Kofax Ascen 7.1 Release Script User Manual

Ascent® 7.1 Release Script for
FileNet Content Manager 4.0
© 1994 - 2010 Kofax, Inc., 15211 Laguna Canyon Road, Irvine, California 92618, U.S.A. All rights reserved. Use is subject to license terms.
Third-party software is copyrighted and licensed from Kofax's suppliers. This product includes software developed by the Apache Software Foundation (http://www.apache.org/).
This product is protected by U.S. Patent No. 6,370,277.
Kofax, the Kofax logo, Ascent Capture, the Ascent Capture logo, and Ascent are trademarks or registered trademarks of Kofax, Inc. in the U.S. and other countries.
FileNet Content Manager is a registered trademark of FileNet Corporation.
Microsoft and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
All other product names and logos are trade and service marks of their respective companies.
U.S. Government Rights Commercial software. Government users are subject to the Kofax, Inc. standard license agreement and applicable provisions of the FAR and its supplements.
You agree that you do not intend to and will not, directly or indirectly, export or transmit the Software or related documentation and technical data to any country to which such export or transmission is restricted by any applicable U.S. regulation or statute, without the prior written consent, if required, of the Bureau of Export Administration of the U.S. Department of Commerce, or such other governmental entity as may have jurisdiction over such export or transmission. You represent and warrant that you are not located in, under the control of, or a national or resident of any such country.


Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................1
Additional Documentation ..................................................................................................................1
System Requirements ...................................................................................................................................2
FileNet Content Manager Server Support .........................................................................................2
Client Operating System Support .......................................................................................................2
Administration and Release Workstations – Additional Requirements .......................................2
Source Code ............................................................................................................................................3
Features ..........................................................................................................................................................5
Ascent Values / FileNet Content Manager Properties ....................................................................5
Ascent Capture Value {Document GUID} .........................................................................................5
Document Storage .................................................................................................................................5
Folder Creation ......................................................................................................................................5
Release Script Information Interchange Supported .........................................................................6
File Name Retention Supported ..........................................................................................................6
SecurityBoost Supported ......................................................................................................................6
FileNet Content Manager Object Store ...............................................................................................6
Choice List Properties Supported .......................................................................................................6
Duplicate Documents ............................................................................................................................7
Release Working Directory ..................................................................................................................7
Multiple Values ......................................................................................................................................7
Multiple Release Supported .................................................................................................................7
Online Help Available for Release Setup ...........................................................................................7
Image Support ........................................................................................................................................8
Kofax PDF Support ........................................................................................................................8
OCR Full Text Support ..................................................................................................................8
eDocument Support .......................................................................................................................8
Additional Information ................................................................................................................................9
Binary and Object Properties Not Supported ....................................................................................9
Viewing FileNet Content Manager Data in Release Setup ..............................................................9
Skip First Page ........................................................................................................................................9
{Index Operator’s Station ID} Ascent Capture Value .......................................................................9
Document and Folder Names ............................................................................................................10
Document Title Property .............................................................................................................10
Folder Name Property .................................................................................................................10
Multi-value Separator Option ............................................................................................................11
Viewing Content Elements .................................................................................................................11
Viewing Duplicate Documents in FileNet Content Manager Administrative Tools ................12
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File Name Retention Feature .............................................................................................................12
Behavior of the SupportsOriginalFileName Property ............................................................13
File Name Considerations ..................................................................................................................14
Duplicate File Names ...................................................................................................................14
Sharing Data Among Release Scripts ...............................................................................................16
Enable eDocument Processing ...........................................................................................................16
OCR Full Text Options .......................................................................................................................17
Kofax PDF Options ..............................................................................................................................18
Installing the Release Script ......................................................................................................................19
Important Note About Installation ...................................................................................................19
Installation Instructions ......................................................................................................................19
Upgrading the Release Script ....................................................................................................................19
Application Maintenance ..........................................................................................................................20
Repairing the Release Script ..............................................................................................................20
Removing the Release Script ..............................................................................................................21
Logging On to the Release Script .............................................................................................................22
Setting Up the Release Script ....................................................................................................................25
Storage Settings Tab ............................................................................................................................25
Folder Settings Tab .............................................................................................................................26
Document Settings Tab .......................................................................................................................27
Image Settings Tab ..............................................................................................................................28
General Settings Tab ...........................................................................................................................29
Publishing a Batch Class ............................................................................................................................30
Releasing Batches ........................................................................................................................................31
Known Problems ........................................................................................................................................32
Problems with the Administration and Release Modules .............................................................32
Problems When Installing on Windows XP ....................................................................................32
Problems When Uninstalling the Release Script .............................................................................33
Document Title Property ....................................................................................................................33
Document and Folder Classes That Do Not Allow Instances .......................................................33
Revoking User Permissions to the Object Store ..............................................................................33
Removing Or Renaming Folders in the FileNet Content Manager Object Store .......................33
Unexpected Behavior With the Release Working Directory .........................................................34
Documents Released with Unrecognized MIME Type ..................................................................34
Empty Folders May Be Created .........................................................................................................34
Intermittent Permission Error ............................................................................................................34
Appendix A – Data Type Compatibility .................................................................................................35
Valid Boolean Formats ........................................................................................................................35
Ascent Value Data Types ...................................................................................................................35
Ascent Capture Values .......................................................................................................................36
Text Constants ......................................................................................................................................37
Appendix B – FileNet Content Manager Permissions ...........................................................................38
Adding Access Permissions to the FileNet Content Manager Domain .......................................38
iv Kofax, Inc.
Recommended Permissions ...............................................................................................................39
FileNet Content Manager Domain .............................................................................................39
FileNet Content Manager Object Store .....................................................................................39
Create Folders ...............................................................................................................................39
Release Documents ......................................................................................................................39
Release Script Behavior .......................................................................................................................40
Appendix C – Kofax Technical Support .................................................................................................41
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This document contains the release notes for the Ascent 7.1 Release Script for FileNet Content Manager 4.0, which supports FileNet Content Manager version 4.0. This release script copies document images, OCR full text files, Kofax PDF documents, eDocuments, and writes data from Ascent Capture into FileNet Content Manager 4.0.
Please read these release notes carefully as they contain information not included in the Ascent Capture Help or printed documentation.

