KJB SP2300 Specsheet

Omnidirectional Speaker for White Noise Generator (Item: SP2300)
White noise generators are widely used for protecting premises against acoustic leakage eavesdropping. The SP2300 omnidirectional speaker is an important component for such system. While the transducers inject the generated noise into the surfaces and structures stopping distributing of sound through them, the role of the speaker is to fill voids, cavities and ventilation shafts with the audio interference to prevent leakage of sound through the air.
Creating audio noise in the voids/cavities increases the general level of protection by preventing such kinds of listening as:
Listening with the help of a wall stethoscope placed behind the construction adjacent to cavity (typically from a top floor behind the drop ceiling) Leakage of sound outside the target room through the void/cavities (for example, through the ventilation or common holes for the pipes of heating system) Bringing a wired microphone to a void or cavity Hiding a covert surveillance device in a void or cavity 1 x SP2300 speaker per every 100 feet
The SP2300 speaker, when connected to a iProtect white noise generator, will create efficient interference to all of the mentioned kinds of eavesdropping. The DNG-2300 is the recommended white noise generator for the SP2300.
Since the SP2300 is assembled from 3 speakers, each of them can be used separately for smaller voids. The output has adjustable volume and can feed up to 12 speakers simultaneously.
Buy a kit with DNG2300 white noise Generator, Omni masking speaker and Transducer the DNG230
0-4 Kit or the DNG2300-8 Kit
• Output Power: 9W
• Resistance 24 Ohm
• Speaker and power cable
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