Kobo Arc 7 User Guide

User guide
Kobo Arc 7 User Guide 2
Getting Started ..................................................................................................................... 7!
Anatomy of your Kobo Arc 7 ............................................................................................ 8!
Charging your Kobo Arc 7 ................................................................................................ 9!
Putting your Kobo Arc 7 to sleep and waking it up ......................................................... 9!
Using the touch screen .................................................................................................... 11!
Unlocking the screen ..................................................................................................... 12!
Using apps or widgets .................................................................................................... 13!
Adding or removing other users .................................................................................... 15!
Changing your user profile image ................................................................................. 17!
Using Wi Fi ..................................................................................................................... 17!
Adding items from your computer ................................................................................ 18!
Navigating on your Kobo Arc 7 ...................................................................................... 20!
Customizing your Quick Launch Bar ............................................................................. 21!
Using your Apps & Widgets page .................................................................................. 22!
Using Collections ............................................................................................................... 24!
About collections ............................................................................................................ 24!
Managing your personal collections .............................................................................. 25!
Moving round in a collection ......................................................................................... 28!
Adding items to a personal collection ........................................................................... 28!
Resizing items ................................................................................................................ 30!
Removing items from a personal collection .................................................................. 31!
Using apps ......................................................................................................................... 32!
About your Kobo Arc 7 and apps ................................................................................... 32!
Setting up the Email app ............................................................................................... 32!
Browsing the web ........................................................................................................... 35!
Listening to music .......................................................................................................... 35!
Kobo Arc 7 User Guide 3
Viewing images and video ............................................................................................. 36!
Adding eBooks or eMagazines to Your Kobo Arc 7 ........................................................... 38!
Finding new eBooks or eMagazines .............................................................................. 38!
Buying an eBook or eMagazine ..................................................................................... 41!
Adding eBooks from other sources ................................................................................ 42!
Adding library eBooks ................................................................................................... 44!
Reading on your Kobo Arc 7 .............................................................................................. 45!
Syncing your Library over Wi Fi .................................................................................... 45!
Downloading books or magazines ................................................................................. 46!
Opening a book, magazine or Pocket article ................................................................. 47!
Navigating a book .......................................................................................................... 49!
Navigating a magazine ................................................................................................... 50!
Guided reading for magazines ....................................................................................... 51!
Closing a book or magazine ........................................................................................... 52!
Changing your Reading Experience .................................................................................. 55!
Changing text size and style ........................................................................................... 55!
Changing the page theme .............................................................................................. 56!
Using night reading mode ............................................................................................. 57!
Adjusting screen brightness while reading ................................................................... 57!
Rotating the page orientation (portrait vs landscape) .................................................. 58!
Adding Notes, Bookmarks, and Looking Up Words ......................................................... 60!
Highlighting text ............................................................................................................ 60!
Adding notes .................................................................................................................. 61!
Bookmarking pages ........................................................................................................ 62!
Looking up words ........................................................................................................... 63!
Troubleshooting ................................................................................................................. 65!
Troubleshooting apps and widgets ................................................................................ 65!
Troubleshooting Wi Fi issues ........................................................................................ 68!
Restart your Kobo Arc 7 ................................................................................................. 71!
Getting Help ....................................................................................................................... 72!
Kobo Arc 7 User Guide 5
Thank you for purchasing a Kobo Arc 7.
Your Kobo Arc 7 is a new breed of Android tablet, designed by and for readers. You’ll find the comfortable, award-winning reading experience you’ve come to expect from Kobo, alongside the best of Android.
The Kobo Arc 7 also brings a powerful new way to collect and manage content, whether it’s from the Internet, favorite apps, or your other devices—your personal collections— for fun, for work, or just because!
With your Kobo Arc 7, you’ll also be able to take advantage of Kobo’s Featured Collections. These collections are all about your favorite authors and books—ideas, background, themes, related books, videos, quotes and more. Join us in discovering more about the books you love.
This User Guide will walk you through everything you need to know to customize and use your new tablet. We hope you enjoy your Kobo Arc 7.