Additional Documentation

These release notes are a supplement to the following:
Ascent Capture Advanced Features GuideAscent Capture Release NotesGetting Started with Ascent Capture guideInstallation Guide for Ascent Capture and Ascent Capture Internet ServerLearning Ascent Capture guideHelp provided from any of the Ascent Capture modulesHelp provided with the Ascent 7.1 Release Script for FileNet Content Manager 4.0
Ascent® 7.1 Release Script for FileNet Content Manager 4.0 Release Notes
For more information about FileNet Content Manager or other FileNet products, contact your FileNet Content Manager representative or refer to the documentation that came with your FileNet Content Manager product.
Tip For additional information about Kofax products, visit our Web site at www.kofax.com and
go to the Technical Support pages. The Technical Support Web pages provide product-specific information, such as current revision levels, the latest drivers and software patches, technical tips, and a searchable knowledgebase. In addition, updates to product documentation (if any) are available from these pages.
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Ascent® 7.1 Release Script for FileNet Content Manager 4.0 Release Notes

System Requirements

The Ascent 7.1 Release Script for FileNet Content Manager 4.0 requires the following components to be installed prior to installing this release script.

FileNet Content Manager Server Support

The Ascent 7.1 Release Script for FileNet Content Manager 4.0 requires the following network server components:
FileNet Content Manager Content Engine version 4.0FileNet Content Manager supported database
Note This release script was tested using FileNet Content Manager version 4.0 on a
Windows 2003 Server (with Service Pack 1), and Microsoft SQL Server 2000 (with Service Pack 4). The clients used were running Windows XP SP2 and Windows 2000 SP4. The DNS Server running the Active Directory server is running on a Windows 2000 Server SP4.

Client Operating System Support

The Ascent 7.1 Release Script for FileNet Content Manager 4.0 supports the following client operating systems:
Windows 2000 Professional with Service Pack 4Windows 2000 Advanced Server with Service Pack 4Windows Server 2003 (Standard or Enterprise Edition)Windows XP Professional with Service Pack 2
Note At the time of publishing these release notes, the Ascent 7.1 Release Script for FileNet
Content Manager 4.0 was certified with the Service Packs listed above.

