Do I Need to Calibrate My Printer? A–8. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Part No. 1H9659 September 1997
Kodak Digital Science
WINDOWS and MACINTOSH (Calibration Utility) allows you to bring
your printing system to the best possible color response.
Kodak thermal dye diffusion printing systems are composed of printers
and printer media (thermal ribbon and paper or transparency material).
Normal variability in the manufacturing processes of printers and media
may cause slight variations in light gray (low density) areas of prints.
The human visual system is sensitive to color changes in low density
areas on prints and you may occasionally want to adjust your printer
output to match viewing conditions.
The Calibration Utility allows you to select export and import modules,
open and save calibration tables, enter measurement information from
a test print, and calculate a new calibration table. The calibration test
prints are key to the Calibration Utility. The new calibration table allows
you to adjust the levels of cyan, magenta, and yellow dye to create a
neutral gray with the correct density.
What’s in this Guide
This guide consists of the following chapters:
Introduction—describes the calibration prints and the recommended
process for using the Calibration Utility.
Calibration Utility for MICROSOFT
Chapter 1: Calibration Utility for MICROSOFT WINDOWS—describes
how to use the Calibration Utility on WINDOWS systems.
Chapter 2: Calibration Utility for MACINTOSH—describes how to
use the Calibration Utility on a MACINTOSH system.
Appendix A: Kodak XLS 8600 and Kodak DS 8650 Printers—describes
the printer ribbon media choices for these printers and gives instructions
for downloading new calibration tables for your printer.
Index—a comprehensive index is included.
Part No. 1H9659 September 1997
1Calibration Utility for
This chapter describes how to install and use the Calibration Utility on a
system that uses Microsoft Windows 3.1, Windows for Workgroups 3.11,
or Windows 95. You should be familiar with the Windows environment.
See the "Read Me" for instructions for installing the calibration utility.
System Requirements
Recommended System Configuration
486 or Pentium processor
MS-DOS, version 6.22 or later
Microsoft Windows for Workgroups 3.11 or Windows 95
16 MB of RAM
4 MB of hard disk space
CD-ROM drive
color monitor
Minimum System Configuration
386 processor
MS-DOS, version 5.0 or later
Microsoft Windows 3.1, Windows for Workgroups 3.11, or Windows 95
8 MB of RAM
4 MB of hard disk space
standard color or black and white monitor
(standard VGA; minimum resolution 640 x 480 pixels)
Part No. 1H9659 September 1997
Calibration Utility for MICROSOFT WINDOWS
Installing the Software
This section describes how to install the Calibration Utility. Follow thesteps for your particular Windows system.
Windows 3.1x
1.Place the Calibration Utility CD or diskette in the appropriate drive.
2.Open and read the changes and information).
3.Open the Program Manager window.
4.Pull down the File menu and select
5.Type d:\setup <enter>.
NOTE:Replace “d” in the above command with the appropriate drive
letter, if necessary.
file (which contains last-minute
Other executable files are on the disk (_mssetup.exe and _mstest.exe). If you run either of these programs, you will not be able to install the Calibration Utility.
This page has been intentionally left blank.
The installation begins. Follow the instructions that appear on the screen. When the installation is complete, a confirmation box appears.
6.Click on the Windows restarts. A new group named Kodak Calibration Utility
appears in the Program Manager window.
7.Remove the CD or diskette from the drive.
Windows 95
1.Place the Calibration Utility CD or diskette in the appropriate drive.
2.Open and read the changes and information).
3.Double-click on the
4.Double-click on the appropriate drive.
5.Double-click on the
Other executable files are on the disk (_mssetup.exe and _mstest.exe). If you run either of these programs, you will not be able to install the Calibration Utility.
file (which contains last-minute
My Computer
The installation begins. Follow the instructions that appear on the screen. When the installation is complete, a confirmation box appears.
6.Click on the
7.Remove the CD or diskette from the drive.
September 1997 Part No. 1H9659
Calibration Utility for MICROSOFT WINDOWS
Operating the Calibration Utility
The following steps describe how to start the Calibration Utility.
NOTE:The export module for the printer you want to calibrate must be
installed before you start the Calibration Utility. The Calibration
Utility prompts you for the location of the folder containing the
export module.
If you use another version of Windows, your dialog boxes will look
slightly different than those shown in this chapter.
Starting in Windows 3.1x
1. Double-click on the
Program Manager window.
The Kodak Calibration Utility window opens.
