Kodak 20R User Manual

January 2003 CIS-232
Calibrating K OD AK PROFESSIONAL PORTRA Sepia Blac k & White P aper in K OD AK LED Printers
This procedure will guide you through the steps required to set up your KODAK LED Printers (KODAK PROFESSIONAL LED Printer 20R & 20P, LED II Printer 20R & 20P) to generate calibrated "sepia-toned" black-and-white images on KODAK PROFESSIONAL PORTRA Sepia Black & White Paper.
A new Windows NT version of the LED Printer Calibration Application has been modified to accommodate this paper. Once this version is downloaded and installed, PORTRA Sepia Black & White Paper can be calibrated using the same calibration application and techniques that you are familiar with.
1. Start the KODAK PROFESSIONAL Device Calibration application.
2. Create a new device for the LED printer (e.g."Sepia_B&W").
3. Start the LED Calibration Application for this device.
4. Use the "Edit Configuration" menu and set the Tolerance Level to "_Portra_Sepia_B&W_normal" on the Procedure tab.
5. The "Apply Channel Independent Matrix" box must be left checked (applied) on the Aim tab. (This is the default setting.)
6. Set the Paper Type to "Portra_Sepia_B&W" on the Paper tab.
7. Set up any other desired parameters as described in the calibration docume nt ation del ivered w ith the application.
8. Calibration should st art from th e Factory Default Calibration LUT.
9. Hold paper for 10 minutes before reading on the densitometer (see "Notes" section).
10. Follow the remaining steps of the normal calibration routine described in the calibration documentation.
Due to the unique nature of this paper, green densities are adjusted to aim during calibration. Paper and chemistry variations may cause the red and blue measured densities to be slightly different from the stored aims. Color dependent tolerances have been added in this version of the calibration application in order to accept these variations. Repeated calibration cycles will bring the green densities closer to aim, but cannot change the hue of the print.
The hue of the paper changes slightly for the first few minutes following processing. For repeatable results, the print should be held for 10 minutes after processing before it is read in the densitometer.
Image File Preparation
This calibration will most accurately reproduce image files that have been converted from RGB Color Mode to RGB Grayscale Mode, where the red, green , and blue pixel v alues are equal. Kodak DP2 software includes a "Make Grayscale" option to convert images to black and white. Utilities in image software programs can also be used to perform this conversion. One example is the Channel Mixer in Adobe Photoshop. T o use it, choose Image: Adjust: Channel Mixer, select the Monochrome check-box, then set Source Channels to 30% Red, 60% Green, and 10% Blue.
The hue of PORTRA Sepia Black & White Paper is established by the emulsion for mulation and cannot be changed by modifying the hue of the digital file. PORTRA Sepia Black & White Paper calibration is therefore designed to print image files that are black-and-white (greyscale) images, where the red, green, and blue pixel values are equal. Images should be previewed and sent as greyscale images, which will then be "sepia toned" by the paper during processing.
For More Information
For technical information about this paper, visit our website at www.kodak.com/go/professional and see KODAK Publication No. G-4019, KODAK PROFESSIONAL PORTRA Sepia Black & White Paper.
©Eastman Kodak Company, 2002
Calibrating KODAK PROFESSIONAL PORTRA Sepia Black & White Paper in KODAK LED Printers
Calibrating KODAK PROFESSIONAL PORTRA Sepia Black & White Paper in KODAK LED Printers KODAK Publication No. CIS-232
Kodak, Kodak Professional, and Portra are trademarks.
Minor Revision 1-03
Printed in U.S.A.