Kidde KN-COU-B User Manual

Manual P/N 2541-7201-01 Rev.B 06/12 EN
ATTENTION: Please take a few minutes to thoroughly read this user guide which should be saved for future reference and passed on to any subsequent owner.
Carbon Monoxide Monitor
User Guide
Model: KN-COU-B
• Digital Display
• Detects Low Levels of Carbon Monoxide
• 3-AA Battery Operation
Carbon Monoxide Monitor Procedure
1) Operate the Test/Reset button;
2) Call your emergency services (Fire Department or 911);
3) Immediately move to fresh air - outdoors or by an open
door/window. Do a head count to check that all persons are accounted for. Do not reenter the premises nor move away from the open door/window until the emergency services responders have arrived, the premises have been aired out, and your monitor remains in its normal condition.
4) After following steps 1-3, if the monitor reactivates within a 24 hour period, repeat steps 1-3 and call a qualified appliance technician to investigate sources of CO from fuel burning equipment and appliances, and to inspect for proper operation of equipment.
If problems are identified during this inspection, have the equip­ment serviced immediately. Note any combustion equipment not inspected by the technician and consult the manufacturer’s instruc­tions, or contact the manufacturer’s directly for more information about CO safety and the equipment. Make sure that motor vehicles are not, or have not been, operating in a garage attached or adja­cent to the residence.
Never restart the source of a CO problem until it has been corrected. Never ignore the sound of the monitor!
If the unit is sounding, pressing the test/reset button will ter­minate the monitor. If the CO condition that caused the alert in the first place continues, the unit will reactivate in alert or full alarm mode. If the unit goes into full alarm again within six minutes, it is sensing high levels of CO which can quickly become a dangerous situation.
Full monitor activation indicates the presence of Carbon Monoxide (CO) at high concentrations, which can kill you.
What to do When the Monitor Sounds!
Carbon Monoxide Alert Procedure
Low Level Alert
WARNING: Alerts to the presence of constant low level CO concentrations (less than 30 ppm). These constant low levels may pose potential health risks for individuals with certain pre-exist­ing health or medical conditions. You must consult your health care provider as to any potential low level CO exposure risk due to any specific pre-existing heath or medical conditions.
1) Operate the Test/Reset button;
2) If a constant low level of Carbon Monoxide (below 30 ppm) is meas­ured and persists in your home you should consult your healthcare giver about the long term impact on your health.
3) Move all occupants to fresh air to avoid any immediate health repercussions.
4) After following steps 1-3, if the unit goes into full alarm follow the Carbon Monoxide Monitor Procedure for response and evacuation.
If the unit is sounding, pressing the test/reset button will termi­nate the notification. If the CO condition that caused the alert in the first place continues, the unit will reactivate in alert or full alarm mode. If the unit goes into full alarm again within six min­utes, it is sensing high levels of CO which can quickly become a dangerous situation.
This CO monitor operates differently than CO and smoke alarms. Like smoke and CO alarms, this CO monitor samples the air in your home and sounds a loud alarm to warn you of life threatening conditions. In addition, this monitor will alert you to lingering low levels of CO (below 30 ppm) which may have heath implications if you suffer from certain pre-existing health or medical conditions. You should discuss your specif­ic needs for a low level CO monitor with your healthcare provider to determine if a low level CO monitor is warranted given a particular pre­existing medical or health condition.
The way you respond to a CO alarm is quite different than a smoke alarm. That’s because a house fire and a CO problem are two distinctly different situations. If your smoke alarm were to alarm, you would quickly be able to judge the level of danger you were in with your sens­es. You can see and smell the smoke, feel the heat, see, and possibly hear the fire burning. You can also readily see if your smoke alarm is alarming in a non-emergency situation. Because your sense of sight, smell, hearing and touch give you information, you can almost instantly judge what action to take if you hear your smoke alarm.
This Kidde carbon monoxide (CO) monitor is part of your family’s health monitoring and safety plan. This monitor has been designed and tested to detect and alert to the presence CO background concentrations which can emanate from several sources including heating appliances, automobile traffic, and pollution. The monitor is also capable of detect­ing and alarming in response to a rapid buildup of carbon monoxide from malfunctioning appliances and equipment (ovens, heaters, genera­tors, etc.) leading to unsafe conditions. Your monitor is for use specifi­cally in the home. As an owner of a CO monitor, there are some basic facts you should know for your protection.
