Quick Start Guide
2-Channel Active DI Box with Extended Dynamic Range and Sum/Split Options
(2) (3)
(1) STEREO INPUT – C onnect a line -level audio sou rce via stereo
⁄" TRS ca ble. Ensure that the L /R INPUTS and LINK T HRU jacks
are disconnected when using the STEREO INPUT jack.
(2 ) PAD – P ress to reduce the in put signal by 20 dB for us e
with hot signals.
(3 ) EARTH – Pr ess to separate the i nput and output gr ounds,
potentially eliminating earth/ground loops between
equipment on dierent mains supplies.
(4 ) L/ R INPUT – Connect either b alanced or unbalanc ed XLR
or ¼" cables. Ens ure that the ⁄" STERE O INPUT jack is
disconnected when using these inputs.
(5 ) 48 V LED – L ights when the unit r eceives sucien t
phantom pow er. Note that the DN200 mus t be powered to
operate correctly.
Important: Although th e DN200 will func tion as a mono
device whe n only one channel is co nnected, both c hannels
should be p owered to use stere o, split, or sum modes.
(6 ) SUM – When e ngaged, the lef t and right input s are
summed and f ed to the left and r ight outputs . Note that
phantom pow er must be delivere d to both output
connec tions for dual-o utput operati on.
(7 ) SPLIT – When e ngaged, the lef t input is fed to the
left an d right outputs . Note that phantom pow er
must be de livered to both out put connectio ns for
dual-output operation.
(8 ) L/R OUTPUT – Se nd the signals to a mixer o r recording
interf ace via balanced XLR c ables. Note that th e connected
device mus t be able to provide + 48 V phantom power to
these con nectors.
(9 ) LINK THRU – Se nd the signals to an alte rnate source
via balanced or unbalanced ¼" cables. Ensure that
the ⁄" STEREO INPUT jack is disconnected when using
these outputs.
V 1.0

2 DN200
Connector s 2 x combo XLR, 2 x ¼" TR S link jacks, ⁄" ste reo TRS jack
Max input level
Attenuator 20 dB pad
Connec tors 2 x 3-pin XLR
Impedance 50
Max output level 13 dBu with 10 k loa d, 10 dBu with 600 load
Min load 600
Frequency response 20 Hz to 20 kHz, ±1 dB, 10 k load
Distor tion (THD + N) Typically <0.0 05% @ 1 kHz, +10 dBu
Crosstalk <100 dB @ 1 kHz, inpu ts terminated
Power Requirement
Voltage +48 V phan tom
Current consumption <10 mA per channel
Dimensions 118 x 63 x 142 mm (4.7 x 2.5 x 5.6")
Weight 0.65 kg (1.43 lbs)
1 M (combo & link jac ks balanced), 20 k (com bo XLR only),
500 k ( ⁄" stereo TRS jack un balanced)
28 dBu combo X LR and TRS link jack s (pad enabled),
21 dBu ⁄" TRS jac k (pad enabled)
-103 dBu, 22 Hz to 22 kHz unweigh ted, with input ter minated by
10 k resis tor
Note: Operation Ambient Temperature up to 45ºC
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TC Helicon, Behringer, Bugera, Auratone and Coolaudio are trademarks or registered trademarks of Music Tribe Global Brands Ltd.
© Music Tribe Glo bal Brands Ltd. 2020 All r ights reser ved.
For the applicable warranty terms and conditions and additional information regarding Music Tribe’s Limited Warranty, please see complete
details online at musictribe.com/warranty.