Kofax Export Connector 8.2.0 User Manual

Administrator's Guide
2007-2012 Kofax, Inc., 15211 Laguna Canyon Road, Irvine, California 92618, U.S.A. All rights reserved.
Third-party software is copyrighted and licensed from Kofax’s suppliers.
This product is protected by U.S. Patent No. 6,370,277.
Kofax, the Kofax logo, and the Kofax product names stated herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of Kofax, Inc. in the U.S. and other countries. All other trademarks are the trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.
U.S. Government Rights Commercial software. Government users are subject to the Kofax, Inc. standard license agreement and applicable provisions of the FAR and its supplements.
You agree that you do not intend to and will not, directly or indirectly, export or transmit the Software or related documentation and technical data to any country to which such export or transmission is restricted by any applicable U.S. regulation or statute, without the prior written consent, if required, of the Bureau of Export Administration of the U.S. Department of Commerce, or such other governmental entity as may have jurisdiction over such export or transmission. You represent and warrant that you are not located in, under the control of, or a national or resident of any such country.


Legal Notice .......................................................................................................................................................................... 2
Preface .................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Related Documentation ..................................................................................................................................................5
Training .............................................................................................................................................................................5
Getting Help for Kofax Products ................................................................................................................................. 5
System Requirements ..................................................................................................................................................... 6
Modifying the Source Code ......................................................................................................................................6
Overview ............................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Features ............................................................................................................................................................................. 7
Kofax Values / IBM FileNet Content Manager Properties ................................................................................. 7
Kofax Values {Document GUID} ............................................................................................................................. 7
Document Storage ...................................................................................................................................................... 7
Folder Creation ........................................................................................................................................................... 7
Kofax Capture Supported Features .........................................................................................................................8
IBM FileNet Content Manager Object Store ..........................................................................................................8
Choice List Properties Supported ............................................................................................................................8
Duplicate Documents .................................................................................................................................................9
Export Working Folder ............................................................................................................................................. 9
Export to 'Unfiled Documents' Folder .................................................................................................................... 9
Multiple Values ...........................................................................................................................................................9
Online Help for Export Setup ..................................................................................................................................9
Image Support .............................................................................................................................................................9
Viewing Content Elements .......................................................................................................................................... 10
Viewing Duplicate Documents in IBM FileNet Content Manager Administrative Tools ..................................10
Data Type Compatibility ............................................................................................................................................. 11
Valid Boolean Formats ............................................................................................................................................ 11
Kofax Value Data Types ......................................................................................................................................... 11
Kofax Values ............................................................................................................................................................. 12
Text Constants ...........................................................................................................................................................13
Information for Kofax Capture Users ............................................................................................................................ 15
Binary and Object Properties Not Supported .......................................................................................................... 15
File Name Retention Feature ...................................................................................................................................... 15
Behavior of the SupportsOriginalFileName Property ........................................................................................ 15
File Name Considerations .......................................................................................................................................17
Sharing Data Among Export Connectors ..................................................................................................................19
OCR Full Text Options ................................................................................................................................................ 19
Kofax Export Connector 8.2.0 for IBM FileNet Content Manager Administrator's Guide
Installing the Export Connector ...................................................................................................................................... 23
Removing the Export Connector ................................................................................................................................23
Removing the Export Connector from Kofax Capture ...................................................................................... 23
Removing the Export Connector from Kofax Express ....................................................................................... 24
Repairing the Export Connector .................................................................................................................................24
Export Connector Setup ....................................................................................................................................................25
Using Kofax Capture to Set Up the Export Connector ...........................................................................................25
Using Kofax Express to Set Up the Export Connector ........................................................................................... 26
Viewing IBM FileNet Content Manager Data in Export Setup ............................................................................. 27
IBM FileNet Content Manager Permissions ............................................................................................................. 27
Adding Access Permissions to the IBM FileNet Content Manager Domain ...................................................27
Recommended Permissions ....................................................................................................................................28
Export Connector Behavior .................................................................................................................................... 29
Kofax Export Connector 8.2.0 for IBM FileNet Content Manager Administrator's Guide
This guide includes the information you need to successfully install Kofax Export Connector for IBM FileNet Content Manager and acquaint yourself with the software.

