Kodak 500 User Manual

User’s Manual A-61408
Part Number 693625
September 1995
IMAGELINK Scanner 500
Kodak Imagelink
Scanner 500S (CAT No. 111 7746) with the following accessories:
• Patch Reader 500
• Bar Code Reader 500
• Controller 500
• Document Printer 500
• Footswitch Conforms with the following standards and bears a CE mark: EN 55022 Klasse B/1987, EN 50082-1/1992 and EN 60950/1993 following the
provisions of the applicable directives:
89/336/EEC and amendments 73/23/EEC and amendments
Scanner 500D (CAT No. 125 8755) and
Kodak Imagelink
Table of Contents
1 Introduction
Scanner Features ..................................................................... 1-1
Scanner Overview .................................................................... 1-2
Control Panel ............................................................................ 1-5
Status Display .................................................................... 1-5
Operation Keys/Indicators .................................................. 1-6
2 Getting Started
Scanner Operation Overview.................................................... 2-1
Power-up Process .................................................................... 2-1
Calibrating the Scanner ............................................................ 2-2
Unsuccessful Calibration.................................................... 2-3
Adjusting the Feed Roller
and Separator Roller................................................................. 2-4
Adjusting the Separator Roller
to Scan Thick Documents .................................................. 2-6
Adjusting the Self-Centering
Feed Shelf ................................................................................ 2-7
Adjusting the Exit Hopper ......................................................... 2-8
3 Operating the Scanner
Scanning Process..................................................................... 3-1
Function Codes......................................................................... 3-2
Using Function Codes ........................................................ 3-2
Function Code Summary.................................................... 3-3
Function Code Listing......................................................... 3-4
Setting Image Levels .............................................................. 3-10
Setting Application Modes ...................................................... 3-10
Preparing Documents ..............................................................3-11
Document Sizes ................................................................3-11
Document Orientation .......................................................3-11
Scanning Documents.............................................................. 3-12
Automatic Feed Method ................................................... 3-12
Manual Feed Method ....................................................... 3-13
4 Error Messages
User Actions.............................................................................. 4-1
System Administrator Actions ................................................... 4-2
Controlled Power-down Sequence..................................... 4-2
Message Listings ...................................................................... 4-3
5 Scanner Maintenance
Cleaning Materials .................................................................... 5-1
Daily (or as required) ................................................................ 5-2
Cleaning the Imaging Guides ............................................. 5-2
Weekly (or as required)............................................................. 5-6
Cleaning the Feed Roller and Separator Roller ................. 5-6
Cleaning the Exterior of the Scanner........................................ 5-8
Vacuuming Inside the Scanner........................................... 5-8
Changing the Lamps............................................................... 5-12
A-61408 September 1995 i
6 Troubleshooting
Clearing the Document Path..................................................... 6-2
Document Path................................................................... 6-2
Removing Documents ........................................................ 6-3
Clearing a Jam in Area A.................................................... 6-3
Clearing a Jam in Area B.................................................... 6-4
Clearing a Jam in Area C ................................................... 6-6
Clearing a Jam in Area D ................................................... 6-7
Removing Non-Jammed
Documents................................................................................ 6-8
Appendix A
Kodak Imagelink
Footswitch 500
Function Codes......................................................................... A-1
Appendix B
Kodak Imagelink
Patch Reader 500
Available Patches .....................................................................B-1
Patch Location on Documents..................................................B-2
Printing Patches........................................................................ B-2
Changing the Horizontal Read Position....................................B-3
Cleaning the Patch Reader....................................................... B-4
Function Codes......................................................................... B-4
Performing the Patch Test Function (Future Function) .............B-5
Appendix C
Kodak Imagelink
Bar Code Reader 500
Use of Bar Code Information ....................................................C-1
Bar Code Types ........................................................................C-1
Printing Bar Codes on Documents ...........................................C-2
Function Codes.........................................................................C-3
Performing a Bar Code Test......................................................C-3
Bar Code Test Option 1 – Evaluate ....................................C-5
Fields Displayed ...............................................................C-15
Dimensional Field Values .................................................C-16
Low Bar Code Ratings .....................................................C-17
Bar Code Test Option 2 – Display ....................................C-18
Bar Code Test Option 3 – Read Rate ...............................C-19
Bar Code Specifications ......................................................... C-20
Appendix D
Kodak Imagelink
Document Printer 500
Information Printed ...................................................................D-1
ii A-61408 September 1995

1 Introduction

Kodak Imagelink
™ Scanner 500 is a high-speed, high­resolution rotary scanner designed for medium- to high-volume digital capture of documents. The Scanner 500 captures printed characters, handwritten text and graphics from documents of various sizes and thicknesses in an electronic format for indexing and database storage.
This manual explains how to setup, operate, maintain and troubleshoot the Scanner 500.