Administration and Release Workstations – Additional Requirements

The Ascent Capture Administration and Release workstations must have the following components installed:
Ascent Capture 7.0, Ascent Capture 7.5, Kofax Capture 8, or Kofax Capture 9Web Services Enhancements (WSE) 2.0 SP3 for Microsoft .NET
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Ascent® 7.1 Release Script for FileNet Content Manager 4.0 Release Notes

Source Code

The source code for the Ascent 7.1 Release Script for FileNet Content Manager 4.0 is provided and it is located on the Ascent 7.1 Release Script for FileNet Content Manager 4.0 installation CD. Note that two source code projects are provided on the installation CD. The release script source code project can be opened, edited, and compiled in Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 with Service Pack 6. The connector, connector interface, and connector interface factory projects can be opened in Microsoft Visual Studio 2003 SP1.
X To modify the release script
1 Install the FileNet Content Manager release script. Refer to Installing the Release Script on
page 19 for the installation instructions. When you install the FileNet Content Manager
release script, you will install the required components referenced in the source code.
2 Open the FileNet Content Manager release script project. Make sure the project references
point to the type library files installed with the release script
(Kofax.P8Rel4_v7.ConnectorInterface.tlb and
Kofax.P8Rel4_v7.ConnectorInterfaceFactory.tlb). Make any desired modifications, and
compile the FileNet Content Manager source code in Visual Basic.
Note If Microsoft Visual Basic displays a “Permission denied” error, you must close the
Ascent Capture Administration and Release modules before attempting to compile the
release script source code.
3 Copy the P8Rel4_v7.dll to the installation directory (for example, C:\Program
Files\Ascent\CAP\P8Rel4_v7). When you are prompted to replace the existing file, select
4 Register the P8Rel4_v7.dll using the following command line:
regsvr32 “C:\Program Files\Ascent\CAP\P8Rel4_v7\P8Rel4_v7.dll”
You will need to repeat this procedure on each Administration and Release workstation that will be using the FileNet Content Manager release script.
Note To successfully modify and compile the release script, development must occur on a
workstation with the appropriate versions of Ascent Capture and CAPTools.
Refer to the documentation that came with your FileNet Content Manager product and Visual Basic documentation for assistance.
X To modify the connector, connector interface, or connector interface factory
1 Install the FileNet Content Manager release script. Refer to Installing the Release Script on
page 19 for the installation instructions.
2 Open the solution Connector.sln, which contains the connector, connector interface, and
connector interface factory projects. Make any desired modifications, and rebuild the
solution in Microsoft Visual Studio 2003 SP1 under the Release build configuration.
3 Copy the following files to the installation directory (for example, C:\Program
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Ascent® 7.1 Release Script for FileNet Content Manager 4.0 Release Notes
When you are prompted to replace the existing files, select “Yes.”
4 Register the Kofax.P8Rel4_v7.ConnectorInterface.dll and the
Kofax.P8Rel4_v7.ConnectorInterfaceFactory.dll by invoking the regasm command in the
command line prompt. The command to register these dll’s is:
regasm.exe [InstallDir]\<name of .dll> /codebase /tlb
For example:
regasm.exe C:\Program
Files\Ascent\CAP\P8Rel4_v7\Kofax.P8Rel4_v7.ConnectorInterface.dll /codebase /tlb
Note regasm.exe is located in C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\. To
run this executable, you can navigate to this folder and run it or place this path in the Path
environment variable and run it from any location.
5 Re-compile the release script using steps 2 through 4 in the “To modify the release script”
section above. These steps ensure that the release script references the newly registered
connector interface and connector interface factory.
Note Make sure that the project references the two .tlb files.
Note To successfully modify and compile the connector, connector interface, or connector
interface factory, development must occur on a workstation with Microsoft WSE 2.0 SP3
(development setup).
4 Kofax, Inc.
Ascent® 7.1 Release Script for FileNet Content Manager 4.0 Release Notes


This section contains information about features provided with the Ascent 7.1 Release Script for FileNet Content Manager 4.0.
The Ascent 7.1 Release Script for FileNet Content Manager 4.0 provides an easy-to-use setup dialog box available from the Ascent Capture Administration module. The Ascent 7.1 Release Script for FileNet Content Manager 4.0 — Release Setup dialog box allows you to specify release settings at batch class setup time that control how documents, folders, and other information are released into the FileNet Content Manager object store.

