upper chimney
| I | 24-5/8 |62.5 era] rain, -
lo6OwCrm) overall chimney height
23-s/a" 34-314N188.3cml max.
- ? t
lg-114" 126 cm) J
overall depth ..... _4---48" hood 47-1/4" It20 cm|
Vent sys_:em must terminate to the outside.
Do not terminate the vent system in an attic or other enclosed
Do not use 4" (10.2 cm) laundry-type wall caps.
Use metal vent only, Rigid metal vent is recommended. Do not
use plasds or metal foil vent.
For the most efficient and quiet
• It is recommended that the range hood be vented vertically through
the roof through 9" {22,9 cm) round metal ventwork.
• The size of the vent should be uniform,
• Use no more thanthree 90 ° elbows,
• Make sure there is a minimum of 24" (61 cm) of straight vent
between the elbows if more than one elbow is used.
• DO Not install two elbows together.
• The length of vent system and number of elbows should bg kept to
a minimum to provide efficient performance.
• The vent system must have a damper, If roof or wall cap has a
damper, Do Not use damper supplied with the range hood,
• Use duct tape to seal all joints _n the vent system,
• Use caulking to seal exterior wall or roof opening around the cap.
Determine which venting method is best for your application and
follow "Preparation" under "installation steps" on Page 5.
overall width
24" {al cm) min.
_ttom of canopy
to cooking surface
36" {g1+4crn}
base cabinet
lower chimney
_- canopy
8" 12.4 m} nlin, -
9" (2.7 ml max.
ceiling to floor

Venting methods
This island canopy range hood is
factory set for venting through the roof
or wall. For non-vented (recirculating)
installations, see "Non-Vented
(Recirculating) Kits" on back page,
Vent system needed for installation is
not included. 3-1/4" x 10" (8.3 em x
25 cml rectangular, 7" (17.8 crn| round,
8" (20.3 era) round or 9" (22.9 _rn)
round vent may be used. The hood
exhaust opening is 3-1/4" x 10"
(8,3 cm x 25 cml.
Ventwork can terminate either through
the roof or wall. To vent through a
wall, a 90 ° elbow is needed.
The vent system length should not
exceed the lengths shown in the chart
Vent size Maximum length
3-1/4' x 10" 35 ft. (10.7 m)
(8.3 cmx 25cm)
7" (17.8 cm) round 40 ft. (12.2 m)
8" (20.3 cm) round 50 ft. (15.2 m)
9" (22.9 cm) round 60 ft. (18.3 m)
Vertical roof venting
roof cap
3-1/4" x 10"
the root
Horizontal wall venting
) (8.3 cm x 25 cm)
3-1/4" x 10"
through the wall |
\ /
Calculating the vent system length
To calculate the length of the system
you need, add 1he equivalent feet for
each vent piece used in the system.
Vent Piece
45° elbow
90° elbow
90° flat elbow 12.0 feet
transition 1o round 5.0 feet M
wall cap 0.0 feet
3-114" x 10" (8.3 cm x 25 cm
7.0 feet(2.1 m) _
5.0 feet
(3.7 m)
(1.5 m)
(0.0 m)
7" (17.8 orn}, 8" (20.3 cm)
or 9" (22.9 cm) Round
(0.8 cm)
2.5 feet
(1.5 ml
5.0 feet _
3-114" x 10" (8,3 crn x 25 cm)
3-1/4" x 10" wall
is,3 cm x 25 cml
elbow cap
vent system
leml-- ,\
Maximum length
1 -- 90° elbow
8 ft. (2.4 m) straight
1 -- wall cap
Length of 3-1/4' x 10"
(8.3 cm x 25 cm)
Note: Flexible vent is Not
If it is used, each foot of flexible vent
used is equivalent to two feet (61 cm)
of straight metal vent when
calculating the vent system length.
(Example: A flexible elbow equals two
standard elbows,)
= 35 ft, (10.7 m)
= 5 ft. (1.5 rn}
= 8 fl. (2.4 m)
= 0 fl, (0 m)
= 13 ft.(4m)