Table Of Contents
Before You Start 3
Important Safety Information 4
Assembly 5-6
Parts List 7
Exploded View 8
Warranty Information 9

Before You Start
THANK YOU for making this unit a part of your exercise program.
Keys Fitness assures the very best in value, appearance, durability
and biomechanics.
This manual will guide you through the assembly process. If at any time you are
having trouble with the assembly or use of this product, then please contact us
at our Keys Fitness Help line. We have trained service technicians on site to take
care of you, our valued customer.
To avoid unnecessary delays in warranty parts and to insure that a permanent
record of your purchase is on file with our company, be sure to send in the warranty registration card or register on-line at www.keysfitness.com within 10 days
of purchase.
Q U E S T I O N S ?
1- 88 8- 34 0- 04 82
Mo nd ay -F ri da y
8: 30 -5 :3 0 C en tr al Time
When calling please have the following product information available:
Model Name :
Date Mfg.:
PO # :
Serial #:
Model Name Decal Location