2. Double-click on the
A splash screen appears, then the Calibration Utility selection
dialog appears.
NOTE:If this is the first time that the Calibration Utility has been
run, or if there are no printers on the
list, or if the Preferences files have been deleted, you must
select and open the export module for the printer that you
want to calibrate.
3. Do one of the following:
Click on the
Information about the Easy Cal calibration procedure is in “Using
Easy Cal to Calibrate Your Printer” on page 1–6.
Kodak DS Calibration Utility
Kodak DS Calibration Utility
Begin Easy Cal
button to start up Easy Cal.
group icon in the
Select Printer
Click on the
Information about the Normal Utility calibration procedure is in
“Using Normal Utility to Calibrate Your Printer” on page 1–16.
Part No. 1H9659 September 1997
Launch Normal Utility
button to start up Normal Utility.
Calibration Utility for MICROSOFT WINDOWS
NOTE:If you want to go directly to Normal Utility without the Calibration
Utility selection dialog appearing each time you start the Calibration
Utility, select the check box labeled
utility and don’t show this screen
Show Easy Cal selection screen at start-up
dialog box (accessed from the File menu) is deselected.
To use Easy Cal from within Normal Utility , pull down the Easy-Cal
menu and select
If you want the Calibration Utility selection box to appear when
you start up the Calibration Utility, select the
selection screen at start-up
For more information about the options in the Preferences dialog
box, refer to “Option Descriptions” on page 1–45.
Starting in Windows 95
At start-up, launch normal
. The corresponding check box
) in the Preferences
Begin with Previous Settings...
Show Easy Cal
check box in the Preferences dialog box.
1. Click on the
2. Select
3. Select
4. Select
Utility menu.
A splash screen appears, then the Calibration Utility selection
dialog appears.
NOTE:If this is the first time that the Calibration Utility has been
run, or if there are no printers on the
list, or if the Preferences files have been deleted, you must
select and open the export module for the printer that you
want to calibrate.
Information about the Easy Cal calibration procedure is in “Using
Easy Cal to Calibrate Your Printer” on page 1–6.
Click on the
Launch Normal Utility
button to start up Normal Utility.
Information about the Normal Utility calibration procedure is in
“Using Normal Utility to Calibrate Your Printer” on page 1–16.
NOTE:If you want to go directly to Normal Utility without the Calibration
Utility selection dialog appearing each time you start the Calibration
Utility, select the check box labeled
utility and don’t show this screen
Show Easy Cal selection screen at start-up
At start-up, launch normal
. The corresponding check box
) in the Preferences
dialog box (accessed from the File menu) is deselected.
To use Easy Cal from within Normal Utility , pull down the Easy-Cal
menu and select
Begin with Previous Settings...
If you want the Calibration Utility selection box to appear when
you start up the Calibration Utility, select the
selection screen at start-up
check box in the Preferences dialog box.
Show Easy Cal
Part No. 1H9659 September 1997
For more information about the options in the Preferences dialog
box, refer to “Option Descriptions” on page 1–45.
Calibration Utility for MICROSOFT WINDOWS
Using Easy Cal to Calibrate Your Printer
The Easy Cal calibration procedure provides you with steps that guide
you through the process of calibrating your printer using a Visual Gray
Balance calibration.
NOTE:The Easy Cal calibration procedure cannot be used to calibrate a
printer that is using black-only ribbon.
When you click on the
Begin Easy Cal
button in the Calibration Utility
selection dialog, the Easy Cal calibration procedure starts up and the
following dialog box appears.
Click on the
The Easy Cal Step 1 of 5 dialog box appears.
NOTE:Clicking on the
button accesses Normal Utility.
September 1997 Part No. 1H9659
Calibration Utility for MICROSOFT WINDOWS
Easy Cal Step 1
The Easy Cal Step 1 dialog box allows you to select a printer model to
calibrate and find the corresponding export module.
NOTE:If you do not need to specify a different printer, click on the
“Easy Cal Step 2.”
button in the Easy Cal Step 1 dialog box and go to
1. Select a printer on the
NOTE:If there are no printers on the
the printer you want to calibrate does not appear on the list,
you must find and select the export module for the printer that
you want to calibrate.
2. Click on the
A selection box appears. This box shows the directory in which the
Calibration Utility was installed. The name of the export module
appears in the
Locate Export Modules Folder...
Printer Model
drop-down list.
