I itChenAid ®
Quick Reference
Product dlmenslons 3
Bullt-ln opening dlmenslons 3
Electrical requlremonts 4
Water requlrements 4
Draln requlrements 4
Installation steps 5 -
Need assistance? Back cover
PartNo. 9743822 Rev,C
Piece n° 9743822 R_. C
The KitchenAidConsumerAssistance Centeris open 24 hoursa
day,7daysa week. Call1-(800) 422-1230.Thecallis free withinthe
continentalUnitedStates.In Canada,call 1-(800)461-5681for
English,and 1-(800) 461-5703for French.
Call t_ KitchenAtdConsumerAssistance Centerwhen you:
1_ Needtoobtainthenameand numberofa KitchenAid-authorized
• Installer:. LeaveInstalLationInstructionswiththe homeowner.
• Homeowner: KeepInstallationInstructionsfor future
• SaveInstallationInstructionsforlocalelectricalinspector's use,

In_on s_s cont fmm _ s
If connecting dishwasher with power supply cord,
check that power supply is dlsconne_ed.
PlugIntoa grounded3prongoutlet.
Do notuseanadapter.
FailuretofollowtheseInstructionscanresultIn death,fire,
• Usepowersupply cord kit (Part No. 4317824) availablefromyour
dealer orpartssupplier.Followinstructionswithkit forinstalling
Ifthe cord kitis notacailable,a U.L.-listed/CSA-cerlifled,16-gauge,
three-conductor,power supplycord and m.ainreliefmustbe
used.Sixfeet(1.8m) must bethe maximumlengthofpower
• Routepowersupplycord so itdoesnot touchdishwashermotoror
_ *Removethedishwasherterminalboxcover(O).
• Installa U.L.÷listed/CSA-certiliedstrain relief(P) to theterminal
box. Runpower supplycord throughstrain relief.

A. electric drill
B. Phillips screwdriver
C. flat-blade screwdriver
D. 2 adjustable wrenches
E. pliers
F. measuring tape or ruler
G. pipe wrench
H. hole cutters (1/2", 3/4",
1. tubing cutter
J. wire stripper
K. utility knife
L. 11/32" and 1/4" nut driver
or hex socket
M. 2 twist-on wire connectors
for 16-gange wire
N. level
O. safety glasses
P. gloves
R. Teflon tape
S. Drain tube adapter
Part No. 9741366
(available from your
dealer) if connecting to a
1/2" I.D. drain line.
Not shown:
90 ° elbow with 3/8" N.P.T.
external threads on one
end. The size of the other
end must fit your water
supply line.
A. 2 drain hose clamps
B. 2 No.-lO x 1/2" Phillips-head screws
Remove parts from bag. Check that all parts were supplied.

Unshaded area must befreeofpipes, wiresanddrain hose.
Power supply cord or cable shouldnot bekinkedorpinchedbetwom
Leveling legs and wheels adjusttofit34-inch(86.4cm) to35-inch
(88.9cm) cabinetopeningheight.Iflevelinglegsand wheelsare removed
fromdishwasher,33-13/16inches (85.9cm) istheminimumcabinetopening
height.Measurethisdistance fromthelowestpointofthe underside ofthe
Cornerlocations requirea 2"(5.1cm) minimumclearancebetweensideof
dishwasherdoor and the wallor cabineL
Checklocation where dishwasherwillbe installed.Do Notinstalldishwasher
over carpeting.Thelocationmust provide:
• Protection so thatthe water inlet and drain lines cannot freeze.
Damagefromfreezingis notcoveredbythe warranty.Ifdishwasher will
be subject to freezing temperatures and leftunused fora periodof
time, see"Winterizing"instructionsinyourUseand Care Guide.
• Easyaccess to water,dectvidtyand drainage lines.
• Convenientloading.Thebest locationis totherightor leftof a sink
• Asquareopeningfor proper dishwasheroperation and appearance.
* Acalfmetfruntthatisperpendicular tothe floor.
• 1/4"(.64cm) minimumclearancebetweenmotor and flooringto preventthe