Ascent Values / FileNet Content Manager Properties

The Ascent 7.1 Release Script for FileNet Content Manager 4.0 provides an easy-to-use interface for linking Ascent Capture Ascent Values to FileNet Content Manager document properties and folder properties. Examples of Ascent Values include Document index fields, Folder index fields, Batch fields, Ascent Capture Values, and Text Constants. The names of “required” FileNet Content Manager properties within a document class or folder class are marked with an asterisk (*), giving you a visual indicator that certain fields must be linked.

Ascent Capture Value {Document GUID}

The Ascent Capture Value {Document GUID} is a new value that can be used for index fields and release values. The Ascent Capture Value is a type of document ID that is unique across the central site and all remote sites that comprise an Ascent Capture installation. This Document GUID is the concatenation of the Batch GUID and the document ID number. For example, a Batch GUID of {D3C58EE2-5627-443b-BBFA-EE7A5790482A} and a document ID of 123 will yield {D3C58EE2-5627-443b-BBFA-EE7A5790482A} 123 as the Document GUID.

Document Storage

With the Ascent 7.1 Release Script for FileNet Content Manager 4.0, you can specify new or existing folders for storing documents in the FileNet Content Manager object store for release. You can use Ascent Capture Ascent Values to specify a document name or folder name.

Folder Creation

When releasing to user-defined folders, the release script searches the FileNet Content Manager object store to locate a folder based on the Folder Name property and the location of the FileNet Content Manager object store.
If the folder is found, this folder will be used for release. The existing properties of the folder will not change, even if Ascent Values are linked to the properties for the folder.
If the folder is not found, a new folder is created in FileNet Content Manager using the values specified at release setup.
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Ascent® 7.1 Release Script for FileNet Content Manager 4.0 Release Notes

Release Script Information Interchange Supported

The Ascent 7.1 Release Script for FileNet Content Manager 4.0 supports the Ascent Capture Release Script Information Interchange feature. This feature allows the release scripts to pass information to other release scripts.
Refer to Sharing Data Among Release Scripts on page 16 for more information.

File Name Retention Supported

The Ascent 7.1 Release Script for FileNet Content Manager 4.0 supports the Ascent Capture File Name Retention feature. This feature allows you to retain the original imported file name.
Refer to File Name Retention Feature on page 12 for more information.

SecurityBoost Supported

The Ascent 7.1 Release Script for FileNet Content Manager 4.0 supports the Ascent Capture SecurityBoost feature. The SecurityBoost feature allows you to enhance Ascent Capture security for systems using Windows XP and Windows 2000.
Refer to your Ascent Capture Help for more information about the SecurityBoost feature. (Ascent Capture Help keyword: SecurityBoost > about)

FileNet Content Manager Object Store

When setting up the Ascent 7.1 Release Script for FileNet Content Manager 4.0, you can easily select the FileNet Content Manager object store to use for your released documents.

Choice List Properties Supported

FileNet Content Manager Choice List properties are supported. To enable releasing to the FileNet Content Manager object store, you must know the choice list values and link appropriate Ascent Values to the Choice List properties. Note that Choice List properties are not visually different from non-choice list properties.
For more information about the FileNet Content Manager Choice List properties, refer to the documentation that came with your FileNet Content Manager product.
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Ascent® 7.1 Release Script for FileNet Content Manager 4.0 Release Notes

Duplicate Documents

The Ascent 7.1 Release Script for FileNet Content Manager 4.0 allows you to select the behavior to occur at release time when a released document has the same Document Title property as another document that exists in the same folder location within the FileNet Content Manager object store. You can specify that the duplicate document be released to the object store or rejected to the Ascent Capture Quality Control module.

Release Working Directory

The Ascent 7.1 Release Script for FileNet Content Manager 4.0 requires that you set up a temporary storage location to copy document images at release time. Your images reside in this location temporarily as they are transferred from Ascent Capture to the FileNet Content Manager object store.
If the release working directory does not exist at release setup, you will be given the option to create the specified directory or select a different directory. On the other hand, if the directory does not exist at release time, the directory will automatically be created.