WARNING: This product is intended for use in ordinary indoor locations of family living units. It is not designed to measure com­pliance with Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), commercial or industrial standards. It is not suitable for installation in hazardous locations as defined in the National Electric Code.
CO is an invisible, odorless, tasteless and non-irritating gas – completely undetectable to your senses.
IMPORTANT: This carbon monoxide monitor is designed to detect carbon monoxide from ANY source of combustion. It is NOT designed to detect smoke, fire, or any other gas.
This carbon monoxide monitor cannot be used to meet code requirements which require the installation of a CO alarm which complies with the alarm requirements set forth in Underwriter’s Laboratory standard 2034 (UL 2034).
WARNING: Carbon monoxide monitors and alarms are not smoke alarms. This carbon monoxide monitor is not a substitute for installing and maintaining an appropriate number of smoke alarms in your home.
This carbon monoxide monitor will not sense smoke, fire, or any poisonous gas other than carbon monoxide even though carbon monoxide can be generated by fire. For this reason you must install smoke alarms to provide early warning of fire and to pro­tect you and your family from fire and its related hazards.
The installation of this device should not be used as a substitute for proper installation, use and maintenance of fuel burning appliances, including appropriate ventilation and exhaust sys­tems. It does not prevent CO from occurring, nor can it solve an existing CO problem.
Important Warning Statements
CAUTION: This monitor will only indicate the presence of car­bon monoxide at the sensor. Carbon monoxide may be present in other areas.
WARNING: This device is designed to alert and provide infor­mation to individuals to the presence of low concentrations (below 30ppm) of carbon monoxide. This information may pro­vide additional protection to individuals with specific pre-existing medical conditions which may make them vulnerable to the pres­ence of low concentrations (below 30 ppm) of carbon monoxide.
Individuals with potential extreme sensitivities to low CO concentrations due to pre-existing medical and health conditions should consult their health care provider to determine the benefits which may be provided by a low level CO monitor.
This carbon monoxide monitor requires a continuous supply of electrical power – it will not work without power.
This monitor has been investigated for carbon monoxide detection below 70 PPM.
Contents of This User Guide
1. Information About Carbon Monoxide
2. Product Features and Specifications
3. Installation Locations
4. Installation Instructions
5. Operating and Monitor Characteristics
6. Maintenance
7. Limited Warranty
Note: Throughout this User Guide, we will refer to Carbon Monoxide as “CO”.
Periodically review this monitor manual and discuss your CO alarm emergency procedure with all the members of your family. Never ignore a CO alarm. A true alarm is an indication of potentially dangerous levels of CO. CO alarms and monitors are designed to alert you to the presence of CO before an emergency – before most people would experience symptoms of CO poisoning, giving you time to resolve the problem calmly.
1. Information About Carbon Monoxide
Carbon monoxide is a colorless, odorless and tasteless poison gas that can be fatal when inhaled. CO inhibits the blood’s capacity to carry oxygen.
Symptoms of CO Poisoning
Determine if anyone in the household is experiencing symptoms of CO poisoning. Many cases of reported CO poisoning indicate that while vic­tims are aware they are not well, they become so disoriented they are unable to save themselves by either exiting the building or calling for assistance. Also, young children and household pets may be the first affected. You should take extra precautions to protect high-risk persons from CO exposure because they may experience ill effects from CO at levels that would not ordinarily affect a healthy adult.
The following common symptoms are related to CO poisoning and should be discussed with ALL members of the household.
Mild Exposure:
Slight headache, nausea, vomiting, fatigue (often described as “flu-like” symptoms).
Medium Exposure:
Severe throbbing headache, drowsiness, confusion, fast heart rate.
Extreme Exposure:
Unconsciousness, convulsions, cardio-respiratory failure, death.
If you experience even mild symptoms of CO poisoning, consult your doctor immediately!
Carbon Monoxide PPM Levels
Model KN-COU-B is equipped with a digital display that shows levels of CO (displayed in PPM – parts per million). Learn the difference between dangerous, high, mid and low levels.
Dangerous Levels:
When someone is experiencing symptoms of CO poisoning and CO readings are generally above 100 PPM. Anytime someone is experienc­ing the symptoms of CO poisoning this should be treated as an emer­gency. See “What to do When the Monitor Sounds” (inside front cover).
High Levels:
Generally above 100 PPM, with no one experiencing symptoms. This should be treated as an urgent situation. See “What to do When the Monitor Sounds” (inside front cover).
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