Scanner Features

This section describes the basic features of the scanner, shows the basic scanner component locations and lists the Control Panel component operations.
High Speed Scanning and Image Resolution
Accounting Principles
The accompanying financial statements include accounts of the Company and all of its sub­sidiaries excepts its three finance sudsidiaries. The finance subsid­iaries are accounted for by the equity method, and their profit is included in the consolidated results of operations as a sepa­rate item. The consolidated finan­cialposition describes the cost of the Company’s investments in its financial subsidiaries in addition to the degree of profit retained by them.
Accounting Principles
The accompanying financial statements include accounts of the Company and all of its subsidiaries excepts its three finance sudsidiaries. The finance subsidiaries are accounted for by the equity method, and their profit is included in the consolidated results of operations as a separate item. The consolidated financialposition describes the cost of the Company’s investments in its financial subsidiaries in addition to the degree of profit retained by them.
• Scans 85 landscape-style or 60 portrait-style documents
(8.5 x 11 inch or 216 x 279 mm) per minute at 200 dpi.
• Scans 42 landscape-style or 30 portrait-style documents
(8.5 x 11 inch or 216 x 279 mm) per minute at 300 dpi.
Manual or Automatic Feeding
• For manual feeding, documents can be hand-fed one at a time.
• For automatic feeding, documents can be stacked up to
1.5 inches (38 mm) or approximately 350 documents of 20-pound stock.
Front and Rear Side Scanning
• Scans one or two sides of a document in a single pass.
Easy to Operate
• Documents enter and exit the scanner in the same order.
• Document image addresses, current application modes, and
error messages are displayed in the Status Display located on the Control Panel.
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Scanner Overview

The scanner consists of a single tabletop unit with a Feed Shelf and Exit Hopper. Use the following illustrations and descriptions to locate and become familiar with the scanner components.
Upper Access Door Anti-Static Brush Exit Hopper Side Guides
Exit Hopper End Stops Lower Access Door Door Handle
Feed Roller Separator Roller Self-Centering Tray
Door Handle Door Release Button
Status Display Control Panel
Side Access Door Feed Roller Cover
Release Lever Door Handle
Gap Release Lever Gap Adjustment Knob Feed Tray Side Guides
Kodak Imagelink
™ Scanner 500 Front Views
1-2 A-61408 September 1995
Kodak Imagelink
A-61408 September 1995 1-3
™ Scanner 500 Side Views
Footswitch Connector
Dip Switch
Data Plate Power Switch
(I=On, 0=Off) Power Cord
Coin 1/3 Coin 2 (Not for
customer use) OCS/Video
Connection (Not for customer use)
SCSI Connectors
Kodak Imagelink
™ Scanner 500 Back View
NOTE: For European units only:
Between the Scanner 500 and the host computer / the other SCSI device, standard accessory SCSI cables with ferrite cores (TDK: HF70RH26X29X13) must be used for radio frequency interference suppression.
Between the Scanner 500 and the host computer / the other RS-232C device, standard accessory RS-232C cable with ferrite core (TDK: HF70RH12X15X7.3) must be used for radio frequency interference suppression.
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Control Panel

The Control Panel consists of operation keys, operation indicators and the Status Display. Use the following illustration and descrip­tions to locate and become familiar with the Control Panel compo­nents.

