Kodak 3520D - Digital Science, 3520 Setup Instructions

A-61192 P/N 6E6096 December 2002 Cat. No. 844-3384
Perfect Page now with iThresholding: Improved Image Quality and Improved Productivity in an Instant!
For all of your documents, especially those with mixed contrast in background and/or text, experience:
Better image and text legibilitySmoother linesMinimal to no artifactsFewer shaded areas
It’s simple and automatic! Perfect Page from Kodak!
TWAIN Driver
KODAK Capture Software
ISIS Driver
Other Application
Original Document
How to Enable the iThresholding Feature
with the Scanner 3520
The first time you set up the scanner, follow these steps.
1. Find the dialog box in your application that contains the Threshold ( ) and Contrast ( ) values. (See examples below.)
2. Set the Threshold value to 255.
Some applications use the term Brightness instead of Threshold. For these applications, set Brightness to 1.
3. Set the Contrast value to 50.
Increasing the contrast level sharpens image edges.
4. Click OK and close the dialog box.
The settings will remain until you change them.
Note: Using Perfect Page technology with iThresholding
is not recommended when color dropout is in use.
Scanner 3520 with Perfect Page
now with iThresholding
Scanner 3520 with Perfect Page