Kobo Arc 7 User Guide 6
Kobo Arc 7 Basics
Getting started
Kobo Arc 7 User Guide 7
Getting Started
What’s in this section:
Anatomy of your Kobo Arc 7
Charging your Kobo Arc 7
Putting your Kobo Arc 7 to sleep and waking it up
Using the touch screen
Unlocking the screen
Using apps or widgets
Adding or removing other users
Changing your user profile image
Using Wi Fi
Adding items from your computer
Navigating on your Kobo Arc 7
Customizing your Quick Launch Bar
Using your Apps & Widgets page
Kobo Arc 7 User Guide 8
Anatomy of your Kobo Arc 7
Where you’ll find …
a. On / Off slider
Turn your Kobo Arc 7 on or off, or put it to sleep.
b. Camera
Take pictures or video with apps like Skype.
c. Volume button
Press the volume button to increase or decrease the audio volume.
d. Microphone
Connect to a microphone to add live sound to video or apps like Skype.
e. USB port
Connect the included power adapter to charge your Kobo Arc 7, or use a Micro USB/USB connector to transfer files to your tablet.
Kobo Arc 7 User Guide 9
Connect your Kobo Arc 7 with an HDMI-enabled device like a television and live-stream images or video.
f. Headphone jack
Connect a pair of headphones to listen to music, video, and audio books.
Charging your Kobo Arc 7
We recommend you fully charge your Kobo Arc 7 when you take it out of the box for the first time. To charge your Kobo Arc 7, attach the included wall charger to the Micro USB port at the right of your Kobo Arc 7 and plug it into a wall outlet.
You can always see how much charge your Kobo Arc 7 has using the battery icon at the top right corner of the screen. A white thunderbolt symbol within the battery icon means that your Kobo Arc 7 is charging. If you see a red line at the bottom of the battery icon, or a red thunderbolt symbol within the battery icon, it means your battery is low and you should charge your Kobo Arc 7 immediately.
Note: Always use the included wall charger to charge your Kobo Arc 7; it may not charge at all or charge very slowly if you use a computer and USB cable.
Putting your Kobo Arc 7 to sleep and waking it up
You can turn your Kobo Arc 7 off or put it to sleep when you’re not reading. Both help your battery last longer. When your Kobo Arc 7 is asleep it still uses a little power, and when it’s off, there’s no drain on the battery.
When you put your Kobo Arc 7 to sleep and then wake it up, it only takes a few seconds to go back to the last screen you saw, which could be a page in a book, your collections
Kobo Arc 7 User Guide 10
page, or one of your apps. If you turn your Kobo Arc 7 off, you’ll go back to your Home page when you turn it on again, and it can take up to 25 seconds to restart.
To turn your Kobo Arc 7 on:
Pull the power slider to the right for a few seconds, then release it.
You’ll see a blinking blue light beside the power button while your Kobo Arc 7 is turning on.
To turn off your Kobo Arc 7:
1. Pull the power slider to the right until a prompt appears.
2. Tap Power off.
3. Tap OK.
To put your Kobo Arc 7 to sleep:
Briefly pull the power slider to the right and release it. The screen will turn off.
To wake up your Kobo Arc 7:
Briefly pull the power slider to the right and release it.
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Using the touch screen
You can touch your Kobo Arc 7 screen to select items, open books, turn pages, and more. In many cases you can just touch the screen lightly with a fingertip to interact with it. There are a few other gestures that you may find useful.
Tapping This is the gesture you’ll use the most. Just tap the screen lightly to open a book, turn a page, open an item in a collection, and more.
Double-tapping To double-tap, you tap the same spot on the screen twice quickly.
Swipe You can use this gesture to navigate, to turn pages in a book, or to unlock the screen. To swipe, place your finger on the screen and quickly drag it.
Press and hold This gesture is also called long press. This gesture lets you select text while reading and move items around. To use this gesture, touch the screen and hold your finger in place. Depending on what you’re pressing, you’ll see a change on the screen – for example, when you long press an app, you’ll see an outline appear, indicating the app is selected.
This gesture lets you move items around on your Tapestries. To use this gesture, press an item and then slide your finger across the screen to where you want the item to go.
Pinching and zooming
This gesture allows you to zoom in or out on pages.
To zoom in: Put your thumb and one finger together on the screen and move them apart.
To zoom out: Put your thumb and one finger one or two inches apart on the screen and move them together.
