Kofax Communication Server 9.1.1 User Manual

Release Notes
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Changes in Behavior ............................................................................................................................................................5
PDF to TIFF Scaling ........................................................................................................................................................5
Use User-Defined Fonts for Document Conversion ..................................................................................................5
TC/LINK-SM Temporary Directory ............................................................................................................................ 6
TC/Probe Not Working for TC/LINK-MX7 .............................................................................................................. 6
IP Printer Retry Behavior .............................................................................................................................................. 7
Enhanced Message Flow Information ......................................................................................................................... 7
Improved Handling of Illegal Characters in LDAP .................................................................................................. 8
Enhancements in LDAP DirSync ..................................................................................................................................9
TC/LINK-LN: Disable Sorting to Improve Performance ......................................................................................... 9
TC/LINK-LN: Some Messages Cannot Be Processed .............................................................................................10
Email Header in Body Text .........................................................................................................................................10
KCS Printer Driver Changes ....................................................................................................................................... 10
KCS FoIP: Suppression of Redirecting Number ...................................................................................................... 11
KCS FoIP: Use Redirecting Number for Fax Calls ..................................................................................................11
KCS FoIP: Call Peers Blocking ....................................................................................................................................12
TCOSS: Consistent Administration and Filtering of Groups .................................................................................12
TCfW: Authorizing of Own Messages Can Be Disabled ........................................................................................12
TCfW: Mark Resent, Rerouted, Resubmitted, and Forwarded Messages as Duplicates ....................................13
TCfW: License Window Removed ............................................................................................................................. 13
TCfW: New Reroute Options ......................................................................................................................................13
TCfW: Filter Cancelled Messages in Outbox ............................................................................................................13
TCfW, TCWeb: Users Can Be Denied the Right to Mark Messages Complete ................................................... 14
TC/Web: New Authorization Options ......................................................................................................................14
TC/Web VoiceMail Security Policy ........................................................................................................................... 15
Support Changes ................................................................................................................................................................17
Phaseout of TC/LINK-CCD ........................................................................................................................................ 17
Phaseout of TC/LINK-GW ..........................................................................................................................................17
TS85 Hardware Status Box Cannot Be Selected .......................................................................................................17
Known Issues ......................................................................................................................................................................19
KCS EasyConfig Update ..............................................................................................................................................19
Symantec Tamper Protection Alert During KCS Client Setup .............................................................................. 19
About This Release ............................................................................................................................................................ 21
Resolved Problems .............................................................................................................................................................23
Modules Overview ............................................................................................................................................................ 29
KCS Client Software Modules .................................................................................................................................... 29
Kofax Communication Server Release Notes
KCS Software Modules ................................................................................................................................................ 30
Kofax Communication Server Release Notes
This section contains information about the differences in behavior between Kofax Communication Server 9.1.1 and previous releases.

PDF to TIFF Scaling

KCS supports PDF to TIFF conversion with scaling to a configurable page size. Supported page sizes are Letter, Legal, A3, A4, A5. (SPR00072019)
The page size can be configured in the printer settings of the “TOPCALL TIFF to TCDC” printer (parameter Paper Size).
Scaling can be enabled/disabled with the DWORD registry value:
Setting the value to 1 enables the scaling of the image. Setting it to 0 disables the scaling of the image (0 is the default setting).
Chapter 1

Changes in Behavior

For more information, see:
KCS Document Conversion Technical Manual, version 2.16.00 edition 5
Chapter Image to TCI Conversion - Configuration

Use User-Defined Fonts for Document Conversion

KCS Document Conversion (in particular, its Datalogics library) can now be configured to search for fonts only in user-defined path. This can prevent problems with using Windows fonts. (SPR00070526)
This behavior is controlled by the following registry value:
Setting the value to 1 tells the Datalogics document conversion library to search for fonts only in the user defined path. Setting it to 0 allows Datalogics to use fonts from other locations (0 is the default setting).
The path to user-defined fonts is configurable in the following registry value:
For more information, see:
KCS Document Conversion Technical Manual, version 2.16.00 edition 5
Chapter Image to TCI Conversion - Configuration
Kofax Communication Server Release Notes
Changes in Behavior