Related Documentation

Help for Kofax Export Connector for IBM FileNet Content Manager
The Help provides online assistance for system administrators and operators who are responsible for configuring the export connector.
Kofax Export Connector for IBM FileNet Content Manager Release Notes
Late-breaking product information is available from release notes, which contain information that may not be included in other documentation.


Kofax offers both classroom and computer-based training that will help you make the most of your Kofax Capture solution. Visit the Kofax Web site at www.kofax.com for complete details about the available training options and schedules.


Getting Help for Kofax Products

Kofax regularly updates the Kofax Support site with the latest information about Kofax products.
To access some resources, you must have a valid Support Agreement with an authorized Kofax Reseller/Partner or with Kofax directly.
Use the tools that Kofax provides for researching and identifying issues. For example, use the Kofax Support site to search for answers about messages, keywords, and product issues. To access the Kofax Support page, go to www.kofax.com/support.
The Kofax Support page provides:
▪ Product information and release news
Click a product family, select a product, and select a version number.
▪ Downloadable product documentation
Click a product family, select a product, and click Documentation.
▪ Access to product knowledge bases
Click Knowledge Base.
▪ Access to the Kofax Customer Portal (for eligible customers)
Click Account Management and log in.
Kofax Export Connector 8.2.0 for IBM FileNet Content Manager Administrator's Guide
To optimize your use of the portal, go to the Kofax Customer Portal login page and click the link to open the Guide to the Kofax Support Portal. This guide describes how to access the support site, what to do before contacting the support team, how to open a new case or view an open case, and what information to collect before opening a case.
▪ Access to support tools
Click Tools and select the tool to use.
▪ Information about the support commitment for Kofax products
Click Support Details and select Kofax Support Commitment.
Use these tools to find answers to questions that you have, to learn about new functionality, and to research possible solutions to current issues.

System Requirements

For information about supported operating systems and other system requirements for Kofax Export Connector for IBM FileNet Content Manager, refer to the Cross Product Compatibility Matrix on the Kofax Web site Support pages at http://www.kofax.com.

Modifying the Source Code

The source code for this export connector is provided in the product files. The source code can be opened, edited, and compiled in Microsoft Visual Studio.
You will need to repeat this procedure on each workstation where you plan to use the IBM FileNet Content Manager export connector.
Note To successfully modify and compile the export connector, development must occur on a workstation with the appropriate versions of Kofax Capture or Kofax Express. Also, development must occur on a workstation with Microsoft WSE 3.0 (development setup).
Install the Kofax Export Connector for IBM FileNet Content Manager export connector.
Refer to Installing the Export Connector for the installation instructions. When you install the export connector, you also install the required components referenced in the source code.
Open the IBM FileNet Content Manager export connector project in Microsoft Visual
Modify the source code.
Compile the project.
Note You must close Kofax Capture or Kofax Express before attempting to compile the
export connector source code. Otherwise, an error may occur.
Copy the new .dll to the Kofax.FileNet.8.2 folder in the Bin folder of your Kofax Capture
or Kofax Express installation.
Kofax Export Connector 8.2.0 for IBM FileNet Content Manager Administrator's Guide
This export connector copies document images, OCR text files, Kofax PDF documents, eDocuments, and writes data from Kofax Capture or Kofax Express into IBM FileNet Content Manager.


This section contains information about features provided with Kofax Export Connector for IBM FileNet Content Manager.

Kofax Values / IBM FileNet Content Manager Properties

You can link Kofax Values to IBM FileNet Content Manager document properties and folder properties. Examples of Kofax Values include Document index fields, Folder index fields, Batch fields, Kofax Values, and Text Constants. If you are using Kofax Capture, the names of “required” IBM FileNet Content Manager properties within a document class or folder class are marked with an asterisk (*), giving you a visual indicator that certain fields must be linked.
Chapter 1


Kofax Values {Document GUID}

The {Document GUID} is a value that can be used for index fields and export values. It is a type of document ID that is unique across the central site and all remote sites that comprise a Kofax Capture installation. This Document GUID is the concatenation of the Batch GUID and the document ID number. For example, a Batch GUID of {D3C58EE2-5627-443b­BBFA-EE7A5790482A} and a document ID of 123 will yield {D3C58EE2-5627-443b-BBFA­EE7A5790482A} 123 as the Document GUID.