Kobo Arc 7 User Guide 12
Unlocking the screen
When you get your Kobo Arc 7, you’ll see a lock icon on the screen when it wakes up. The lock prevents you from making accidental changes. To unlock your Kobo Arc 7, drag the lock icon in any direction to the edge of the circle that’s around it. Once you unlock your Kobo Arc 7, you can read books and magazines, use your collections, and more.
You can change the slider lock to a password or other kind of secure lock, or remove the screen lock completely.
To unlock your screen when you’re using a secure lock, after turning your Kobo Arc 7 on or waking it up:
PIN: Enter your four-digit personal identification number (PIN).
Password: Tap the password field and use the on-screen keyboard to type
your password.
Pattern: Use your finger to trace your unlock pattern on the screen.
Face Unlock: Hold your Kobo Arc 7 screen in front of you as you turn it on.
Move your Kobo Arc 7 around slowly in front of your face and blink a few times if the screen doesn’t immediately unlock.
Kobo Arc 7 User Guide 13
Using apps or widgets
Your Kobo Arc 7 comes with apps that let you browse the web, send email, view images, listen to music, and more. You can also add free or purchased apps and widgets from Google Play to your Kobo Arc 7.
An app is a program that lets you do anything from playing games to reading a book. If you have favorite apps it’s easy to add shortcuts to any of your personal collections, the Apps & Widgets page, or the Quick Launch Bar so that you can find and open them quickly.
A widget is different. Widgets sit on your Apps & Widgets page or collections screens and do one of two things. They either:
Display information that you want to see regularly (like the current weather).
Let you change a setting or reach content without opening an app. For
example, you might have a widget to turn Wi Fi on or off, or use another to open your current book.
Getting new apps and widgets
Google Play is an online store where you can download free and paid apps for your Kobo Arc 7. If you’ve already paid for apps or widgets in Google Play and put them on another Android device, you don’t need to pay again to put them on your Kobo Arc 7.
Note: We recommend that you get any apps or widgets from Google Play. Apps or widgets from other sources may not be secure.
To get an app or widget from Google Play:
1. Tap the Home icon at the bottom of the screen.
2. Tap the All Apps icon at the bottom of the screen.
3. Tap the Get Apps icon. The Google Play store opens and displays apps.
4. Locate the app or widget you’d like to download, and if required, pay for it.
Kobo Arc 7 User Guide 14
5. Tap Install.
6. Tap Accept & Download.
Adding apps and widgets to personal collections or the Apps & Widgets page
If you have apps or widgets that you use frequently, you can add them to the Apps & Widgets page. You can also add apps or widgets to your personal collections, making them easy to find and combine them with other items. For example, if you like to surf, you can create a personal collection that includes weather and surf condition widgets, a traffic mapping app, surfing magazines and photos of surfing moves you’d like to try.
To add an app shortcut or a widget to your Apps & Widgets page to a collection:
1. Tap the Home icon at the bottom of the screen.
2. Swipe from left to right to open the Apps & Widgets page.
3. Tap the All Apps icon at the bottom of the screen.
4. Swipe from right to left to see more apps and widgets.
5. Press and hold the app or widget you want to add to your Apps & Widgets page. The Apps & Widgets page will appear.
6. Drag the app or widget where you want it.
To add an app shortcut or a widget to a personal collection:
1. Tap the Home icon at the bottom of the screen.
2. Swipe from right to until you see your collections page.
3. Tap the personal collection where you want to put the app shortcut or widget.
4. Tap the All Apps icon at the bottom of the screen.
5. Swipe from right to left to see more apps and widgets.
Kobo Arc 7 User Guide 15
6. Press and hold the app or widget you want to add to the personal collection. The personal collection will appear.
7. Drag the app or widget where you want it. If you release the app or widget over another item, you’ll create a new collection
Note: If you drag the app or widget over a personal collection and hold it there, the collection will open. You can then drag the app or widget where you want.
Opening an app
To open an app, just tap its icon. You can find a list of all your apps and widgets on the All Apps screen.