Printer Model
drop-down list or
3. Find and open the directory that contains the export module.
Part No. 1H9659 September 1997
Calibration Utility for MICROSOFT WINDOWS
4. Click on the OK button.
Y ou return to the Easy Cal Step 1 dialog box. The Calibration Utility now
can find and use the export module so it can transfer data to the printer.
5. Click on the
The Easy Cal Step 2 dialog box appears.
Next >>
Easy Cal Step 2
The Easy Cal Step 2 dialog box allows you to specify a different printer to
calibrate than the one that appears in the
NOTE:If you do not need to specify a different printer, you can ignore the
following steps and click on the
Step 2 dialog box and go to “Easy Cal Step 3.”
1. Click on the
Select Printer...
button in the Easy Cal
September 1997 Part No. 1H9659
Calibration Utility for MICROSOFT WINDOWS
The Select a Printer dialog box appears.
NOTE:Your Select Printer dialog box may appear different, depending on
your printer export module.
2. Click on the button for the port to which the printer is connected.
3. Click on the
You return to the Easy Cal Step 2 dialog box.
Part No. 1H9659 September 1997
If this is the first time that the Calibration Utility has been run
or if the Preferences files have been deleted, you must locate an
export module folder. At this time some export modules may
require that you locate the necessary files.
Calibration Utility for MICROSOFT WINDOWS
4. Click on the
The Easy Cal Step 3 dialog box appears.
Next >>
Easy Cal Step 3
The Easy Cal Step 3 dialog box allows you to specify a different printer
media to calibrate than the one that appears in the
1. Make sure that the paper and media types for which you want to
calibrate are loaded in the printer.
Printer Setup
NOTE:If you do not need to specify a different printer media, you can
ignore the following steps and click on the
the Easy Cal Step 3 dialog box and go to “Easy Cal Step 4.”
2. Click on the
Change Setup...
September 1997 Part No. 1H9659
button in
Calibration Utility for MICROSOFT WINDOWS
The Printer Setup for Calibration dialog box appears.
NOTE:Your Printer Setup for Calibration dialog box may appear different,
depending on your printer export module.
3. Make any necessary changes in the Printer Setup for Calibration
dialog box.
4. Click on the
You return to the Easy Cal Step 3 dialog box.
5. Click on the
Next >>
Part No. 1H9659 September 1997
Calibration Utility for MICROSOFT WINDOWS
The Easy Cal Step 4 dialog box appears.
Easy Cal Step 4
The Easy Cal Step 4 dialog box contains printer and printer setup
information that will be used for the test print that is created in this step.
NOTE:If the Easy Cal Step 4 dialog box does not contain printer and
printer setup information, click on the
on the
Change Setup...
button and click
1. Make sure that the
NOTE:Clicking on the
printer. The previous table is overwritten.
Printer Setup
button sends the default table to the
information is correct.
September 1997 Part No. 1H9659
Calibration Utility for MICROSOFT WINDOWS
2. Click on the
Next >>
The default table is sent to the printer and the previous table is
overwritten. The Send and Print dialog box appears.
NOTE:Your Send and Print dialog box may appear different, depending
on your printer export module.
3. Click on the
Your computer begins processing information. This may take a few
minutes. The calibration test print is printed on the specified printer.
The Easy Cal Step 5 dialog box appears.
Part No. 1H9659 September 1997
Calibration Utility for MICROSOFT WINDOWS
Easy Cal Step 5
Use the test print to calibrate your printer in the Easy Cal Step 5 dialog box.
1. Look at the test print and decide which grayscale cluster appears
the most neutral gray.
NOTE:If you want to print another test print, click on the
to return to the Easy Cal Step 4 dialog box.
2. Type the number of the most neutral grayscale cluster in the
NOTE:If you want to print an updated test print, you can click on the
3. Click on the
text box.
If cluster number 225 on the updated test print is the most neutral
gray, then the calibration is successful. Type 225 in the
button to return to the Easy Cal Step 4 dialog box.
text box and go to step 3.
The printer calibration begins. When the calibration is complete, the
following dialog box appears.
September 1997 Part No. 1H9659
Calibration Utility for MICROSOFT WINDOWS
4. Do one of the following:
If you do not want to make another test print and you do not want
to save the calibration table, click on the
button to quit the
Calibration Utility .
If you want to save the calibration table, click on the
button to access a document window. Refer to “Using the
Calibration Document Window” on page 1–28.
Saving Your Calibration Table
You may want to save the calibration table you just created to use as a
starting point for later calibrations.
