Kodak 4000 series Quick Start Manual

Large Format 4000 Series Printers
Quick Start
Kodak Professional large format 4000 series printers
Setting the language ...............................................................................10
Loading media.........................................................................................10
Using the second feed roll ...................................................................... 11
Using the takeup roll ...............................................................................12
Moving the carriage.................................................................................14
Installing the cutter ..................................................................................14
Filling the ink reservoirs ..........................................................................15
Inspecting the ink cartridges ...................................................................16
Installing the ink cartridges......................................................................16
Priming the ink delivery lines...................................................................17
Printing the color test .............................................................................20
Printing the prime pattern........................................................................21
Clogged jets ............................................................................................22
Aligning the ink cartridges .......................................................................23
Paper axis calibration..............................................................................26
Cartridge recognition...............................................................................26
Pausing the printer ..................................................................................27
Canceling a print .....................................................................................27
Kodak Professional large format 4000 series printers
Quick Start
Congratulations on your purchase of a Kodak Professional large format 4000 series printer. This guide gives you details on the following:
unpacking and assembling the printer
loading media
filling ink reservoirs
installing ink cartridges
installing the media cutter
testing ink cartridges
Unpacking your printer
The printer is shipped in three boxes. The contents are listed in the following table.
Printer Box Stand Box Set Up Kit Box
Printer with four ink reservoirs. Accessories box which includes the following:
quick start guide
CD-ROM containing
documentation four ink reservoirs
four blue cartridge tube needles
• four gray cartridge tube needles
16 stand screws
loopback cable
• warranty card
• printer stand with
integrated media feed 2” diameter media cores
• cartridge primer
• takeup mechanism
• four ink kits (CMYK)
• power cords
sample media
Before starting assembly, you should verify that all the items on the lists are present. If not, contact your dealer. You will need to provide an IEEE 1284 parallel cable for connecting to a PC parallel port locally.
CAUTION: The printer is heavy. Two people (or a forklift) are recommended to move the box.
Before assembly, you may want to measure halls and elevators to determine whether the unit can be assembled in the area where it will be used.
Kodak Professional large format 4000 series printers
Assembling the printer
1 Locate the box containing the printer head and turn it upside down.
Open the box and remove the accessory box which contains the
screws and screwdriver to use for the next steps. 2 Open the box containing the stand and remove the stand and feet . 3 Note that each foot has two casters, only one of which locks. Attach
the feet to the stand legs using the screwdriver and screws provided
in the setup box. Install the casters so that they are diagonally
opposite each other. Lock the casters to prevent the stand from
rolling during assembly. 4 One of the stand legs has a connector on it. Pull the connector from
the access hole in the leg and remove the tie wrap holding the
connector in place. Attach the connector to the receptacle on the
bottom of the print head. Intall the stand legs so that the roll holder
brackets are facing the center of the printer head and align with the
holes in the bottom of the printer head. Attach both stand legs to the
printer head using the screwdriver and eight screws contained in the
setup box.
WARNING: Be careful not to pinch the cable when attaching the leg.
CAUTION: Two people are required to lift the printer.
5 Remove the assembled printer and stand from the box. Save the
boxes and packing materials in case you need to ship the printer.
Kodak Professional large format 4000 series printers
6 Remove the wing nut and mount the dryer assembly in the slots
provided at the base of the stand. Be sure the fans blow upward and toward the printer. Position the dryer assembly to the desired angle. Replace and tighten the wing nut on the left side.
Kodak Professional large format 4000 series printers
7 Plug the dryer connector into the receptacle on the right stand leg.
8 Attach the clamp for the grounding strap to the right lower rear edge
of the dryer assembly bracket and tighten the thumbscrew securely
so that the paint is penetrated, ensuring a good ground.
Kodak Professional large format 4000 series printers
9 Check to be sure that the media sensor is plugged into the
connector on the right stand leg.
10 To load media, slide the media roll over the feed roller. If you will be
using the takeup roller, mount an empty media core on the takeup roller before inserting the roller into the stand. Mount the two rollers as shown below. Insert the end of a roller into the space provided in the left roller support, then fit the other end of the roller into the right support. Make sure the gear on the roller is engaged with the gear on the support.
Kodak Professional large format 4000 series printers
11 Slide the media guide into the media core, and secure it by
tightening the locking mechanism.
Removing protective shipping material
WARNING: Before turning on the printer, make sure to remove the protective material that secures the carriage. Remove the protective film from the control panel and remove the tape from the ink reservoir cover. Do not remove black tape on the left and right sides of the carriage assembly.
Connecting power and your computer
An IEEE 1284 parallel cable is required to connect the printer to your PC. For serial cable configuration and setting serial communications options, refer to Appendix B in the Reference Guide on your system CD-ROM.
1 Plug the power cord into the power inlet on the back of printer.
2 Plug the printer cable into the connector on the back of the printer.
For connecting to a PC, use an IEEE 1284 parallel cable.
3 To turn on the printer, press the power switch on the back of the
printer. The control panel displays the status and progress of the power on self-test.
Using the control panel
The control panel at the right side of the printer includes eight buttons and a display which indicate modes and settings. An overview is provided here so that you can load media and ink cartridges. Details on menu options are included in the Reference Guide on the system CD-ROM. The menu tree in Appendix C of the Reference Guide also gives you a summary of all the printer modes and their functions.
Kodak Professional large format 4000 series printers
Two types of menus are displayed. Action menus provide a list of additional menus or immediate tasks to perform, such as Cut, Load Media. Selection menus let you view and modify values.
Choosing menu functions
To select a function, press the button next to the function displayed. The display will list options available for the selected function. Press the button
for the option you want and press OK to accept the selection. Depending on the type of menu, you can return to the previous menu level by
pressing the OK or Exit buttons. Press the Cancel button to restore the previous setting and exit the menu. Refer to the Reference Guide on the System CD for a description of all the menu
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