To open an app or use a widget on your All Apps screen:
1. Tap the Home icon at the bottom of the screen.
2. Tap the All Apps icon at the bottom of the screen.
3. Swipe from right to left to see more apps and widgets.
4. Tap the name or icon of the app you want to open.
Adding or removing other users
You can share your Kobo Arc with family and friends using user profiles. You can add up to eight additional user profiles, with different Kobo accounts (and their personal Library collections), Google Play accounts, login and password details, settings, and personal collections. Because user profiles are created with the Android operating system, all user data is secure and completely separate.
As the Kobo tablet owner, you can delete other user profiles, but each user can manage their own profile. This means that each user can change the password they use to open their profile, switch the Kobo Account used for the profile, change their reading preferences, and manage their personal collections. Any changes users make are only for their profile—other users will always see their own profile choices.
Kobo Arc 7 User Guide 16
When you create additional user profiles you have to complete the Kobo tablet setup steps again. This setup only applies to the user you’re adding, not your existing account.
Note: The additional user profiles you create share the storage space on your Kobo tablet with you.
To create a new user profile on your Kobo Arc 7:
1. Tap the Home icon at the bottom of the screen.
2. Tap your profile image, located at the top of the Quick Launch Bar.
3. Tap Add User.
4. Swipe the Lock icon to unlock the screen.
5. Complete setup for the new user.
To delete an user profile:
1. Tap the Home icon at the bottom of the screen.
2. Put your finger at the top right of the screen and swipe down. The settings shortcuts will appear.
3. Tap the Settings icon.
4. Swipe up at the left of the screen until the Users option appears at the bottom of the Device section.
5. Tap Users.
6. Tap the Trash icon at the right of the user you wish to delete.
Kobo Arc 7 User Guide 17
7. Tap Delete.
Changing your user profile image
Your user profile includes the option to add a personal photo. You’ll see the image you add at the left of the Quick Launch Bar, and if you’re sharing your Kobo Arc, on the login page. You can create your user profile image using the built-in camera, or grab it from an app like Gallery.
To change your user profile image:
1. Tap the Home icon at the bottom of the screen.
2. Tap your profile image, located on the Quick Launch Bar.
3. Tap Set Photo.
4. Tap the app you want to use to add the image. The app will open.
5. Locate or create the image you wish to use.
Using Wi Fi
Your Kobo Arc 7 was designed for the Internet. With a wireless Internet connection you can browse the web, play games, watch videos, chat with your friends, and more.
Connecting to a Wi Fi network
When your Kobo Arc 7 is connected to a wireless network, you’ll see a Wireless icon at the top of the screen.
To join a Wi Fi network:
1. Tap the Home icon at the bottom of the screen.
2. Put your finger at the top right of the screen and swipe down. The settings shortcuts will appear.
Kobo Arc 7 User Guide 18
3. Tap the Settings icon. The Wi-Fi section at the top left of the screen will show OFF at the right, which means you aren’t currently connected to a Wi-Fi network.
4. Tap the blank area at the right of the word OFF in the Wi-Fi section. The button will switch to the right and ON will appear.
5. Tap the name of the network you wish to connect to.
6. Tap Connect. If you see a lock icon beside the wireless connection, it means that the connection requires a password. You’ll need to enter the password to connect.
Turning on Airplane Mode
You can use Airplane Mode to quickly and easily turn off any wireless network connections you have open. Turning on Airplane Mode lets you use your Kobo Arc 7 safely on an airplane or in a hospital, and extends your battery life.
To turn on Airplane Mode:
1. Pull the power slider at the top of your Kobo Arc 7 to the right for a few seconds. The power off menu will appear.
2. Tap Airplane mode.
Adding items from your computer
You can connect your Kobo Arc 7 tablet to a computer, similar to a USB thumb drive. When it’s connected, you can drag and drop content from your computer to your Kobo Arc 7.
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Once you’ve transferred content to your Kobo Arc 7 you can view it, import it, and add it to collections. For example, if you add any personal photos, you’ll see them when you open an image app like Gallery, and if you’ve added books, you’ll be able to import them into your Books collection.
To transfer files from your desktop you’ll need the following OS and applications on
your computer:
! Windows XP with SP2+ and Windows Media Player 10+
! Vista
! Windows 7
! Mac OS X 10.5+
If you’re a Mac user, you’ll also need the Android File Transfer app to add items to
your Kobo Arc 7. You can get this app at http://www.android.com/filetransfer/.