Status Display

Image Buffer Status
Front Rear
7 8 9 C 4 5 6 1 2 3 + 0 F
Cal End
Run Stop
Two-line Status Display
///• // • / •
The Status Display indicates the Image Address, current Applica­tion Modes, and Error messages. Use the following illustration and descriptions to become familiar with the Status Display output.
Scanner Status (Enabled/Disabled)
Mode Number (or Name)
Enab l e d M O DE Ø1
ABC/ØØ2 91 .Ø 25
Fixed Field
Fixed Field Deliminator (Backslash)
Field C
Field A Deliminator
Field B
Deliminator (Period)
A-61408 September 1995 1-5

Operation Keys/Indicators

Image Buffer Status
Front Rear
7 8 9 C 4 5 6 1 2 3 + 0 F
Cal End
///• // • / •
Run Stop
Image Buffer Status LEDs
Front: Green indicates the buffer is available for scanning; red
indicates the buffer is not available and the feeder is off (for simplex- and duplex-defined applications modes).
Rear: Same as
Contrast Thumb Wheel
Used to adjust the display contrast between the characters and the background in the display.
Numeric Keys (0–9)
Used with the Enter key to enter numeric data such as an Image Address or Function Code.
Decimal Key
Used to insert a field separator in an Image Address. Also used to designate the front and/or rear document printer vertical start print position.
(for duplex-defined applications modes
1-6 A-61408 September 1995
F (Function) Key
Used with numeric data and the Enter key to enter a function code.
C (Clear, Cancel) Key
Used to clear error messages from the display. Also used to cancel a function without changing the preset value(s).
Allows operator to enter the next document Image Address.
Plus (+) Key
Used when inputting a new value for the Image Address. When pressed, it allows a field to remain unchanged.
Used to enter numeric data for a Function Code or an Image Address change.
Back (Backspace)
Used to move the cursor back one space during numeric data input; the last data input is erased.
Used to start the calibration function.
Used at the end of a batch or job to stop the feeder and transport system and to alert the host computer that the batch or job has ended. When pressed, the documents in the transport system will be scanned and stacked face down in the exit hopper before the transport is disabled.
Used to momentarily turn on (jog) the transport system.
Level 3
Used to identify the next document fed into the scanner as a Level 3 document. This key includes an internal LED that illuminates green when the next document image level to be assigned is Level 3.
Level 2
Used to identify the next document fed into the scanner as a Level 2 document. This key includes an internal LED that illuminates green when the next document image level to be assigned is Level 2.
A-61408 September 1995 1-7
Level 1
Used to identify the next document fed into the scanner as a Level 1 document. This key includes an internal LED that illuminates green when the next document image level to be assigned is Level 1.
Used to turn on the feeder and transport system.
Used to stop the feeder and transport system. Documents in the transport system, when the Stop key is pressed, will be scanned and placed in the exit hopper before the transport system stops.
Confirmation Tone/Alarm (located under the Control Panel)
The confirmation tone/alarm sounds when one of the following conditions occur:
• Run key is pressed (one long tone).
• Stop or End key is pressed (many short tones followed by one long tone).
• Feeder clutch engages/disengages (one short tone).
• Incorrect key input (three short tones).
• Document skew is greater than allowed skew parameter, or when a document is shorter or longer than specified length parameters (one short tone).
• Footswitch is pressed (one short tone).
• Bar Code detected (if accessory is enabled and option is setup to alarm).
• Patch Code detected (if accessory is enabled and option is setup to alarm).
1-8 A-61408 September 1995

2 Getting Started

Kodak Imagelink
section describes the power-up process, the calibration function, and the feeder, feeder shelf and exit hopper adjustments.
Scanner 500 is easy to set up and use. This

Scanner Operation Overview

The following steps are recommended to prepare the scanner for operation.
1. Turn on the power to the scanner.
2. Calibrate the scanner.
3. Prepare the documents for scanning.
4. Adjust the gap between the feed roller and separator roller, the height of the feed shelf, the width of the feed shelf side guides, the height of the exit tray, the width of the exit tray side guides, and the length of the exit tray end stop.
5. Select the appropriate application mode and image level, or the count only function.
6. Start the scanner from the host computer.
NOTE: This step is not necessary for the Count Only function.
7. Press Run.
8. Feed the documents into the scanner.
9. Press Stop or End, depending on whether the batch or job has been completed.
NOTE: After pressing Stop, Run can be pressed again and more
documents can be fed into the scanner. After pressing End, you must enable the scanner from the host com­puter before scanning again.

