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Copyright © 2004 Kofax Image Products. All Rights Reserved. Printed in the U.S.A. The information contained in this document is the property of Kofax Image Products. Neither receipt nor possession hereof confers or transfers any right to reproduce or disclose any part of the contents hereof, without the prior written consent of Kofax Image Products. No patent liability is assumed, however, with respect to the use of the information contained herein.
VirtualReScan, Kofax, ImageControls, and Adrenaline are registered trademarks of Kofax Image Products. ISIS is a registered trademark of Pixel Translations, a division of Captiva Software Corporation. TWAIN is a registered trademark of the TWAIN Working Group. All other product names and logos mentioned herein are the property of their respective companies.
The instructions and descriptions contained in this document were accurate at the time of printing. However, succeeding products and documents are subject to change without notice. Therefore, Kofax Image Products assumes no liability for damages incurred directly or indirectly from errors, omissions, or discrepancies between the product and this document. An attempt has been made to state all allowable values where applicable throughout this document. Any values or parameters used beyond those stated might have unpredictable results.
That’s all you need for great scans. At install, VRS settings are optimized for your scanner, making it possible to scan documents with a variety of background colors, text quality, and paper sizes with excep­tional results. Plus, you can still adjust VRS for those particularly difficult documents that no other scanner is able to tackle. To learn about manually adjusting images with VRS, read on...
Once you install VRS, follow these steps to start VRS. 1 Turn on your scanner, then switch on your PC. 2 Launch your scan application. 3 Go to select a scan source. This will vary depending on your scan
application. From Scan Demo, for example, you would go to Scanner | Select Scan Source. For other applications, the Source may be referred to as “Scanner” or “Device.”
4 Select the appropriate scan source from the list provided.
Depending on your scanner and scan application, the choice of sources created at the time of installation will vary. Some options may be
<Your Scanner Model> with VRS (ImageControls)Kofax VRS Scanner (ISIS)Kofax VRS - TWAIN (TWAIN)
5 Click OK. For ImageControls-based applications, the VRS icon
appears in the Windows taskbar. It will appear once you start to scan if you are using an ISIS- or a TWAIN-based application.
...then scan!
Customizing VRS
Open Images in the VRS Image Viewer...
The VirtualReScan Viewer and the Interactive Properties dialog box open together so you can make real-time adjustments to a WYSIWYG image, then accept or reject them. Here’s how to open an image and preview image property settings: 1 Scan a document (or document type) you plan to (batch) scan. 2 Right-click on the VRS icon in the Windows taskbar. 3 Select Preview.
VRS Viewer and Interactive Properties Dialog Box
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