TC/LINK-SM Temporary Directory

The default temporary work directory of links based on TC/LINK-SM is now changed from
C:\TEMP\<link name> to C:\TCOSS\TCLP\WORK\<link name>. The directory is created
automatically if it does not exist on link startup. (SPR00070431)
This applies only to new installations.
The following links are affected:
For more information, see:
TC/LINK-MX7 Technical Manual, version 1.01.06 edition 8
Chapter Installation - Prerequisites
TC/LINK-SM / TC-LINK-OC Technical Manual, version 2.07.00 edition 2
Chapter Installation - Prerequisites

TC/Probe Not Working for TC/LINK-MX7

TC/Probe is now properly working with TC/LINK-MX7. An additional installation step is necessary: You need to create a TCOSS service for sending to TC/Probe. (SPR00070752, SPR00089499)
Use the following service settings:
▪ As the address type, select “Free address”.
▪ As the prefix, use the probe agent user name followed by a colon, for example
▪ Support text, image, restricted text, and binary.
This service will be used in the sender address of all Probe messages. Probe destinations must support sending to this service. For Lotus Notes, this means that a foreign domain has to be created for the service.
TC/Probe and TC/LINK-MX7 have to be restarted after creating the service.
If you use TC/PROBE also for monitoring SMS traffic (TC/LINK-WM or TC/LINK-MD), additional steps are needed:
▪ Start the registry editor and go to the Probe subkey of the link instance.
▪ Write the probe user name into the registry value Probe\ProbeAgent.
▪ Write the probe service name into the registry value Probe\ProbeService.
These registry values are used by TC/LINK-WM and TC/LINK-MD map files.
Kofax Communication Server Release Notes
For more information, see:
TC Probe Manual, version 1.01.00 edition 2
Chapter Installation, Configuration, Maintenance - Installation Steps
Chapter Probe-Specific TCLINK Configuration Options - Probe SMS Messages

IP Printer Retry Behavior

The retry behavior of KCS IP Printer can now be configured to reduce the priority of print jobs that fail to print on the first attempt. Use the new configuration parameter TcPriorityChange to enable this feature. The default behavior is unchanged. (SPR00072418)
For more information, see:
KCS IP Printer Manual, version 2.10.01 edition 1
Chapter Installation

Enhanced Message Flow Information

TCLINK can now write message flow information into four custom fields of TCOSS send orders. The following registry values under HKLM\SOFTWARE\TOPCALL are now available for each link instance and define which information is stored in the custom fields: (SPR00090085, SPR00090101)
Changes in Behavior
▪ CorrAddress - Custom field ID to store the original sender address
▪ CorrLinkName - Custom field ID to store the link instance name, in syntax “Computer
▪ CorrLinkQueue - Custom field ID to store the default queue name of the link that received
the message
▪ CorrMapped - Custom field ID to store information about success or failure of shadow user
lookup (yes means success, no means failure)
In each registry value, you can specify the custom field where the information should be stored (1..4). If you set a value to 0, that information is not saved.
Multiple restrictions apply:
▪ A link exit might overwrite the custom fields before the message is posted.
▪ Send orders posted via applications other than links might hold custom field information
with different meaning.
▪ TCLINK does not write custom field information into immediate replies to TC/Probe.
▪ Custom field values may get truncated by TCOSS. Each field can have 128 characters, but
the total length of all four custom fields is limited to 320 characters.
TC/Report stores this information in its database and it can now display it in its UNIV and UNIV_GRAPH reports.
TCOSS copies custom fields from the original send order to all events, notifications and send copy messages triggered by that send order. Therefore, there is a new parameter WithNotifs in UNIV and UNIV_GRAPH. Set WithNotifs to NO to eliminate notifications and sending copies for messages from non-KCS users. Set WithEvents to NO to eliminate events triggered
Kofax Communication Server Release Notes
Changes in Behavior
by the sender's KCS user profile. If both WithNotifs and WithEvents are set to NO, only the original send orders are displayed in the report.
Note Backup databases created with this version of TC/Report contain the new fields. The existing backup databases are not updated to contain them. Therefore, it is not possible to make UNIV and UNIV_GRAPH reports from existing backup databases: you must add the fields manually to the backup databases (action_table), e.g. using the SQL Server Management Studio.
For more information, see:
TC/LINK Technical Manual, version 2.26.00 edition 3
Chapter Product Description - Message Flow Monitoring Option
Chapter Registry Keys Used by TCLINK.EXE - Subkey <linkname>\TOPCALL
TC Report User Manual, version 2.15.00 edition 1
Chapter Report Types - Enhanced Universal Report (UNIV)
TC Report Technical Manual, version 2.15.00 edition 1
Chapter Structure of TC Report - Database - Content of the Database

