unit for any physical damage that may have been sustained during shipment.
If you find damage, either concealed or visible, contact your buyer to make a claim with the shipper. If degraded performance is detected when testing the unit, contact your distributor or Kollmorgen. Do this as soon as possible after receipt of the unit.
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3.5 Complying with European Directives

For industrial products installed within the European Union or EEC region s, ce rtain directives and standards apply. See “Conformity” in the Specifications sections of Chapters 5 and 6 for applicable directives.
Servo amplifiers are considered to be subsystems when incorporated into electrical plants and machines for industrial use. The Kollmorgen servo amplifiers have been designed and tested as such. They bear the CE mark and are provided with a Declaration of Conformance. However, it is the overall machine or system design that must meet European Directives and standards. To help the manufacturer of the machine or plant meet these directives and standards, specific guidelines are provided in this documentation. These include such things as shielding, grounding, filters, treatment of connectors and cable layout.

3.6 Conforming with UL and cUL Standards

Kollmorgen drives meet safety and fire hazard requirements as outlined in “Conformity” in the Specifications sections of Chapter 13, Declarations of Conformity.

3.7 General Installation and Ventilation Requirements

The drive must be enclosed in a grounded NEMA12 e nclosure offering protection
to IP55 such that they are not accessible to an operator or unskilled person, in order to comply with UL
these requirements providing protec tio n to IP6 6.
and CE requirements. A NEMA 4X enclosure exceeds
The environmental conditions must not exceed those det ailed in the specifications
tables shown in the Specifications sections in this manual.
Install the panel on a properly bonded, flat, rigid, non-painted galvanized steel,
vertical surface that won’t be subjected to shock, vibration, moisture, oil mist, dust, or corrosive vapors.
Maintain minimum clearances for proper airflow, easy module access, and proper
cable bend radius.
Plan the installation of your system so that you can perform all cutting, drilling,
tapping, and welding with the drive removed from the enclosure. Because the drive is of the open type construction, be careful to keep any metal debris from falling into it. Metal debris or other foreign matter can become lodged in the cir­cuitry, which can result in damage to components.
The MMC Smart Drive is suitable for operation in a pollution degree 2 environment (i.e., normally, only non-conductive pollution occurs). Install the drive away from all sources of strong electromagnetic noise. Such noise can interfere with MMC Smart Drive operation.
Protect the MMC Smart Drive system from all the following:
conductive fluids and particles
corrosive atmosphere
explosive atmosphere
Diagrams included with this manual and recommendations may be modified if necessary so the wiring conforms to current NEC standards or government regulations.
20 Kollmorgen - December 2011
Table 3-1: Cabinet Clearance Dimensions
Minimum Clearance
Location 230V SD Drive 460V SD Drive 460V SDN Drive
Above Drive Body 2.0 in. (50.8 mm) 4.0 in. (100 mm) 2.25 in. (57 mm) Below Drive Body 2.0 in. (50.8 mm) 4.0 in. (100 mm) 2.25 in. (57 mm) Each Side of Drive .50 in. (12.7 mm) None 0.25 in. (6.35 mm) In Front of Drive (for
Use filtered or conditioned air in ventilated cabinets. The ai r should be free of contaminants, including but not limited to oil, corrosives, and electrically con­ductive material.
3.0 in. (76.2 mm) 3.0 in. (76.2 mm) 3.0 in. (76.2 mm)

