Declaration of Conformity
According to EC guideline 89/336/EEC 73/23/EEC
We Kipp & Zonen B.V.
Delftechpark 36
2628 XH Delft
The Netherlands
Declare under our sole responsibility that the products
Type: Handheld Readout unit
to which this declaration relates are in conformity with the following standards
Imissions EN 50082-1 Group standard
Emissions EN 50081-1 Group standard
EN 55022
Safety standard IEC 1010-1
Following the provisions of the directive.
B.A.H. Dieterink
The Kipp & Zonen METEON is a high-performance sensor readout unit with integrated data
The sensor sensitivity is programmed into the METEON such that the readout will show
calibrated engineering units, rather than millvolts or microvolts.
Use of the data logger functions and programming the sensor sensitivity is done with the USB
interface which is standard supplied to connect the METEON to a PC.
A/D conversion 16 bits
Input range (programmable)
Basic accuracy after factory calibrat i on 0.1%
Temperature sensitivity < 0.5% over the full temperature range
Offset drift < 3 µV over the full temperature range
Operation temperature range -10 .. +40 °C
Storage temperature range -20 .. +60 °C
Relative humidity < 95% RH non-condensing
Input circuit > 2 MΩ // 680 nF
Input low-pass filter 5 Hz
Input connectors 2 x 4mm banana plug
Display LCD 4 digits with sign
Decimal dot position (programmable) 8888 or 888.8 or 88.88 or 8.888
Display update At least 1 per second
Computer interface USB 1.1 / 2.0 low speed
Supply current < 2 mA
Batteries 2 AA (penlight) alkaline
Battery life (alkaline) > 1200 hours (50 days) continuous use
Data logger memory 3518 samples
Data logger storage interval 2 .. 65535 seconds
Logged information Min, max and average over log interval
Software compatibility Windows 2000, Windows XP
Full scale voltage Internal counts Internal resolution
+/- 200 mV 20,000 10µV
+/- 100 mV 10,000 10µV
+/- 50 mV 5,000 10µV
+/- 25 mV 25,000 1µV
+/- 12.5 mV 12,500 1µV
+/- 6.25 mV 6,250 1µV
The METEON accepts two AA size (penlight) batteries. Use alkaline types for best results.
New, good quality batteries should give up to 50 days of continuous operation.
Remove the bottom cover of the enclosure to access the battery compartment. This can be
done by pulling the side
away with the index
finger to release the
bottom. Please take care
to follow the instruction
on the bottom of the
METEON to avoid
damage to the case.
Extract the battery holder
from the compartment,
and install two fresh
batteries. Notice the
polarization. Replace the
bottom cover and
connect the sensor.
The METEON is now ready for use. Switch the METEON on with the push-button switch on
the top.
To prevent that the METEON is switched off while logging, the on/off switched is mounted so
that the button has to be pressed quite deep to switch on or off. You can feel it and hear it
when the switch toggles. Press the small black button far enough with your nail or a pencil
until you feel and hear it switch.