1. Information About Carbon Monoxide
Carbon monoxide is a colorless, odorless and tasteless poison gas that can
be fatal when inhaled. CO inhibits the blood’s capacity to carry oxygen.
Symptoms of CO Poisoning
Determine if anyone in the household is experiencing symptoms of CO
poisoning. Many cases of reported CO poisoning indicate that while victims are aware they are not well, they become so disoriented they are
unable to save themselves by either exiting the building or calling for
assistance. Also, young children and household pets may be the first
affected. You should take extra precautions to protect high-risk persons
from CO exposure because they may experience ill effects from CO at
levels that would not ordinarily affect a healthy adult.
The following common symptoms are related to CO poisoning and
should be discussed with ALL members of the household.
Mild Exposure:
Slight headache, nausea, vomiting, fatigue (often described as “flu-like”
Medium Exposure:
Severe throbbing headache, drowsiness, confusion, fast heart rate.
Extreme Exposure:
Unconsciousness, convulsions, cardio-respiratory failure, death.
If you experience even mild symptoms of CO poisoning, consult your
doctor immediately!
Carbon Monoxide PPM Levels
Model KN-COU-B is equipped with a digital display that shows levels of
CO (displayed in PPM – parts per million). Learn the difference between
dangerous, high, mid and low levels.
Dangerous Levels:
When someone is experiencing symptoms of CO poisoning and CO
readings are generally above 100 PPM. Anytime someone is experiencing the symptoms of CO poisoning this should be treated as an emergency. See “What to do When the Monitor Sounds” (inside front cover).
High Levels:
Generally above 100 PPM, with no one experiencing symptoms. This
should be treated as an urgent situation. See “What to do When the
Monitor Sounds” (inside front cover).