3.8 Controlling Heat Within the System

The MMC Smart Drive hardware case is designed to promote air circulation and dissipate heat. Normally no fans or air conditioners are needed. However, if the environment outside the control cabinet is hot or humid, you may need to use a fan, heat exchanger, dehumidifier or air conditioner to provide the correct operating environment.
Make sure that the temperature and humidity within the drive cabinet does n ot exceed that which is shown in the specifications sections of this manual.
Make sure that components installed in th e cabinet with the MMC Smart Drive do not raise the temperature above system limits and that any hot spots do not exceed specifications. For example, when heat-generating compon ents such as transformers, other drives or motor controls are installed, separate them from the drive by doing one of the following:
Place them near the top of the control cabi net so their heat outp ut rises away from
the MMC Smart Drive.
Put them in another control cabinet above or to one side of the cabinet with the
MMC Smart Drive. This protects the MMC Smart Drive from both heat and electri­cal noise.
The MMC Smart Drive itself is a source of heat, though in most installations its heat dissipates without harmful effects. System heat is generated from power dissipated by:
the drive
field side input/output components
other drives in the cabinet
Kollmorgen - December 2011 21
the logic power supply
external shunt resistors
line reactors
If the MMC Smart Drive is operated outside the recommended environmen­tal limits, it may be damaged. This will void the warranty.

3.9 Bonding

Connecting metal chassis, assemblies, frames, shields and enclosures to reduce the effects of electromagnetic interference (EMI) is the process of bonding.
Most paints act as insulators. To achieve a good bond between system components, surfaces need to be paint-free or metal plated. Bonding metal surfaces creates a low­impedance exit path for high-frequency energy. Improper bonding blocks this direct exit path and allows high-frequency energy to travel elsewhere in the cabinet. Excessive high-frequency energy can negatively affect the operation of the drive.

3.9.1 Bonding a Subpanel Using a Stud

1. Weld threaded mounting studs to the back of the enclosure.
2. Brush off any non-conductive materials (e.g. paint) from the studs.
3. Remove any non-conductive materials from the front of the subpanel.
4. Position the mounting holes on the subp anel over the mountin g studs on the back of the enclosure and slide the subpanel onto the studs.
5. Attach the subpanel to the mounting stud by sliding a star washer over the stud and then turn and tighten a nut onto the stud.

3.9.2 Bonding a Ground Bus Using a Stud

1. Weld threaded mounting studs to the back of the subpanel.
2. Brush off any non-conductive materials (e.g. paint) from the studs.
3. Slide a flat washer over the studs.
4. Remove any non-conductive materials from around the mounting hole on the chassis mounting bracket or ground bus.
5. Position the mounting hole of the chassis or ground bus over th e studs on the back of the subpanel and slide the mounting bracket or ground bus onto the stud.
6. Attach the subpanel to the subpanel stud by sliding a star washer and then a flat washer over the stud. Turn and tighten a nut onto the stud.

3.9.3 Bonding a Ground Bus or Chassis Using a Bolt

1. Brush off any non-conductive materials (e.g. paint) from the threaded bolt (s).
2. Slide a star washer over the threaded bolt (s).
3. Use a subpanel having tapped mounting holes. Remove any non-conductive materials from around the mounting holes on both sides of the subpanel.
22 Kollmorgen - December 2011
4. Turn the threaded bolts into the subpanel mounting holes.
5. Slide a star washer onto the threaded end of the bolt.
6. Turn and tighten a nut onto the stud.
7. Slide a flat washer onto the threaded end of the bolt.
8. Position the mounting holes on the groundbus or mounting bracket over the
threaded bolts and turn the bolts until they come through the grounding bus or mounting bracket.
9. Slide a star washer onto the threaded end of the bolt.
10. Slide a flat washer onto the threaded end of the bolt.
11. Turn and tighten a nut onto the bolt.

3.9.4 Grounding Multiple Drive Cabinets

1. Mount one bonded ground bus in each cabinet.
2. Designate the cabinet ground bus in one and only one of the ca binet s as the com-
mon ground bus for all of the cabinets in the system.
3. Connect the ground wires from the ground bus in each individual cabinet ground
bus to the designated common ground bus (moun ted in only o ne of the cabinets).
4. Connect the common cabinet ground bus to an external ground system that is
connected to a single point ground.