To add an item from your Windows computer to your Kobo Arc 7:
1. Connect your computer and your Kobo Arc 7 with a Micro USB/USB cable.
2. On your computer:
a. Double-click My Computer.
Kobo Arc 7 User Guide 20
b. Click the device named Kobo Arc 7.
c. Drag the content you want to add into the open Kobo Arc 7 window.
To add an item from your Mac to your Kobo Arc 7:
1. Connect your computer and your Kobo Arc 7 with a Micro USB/USB cable.
2. On your computer:
a. Open the Android File Transfer app.
b. Drag the content you want to add into the open app window.
Navigating on your Kobo Arc 7
At any time on your Kobo Arc 7, when you tap the Home icon at the bottom of the screen you’ll be a swipe away from the three areas you’ll use the most – your Kobo Home page, the Apps & Widgets page, and your collections. There are a few other features on your tablet that make it easy to find what you want.
Kobo Home Page
When you turn on your Kobo Arc 7 you’ll see your Home page after you unlock your screen. You Home page shows you books and magazines you’ve had open recently, your ratings and reviews for books, and lists to help you find exciting new reads.
Apps & Widgets Page
If you tap the Home icon at the bottom of your page while you’re on your Kobo Home page, you’ll see your Apps & Widgets page. You’ll also find it by swiping from left to
Kobo Arc 7 User Guide 21
right from your Kobo Home page. The Apps & Widgets page on your Kobo Arc 7 is a standard Android page where you can put your favorite widgets or shortcuts for your favorite apps.
Profile Image
You’ll see your Profile image at the bottom of your Kobo Home page and your Apps & Widgets page. You can tap your Profile Image and add an image, switch profiles, or add a new profile.
Quick Launch Bar
You’ll see your Quick Launch Bar at the bottom of your Home page and your Apps & Widgets page. You’ll find apps that we’ve pre-selected for you—if you’d prefer different apps, just drag any app that’s in the bar off it and drag the app you want into it.
Library collections
Swipe from right to left a few times to find your Library collections. Library collections can’t be moved or deleted, and only hold one type of content—your books and previews in the Books collection, your Pocket articles in the Articles from Pocket collection, and your magazines in the Magazines collection. Just tap a Library collection to find your books, previews, Pocket articles, or magazines.
Personal collections
Your personal collections are in the same area on your Kobo tablet as your Library collections. To find them, simply swipe from right to left a few times from your Kobo Home page. Collections are groups of things. You can put a lot of things in personal collections; your books, magazines, articles, photos, apps and widgets, videos, and more. If you’ve used Kobo before on any other device, you’ll find any existing personal collections of books or magazines you already have in your Library – you can add different kinds of content on your Kobo Arc 7.
Customizing your Quick Launch Bar
Your Quick Launch Bar lets you keep favorite apps handy. You’ll always see the Quick Launch Bar when you’re on your Home page or your Apps & Widgets page, and getting
to either of these pages is easy—you just tap the Home icon at the bottom of the screen.
Kobo Arc 7 User Guide 22
You can add any app you want to the Quick Launch Bar, but you can only keep four apps on it. If you want to change apps on your Quick Launch Bar, you simply remove one of the apps already there and add the app you want.
To customize your Quick Launch Bar:
1. Tap the Home icon at the bottom of the screen.
2. Remove any apps you don’t want:
a. Long press an app until it grows slightly and a blue outline appears.
b. Drag the app over the word Remove at the top of the screen.
c. When the app turns red, remove your finger from the screen.
The app shortcut is removed.
Note: This only deletes the shortcut, not the app itself. You can still find the app in your All Apps area.
3. Add the new app you want to your Quick Launch Bar:
a. Tap the All Apps icon at the bottom of the screen.
b. Long press the app you want to add to your Quick Launch Bar.
The Kobo Home page or the Apps & Widgets page will appear.
c. Slide the app over the Quick Launch Bar.
d. Remove your finger from the screen.
The app will appear on your Quick Launch Bar.
Using your Apps & Widgets page
The Apps & Widgets page is pure Android—a place for you to put the app shortcuts and widgets you use the most or want to keep handy. Because the Apps & Widgets page is pure Android, you can’t add other types of content.
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