Power-up Process

A-61408 September 1995 2-1
The following steps are required to power up the scanner:
1. Turn the power switch (located on the rear of the scanner) to the on (I) position.
NOTE: Several initialization messages will appear in the Status
Display. If you cannot see any messages, try adjusting the contrast.
2. Send the SCAN command from the host computer to the scanner. The message Display, as well as the current application mode number and the next image address. The scanner is ready for operation.
Do not use the Operation keys located on the Control Panel until the “Warming Up Completed” message has been displayed in the Status Display. Entries made before this message is displayed will not be recognized by the scanner.
will appear in the Status

Calibrating the Scanner

You should calibrate the scanner:
• Once a day
• If image quality is poor
• After changing the lamps NOTE: The Calibration function compensates for the varying
intensity of the scanner lamps which contribute to the image quality of the scanned document.
Calibrate the scanner with a sheet of paper (calibration target) that is:
• Blank
• Clean
• Matte (non-glossy finish)
• White or the same color as the background color of the docu­ments you are going to scan
NOTE: When you are using a duplex-defined application mode,
make sure that both front and rear colors of the calibration target correspond with the front and rear colors of the documents to be scanned. If you are scanning a variety of colored documents, use a white sheet of paper to cali­brate the scanner.
• Wider than the documents you are going to scan. To scan 8.5 x 11 inch (216 x 279 mm) documents, the calibration paper should be wider than 8.5 inches (216 mm).
To scan 11 x 17 inch (280 x 432 mm) documents, the calibration paper should be wider than 11 inches (279 mm) but no wider than 12 inches (305 mm).
• Between 12 inch (305 mm) and 25.5-inch (648 mm) long.
NOTE: For your convenience, 12" x 12" calibration targets are
supplied with the scanner and are also available from Parts Services. (Refer to the Appendices in this manual for ordering details.)
To calibrate the scanner:
1. Be sure the power switch is on, and initialization has com­pleted.
2. Press the Cal key on the Control Panel. A message will appear in the Status Display prompting you to feed the calibration target.
3. Insert the calibration target into the feeder.
4. When the scanner calibration is successful, the Status Display will return to its normal operating display (either “Disabled” or “Enabled,” depending on the status of the scanner prior to calibration).
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Unsuccessful Calibration

If calibration fails, perform the following steps:
1. Verify that you are using a clean, matte (non-glossy), blank sheet of paper to calibrate the scanner.
2. Make sure that length of calibration target is 12".
3. Make sure no paper is in the document path. Refer to the section entitled,
4. Clean the imaging guides. Refer to the section entitled,
Cleaning the Imaging Guides
5. Calibrate the scanner again. If this calibration fails, change the lamps. Refer to the section entitled Be sure to calibrate the scanner after changing lamps.
If calibration still fails, contact your local service representative.
Clearing the Document Path
Changing the Lamps
A-61408 September 1995 2-3

Adjusting the Feed Roller and Separator Roller

The Gap Adjustment Knob on the front panel increases or de­creases the space between the feed roller and separator roller. The gap must be adjusted properly so that documents feed smoothly without overlapping. When documents of different thicknesses are fed in a group, adjust the gap using the thinnest document in the group.
The feed rollers might have to be adjusted to compensate for:
• Very thin documents (onion skin, tracing paper, etc.)
• Very thick documents (card stock, punch cards, cover stock)
• Some coated documents (photographic paper, plastic coated paper)
If the gap is not adjusted properly:
• More than one document at a time might be drawn into the transport; not all of the documents will be scanned.
• Documents may be drawn into the transport too quickly; docu­ments may overlap or be spaced too closely (causing an error display).
• Documents may become skewed during transport; jamming may occur.
To adjust the feed roller and separator roller gap:
1. Check to see that the power switch is on.
2. Turn the Gap Adjustment Knob clockwise three complete turns to open the gap between the feed roller and the separa­tor roller.
3. Use Function Code F04 to start the Count Only function.
4. Press Run.
5. Select two documents of similar size, texture, and thickness to the types of documents you will be scanning.
2-4 A-61408 September 1995
6. Place one document on top of the other, hold them firmly by their trailing edges (the edge opposite the side to be inserted into the scanner), and insert them approximately 1/8-inch (3 mm) into the gap.
7. If the documents do not separate, proceed to step 8. If the documents separate, remove the documents from the feeder and turn the Gap Adjustment Knob clockwise 1/2 turn and insert the documents again. Repeat this step until the docu­ments do not separate. Proceed to step 8.
8. Rotate the Gap Adjustment Knob counterclockwise 1/4 turn. IMPORTANT:
Do not adjust the gap while documents are in the feeder or transport systems; an inaccurate adjustment will result.
9. Firmly hold the trailing edges of the documents and reinsert the leading edges into the gap.
10. If the bottom document is not separating from the top docu­ment, remove the documents from the feeder and repeat steps 7 and 8 until the bottom document separates from the top document.
11. When you have adjusted the gap so that the bottom docu­ment separates from the top document consistently, rotate the Gap Adjustment Knob counterclockwise another 3/4 to 1 turn to complete the adjustment.
12. Feed a stack of 50 or 100 documents through the scanner two times. Make sure the Count Only value on the status display reflects the total number of documents that were fed and that the Count Only value shows the same amount each time the documents are fed into the scanner. This shows that the gap is adjusted correctly.
13. Use Function Code F04 to turn off the Count Only function.
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Adjusting the Separator Roller to Scan Thick Documents