3.9.5 Bonding Multiple Subpanels

Kollmorgen recommends bonding both the top and bottom of subpanels sharing the same enclosure. Use a 25.4 mm (1.0 in.) x 6.35 mm (0.25) wire braid. Be sure the area around each wire braid fastener is clear of any non-conductive materials. Bond the cabinet ground bus to at least one of the subpanels.
Subpanels that are not bonded together may not share a common low im­pedance path. This difference in impedance may affect networks and other devices that span multiple panels.

3.10 Drive Mounting Guidelines

A control cabinet for the MMC Smart Drive should have a NEMA-12 rating or bet-
ter. A cabinet with this rating protects its contents from dust and mechanical dam­age.
The cabinet must be large enough to provide adequate air circulation for the MMC
Smart Drive and other components. Always allow for adequate air flow through the MMC Smart Drive vents.
The cabinet must have a rigid non-painted galvanized metal su rface to mount th e
MMC Smart Drive on.
Kollmorgen - December 2011 23
The cabinet door should open fully for easy access.
Post warnings according to National, State, or local codes for the voltage present in the control cabinet. Diagrams included with this manual and re c­ommendations may be modif ied if nece ssar y so t he w iring confo rms to c ur­rent NEC standards or government regulations.
This drive contains parts and assemblies that are sensitive to ESD (Electro­static Discharge). Follow static control precautions during installation, test­ing, service, or repair of this assembly. Parts and assemblies can be damaged if proper precautions ar e no t tak en .
1. Lay out the positions for the drive and accessories in th e en clo su re .
2. Attach the drive to the cabinet, first using the upper mounting slots of the drive and then the lower. The recommended mounting hardware is M5 metric(#10-32).
3. Tighten all mounting fasteners.