Improved Handling of Illegal Characters in LDAP

You can now configure how LDAP directory synchronization handles characters that cannot be converted to local character set. You can configure a character that should replace the illegal ones, and decide what to do if an illegal character is found in an object name. (SPR00089532)
Two new registry values control this behavior (in the subkey Dirsync below the registry subkey of the link instance):
▪ ImportIfNameConversionFails - Set it to 1 (default) to import objects even if their name
cannot be converted without loss to the local character set. Set it to 0 to only import objects where no characters are lost during conversion to local character set.
▪ ReplacementCharacter - Specify a single character replacing characters that cannot be
converted to the local Windows codepage. By default, this is the question mark (?).
For more information, see:
LDAP Directory Synchronization Technical Manual, version 1.00.12 edition 5
Chapter LDAP DirSync with Windows Active Directory - Functionality - Configuration
Kofax Communication Server Release Notes

Enhancements in LDAP DirSync

LDAP directory synchronization now has two new features: (SPR00091400)
▪ You can now specify domain for directory synchronization.
▪ Dirsync history is now saved for multiple domain controllers. If the most recently
used domain controller is unavailable, and a different one has been used before, only incremental dirsync is performed.
New / changed registry keys:
▪ ADDCName - changed to contain the fully qualified name of the preferred domain
▪ ADDomain - new key, contains the fully qualified name of the preferred domain.
▪ Dirsync/Servers - new subkey that holds information about all domain controllers
contacted during Dirsync. This information allows an incremental update dirsync when connecting to various domain controllers.
For more information, see:
Changes in Behavior
LDAP Directory Synchronization Technical Manual, version 1.00.12 edition 5
Chapter LDAP DirSync with Windows Active Directory - Functionality - Binding to Active Directory
Chapter LDAP DirSync with Windows Active Directory - Functionality - Configuration
Chapter LDAP DirSync with Windows Active Directory - Prerequisites

TC/LINK-LN: Disable Sorting to Improve Performance

TC/LINK-LN can become very slow when many messages are queued for processing from Lotus Notes to Kofax Communication Server. This is because the link sorts messages by priority and send date. Sorting of messages can be a time-consuming operation. (SPR00092096)
If the order of the messages is not important, sorting can now be disabled, thus increasing the performance. This behavior is controlled by the following registry value:
▪ Setting the value to 0 disables the sorting. Message order depends on how Lotus Notes
provides the messages.
▪ Setting the value to 1 enables the sorting. Message order depends on priority and send date
(current behavior, default value).
For more information, see:
TC/LINK-LN Technical Manual, version 2.16.00 edition 3
Chapter Hints / Troubleshooting - Slow Processing When Many Messages Are Queued
Chapter Appendix - LINK-LN Registry Entries - Notes Specific Parameter
Kofax Communication Server Release Notes
Changes in Behavior

TC/LINK-LN: Some Messages Cannot Be Processed

With Lotus Notes client software older than release 8.5.3, some messages cannot be processed by TC/LINK-LN. Installing Lotus Notes client 8.5.3 on the TC/LINK computer solves the problem. (SPR00092299)
For more information, see:
TC/LINK-LN Technical Manual, version 2.17.01 edition 2
Chapter Hints / Troubleshooting - Some Messages Cannot be Processed

Email Header in Body Text

Email header information like date, from, to, and subject can be added to the email body at the very beginning. This feature is available for TC/LINK-SM, TC/LINK-SDD, and TC/ LINK-MX7. (SPR00093319)
This feature is configured either during setup of the appropriate link, or later via the following registry values:
Set ExitDll to ExitEmailHeader.dll to enable the feature. Additional options are described in the manual.
You can configure the format of the header by editing the file ExitEmailHeaderConfig.txt in the folder c:\tcoss\tclp\. This UTF-8 text file consists of internal variables defining the HTML snippets of the header that is to be created.
▪ No other TC/LINK Exit is supported if this feature is enabled.
▪ RTF body is not supported.
▪ Characters from non-binary message parts (e.g. subject) are converted to the configured
TCOSS code page.
▪ If you use text directives (++ commands) to modify e.g. message subject, the subject is not
exchanged in the generated email header in body text.
For more information, see:
TC/LINK-SM / TC/LINK-OC Technical Manual, version 2.07.00 edition 5
Chapter Installation - Common Installation Steps - TC/LINK-SM Easy Installation
Chapter Installation - Special Features - Email Header in Body Text