• The hot water line to the dishwasher must provide between 20-125
psi (138-862 kPa) water pressure.
• The hot water heater should be set to deliver 120°F (49°C)
minimum water temperature to the dishwasher for best results.
• A3/8" minimum O.D. copper tubing inlet line is recommended.
• Dishwasher inlet valve has 3/8" N.P.T. internal pipe threads.
• Allsolder connections must be made before water line is connected
to dishwasher inlet valve. Do Not solder within 6 inches (15.2cm)
of inlet valve.
The drainhosesuppliedmeetsAHAMDW-iteststandards.
• Thedrain hose musthavea highdrain loop,20 inches (50.8cm)
abovefloor.Thiswillhelp topreventbackflowor watersiphoning
• An'airgap mustbeused in thehigh drainloopffthedrain hoseis
connectedto house plumbinglower than20 inches(50.8cm).
• Thewastetee or disposerinletmust be20 inches(50.8cm)
minimumabovethe floor.
• Drain hose must be installed to wasto tee or inlet above drain trap in
house plumbing.
• Drain line and fittings must be 1/2" minimum I.D.
• ff a longer drain hose is required, the _um length is 12 feet
(3.7m). Check thatdrain hose is resistant to heat and detergent.

Direct wire method
Localcodes maypermitusingarmored ornon-metallicsheathed,
copper wire(A) (withgroundwire) toconnectdishwasherto
5. Cuta 3/4"(l.gcm) holeinla_, sideorfloorofcabinet(B) for
directwiring.Rightsideis easiestlocation.
Wood cabinet: Sandholeuntilsmooth.
Metalcabinet: Coverholewithgrommet (PartNo.302797)
availablefromyour dealerorparts supplier.
6. Install a U.L-listed/C_A-certffied strain relinfto the junction box.
If using conduit, use a Ui.-listed/CSA-cer tiffed conduit connector.
Connect the power supply wire to thejunction box. Run the other
end of wire through cabinet hole (B). The power supply wire
must extend 24 inches (61cm) from the back wall into cabinet
Power supply cord method
Localcodes maypermit a U.L.-listed/_A-certiffed,16-gauge,power
supplycord (PartNo.4317824) (C) with a three-prong,ground-
typeplug(D) toconnectdishwasherto grounded outlet(E).
5. Cuta 1-1/2"(3.8cm) hole in rear or rightside ofcabinet(F) for
powersupplycord. Rightsideis easiestlocation.
Wood cabinet: Sandholeuntil smooth.
Metal obinet: Coverhole withgrommet(PartNo.302797)
availablefromyour dealer or parts supplier.
6. Install a matingthree-pronggronnd-typeoudetinanadjacent
Waterline (protect from freezing)
7. CUta 1/2"(1.3cm) minimumhole (G) in cabinetwall orfloor for
water line.Loftsideis easiestlocation.
8. Roughwaterline(H) to the cabinetopening.
9. Installamanualshutoffvalveinthewaterline whereit can be
10. Flushwaterlineinto a bucket to getrid ofanyparticles thatmay
cloginlet valve. Checkthatthereareno sharpbendsorldnks in
thewaterlinethatmayrestrictthewaterflow. Turnshutoffvalveto
the "OFF"position.
Drain hose
11. CUta 1-1/2' (3.8on) diameterdrainline op_ (I) in the

chart. Thedishwashershouldbe installedas levelas possiblefrom
Adjustthefroutlevelinglegs (E) the numberof turnslistedinthe
(G). Pushdrainhose (H) onto drain connector. Usepliers to open
Putthe spring-typedrain hose clamp(F) over thedrain connector
clampand slideclamp overdrain hoseanddrain connector.Check
thatdrainhose is securelyattachedto drain connector.
Tilt dishwasher backwards on wheels when moving across
floor to prevent damage to floor covering.
Latch (I) the dishwasher door. Grasp the sides of the dishwasher door
near the console (J). Tilt dishwasher backwards on wheels. Move
dishwasher close to cabinet opening. Do Not push on the center of
the console. Discardshipping baseor hardboard.
Insertdrain hoseintoholecut intocaFmet. Checkthatdrain hose
doesnot contactdoor springs,motor orwater line.
• Do Notrundrain hoseover topof tub. Checkthatdrain hoseis not
m I m
__ m
Insert power supply cord into hole cut into cabinet. Ifusing power
supply wire, adjust wire and pull towards dishwasher terminal box.
• Do Not pinch power supply cord or ldnk power supply wire between
dishwasher and cab'met.
Movedishwashercompletelyintocabinetopening. Centerdishwasher
in opening.Checkthat levelinglegs (K) are firmlyagainstthe floor.
Alignthedishwasherdoor withfront ofcab'metdoors.Checkthat
spacing(L) isthe same on bothsides.