3.1 1 Drive System Grounding Procedures

The ground of the MMC Smart Drive power source must be connected directly to a Single Point Ground (SPG) tie block. The tie block should be made of brass or copper, bolted or brazed to the control cabinet. If the tie block is bolted rather than brazed, scrape away paint or grease at the p oint of cont act. Put st ar washers between the tie block and the cabinet to ensure good electrical contact.
Metal enclosures of power supplies, drives, etc., should also have good electrical contact with the SPG.
Metal enclosures of power supplies, drives, etc., should also have good electrical contact with the SPG.
The Single Point Ground should be the only common point for all the ground lines. If not, ground loops may cause current flow among components of the system which can interfere with proper operation of the MMC Smart Drive.
Devices to be connected directly to the Single Point Ground include:
Plant safety ground.
Protective earth ground(s) from the MMC Smart Drive power terminals.
The metal panel or cabinet on which the MMC Smart Drive is mounted.
“Common” or “0 V” lines from power supplies that provid e +2 4 powe r to de vice s
and external power to the I/O modules and the devices to which they are con­nected.
24 Kollmorgen - December 2011
Protective grounds from the devices themselves, such as device drivers, machin-
ery, and operator interface devices.
Protective earth ground from line and load sides of any AC line filters.
The ground of the power source of the computer workst ation or laptop, if any, from
which you monitor the system operation. An AC outlet in the control cabinet is rec­ommended.
Single point grounds from other control cabinets, if any, in the system.
You must ensure that the “0V” or “Common” of all devices connected to the MMC Smart Drive are connected to Single Point Ground (SPG). Failure to do so may result in erratic operation or damage to the MMC Smart Drive and devices connected to it. Examples of devices connected to the MMC Smart Drive include the power source that supplies power to the MMC Smart Drive and devices connected to the MMC Smart Drive PiCPro Port. Note that some devices (for example, a Personal Computer) may have their “0V” and “Protective Earth Ground” connected together internally, in which case only one connection has to be made to SPG for that device. Also note that the AC/DC converter for some portable PCs have chassis connected from the wall plug to the PC. The ground for the AC outlet must be connected to the SPG.
Also, you must ensure that the MMC Smart Drive “Protective Earth Ground” connection is connected to SPG, and that the MMC Smart Drive is mounted to a metal panel or enclosure that is connected to SPG.
Kollmorgen - December 2011 25
3.11.1 Grounding Requirements
Figure 3-1: Example of Grounding Required for CE Compliant Single Phase
230V Drive System
AC Power (Mains)
In-coming Supply
Supply Circuit Disconnecting Means
Single Point
Ground (SPG)*
24V Power
AC Line Filter
+24V COM
B+ B­L1 L2
CAUTION - Risk of Elect ric Shock
High Voltage may exist up to 10 minutes after removing power
Grounding Clamp
P 1
F 1
F 2
Motor Power
Drive I/O
Motor Feedback
* Equipment Ground, AC Common, and DC Common are
tied together at one point only, Single Point Ground (SPG).
Mount the filter as close to the Drive as possible. If the dist an ce exceeds 60 0 mm
(2.0 ft), use shielded cable between the Drive and the filter, strapping the shield to chassis at each end of the cable. This is particularly important for attenuation of higher frequency emissions (5-30 MHz).
26 Kollmorgen - December 2011
To Workstation
or other Device
Machine Base
Shield or separate the wires connecting the AC power to the filter from other
power cables (e.g., connections between the Drive and the filter, motor power cable, etc.). If the connections are not separated from each other, the EMI on the Drive side of the filter can couple over to the source side of the filter, thereby reducing or eliminating the filter’s effectiveness. The coupling mechanism can radiate or allow stray capacitance between the wires.
Bond the filter and the Drive to a grounded conductive surface (the enclosure) to
establish a high frequency (HF) connection. To achieve the HF ground, the con­tact surface interface between the filter, Drive, and the enclosure should be free from paint or any other type of insulator.
Size the filter following manufacturer recommendations.
Provide a large enough ground bar to connect all wires with no more than two
wires per connection.
Clamp motor power cable shield for EMC termination.
Filter AC power to the drives to be compliant to CE emission requirements.
High voltage exists in AC line filters. The filter must be grounded properly before applying power. Filter capaci­tors retain high voltages after power removal. Before handling the equipment, voltages should be measured to determine safe levels. Failure to observe this precau­tion could result in personal injury.

3.11.2 Grounding Multiple Drives in the Same Cabinet

1. Mount a common bonded ground bus in the cabinet.
2. Connect the ground wires for all drives to the common bonded cabinet ground
3. Connect the common bonded cabinet ground bus to an external ground system
that is connected to a single point ground.

3.12 System Wiring Guidelines

The MMC Smart Drive relies on electrical signals to report what is going on in the application and to send commands to it. In addition, signals are constantly being
Kollmorgen - December 2011 27
exchanged within the system. The MMC Smart Drive is designed for use in industrial environments, but some guidelines should be followed.
This section contains common system wiring configurations, size, and practices that can be used in a majority of applications. National Electrical Code, local electrical codes, special operating temperatures, duty cycles, or system configurations take precedence over the values and methods provided.
Wherever possible, install wiring and related components in the following order:
1. main power line disconnecting means
2. transformer (optional)
3. fuses (SCPD)
4. motor control
5. line reactor (as required)
6. line filter (optional)
7. device protection fuses (as required )
8. drive
9. shunt resistors (optional)

3.12.1 Recommended Signal Separation

Kollmorgen recommends separation of low level signals (encoder, analog, communications, fast DC inputs) from high voltage or high current lines. Maintain at least two inches of separation.
Inside a control cabinet, connect the shields of shielded cables at the MMC Smart Drive. It is recommended that factory cables (from Kollmorgen) are used between MMC drives, controls, and motors to ensure CE compliance.
Use care when wiring I/O devices to the MMC Smart Drive and when plugging in cables. Wiring the wrong device to the connector or plugging a connector into the wrong location could cause intermittent or incorrect machine operation or damage to equipment.
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