Multiple Values

The Ascent 7.1 Release Script for FileNet Content Manager 4.0 supports properties that contain multiple values. You can specify the desired delimiter to separate the values when entering multiple values for your document and folder class properties using the Multi-value separator option as specified on the General Settings tab. For example, if you specified a single semi-colon (;) delimiter for the multi-value separator, you would enter the following:
Refer to Multi-value Separator Option on page 11 for more information.

Multiple Release Supported

The Ascent 7.1 Release Script for FileNet Content Manager 4.0 supports the Ascent Capture Multiple Release feature. This feature allows you to assign multiple release scripts to a document class.
In addition, this release script allows you to provide a unique name for your script at release setup time. The name is used to refer to your release script in the Ascent Capture Release Scripts dialog box. This field is not required, but may help you to keep track of your release scripts when using the Multiple Release feature.
Refer to your Ascent Capture Help for more information about the Multiple Release feature. (Ascent Capture Help keyword: Multiple release)

Online Help Available for Release Setup

The Ascent 7.1 Release Script for FileNet Content Manager 4.0 Help is installed with your release script. It is available from the Administration module when you are setting up your release script. You can click the Help button from the Ascent 7.1 Release Script for FileNet Content Manager 4.0 — Release Setup dialog box to display help information about release options.
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Ascent® 7.1 Release Script for FileNet Content Manager 4.0 Release Notes

Image Support

This release script supports the following file formats / compression formats:
Multipage TIFF — Group 3, Group 3/2D, and Group 4 CompressionMultipage TIFF — Uncompressed Image FormatMultipage TIFF — JPEG CompressionSingle page TIFF — Group 3, Group 3/2D, and Group 4 CompressionSingle page TIFF — Uncompressed Image FormatSingle page TIFF — JPEG CompressionJPG — JPEG CompressionPCX — PackBytes CompressionKofax PDF

Kofax PDF Support

With the Ascent 7.1 Release Script for FileNet Content Manager 4.0, you can release Kofax PDF documents into the FileNet Content Manager object store. Kofax PDF is bundled with Ascent Capture and does not require additional software implementation. Kofax PDF documents can be saved in the following output types:
PDF Image Only PDF Image + Text
Refer to Kofax PDF Options on page 18 for more information about Kofax PDF documents.

OCR Full Text Support

With the Ascent 7.1 Release Script for FileNet Content Manager 4.0, you can release documents processed through the Ascent Capture OCR Full Text module into the FileNet Content Manager object store.
Refer to OCR Full Text Options on page 17 for more information about OCR full text files.

eDocument Support

With the Ascent 7.1 Release Script for FileNet Content Manager 4.0, you do not need to limit your batches to image files. eDocuments are supported for release into FileNet Content Manager.
Refer to Enable eDocument Processing on page 16 for more information about eDocument files.
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Ascent® 7.1 Release Script for FileNet Content Manager 4.0 Release Notes

Additional Information

This section contains additional information about the Ascent 7.1 Release Script for FileNet Content Manager 4.0.

Binary and Object Properties Not Supported

The Ascent 7.1 Release Script for FileNet Content Manager 4.0 does not support document classes or folder classes that contain the Binary or Object properties. Note the following:
If Binary and/or Object properties are not required and are part of the selected document
or folder class, the properties will be hidden.
If Binary and/or Object properties are required and are part of the selected document or
folder class, you will receive an error message at release setup when you attempt to select the document or folder class. In addition, you will not be able to select the document or folder class.

Viewing FileNet Content Manager Data in Release Setup

All FileNet Content Manager information is refreshed in release setup when you log in to the release script. This includes the available object stores, document classes, document properties, folder classes, folder properties, and existing folders. Also, whenever you select an object store in release setup, available document classes, folder classes, and existing folders are refreshed. In addition, whenever you select a class in release setup, the document and folder properties are refreshed. However, if document or folder properties are modified in FileNet Content Manager after the first time a class is selected, you must log out of the release script and log back in to see the latest properties.

Skip First Page

The “Skip first page of each document” option as specified on the General Settings tab, allows you to discard the first page of each document from the image. However, if you are releasing only one image in a document and you select this option, release will fail and the document will be routed to the Ascent Capture Quality Control module.

{Index Operator’s Station ID} Ascent Capture Value

The Ascent Capture Value {Index Operator’s Station ID} has been deprecated, and replaced by {Validation Operator’s Station ID}. It is strongly recommended that you use {Validation Operator’s Station ID} instead.
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