KCS Printer Driver Changes

The default value of the parameter “Enable advanced printing features” in KCS printer properties is now disabled (check box is cleared); both on new installations and when
Kofax Communication Server Release Notes
upgrading to this release. The new value prevents document conversion problems. (SPR00091840)
For more information, see:
TC/PDD User Manual, version 3.03.00 edition 5
Chapter Hints - Advanced Printing Features May Cause Document Conversion Problems

KCS FoIP: Suppression of Redirecting Number

KCS Fax over IP can be configured to suppress the redirecting number; i.e., the number of the party that has diverted the call is not evaluated. This function can be used e.g. if you want to use a common voice mail box for multiple users. (SPR00092220)
To suppress the redirecting number
Using WConfig, for UFI channels, set the most significant bit of line 295, position 3 to 1.
E.g., if the current number was “01”, change it to “81” hexadecimal. Enter a similar line to the number conversion lines of the UFI channels (starting with line
Where xxxx is the number to which most of the phones are redirected, e.g. 5960. Restart FoIP.
Changes in Behavior
For more information, see:
KCS FoIP Technical Manual, version 3.13.05 edition 1
Chapter Integration with KCS - Supplementary Services - Call Diversion (Redirecting Number) - Suppression of Redirecting Number

KCS FoIP: Use Redirecting Number for Fax Calls

By default, inbound fax messages can be distributed according to the called party number (DDI/MSN). KCS FoIP can now be configured to use the redirecting number for fax calls. (SPR00093076)
Using WConfig, for UFI channels, set the least significant bit of the line 286, position 8 to
1 (e.g. from “00” to “01”). Enter similar lines to the number conversion lines of the UFI channels (starting with line
ATN~=0~ ATI~=00~ ATS~=~
(PBX might send the redirecting number along with the flag national/international/ subscriber number. This flag has to be converted to the corresponding prefix.)
Restart FoIP.
If this feature is enabled and a redirecting number is present, the redirecting number is used instead of the called party number.
This feature does not work if the redirecting number is suppressed.
Kofax Communication Server Release Notes
Changes in Behavior
For more information, see:
KCS FoIP Technical Manual, version 3.13.05 edition 1
Chapter Integration with KCS - Supplementary Services - Call Diversion (Redirecting Number) - Use Redirecting Number for Fax Calls

KCS FoIP: Call Peers Blocking

It is now possible to configure KCS Fax over IP to accept only incoming calls from IP addresses that match with any of the configured call peers. (SPR00103349)
This behavior is configured per TCOSS fax channel, in the config line 291, position 13:
▪ 00 – accept inbound calls from all IP addresses (default)
▪ 01 – do not accept inbound calls from IP addresses that do not match the IP of any call peer
For more information, see:
KCS Fax over IP Technical Manual, version 3.13.05 edition 3
Chapter Integration with KCS - Configuration Values - Description of UFI Specific Configuration Lines

TCOSS: Consistent Administration and Filtering of Groups

The level of control of a group administrator over other groups that start with the same string (e.g. group administrator for “Group1” controlling group “Group1A”) was inconsistent. Strict filtering was done on open send orders, while terminated send orders were filtered as if a wildcard had been added to the group. (SPR00102440)
The behavior is now configurable in SYSCONF, line 18, position 4. Two new flags have been added:
▪ 02 ... always add wildcard to group filter (i.e., filter on “Group1” works like “Group1*”
▪ 04 ... extend list rights to all subgroups (i.e., right for “Group1” gives also rights for
By default, these options are disabled, i.e., wild card is not added automatically to the group filter, and group administrators do not have access to groups starting with the same string as their group name.
For more information, see:
TCOSS Configuration Manual, version 7.90.09 edition 5
Chapter Config Files - Common Config Parameters (SYSCONF)

TCfW: Authorizing of Own Messages Can Be Disabled

A new user right has been added to the Authorize/Sign tab in TCfW user profiles: “Authorize own messages”. Users with this right can authorize their own messages. This right is enabled by default for all authorizer users. (SPR00092165)
Kofax Communication Server Release Notes
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