Kodak J-98A User Manual

Safe Hand ling of Photog raphic Processing Chemicals
Kodak’s heal th, safety,
Every substance we come in to conta ct with is compose d of chemica ls— the food we ea t, the air we breathe, the clothing we wear, the medicine we take. Although most of these chemicals are not hazardous, you may need to ta k e precauti ons to l imit the ex posure to some chemicals that could be harmfu l. Fo r ex a m p le , direct skin or eye contact with or inhalation of vapors or mists from some household cleaning products can be irritating.
When handled properly, photographic processin g chemicals are safe to use. Follow the guidelines below to minimize the potential hazar dous effe cts o f these chemicals.
Safe handling of chemicals requires that you recognize and avoi d the potential hazards. Learning more about photog raphic processing chemica ls red uces th e possibility of illness or injury.
Kodak provides warning and precauti onary statements on
product labels, instruc tion sheets, and packaged products. Kodak als o provides labels for processor and replenishment tanks. Kodak evaluates ph otographic pr oce ssing chemicals for poten tial hea lth and physical hazards. When a photographic processing chemical has little, if any, potential hazard, the statement “LOW HAZARD FOR RECOMMENDE D HANDLING” is included o n the label.
Photographic processing chemicals that are potentially hazardous have appropriate precautionar y statements, such as:
A Signal Word—suc h as
A Statement of Hazard—such as
or “FLAMM A BLE,” that tells
what the potential haz ard is.
Precautionary Wording—such
as “Do not get in eyes, on skin, or
on clothing,” or “Keep away
from heat, sparks, and flame,”
that describes how hazards can
be avoided.
First-Aid Statements are also
included on labe ls and si gns th at
desc rib e im me diate me a s ur es
you must take in case of contact
with or over e xp osure to a
photographic processing
and environmental publications are available to help you manage yo ur photographic processing operations in a safe, environm ent al l y so und and cost-effective manner. Thi s publi c ation is part of a series of publications on health and safety issues affecting photographic processing facilities. It will help you meet the requir em ents of the OSHA Haza rd Communication Standard.
This publication is meant to assist others with their compliance programs. However, this is not a comprehensive treatment of the issues. We cannot identify all possible situations and ultimately it is the reader’s obligation to decide on the appropriateness of this information to his/her operation.
©Eastman Kodak Company, 1997
The Occupational Safet y and Health Administration (OSHA) Haza rd Communication Standard requ ires chemical manufacturers to provide Material Saf ety Data Sheets (MSDSs) for haz ardous che micals. OSH A also requires e mployers to make MSDSs available in the workplace for the purpose of proper chemical container labeling, and training employees on the safe use of chemicals.
Photographic processing facilities are required by OSHA to have MSDSs for all hazardous chemica ls. MSDSs provide detailed information a b out each produc t.
Information included in MSDSs is
outlined in the following categories:
• chemical and manufacturer identification
• c omposition/ingredients
• hazard identification
• first-aid measur es
• fire-fighting measures
• accident al release measu res
• handling and storage
• exposure controls and personal protection
• physical and chemical properties
• stability and reactivity
• toxicological issues
• ecological issu es
• disposal issues
• transport issues
• regulatory issues, and other information.
Kodak provi des customers with MSDSs for all photogra phic processing chemicals. If you need replacement(s) or extra MSDSs for any Kodak chemical, call 1-800-242­2424, extension 43. You will need to supply the catalog (CAT) number of the products for which you need MSDSs.
OSHA requires that all employees be trained on the safe h a n dl ing of photographic processing chemicals and general lab sa f e ty prior to their initial assignment and whenever new hazards are in troduced i nto the workplace. Employees should be familiar with the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard, operations where hazardous chemicals are present, the location and content of Material Safety Data Sheets, physical and health hazards of chemica ls in their work area, as well a s ad ditiona l to p i cs . For more information on OSHA’s Haza rd Communication Standard, see KODAK Publica tion No . J-311,
Hazard Communication for Photograph ic Proc essing Facili ties.
Once you know the hazards, learn how to handle chemical s safely. Safe handling practices include wearing personal protective equipment, following procedures that minimize chemical conta ct, and follo w ing th e instructions on chem ical lab els. If contact occurs, know how to treat or obtain medical/first-ai d assistance.
OSHA requires that personal protective equipment (PPE) be used in the workplace whenever the possibility of chemical co ntact exists. OSHA also requires that you perform a hazard assessment in your facility to determine what type of PPE is required to protect against the hazards present. In general, the PPE required for handling photographic processing chemicals includes:
• Neoprene or nitrile gloves
• Safety goggles
• Vinyl rubber apron or lab coat Check personal protective
equipment often to make sure it is in good working condition, clea n, and works and fits properly. Train ing must be provided on the use, limitations, mai nten an ce, and ho w to wear PP E. F o r mo r e inf o rmation , see KODAK Publication No. J-312,
Personal Protective Equipment Requ ir e m e nt s fo r Ph ot ograph ic Processing Facil ities.
Certain photographic processing
chemicals contain materials that can burn or irritate the skin and eyes, sometimes with only brief co ntact. To reduce the possibility of injury, always wear personal protective equipment when handling photographic processing chemicals. Also make sure an emergency eye wash station is readily available.
Safe Handling of Photographic ProcessingChemicals J-98A2
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