To scan very thick documents (card or cover stock), use the Gap Release Lever to increase the gap between the feed roller and separator roller to allow documents to be fed into the transport.
The Gap Release Lever is located on the front panel of the scanner to the right of the Gap Adjustment Knob.
1. Press down and hold the Gap Release Lever. This opens the gap between the feed and separator rollers and allows thick documents to pass between them.
2. Manually feed the thick documents while holding down the Gap Release Lever.
2-6 A-61408 September 1995

Adjusting the Self-Centering Feed Shelf

Before you begin scanning, adjust the width of the Feed Shelf Side Guides and the height of the Feed Shelf.
1. Adjust the width of the Feed Shelf Side Guides to hold the widest document you will be scanning. Leave approximately
/16-inch (2 mm) clearance on each side of the largest docu-
ment to allow for proper feeding. NOTE: Ensure that documents are center-fed so that each
document covers the 2 1/2 inch—required width as indicated by the label on the feed tray.
11 X 17"
8.5 X 11"
2. For manual feeding, the Feed Shelf can be in the 0°, 30°, or 40° position. For automatic feeding, raise the Feed Shelf to the 30° or 40° position.
40° Position
30° Position
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Adjusting the Exit Hopper

The Exit Hopper must be adjusted properly so documents will stack correctly.
1. Adjust the width of the Exit Hopper Side Guides to hold the widest document you will be scanning. Leave 1/4-inch (5 mm) clearance on each side of the document.
2. Adjust the length of the Exit Hopper End Stop to hold the longest document you will be scanning.
NOTE: An End Stop Extension is included to accommodate
documents up to 17 inches in length. To attach the End Stop Extension, fold the spring-loaded Exit Hopper End Stops down and slide the extension’s tabs into the slits just above the Exit Hopper End Stops. To remove the extension, slightly press the spring-loaded Exit Hopper End Stops and pull the extension out from the Exit Hopper.
End Stop Extension Tabs Slits
Exit Hopper End Stops
2-8 A-61408 September 1995
3. Adjust the height of the Exit Hopper so the scanned docu­ments naturally fall between the Exit Hopper Side Guides and the Exit Hopper End Stop. The Exit Hopper has three height positions: standard, 10° from standard, and 20° from stan­dard.
NOTE: The 20° position is specifically for A4 size, onion skin
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3 Operating the Scanner

This section describes the scanning process, application modes, image level settings and function key operation. Function Codes and their descriptions are also listed.

Scanning Process

To scan documents, follow the steps below:
1. Prepare the scanner for operation (refer to Section 2).
2. Select the application mode.
3. Select the appropriate operating values and conditions required for the application on the host computer.
4. Press the Run key.
5. Feed the documents into the transport. The scanner assigns a sequential ID number, document
image level, and image address to the electronic image. As the document is scanned, the sequential ID number,
document image level, and the image address become part of the image header file associated with the electronic image; this information is transferred to the host computer.
NOTE: When a duplex-defined application mode is used, each
document has a front and rear image, each having independent image headers. These image headers are stored in the front and rear image buffers, respectively.
The host computer initiates a transfer of the image header and electronic image information to a magnetic or optical disk media for fast and easy retrieval of the documents.
When finished scanning, the documents are deposited in the Exit Hopper face down in the same order in which they were fed.
6. Press Stop to disable the transport system after the last document has been scanned or press End to alert the host computer the batch or job has ended and to disable the transport system after scanning the last document.
NOTE: If Stop or End is pressed while scanning a stack of
documents, the feeder will stop, but documents in the transport system will be scanned and deposited face down in the exit tray before the transport system is disabled.
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Function Codes