Pull down the File menu and select
to save changes to the
current calibration table.
Pull down the File menu and select
Save As
to access a selection box
in which you can specify a new name and location for the current
calibration table.
Part No. 1H9659 September 1997
Calibration Utility for MICROSOFT WINDOWS
Using Normal Utility to Calibrate Your Printer
The Normal Utility calibration procedure allows you to create a new
calibration document or start from a calibration document that was
previously created and saved.
When you click on the
Launch Normal Utility
button in the Calibration
Utility selection box, the Normal Utility calibration procedure starts up
and the Calibration Utility window opens.
NOTE:If this is the first time that the Calibration Utility has been
run, or if there are no printers on the
Select Printer
list, or if the Preferences files have been deleted, you must
select and open the export module for the printer that you
want to calibrate.
You can either create a new calibration table or open an existing one to
calibrate your printer.
Information about creating a new calibration table is in “Creating a
New Calibration Document” on page 1–19.
Information about using an existing calibration table is in “Opening an
Existing Calibration Table” on page 1–26.
September 1997 Part No. 1H9659
Calibration Utility for MICROSOFT WINDOWS
Setting Preferences
Y ou can specify the folders that contains the export module and the import
module (used for densitometer settings) in the Preferences dialog box.
1. Pull down the File menu and select
The Preferences dialog box appears.
2. Click on the
A selection box appears.
3. Find and open the folder in which the export module is located.
4. Click on the
You return to the Preferences dialog box.
button next to “Printer Export Modules Folder.”
5. Click on the
A selection box appears.
6. Find and open the folder in which the import module is located.
7. Click on the
You return to the Preferences dialog box.
8. Click on the
Your selections are saved.
Part No. 1H9659 September 1997
button next to “Densitometer Import Modules Folder.”
Calibration Utility for MICROSOFT WINDOWS
Selecting and Setting Up a Printer
Select a printer and specify the printer media before you start a calibration.
1. Pull down the Printer menu.
2. Choose
3. Pull down the Printer menu and choose
Select Printer
and highlight the printer you want to calibrate.
Printer Setup
The Printer Setup for Calibration dialog box appears.
NOTE:The Printer Setup for Calibration dialog box may appear different,
depending on the selected printer.
4. Select the media combination(s) for which you are calibrating.
5. Click on the
The Printer Setup for Calibration dialog box closes.
September 1997 Part No. 1H9659
Calibration Utility for MICROSOFT WINDOWS
Creating a New Calibration Document
You can either create a new calibration document or open an existing
one to calibrate your printer.
1. Pull down the File menu and select
The Calibration Table dialog box appears.
Ribbon and paper type information may not appear in the
Printer Setup
Printer Setup...
If the correct paper and media types do not appear, refer to the
previous section, “Selecting and Setting Up a Printer.” If the
correct paper and media types appear, refer to “Selecting a
Starting Point for the Calibration Document” on page 1–20.
Part No. 1H9659 September 1997
box if you have not first used the Printer menu’s
Read Current Table From Printer
be available if the printer cannot return this information
(for example, many printers connected via parallel will have
this option deselected).
radio button will not
Calibration Utility for MICROSOFT WINDOWS
Selecting a Starting Point for the Calibration Document
This section describes how to select a starting point (base file) for the
calibration document. There are three ways to access a base file:
Read Current Table From Printer
(refer to “Using the Printer’s Current Calibration Table as the
Starting Point” on this page).
Use Printer’s Default Table
“Using the Printer’s Default Calibration Table as the Starting Point”
on page 1–22).
Copy Table from File
table (refer to “Using an Existing Calibration Table as the Starting Point”
on page 1–23).
Using the Printer’s Current Calibration Table as the Starting Point
—uses the printer’s current table
—uses the printer’s default table (refer to
—uses a previously created and saved calibration
1. Select the
Starting Point
Read Current Table From Printer
2. Click on the OK button.
radio button in the
September 1997 Part No. 1H9659
Calibration Utility for MICROSOFT WINDOWS
A Calibration Document window appears.
3. Go to “Using the Calibration Document Window” on page 1–28.
Part No. 1H9659 September 1997
Calibration Utility for MICROSOFT WINDOWS
Using the Printer’s Default Calibration Table as the Starting Point
1. Select the
Use Printer’s Default Table
2. Click on the OK button.
A Calibration Document window appears.
radio button in the
3. Go to “Using the Calibration Document Window” on page 1–28.
September 1997 Part No. 1H9659
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