Document Storage

You can specify new or existing folders for storing documents in the IBM FileNet Content Manager object store for export. You can use Kofax Values to specify a document name or folder name.

Folder Creation

When exporting to user-defined folders, the export connector searches the IBM FileNet Content Manager object store to locate a folder based on the Folder Name property and the location of the object store.
If the folder is found, this folder is used for export. The existing properties of the folder do not change, even if Kofax Values are linked to the properties for the folder.
If the folder is not found, a new folder is created in IBM FileNet Content Manager using the values specified at export setup.
Kofax Export Connector 8.2.0 for IBM FileNet Content Manager Administrator's Guide

Kofax Capture Supported Features

This section gives you information about the Kofax Capture features supported by this export connector.
Export Connector Information Interchange
The export connector supports the Kofax Capture Export Connector Information Interchange feature, which gives the export connector the ability to pass information to other export connectors.
Refer to Sharing Data Among Export Connectors for more information.
File Name Retention
The export connector supports the Kofax Capture File Name Retention feature, which is used to retain the original imported file name.
Refer to File Name Retention Feature for more information.
The Kofax Export Connector for IBM FileNet Content Manager supports the Kofax Capture SecurityBoost feature. Refer to your Kofax Capture Help for more information about the SecurityBoost feature.
Multiple Export
The export connector supports the Kofax Capture Multiple Export feature, which is used to assign multiple export connectors to a document class.
In addition, you can provide a unique name for the export connector at export setup time. The name is used to refer to your export connector in the Kofax Capture Export Connectors window. This field is not required, but may help you track export connectors when using the Multiple Export feature.
Refer to your Kofax Capture Help for more information about the Multiple Export feature.

IBM FileNet Content Manager Object Store

When setting up the export connector, you can easily select the IBM FileNet Content Manager object store to use for exported documents.

Choice List Properties Supported

IBM FileNet Content Manager Choice List properties are supported. To export to the object store, you must know the choice list values and link appropriate Kofax Values to the Choice List properties. Note that Choice List properties are not visually different from non-choice list properties.
For more information about the Choice List properties, refer to the documentation for your IBM FileNet Content Manager product.
Kofax Export Connector 8.2.0 for IBM FileNet Content Manager Administrator's Guide

Duplicate Documents

Use the export connector to select the behavior to occur at export time when an exported document has the same Document Title property as another document that exists in the same folder location within the object store. You can specify that the duplicate document be exported to the object store or, if applicable, rejected to the Kofax Capture Quality Control module.

Export Working Folder

The export connector requires that you set up a temporary storage location to copy document images at export time. Your images reside in this location temporarily as they are transferred from Kofax Capture or Kofax Express to the object store.
If the export working folder does not exist at export setup, you are given the option to create the specified folder or select a different folder. If the folder does not exist at export time, the folder is automatically created.

Export to 'Unfiled Documents' Folder

On the Destination Settings tab, select the “Unfile documents” check box to export documents to the Unfiled Documents folder in IBM FileNet Content Manager.

Multiple Values

This export connector supports properties that contain multiple values. You can specify the delimiter to separate the values when entering multiple values for your document and folder class properties using the “Multi-value separator” option on the General Settings tab. For example, if you specified a single semicolon (;) delimiter for the multi-value separator, you would enter the following:
For more information, see the online Help for the General Settings tab.

Online Help for Export Setup

Online Help is available from the export connector setup window. You can click the Help button to get information about individual settings on each tab on the setup window.

Image Support

This export connector supports the following file formats / compression formats:
▪ Multipage TIFF - Group 3, Group 3/2D, and Group 4 Compression
▪ Multipage TIFF - Uncompressed Image Format
▪ Multipage TIFF - JPEG Compression
▪ Single page TIFF - Group 3, Group 3/2D, and Group 4 Compression
▪ Single page TIFF - Uncompressed Image Format
▪ Single page TIFF - JPEG Compression
▪ JPG - JPEG Compression
Kofax Export Connector 8.2.0 for IBM FileNet Content Manager Administrator's Guide
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