There are a number of functions available for use in the scanner which can be used to temporarily change scanner operating conditions and values, and to obtain system and accessory status and information. These functions are selected using the function keys on the Control Panel.

Using Function Codes

To use the available functions:
1. Press the F key.
2. Press the numeric key(s) which correspond to the desired Function Code.
3. Press Enter.
4. If the Function Code is used to enable/disable an option (turn an option On/Off):
– Press the numeric key 1 to turn the option On (enable) or
press the numeric key 0 to turn the option Off (disable).
– Press Enter.
– or –
If the Function Code requires numeric input: – Press numeric key(s) to enter the required value. – Press Enter.
NOTE: The C key can be used to cancel a function before Enter
pressed in step 4.
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Function Code Summary

Listed below is a summary of each function code. Following this list, is a detailed description of each function code.
Application Modes
Select Application Mode ........................................................... F01
Restore Application Mode.........................................................F02
Index/Image Address
Level 0 ......................................................................................F07
Last Image Address .................................................................. F08
Accessory Status ...................................................................... F05
Transport System Operation Time............................................F17
Date and Time ..........................................................................F23
Count Only................................................................................F04
Total Document Counter ........................................................... F09
Level 0 Counter ........................................................................ F10
Level 1 Counter ........................................................................ F11
Level 2 Counter ........................................................................ F12
Level 3 Counter ........................................................................ F13
Reset Level Counters ...............................................................F14
Display Language ..................................................................... F19
Measurement System...............................................................F20
Set Time.................................................................................... F21
Set Date....................................................................................F22
Length Monitor..........................................................................F70
Omit Length Monitor on Next Document .................................. F71
Skew Monitor ............................................................................ F72
Latch Flag ................................................................................. F73
Momentary Flag........................................................................F74
Patch Reader Accessory
Patch Reader............................................................................F50
Confirmation Tone..................................................................... F53
Omit Patch Read on Next Document........................................ F54
Patch Test .................................................................................F55
Bar Code Reader Accessory
Bar Code Reader......................................................................F60
Confirmation Tone..................................................................... F63
Omit Bar Code Read on Next Document.................................. F64
Bar Code Test ...........................................................................F65
Document Printer Accessories
Front and Rear Document Printers...........................................F40
Front Document Printer ............................................................ F41
Rear Document Printer .............................................................F42
Omit Printing on Next Document ..............................................F44
Print Test................................................................................... F45
Vertical Start Print Position (Front) ...........................................F46
Vertical Start Print Position (Rear) ............................................ F47
Purge Print Heads ....................................................................F48
Footswitch Accessory
Confirmation Tone..................................................................... F75
A-61408 September 1995 3-3

