KitchenAid KCDB250S1, KCDB250, KCDC150, KCDC250, KCDS250 Installation Instructions Manual

Tools and materials needed for installation:
Installation Instructions
iMPORTANT: Read and save these instructions.
IMPORTANT: Installer: Leave Installation Instructions with the homeowner.
Homeowner: Keep Installation Instructions for future reference Save Installation Instructions for local electrical inspector’s use.
’ Before you start...
Read the Electrical and Plumbing Installation Instructions.
Proper installation is your responsibility. A qualified technician should install this disposer. Make sure you have everything necessary for correct installation. It is the customer’s responsibility to contact qualified electrical and plumbing Installers to assure installation is correct and meets all local codes.
KItchenAId,@ St. Joseph, Michigan 49085
2 wire nuts
Optional tools and materials needed for some installations:
- - pipe wrench
coupler ,
dishwasher drain
strain relief
For the way it’s made.
hack saw
FormNo./PartNo. 70309/4211562
Remove old disposer.
Start the installation
Installation dimensions
Garbage Disposer Dimensions
Drsconnect from electrrcal supply Mure to do so could result rn
electrm shock, personal rnyry, or de&
Compare your ne.v drsposer mounting assembly’wh the exrsring mounting If the rnou, rtrng assemblres are the same, complete Steps 3-A, B, D, E
A Using a pope wrench, disconnect the dram
hne where rt attaches to the drsposerwaste
line prpe
If old disposer mounting is the same as your new one, Insert end of Jam-breaker wench or screwdrrver Into rrght srde of a d,sposer mountrng nng lug at top Of d,sposer Hold drsposer wth other hand Turn jam-breaker wench or screwdrrver counterclochse untd lug hnes up wrth one of the srnk-mounting assembly scrw6
B’ - Drstance from bottom of srnk to center
tine Of drsposeroutlet Add l/g inch whe stainless steel srnk IS used. C’ - Length of waste lrne proe from center he of d;poser outlet to end of waste lrne we
IMPORTANT Plumb waste lrne to prevent standrng water I” the drsposer motor housrng
Check that all parts were included.
Drawing show just one model type.
tmng to prevent It from fallmg when the mountrng nng rs drsconnected.
Farlure to do x) could result rn damage
Remove drsposer Go to Step 3-D
C. If old disposer mounting is different from
your new one, remove the nuts on the mountmg nry ~“3 plrers or an adjustable wench Remove old drsposer You may
need to remove a clamp or h-w the
drsposer to remove It
D.Turn drsposer upsrde down and remove the
electrIcal plate
Electrical requirements
E. Use a screwdrrver IO remove the groundrng
wire Remove wire nuts from power w,res Separate drsposer power w,reS from the cable wares Loosen screw(s) on strafr relref and remove cable horn the drsposer
If old disposer mounting is the same as your new disposer mOunting, go to SWP 5.
Electrical ground is mqulnd on this
AU L.-listed conduct connector
must be prwrded at Uw runchon box
IS the
persona responsibrlrh,
Electrical ground IS requrred on ttxs appliance
Improper connechon of the equrpment­groundmg conductor can result I” elecmcal shock
*Check wth a qualrfred electncran rf you
are rn doubt as to whether the applrance IS properly grounded
Do Not have a fuse rn the neutral or groundmg crrcurt A fuse rn the neutral M groundmg orcurt could result rn elecmcal shock.
and oblrgatron of the customer to contact a qualrfred electncran to assure that me electrical rmtallahon IS adequate and IS rn conformance wlm me Natronal Electrrcal code ANWNFPA 7@latest edrtron’ and all local codes and wdrnances
Copies of the standards lrsted may be obtwred from * National Fire Protection
Arsociation Batterymarch park Ouincy, Massachusettr OF269
G.Fw contmuous feed models
Install a 15. or PO-amp wall swatch above the countenop and
junction box rnsrde cabrnet as
shown (watch and electrrcal wrrrng can be obtamed locally ) PosItron swtch I” a convenrent
locatIon Connect wrtch to ]uncOo” box
F. loosen screw and remove the mounrrng
ring and back-up rungs A hammer may be needed to loosen rrngs
Farlure to follow these rnstructrons could result rn a hre, electrical shock cx omer o+?rslYa rnruw
G. Push old smk sleeve up rhrough the sink hole
and rerno”e
120 Volt, 60 Hz. AC only, 15 or 20 Ampere fused electrical supply 1s requrred. (Time­delay fuse or crrcurt breaker IS recommended.) It IS recommended mat a separate crrcurt serwrg only thus applrance be prowded
H.Clean sealant from srnk hole rrm usrng a
screwdrwer or putty knife [o scrape away all traces of putty or caulkrng from the sink hole r,m Hole rim must be as clean as posirble for a good. watenrght seal
C. We srzes and connectrons must conform
to the requrrements of the NatIona Elecmcal Code, ANSI/NFPA 70latest edrtron’ and all local codes and ordrrrances.
D.Thrs applrance should be connected to the
fused-drsconnect (or crrcurt breaker) box through flexrble, armored or nonmetallic
shearned, copper cable (wrth groundrng wrre) The flexible amxued cable extendrng from the applrance should be connected directly to the ~unctron box
To install our sink’s firs
disposer :
A-Use wench to ioosen nut at fop of
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