Function Code Listing

F01 Select Application Mode
Allows you to select one of the scanner's predefined application modes. Enter a value from 1–18.
F02 Restore Application Mode
Allows you to restore the current application mode to its original user-defined preprogrammed status.
F04 Count Only On/Off
Allows you to count the number of documents entering the scan­ner without scanning the documents. The Count Only counter will be reset to 0 when this function is selected and displayed in the Status Display. All accessories are inhibited when the Count Only function is selected.
F05 Accessory Status
Displays the current statuses of the system’s optional accessories (except Footswitch), software functions (Skew Monitor function and Length Monitor function), and confirmation tone selections.
The status of the first accessory/function is indicated in the Status Display; press Enter to display, one at a time, the status of the next and subsequent accessories and functions.
“On Via Fnc Code” and “Off Via Fnc Code’ indicate the optional accessory, software function, or confirmation tone has been enabled or disabled with the appropriate function code. “Not Machine Set” indicates the optional accessory has not been software enabled for the scanner.
F07 Level 0
Allows you to define the next document scanned a Level 0 docu­ment.
F08 Last Image Address
Allows you to display the image address of the last document scanned.
F09 Total Document Counter
Allows you to display the total number of documents that have entered the feeder as Level 3, Level 2, Level 1 and Level 0 documents. By entering 0, or any valid number, the Total Docu­ment Counter can be reset or preset. The Document Counter also resets to 0 when 999,999,999 is reached. Reset and preset will not affect the individual level counters.
3-4 A-61408 September 1995
F10 Level 0 Counter
Allows you to display the total number of documents that have entered the feeder as Level 0 documents. The counter is auto­matically incremented whenever Level 0 is requested and scanned. By entering 0, or any valid number, the Level 0 Counter can be reset or preset. The counter also resets to 0 when 999,999,999 is reached, or when the Reset Level Counters function (Function Code 14) is performed. Reset and preset will not affect the Total Document Counter.
F11 Level 1 Counter
Allows you to display the total number of documents that have entered the feeder as Level 1 documents. The counter is auto­matically incremented whenever Level 1 is requested and scanned. By entering 0, or any valid number, the Level 1 Counter can be reset or preset. The counter also resets to 0 when 999,999,999 is reached, or when the Reset Level Counters function (Function Code 14) is performed. Reset and preset will not affect the Total Document Counter.
F12 Level 2 Counter
Allows you to display the total number of documents that have entered the feeder as Level 2 documents. The counter is auto­matically incremented whenever Level 2 is requested and scanned. By entering 0, or any valid number, the Level 2 Counter can be reset or preset. The counter also resets to 0 when 999,999,999 is reached, or when the Reset Level Counters function (Function Code 14) is performed. Reset and preset will not affect the Total Document Counter.
F13 Level 3 Counter
Allows you to display the total number of documents that have entered the feeder as Level 3 documents. The counter is auto­matically incremented whenever Level 3 is requested and scanned. By entering 0, or any valid number, the Level 3 Counter can be reset or preset. The counter also resets to 0 when 999,999,999 is reached, or when the Reset Level Counters function (Function Code 14) is performed. Reset and preset will not affect the Total Document Counter.
F14 Reset Level Counters
Allows you to reset the four level counters (Level Counters 0, 1, 2, 3) to 0. All previous level counter values will be lost and cannot be restored. The Reset Level Counters function will not affect the Total Document Counter.
A-61408 September 1995 3-5
F17 Transport System Operation Time
Allows you to display elapsed time of operation of the transport system.
NOTE: This elapsed time is recorded in the scanner’s software
and will be reset if a ROM replacement is performed. Therefore, this software time display can vary from the elapsed time indicated in the transport system operation meter located inside the side access door.
F19 Display Language
Allows you to choose your preferred language. Enter 1 for Japa­nese, 0 for English.
F20 Measurement System
Allows you to choose the measurement system to be used. Enter 1 for inches, 0 for millimeters.
F21 Set Time
Allows you to set the time on the Status Display. The format is HH:MM. HH equals the hour using the 24-hour clock. MM equals the minutes, valid entries are from 00 to 59.
NOTE: The HH:MM format is the default setting. However, one of
various display formats can be selected at installation or upon request.
F22 Set Date
Allows you to set the date on the Status Display. The format is YYYY/MM/DD. YYYY equals the four-digit year. MM equals the month; valid entries are from 01 to 12. DD equals the day; valid entries are from 01 to 31.
NOTE: The YYYY/MM/DD format is the default setting. However,
one of various display formats can be selected at installa­tion or upon request.
F23 Display Date ant Time
Allows you to view the time and date in the Status Display in the selected display formats.
3-6 A-61408 September 1995
The following function codes can be used when the optional Document Printer Accessory is installed.
F40 Front and Rear Document Printers On/Off*
Allows you to enable/disable the Front and Rear Document Printers.
Enter 1 to enable or 0 to disable.
F41 Front Document Printer On/Off*
Allows you to enable/disable the Front Document. Enter 1 to enable or 0 to disable.
F42 Rear Document Printer On/Off*
Allows you to enable/disable the Rear Document Printer. Enter 1 to enable or 0 to disable.
F44 Omit Printing on Next Document On/Off*
Allows you to specify that no information be printed on the next document scanned. Normal printing resumes with subsequent documents. Enter 1 to enable or 0 to disable.
F45 Print Test*
Allows you to test for print position, print quality and print message contents. The Document Printer(s) can be tested on any number of documents until you press Stop.
F46 Front Document Printer Vertical Start Print Position*
Allows you to specify how far printed information will appear vertically from the leading edge of the documents. Use the nu­meric keys to input values between 0.125 and 20 inches (3 to 508 mm) in increments of 0.125 inches (3 mm).
NOTE: The value will correspond to the selected measurement
system. The value should not exceed the document length. The horizontal start print position is changed manually.
F47 Rear Document Printer Vertical Start Print Position*
Allows you to specify how far printed information will appear vertically from the leading edge of the documents. Use the nu­meric keys to input values between 0.125 and 20 inches (3 to 508 mm) in increments of 0.125 inches (3 mm).
NOTE: The value will correspond to the selected measurement
system. The value should not exceed the document length. The horizontal start print position is changed manually.
F48 Purge Print Heads*
Allows you to purge and clean slightly hardened ink from each Document Printer’s print head(s). Feed a single blank document after the Feeder Clutch engages.
* The Document Printer is an optional accessory.
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F50 Patch Reader On/Off*
Allows you to enable/disable the Patch Reader. Enter 1 to enable or 0 to disable.
F53 Patch Reader Confirmation Tone On/Off*
Allows you to enable/disable the confirmation tone that informs you if the Patch Reader has successfully read a patched docu­ment. Enter 1 to enable or 0 to disable.
F54 Omit Patch Reading on Next Document On/Off*
Allows you to inhibit patch reading on the next document scanned. Normal patch reading resumes with subsequent documents. Enter 1 to enable or 0 to disable.
F55 Patch Test*
Allows you to test for patch position and patch quality. The test result will indicate: T-Patch, 2-Patch, 3-Patch, or Patch Not Read.
F60 Bar Code Reader On/Off†
Allows you to enable/disable the Bar Code Reader. Enter 1 to enable or 0 to disable.
F63 Bar Code Reader Confirmation Tone On/Off†
Allows you to enable/disable the confirmation tone that informs you if the Bar Code Reader has successfully read a bar code document. Enter 1 to enable or 0 to disable.
F64 Omit Bar Code Reading on Next Document On/Off†
Allows you to inhibit bar code reading on the next document scanned. Normal bar code reading resumes with subsequent documents.
F65 Bar Code Test†
Allows you to test for bar code position, bar code quality and bar code read rate.
F70 Length Monitor On/Off
Allows you to enable/disable the length monitor which monitors the length of the document(s) scanned against predefined mini­mum/maximum allowable lengths. Messages and/or confirmation tones indicate if the document is shorter/longer than the pre­defined minimum/maximum.
* The Patch Reader is an accessory. † The Bar Code Reader is an accessory.
3-8 A-61408 September 1995
F71 Omit Length Monitor on Next Document On/Off
Allows you to inhibit the length monitor on the next document scanned. Normal length monitoring resumes with subsequent documents. Enter 1 to enable or 0 to disable.
F72 Skew Monitor On/Off
Allows you to enable/disable the Skew Monitor which monitors for an unacceptable skew. The degree of an unacceptable skew is preprogrammed at installation. It can be either 5° or 10°.
Messages and/or confirmation tones indicate if the document is shorter/longer than the predefined minimum/maximum.
F73 Latch Flag On/Off
Allows you to enable/disable the Latch Flag function. When enabled, the Latch Flag function activates the Latch Flag bit in the image header of documents entering the feeder to indicate the scanned documents are of special interest. Enter 1 to enable or 0 to disable.
F74 Momentary Flag On/Off
Allows you to enable/disable the Momentary Flag function. When enabled, the Momentary Flag function activates the Momentary Flag bit in the image header of documents entering the feeder to indicate the scanned documents are of special interest. Enter 1 to enable or 0 to disable.
NOTE: The Momentary Flag will automatically disable after a
single document has been fed.
F75 Footswitch Confirmation Tone On/Off
Allows you to enable/disable the Confirmation Tone which is issued whenever the footswitch is pressed and/or released. Enter 1 to enable or 0 to disable.
The Footswitch is an accessory.
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